
Whole30 Day 31… This morning I woke up and had a single salted caramel chocolate with my breaWhole30 Day 31… This morning I woke up and had a single salted caramel chocolate with my brea

Whole30 Day 31…
This morning I woke up and had a single salted caramel chocolate with my breakfast. It was amazing… And surprisingly, all I needed (when it came to sugar). I don’t plan on ordering myself a pizza tonight, I plan on having some grilled chicken, potatoes and veggies. For lunch I don’t plan on having a huge sandwich, I’m going to have home made chicken soup with home made bone broth… What’s AMAZING about Whole30, is that when you’re done, your cravings for junk are pretty much gone. Most of the beginning of my Whole30 I was so excited for it to be over so I could have some Thai food, wine and pizza… But I’m actually not CRAVING it. Don’t get me wrong, those will be meals I will be having in the future, but I’m not in any rush to get there…

But here’s the stuff you are REALLY interested in, my Before/After stats…
January 3rd 2017 - 250lbs with a 41 inches waist.
February 3rd, 2017 - 234.4lbs with a 38 inch waist.

My only form of working out during this Whole30 was walking, I walked a mile to and from work every day.
I definitely would recommend Whole30 to anyone looking to change the way they relate with food and to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle.

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Do you remember where you were exactly four years ago? I do. On January 31st, 2014, I went to see my favorite band. It was meant to be a pre-birthday celebration, watching them play one of my favorite albums with my best friend by my side. However, what should have been a great night ended up being one of the worst. The short story is that I had the most intense panic attack I’ve ever experienced…

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I’ve been blown away with the luck and blessings I’ve gotten from the Gods this past year. I got to the point where I can justify having business cards for my art (which I made to double as mini-prints!)

Honestly, I can’t thank the gods, and epsecially Apollo, enough for it. I’ve made some awesome things and I’m still getting to do it. I can’t sustain myself on art work alone, but it’s been a great start.

Hope everyone is well and safe, and that you can pursue the things you love be it art, butterfly collecting, or just relaxing with a candle.



Our little Wyatt has grown into a handsome young man. We can only marvel at his progress, and suppor

Our little Wyatt has grown into a handsome young man. We can only marvel at his progress, and support him as he discovers his way in the world. #family #tradition #progress #prosperity #movingforward #wayneduplessis #emilytjandra #gracecandra #hope #empathy #EQ #adryansutantocandra #wyattduplessis #Lawrenceduplessis #saljublossom #teflindo #APTTI #canadianenglishcourse #shenzhen #education (at Dapeng New District)

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I added 20 pounds producing a baby. A friendly reminder to myself how far I have come. I have mainta

I added 20 pounds producing a baby. A friendly reminder to myself how far I have come. I have maintained a healthy lifestyle for about 3years now. I have missteps because I am a human. But that number just keeps ticking down. I literally do nothing special. Just consume less calories than I burn .not a whole lot less just enough .

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If I may indulge in myself for just a moment, I’m quite pleased on how I’ve come with dr

If I may indulge in myself for just a moment, I’m quite pleased on how I’ve come with drawing. I have plenty of room to improve and there are plenty of people I still look up to and aspire to one day be as capable as, but I had a moment where I took a minute to appreciate how I’ve improved.

I was looking over my old drawings, perhaps ‘18’s Ring Figure had me feeling nostalgic. It was nice to go back over cartoons I once thought were my best and remembering the small pride I took at a small improvement over a certain detail. It’s neat seeing the slight and slow advances I made and knowing they were steps to where I am now. I’m looking forward to seeing what I can do when I look back at my current drawings and think the same thing as I do of my older ones.

I have improved, but I know there’s plenty more room to improve into.

Thanks for reading. Back to reference photos and “how to” guides.

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NEVER take it out on yourself for not being perfect, but DO take it out on yourself if you didn&rsqu

NEVER take it out on yourself for not being perfect, but DO take it out on yourself if you didn’t make any progress. Think about every day having that consistency of being closer!

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I know this might not seem like a big deal, but I’m now just a little over 2 months post op and I walked 5 miles in one day for the first time and I am really proud of that

#progress #bigresults #italladdsup

#progress #bigresults #italladdsup

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These lines are making me go blind. I’m literally seeing after-images of them when I look away

These lines are making me go blind. I’m literally seeing after-images of them when I look away from the screen… That’s totally fine right?
Working with:

27"qhd Cintiq by @wacom
Photoshop CC by @adobe
Photoshop brushes by @kyle.t.webster
Dithering brushes by @thatkidwhodraws
#illustration #illustrator #art #artwork #artist #adobe #photoshop #wacom #cintiq #poster #posterdesign #music #blackandwhite #punk #mucha #wip #progress

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An in-progress of the black & white inks for Hugh Jackman’s portrait in the Logan poster.

An in-progress of the black & white inks for Hugh Jackman’s portrait in the Logan poster.
Working with:

27"qhd Cintiq by @wacom
Photoshop CC by @adobe
Photoshop brushes by @kyle.t.webster
Dithering brushes by @thatkidwhodraws
#logan #xmen #movie #fox #marvel #wolverine #hughjackman #illustration #illustrator #art #artwork #artist #adobe #photoshop #wacom #cintiq #fanart #nerd #poster #posterdesign #ink #blackandwhite #progress #wip

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Daily pool walking, diligent attention to my rehab exercises, hot-packs (yes even in the heat), and

Daily pool walking, diligent attention to my rehab exercises, hot-packs (yes even in the heat), and healing visualisation have brought me to a pain-free 5.6km trail walk yesterday and a 28km bike ride today. And yep; stretching and pool work are done!

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What a wonderful feeling walking the local trails again on a beautiful Saturday. I took the opportun

What a wonderful feeling walking the local trails again on a beautiful Saturday. I took the opportunity to do my morning meditation in the peaceful, fresh-scented park. The sounds and smells of nature, the waft of a breeze, made it so much nicer; with just the occasional crunch as someone ran past.

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TA-DAAAA! Two walks in three days and the most kilometres since I herniated my L5 disc five weeks ag

TA-DAAAA! Two walks in three days and the most kilometres since I herniated my L5 disc five weeks ago. Today I tackled 5.6km of inclines and declines on the Zamia Trail; and on Thursday I took the pupper for a 2km jaunt around the local exercise park. Hopefully I soon can join my GLU running buddies on a Saturday morning.

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Sorry for the spam! #progress #wip #illustration #cheryl #vogue #regancameron #kurecolor #ink #biroa

Sorry for the spam! #progress #wip #illustration #cheryl #vogue #regancameron #kurecolor #ink #biroart #art #drawing

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“Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.”

When people are annoyed.

So you’ve lost a bunch of weight and your life has pretty much drastically changed completely and all you wanna do is share that joy. Like shout it from the rooftops because you can finally climb up there . And the people around you are totally supportive and are proud of you.


I get it. It’s annoying to constantly talk about the same thing over and over again. But seriously I’m 9 freaking months pregnant and I fit into a size XS hoodie at Pink yesterday . NEVER IN MY LIFE HAVE I BEEN THIS SMALL AND IM 9 MONTHS PREGNANT. I just want to celebrate. But it feels like I’ve run my course of people being happy about it. So whatever.

So whatever. I’ll just shout it from my own rooftops and be grateful that I’m not where I was and I can enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy not completely miserable.

I literally can’t wait to meet my little Benji and hold and love on him. But I also can’t wait to see where my body lands after he’s born. And to get back into my exercise routine and healthier eating habits and get these last 30 pounds off

One year difference

By this time last year I had already lost about 50 pounds and I was feeling amazing now I’ve lost 108 (115 total with a 7 pound gain during pregnancy so far).

I can do so many things I wasn’t able to before, including carrying a baby this far . This is the most pregnant I’ve ever been . 25 weeks 3 days. I get to meet my little man in just over 13 weeks .

I always imagined pregnancy would be a miserable process because I was already so heavy that I would be miserable from day one. This pregnancy has been the most amazing experience I’ve ever had. I am so eternally grateful to experience it.

Having weight-loss surgery was one of the single greatest decisions of my life.

Life update

So it’s been a hot minute again. ‍♀️. Life happens.

I am coming up on my one year surgiversary . Around 113 pounds down. (It’s been awhile since I weighed) Less than 30 pounds to goal weight. And I’m 21 weeks pregnant . We have our anatomy scan on Friday and I’m super excited. We already know he’s a boy, but we are going to confirm.

At 21 weeks I’ve only gained around 1-2 pounds . I have managed to lose weight in other places but it’s all going to my belly!

I’ll do a year update next week!!
