#low cal ed


Why can I see all my ribs, have a thigh gap, my hip bones stick out, I have no boobs, no ass, but my stomach is massive like someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong

Friend asked me (sounding kinda concerned but maybe I’m projecting) if I lost weight & I was just like ‘idk, I don’t own a scale’

And it worked!!!

I just broke my intermittent fast by eating these biscuits I’ve been craving for ages (calories unknown which is driving me crazy) and I weighed myself after and I’m 2 whole kgs heavier than yesterday

I’m freaking out but like it’s probably undigested food

I’m mad af myself since I haven’t been losing just gaining slightly and losing that

Ok I have this problem

I don’t know the word for it but it isn’t binging

It isn’t eating a lot without realizing what you’re doing

It’s like giving in to extreme hunger and eating anything you can find to satisfy that hunger

Almost like snacking?

It can be fruit or crackers, normally something small. Sometimes it can be like sprinkles if you’re desperate for food but don’t want to eat a lot

Does anyone know why this happens since it ruins my fast??

“Did you have breakfast this morning?”


My breakfast:

No because the fact that some of yall believed taking a cold shower would burn 100 calories…

I can’t with the misinformation being spread here

Remember when calories were a silly number on the packaging of food alongside some other random numbers

I’m so desperate to lose weight like I can’t live like this

It’s pushing me to the edge at this point

It makes me sick to think that I don’t even want to recover anymore.

I stg restriction doesn’t work :(

Im gonna try lowering my limit to see if I can see some actual progress.

I miss my bulimic fasting weightloss. I’m still purging now, and it still works, but restricting just really doesn’t seem to work at all.

I feel l a r g e

I am restricting my calories which is a step up from only liquid fasting all the time.

I am working on it. If restriction fails to give me the results I want I will simply revert to the dark ages and be my best bulimic self once more.

Ive replaced my purge fast cycle with a purge restrict cycle

It’s going surprisingly well. Guess I did improve my metabolism.

My weightloss is kind of slow however i remember before I went on an intuitive eating kick at 104 pounds not even liquid fasting made me lose weight. I was so dehydrated and dead feeling.

Restriction isn’t doing it for me.

Back to the old purge and fast routine.

Im still forcing myself to drink more water though. I will not be afraid of water. That shits stupid.

Im gonna try to fast today. I’m like 14 hours in so far.


Im gonna come out with it.

Ive gained 15 pounds.

I am 118.8.

But I’m relapsing so that’ll change.

Im still a „healthy“ weight too.

I just wanna be able to update my cw when I lose you know? I don’t wanna punish myself for trying something that could’ve made me happier. I tried, I’m not ready. That’s fine. My body is probably better off than before and I feel okay with drinking all the water I want and restricting a little. I really wanna prolong fasting because it slows down your metabolism so bad. If I can keep digesting some food the TEF will keep my metabolism higher.

Y’all I am struggling

I took one week off of any sort of compensation from eating. I didn’t restrict I just tried to eat three meals a day.

My metabolism is faster than before but my weight is higher.

I have new rules now, I’m trying them out until they don’t work.

1. I restrict now instead of fasting. I’ll do this until my metabolism is too slow again

2. Keep restriction days and purge days separate. They don’t mix well.

3. if this fails me then I’ll go back to my fasting. I won’t allow my weight to creep up anymore than it has.

Yesterday, I ate two turkey wraps and cheese and crackers with grapes. I bought them from my school cafeteria so I do not know the calories.

I did not purge.

I will not be updating my weight today.

(It’s 106.4. I’m scared. Irrationally so. But still. I didn’t sleep at all and that’s crucial for digestion. I also never fucking eat. So like. It’s not fat. It’s food.)

I will not be eating without purging today (I hope to liquid fast but who knows).

This isn’t recovery. This isn’t restriction. It’s sort of like a metabolism day? Except usually people restrict their calories every other day… I just puke or liquid fast. I’m hoping to incorporate a few of these days a month. Idk. I want my body to remember how to digest food and my chronic pain is returning and if I don’t give my body SOMETHING to work with it’ll only get worse and I don’t want that.

Also Food taste so much better when you plan on keeping it down. God it’s like my tastebuds knew I wasn’t teasing them.

Also i had a Voice lesson after I ate some food. Best voice lesson I’ve had in two years. Holy shit does having a full stomach like support your diaphragm or something? My voice was so strong. I actually enjoyed singing again. Not to mention it was purge free day up to that point so ya know… clear throat… clear tone.
