
Unamos el mundo con memorias que no se olviden de nosotros

Unamos el mundo con memorias que no se olviden de nosotros

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“I wish only the best for you in every single thing you do.”

- nail-in-the-wall [16.10.19] (Written about my favourite human and lovely friend ebbs. He has released a song called Breathe, under the artist name Seb, on all the usual streaming places! Please have a listen!)

“Pull me away from my thoughts and this place. I’d be stuck without the thought of your face. Dont let time slip away, we only have today.”

- nail-in-the-wall [15.10.19] (This was written to appreciate how friendship takes you out of bad moments and how just the thought of a friend can soothe you and how the time I feel best is around mine. Its the chorus of a song I wrote about Ebbs - my favourite human - around a year ago. Speaking of songs, lol I’m so bad at this, Seb - ebbs is my nickname for him - has released a song called Breathe and its amazing! Please have a listen! Its amazing! I love it!

“You clouded my mind and I became plagued by the rain that had taken my sanity’s place.”

- nail-in-the-wall [13.10.19] (Whenever I meet a new person, my mind gets clouded by emotion and I forget who I am. Anyone else have the habit of doing this?)

“I wonder what has become of me when words evade me. Who am I without these morsels of poetry that I speak?”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [10.10.19] (Just a quick bit of advice. If you find yourself in a spell of writers block, then I’d suggest writing about how something made you feel. Could be anything in the entire world. Writers block happens when you pressure yourself to the point where your mind shuts down in an attempt to get you to stop pressuring yourself. It helps you to stop overthinking and is actually really beneficial to you in the long run. Writing about how you feel literally allows you to step out of your mind and further helps you to get rid of the stress you’ve put yourself under. If you have writers block, do NOT stop writing. That’s the worst thing you can do. It’ll make it harder to get back into. Write about how your favourite song, animal, poem, tv show, or anything at all. Just write about something that makes you feel.)

“I love talking to you. You mean the world to me.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [9.10.19] (This is directed at all my friends cos they’re all amazing in their own way and really good to me. I hope the universe gives them all they want to receive from life and that they are all having a good day!)

“You are the only memory I wish I didnt have.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [5.10.19] (This is about the guy that made me upset enough to write Phoenix In Embers. I posted it a while ago. Its really positive and probably will help some of you guys so have a read. Anyway, I thought about him today and this quote was made.)

“Fire pours out of me and I speak in ashey fumes and destroy everything before me just to breathe easy.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [1.10.19] (I prefer writing poetry over writing quotes, so I’m probably gonna post more poetry and fewer quotes cos its difficult to confine a poets thoughts into quote form and I dont like restricting myself.)

“The sound of rain is music to my ears.

When I am sad, it soaks into me and makes me forget all my hurts.

When I am happy, it sinks into me and reminds me that it will be okay if I am ever sad again.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [30.9.19] (It’s raining and I dont write nearly enough appreciation posts about rain and I should cos I love the rain!)

“The people that support and love you in everything you do deserve all the best things the world has to offer and more.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [28.9.19] (My best friend is one of these people. I hope hes having a good day. Today. Tomorrow. Always.)

“Every rose is met by thorns. But every rose is first born into a garden filled with other flowers.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [26.9.19] (Dont know if you guys will like this quote. But I wanted to write a quick quote about life being beautiful, in spite of bad moments. And people being good, in spite of a few bad seeds.)

“Theres nothing better than hearing the voice of someone you love.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [22.9.19] (So genuinely happy that ebbs is a musician cos he lives a 100 miles away from me so I wouldnt ever hear his voice otherwise. I’d feel like my best friend was a book character and have to make up a non-descript voice for him which would be weird. Makes me so happy that I can hear my favourite person/best friends voice on demand.)

“When you meet someone, time splits into two. A before and an after you.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [20.9.19] (I cant contemplate the life I had before I met my best friend Ebbs. I will always love and support him. Today. Tomorrow. Always. At this very moment, that is through his career. So guys, please listen to Carolina Blue by Seb! Its beautiful. Just like him!)

“I am glad you are in my life.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [19.9.19] (So Tumblebees and Tumblebabes, Seb - the muse of this quote - has a song called Carolina Blue out. It’s his second single! Ya should check it out! I’d appreciate it! It’s on the usual streaming places!)

“I love talking to you. You make everything seem beautiful and you make me feel happy to know you.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [17.9.19] (This is about my best friend Seb. So, my mate Seb released his second single yesterday. Its called Carolina Blue, under the artist name Seb and is uploaded to all the usual streaming platforms. Check it out! Just some great vibes from a genuinely lovely guy!)

“Sometimes I am so happy it pours out of me.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [15/9/9] (I am so excited to hear Ebbs song today. I’m going to love it and he’s probably gonna explode from all the nice things I’ll write to him about it.)

“Sometimes I think back on the time I knew you and I miss the person you were and the moments we shared.”

- nail-in-the-wall ~ © ~ [13/9/19] (I seriously miss some of the people I used to know. Makes me sad sometimes.)

“The moment I truly felt healed was when I met you. You were balm to me in my time of need.”

- nail-in-the-wall (Muse = Ebbs. Ebbs = my best friend.)
