#lunar magick

alicesasylum-blog:A quick practice for when you don’t feel like doing a full-on ritual. The New Moon


A quick practice for when you don’t feel like doing a full-on ritual. The New Moon is a good time for banishing negative energies and manifesting new intentions. It’s a new beginning, my lovely witches, make the best of this coming week.
Love and light, always. ✨

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Full Moon tonight! Charge your crystals, set out your moon water, and let the full energy of the powerful full moon into you!

Herbs/Plants: Roses, Aloe, Strawberries, Passionfruit, Bamboo, Poppies, Myrrh, Ginger, Coconut, Turnips, Morning Glory, Seaweed, Iris, Willow, Tomatoes, Pumpkins, Bananas, and Hazel 

Crystals: Pearl, Opal, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Black Tourmaline, Labradorite, and Clear Quartz. 

Incense:Rose, Wintergreen, Dragon’s Blood, and Sandalwood. 

Day of the Week:Monday


Colors: White and Silver

1: You could use it to make coffee or tea, cook with it, drink it as is, and water your plants/animals.. 

2: Charge and cleanse your crystals with it, just make sure your they’ll be safe around water beforehand. 

3: Add a few drops to essential oils before a spell. 

4: Put a little in your bathwater or liquid makeup.

5: Leave it as offerings to the fae, your gods/goddesses, or the earth. 

6: Use it in spell workings and rituals. 

7: Sprinkle it on your third eye chakra to enhance your psychic abilities. 

8:Use it to make potions and tonics. 

9: Fill a bowl or a glass and use it for scrying. 

10: Carry some in a small bottle in your car, on your person, in your purse, in your pockets, etc.

Dark Moon: This moon phase is a good time for curses, hexes, jinxes, etc. It’s also a good time for focusing on what you want to manifest in the next couple of weeks and a powerful time to do prophetic workings. 

Waxing Moon: Bring things you want toward you. You could do spells involving growth, enchantment, money, success, etc. A good time to start on projects. 

Full Moon:  A good time for charging crystals, tools, yourself, water, etc. Some people think the energy during the full moon is more powerful than in any other moon phase. The intentions you set in the dark moon should be manifesting themselves now. You could do workings that involve divination, legal matters, protection, heightening your psychic abilities, connecting with gods/spirits, creativity, and knowledge. 

Waning Moon: A good time for letting go of people/things and doing banishment workings, You could do spells to let go of addictions, negative energy, and bad habits. It’s also a good time for cleansing and house cleaning. 


January 2018 is a month filled with major celestial events that involve the Moon. January 1st is not only the Full Moon in Cancer, but also the year’s first Supermoon, meaning the Moon will be closer to the Earth than usual. Aside from that, a second Full Moon occurs on January 31st, making it a Blue Moon as well (the occurrence of a second full moon in the same month). On the same day, a Total Lunar Eclipse will also take place. 

The correspondences for these days is as follows: 

  • January 1st - Super Full Moon in Cancer: deep compassion, enhanced and potentially erratic emotions, achieving major personal goals, honoring lunar deities, hearth and home, familial matters, safety and protection of loved ones
  • January 31st - Blue Moon in Leo & Total Lunar Eclipse: enhanced power and energy, motivation, courage, authority, power over others, leadership, wishes and dreams come true, divination, unveiling hidden knowledge and revealing secrets, truth


‪The March 17th new moon brings in a sense of completion mixed with a new beginning. This wraps up the end of the astrological year. Think how much you have learned since this time last March. A lot changes in a year. Some truths can’t be out run.‬

The waxing phase of the moon occurs after the New Moon passes. The moon appears to ‘grow’ larger in the sky until it reaches its peak at the Full Moon. During this time, it’s important to reflect upon changes you wish to occur in your life that are constructive. As the moon grows, so do our intentions until their fruition at the Full Moon. Some rituals and spells that one may wish to conduct are those having to deal with attraction, construction, and positive energy.

Spells and rituals dedicated to growth, luck, and love are perfect for this time of the month. It is important to word your spells and rituals accordingly as well as to understand the attributes the waxing moon has to offer. During this time, I personally like to conduct spells that require to be recited or redone over the course of several days. This not only strengthens the power of the spell but it is also symbolic of the growth of the spell and the growth of the moon over those daily periods.

If you are working towards creating a positive habit for yourself, now would be a good time to take part in that habit over the course of the waxing moon. You may find that you are more likely to keep the habit around if you are trying to construct it during this time. You may also find that it is easier to attract luck, money, or another type of abundance towards you. If you are trying to build or rebuild a friendship or other type of relationship, this would be a perfect time to invest your time and energy towards that goal.

The waxing moon phase can also be further divided into the waxing crescent moon, first quarter moon (waxing half moon), and the waxing gibbous moon. While many spells and rituals based off constructive magick working during all three periods, each period may have a stronger influence for the practitioner.

Waxing Crescent Moon Magick

  • New Beginnings

The Waxing Crescent Moon that appears right after the New Moon is one of the best times to start on your new project, create a new goal, or to set a personal positive habit. Starting with this moon, your growth in your personal purpose will directly correlate to the growth of the moon. It’s almost like having the Goddess right beside you, growing with you, as you set along your path.

Personal Growth Meditation

For this meditation, find a comfortable spot either inside or outside your home. If you are inside, open your blinds or windows to allow for the slivers of light from the waxing crescent moon to shine upon you and fill your space with positive, empowering energy. Seat yourself in a comfortable position or lay down and reach a state of total relaxation. You may even wish to enter into a yoga pose such as child pose or corpse pose for this meditation.

Once relaxed, imagine the light of the moon washing over you like a wave. Let this light envelop you with a loving embrace. Be aware of how you feel in this moment. Think about the personal goal you are trying to achieve. Instead of thinking about how you will achieve this goal, think about the goal already being achieved. For example, if you are wanting to build more friendships, imagine yourself already surrounded by new friends. If you are wanting to improve your physical well being, imagine your body already transformed and alive with nutritious energy. See the fruition of your goal.

Once your intention has fully formed in your mind, allow the intention to be carried off into the light of the moon. Ask the moon for guidance, healing, and/or direction along your path. Thank your teacher and let yourself ease out of the meditation.

First Quarter Moon (Waxing Half Moon) Magick

  • Attraction

While the Waxing Crescent Moon is wonderful for new beginnings, the first quarter moon is helpful in attracting objects and people towards you. At this time, you may want to cast your spell for abundance, good luck and fortune, and love. This is the perfect time to build relationships or to bring in new ones. It’s also a good time to usher in physical prosperity.

Prosperity Charm

What you’ll need:

  • Small green bag or cloth
  • Gold or yellow ribbon
  • Basil
  • Dollar bills or Coins
  • Bay leaf
  • Cinnamon stick

When creating your charm, purify any items that may need it to erase unwanted energies. Write your intent upon the bay leaf and place it into the green bag with the basil, cinnamon stick, and currency of your choosing. If you wish, you may use an actual silver or gold coin but any currency will do. Tie the bag or cloth with the gold or yellow ribbon while reciting a personal incantation for your intended purposes within the light of the moon. Focus on attracting prosperity towards you; see yourself holding a check or money. Continue your chant as you slide into a meditative state. When you are ready, imagine your intention being sent out into the universe. Carry your bag in your purse or wherever you keep your money for the month.

Waxing Gibbous Moon Magick

  • Construction

Now is the time to refine and organize your ideas in a way that you can clearly see how the concepts build upon each other to attain your final goal. If you are working on a project, the waxing gibbous may be used for an extra boost of renewed energy to your spell or ritual work. Sometimes it can be hard to stay on task, so if you are feeling lazy in your endeavors, or have been giving into temptations and distractions along the way, the power of the waxing gibbous can help you get on track with constructive, positive energy.

Power Enhancement Charm

  • Acorn
  • Red or Gold Paint

This charm is very simple to remind you of your personal strength and power. The acorn is representative of the mighty oak tree known for its strength, power, and vitality. You may choose any color paint to use for this project. I have only chosen red and gold as they are associated with energy, power, and authority. Upon the acorn, create a power sigil personal to you (however, you may use any that you connect to from another source) and paint it upon your acorn. Allow the acorn to dry upon your altar overnight in the light of the moon. Carry your acorn with you or place it somewhere that you will see it every day to remind you of your inner strength.




soul searching 


Courtesy of Wiccapedia: a modern-day White witches guide, by Shawn Robbins and Leanna Greenaway 

Full moon- considered a very powerful time of the month. Friday full moons are excellent for casting.

  • protecting property and home
  • Adding vigor to life
  • Anything to do with love
  • Increasing self confidence
  • Advancing in career/work
  • Enhancing psychic/clairvoyance abilities
  • Strengthening friendship and family bonds
  • General good luck

The waxing moon- spells for situational improvement, namely when you’ve been stuck in a rut. 

  • moving forward from depression
  • Getting out of a rut
  • Passing exams and tests
  • Finding lost objects
  • Healing a sick animal
  • Finding a lost pet
  • Nurturing abundant gardens, and the well-being of nature
  • Losing weight or stopping smoking

The waning moon- the perfect time to cast spells for getting rid of negative energies. Become more assertive, strengthen your weak areas, etc

  • Developing inner strength and assertiveness
  • Banishing enemies
  • Stopping arguments
  • Soothing unruly children
  • Calming anxiety
  • Getting out of tricky situations

The new moon- positive energy, and can act as a catalyst for immediate change. Most transitions happen naturally around this time. 

  • Career changes
  • Moving house swiftly and easily
  • Safe and enjoyable travel
  • Increasing cash flow
  • Better health
  • Conceiving 

Notably: The void of the moon. Takes place three days before a new moon, and considered to be the most magickally potent of all the phases. Black magick is commonly practiced during this time. Most spells can, as a result, falter or not work at all. This is a time for experienced members of the craft, if they so choose.


A few months ago, the most beautiful lunar calendar showed up on my dash, thanks to @etsycult! I immediately added this beautiful work of art by ABJglassworks to my wish-list. Alas, I am broke witch, so I came up with an immediate solution until I can afford to splurge :) 

You will need:

  • piece of hobby board 
  • chalkboard paint
  • white paper
  • marker
  • bottle cap 
  • scissors
  • glue
  • chalk pencil

Step One

Paint your hobby board with the chalkboard paint. I used three coats of paint and sanded in-between so that it would be nice and smooth to write on. This is probably overkill and not necessary. Just paint until you’re satisfied.

Step Two

Use your bottle cap to trace 9 moons. Cut out your moons. Use your marker to denote the phases.

Step Three

Glue on your moons and then add the dates and astrological signs with your chalk pencil. To find the current lunar phase and astrological sign,  The Moon app is perfect! 

That’s it! Thank you to Etsy Cult and ABJglasworks for the inspiration! Please consider supporting the artist if it’s in your budget :)





1: You could use it to make coffee or tea, cook with it, drink it as is, and water your plants/animals.. 

2: Charge and cleanse your crystals with it, just make sure your they’ll be safe around water beforehand. 

3: Add a few drops to essential oils before a spell. 

4: Put a little in your bathwater or liquid makeup.

5: Leave it as offerings to the fae, your gods/goddesses, or the earth. 

6: Use it in spell workings and rituals. 

7: Sprinkle it on your third eye chakra to enhance your psychic abilities. 

8:Use it to make potions and tonics. 

9: Fill a bowl or a glass and use it for scrying. 

10: Carry some in a small bottle in your car, on your person, in your purse, in your pockets, etc.
