#tw ed mention


I was about to binge but i just had two pieces of brownie and stopped when i had at least 5 fast food places, cafes and shops etc around me. (Plus two frozen pizzas in the freezer) I feel guilty for the brownies but at least i stopped and if i fast for 24h i should be fine and not gain hopefully. I’ll try to burn 500 calories today as well. So far i’ve burned 272 so thats a good start (its 2 pm here)


Daily Summary

Limit: 150

Calorie intake: 411

Calories Burned: 630

Total: -219

I’m not the happiest about today but could be worse i guess. I couldn’t count properly and my watch died before i got home so i could have burned more calories but idk so i hate it


Daily Summary

Limit: 300

Calorie intake: 287

Calories burned: 532

Total: -225

I did well today considering i had dance


Daily summary

Limit: 400

Calorie Intake: 506

Calories burned: 836

Total: -330

I’m not happy with how much i ate but at least worked out a lot to burn a lot! I’m scared of gaining weight tomorrow though


Daily Summary

Limit: 200

Calorie Intake: 219

Caloires Burned: 315

Total: -96

I didn’t hate today but i think i can always improve. Did not waste calories on hot chocolate like yesterday at least. Also weird fact about me I’m a dairy free vegetarian which makes it quite easy for me to restrict certain things!

i feel so ashamed of myself right now and the only thing that can comfort me is starving

after all this time i’ve started feeling dizzy again. that means i’m doing fine, right?

why do i make everything so complicated? like why can’t i just eat a fucking meal and move on with my life or eat when i’m hungry and stop when i’m full? why can’t i just be normal??

i binged. i’m so fucking ashamed and disappointed of myself. i wanna scream, but i can’t ‘cause they’re going to hear me and think i’m like insane. fuck



actually i’m tired of reading good social comics and then the bad guys of the comic (police, nazis, misogynists, politicians) are all fat, with double chins or neckbeards or bald spots or stretch marks or they’re hairy or they have acne etc. and usually they’re the only ones with those features. like??? can we stop equating beauty with morality holy shit?

Because of my eating disorder, my hair is falling out. I think about the horror of going bald—a permanent loss of vitality. I think about how it would destroy the feeble androgyny that is my only comfort in this body. I think about my grandmother, bald from cancer, and what that did to her. And I hear my proudly misandrist-identifying cisfemale friends making fun of bald men as if it were a shortcoming or decision of the men themselves. Bald men make them think of television pedophiles. Bald men remind them of self-indulgent authors and desperate improvisers. I see men on the train losing their hair, their youth, their options, and I feel for them. It’s not funny. It’s a dysmorphic nightmare for anyone. I don’t bother mentioning that I find the jokes unnecessary and insensitive. I know what the girls will say.

- Jennifer Coates,I Am A Transwoman. I Am In The Closet. I Am Not Coming Out.

I love how roughly 50% of this community post pictures of women/men/people who clearly weigh more than us and are fully developed,grown ass women/men/ppl yet we starve ourselves expecting to look like/similar to them…. ( ._.)

If that doesn’t apply to you dont start invalidating yourself cause you being in this community is enough to qualify you as “sick”. Recognize that I said “roughly 50%”, not “everyone"

Dzień 15 waga: 79,7

Zjedzone: ok 580 kcal/600

spalone: nie wiem ile ale wiem ze trochę spaliłem

- pół drożdżówki z jabłkiem - 130

- oatjogu mango-148

- kawełek ciasta które upiekłom - ok100?

- vifon zupa pho - 184
