


it’s not too late. to make it good. and if not good then peaceful. and if not peaceful then simple. today and any other day

crimsonkismet: , 
, -


One thing about me is I am not doing so well

idk i just think that it would be nice to not feel like i’m just about scraping by and that things could come crumbling down at any given moment you know?? it’d be nice not to sacrifice some aspects of basic self care in order to complete other basic self care tasks. i’d like to know if my lack of energy and motivation are symptoms or if they’ve become a part of who i am at this point. am i just lazy? i’d like to not have such intense feelings without knowing the reasons. why do i feel hurt when nobody has done anything to hurt me? it’d just be easier if things were even a tiny bit clearer. my thoughts are so heavily influenced by these strong feelings that i don’t know what i truly think or feel about a lot of important things anymore because it’s all so volatile. i don’t know how to be a person. i can’t decide anything because i’m so afraid i’ll get it all wrong again and i don’t know how i’ll cope with that. i don’t know how to express these things properly a lot of the time. i shouldn’t feel the way i do about innocuous things that don’t concern me either. i can’t even talk to people about it because it sounds so silly and selfish and toxic so i just try to deal with it on my own but it still hurts and i’d like for it not to. i’d kill for some clarity without it only being in hindsight.


I don’t think grief is a feeling I’ll ever get used to, in any of it’s forms. The floor falling out from beneath your feet. Your heart and stomach dropping with it.


The Doors - Yes, The River Knows

“Free fall flow, river flow

On and on it goes

Breath under water ‘till the end

Free fall flow, river flow

On and on it goes

Breath under water 'till the end…”


Jeremy [to Waverly]: I have come up with a three-step plan to get Nicole to marry you.

Waverly: Okay, I’m listening.

Jeremy: Step one, get her to play truth or dare.

Waverly: Oh god, stop

Jeremy: Step two, wait until she picks dare.

Waverly: Jeremy, no

Jeremy: Step three, dare her to marry you.

Wynonna [shouting from the other room]:It could work!

You should never be ashamed of the way your body pays me homage. For every reaction, every sigh, eve

You should never be ashamed of the way your body pays me homage. For every reaction, every sigh, every puddle, every goose bump is one more brick of this throne you build to worship me.

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Just for the record. So we’re all on the same page here. If someone blocks you, even if you don’t know why or you disagree with why they did so, you gotta respect their wishes and leave them alooooone. Grumble to your friends in private if you like, that’s valid. But do not find a different platform to contact them on, or worse, try and contact them anon, because that’s just plain creepy.

This goes for a lot of fandom stuff, in fact. Have friends to whom you can vent about things—which, yes, requires that you make friends, and that can be hard. But speaking as a big ol’ asshole myself, being a big ol’ asshole on social media for all to see can cause you a shitton of headaches.

Just a pro tipperoonie, kids. Don’t be the guy the group chat gets together to vent about.

haverst:!!! source

ILLEGAL GALLERY PRESENTS: “ Slavoj Žižek: We Need Thinking”


“Slavoj Žižek answers the question, "Do you think science has replaced philosophy in discovering the bigger questions of life?” Philosophy is not dying, he says – in fact, we need it more now than ever.“

"Slavoj Žižek is a Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic. He is a professor at the European Graduate School, International Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, Birkbeck College, University of London, and a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His books include Living in the End Times, First as Tragedy, Then as Farce, In Defense of Lost Causes, four volumes of the Essential Žižek, and many more.”

Directed / Produced by
Elizabeth Rodd and Jonathan Fowle

#illegal gallery    #illegal    #gallery    #philosophy    #contemporary    #thinking    #current    #relevant    #necessary    
night–colors:Her Path to Divinity – Bryan Kent Ward Be patient toward all that is unsolved in


Her Path to Divinity – Bryan Kent Ward

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.

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