
firemeetsgasoline: Non ho mai pubblicato ciò che scrivo, per due principali motivi: perché me ne ver


Non ho mai pubblicato ciò che scrivo, per due principali motivi: perché me ne vergogno e perché non penso di essere così brava da meritare dei lettori. Ma mi sono resa conto che se non permetterò mai a nessuno di leggere ciò che scrivo non potrò mai migliorare. Quindi ho deciso di pubblicare la mia prima storia a capitoli (la parola romanzo creerebbe troppe aspettative) su wattpad.

Significherebbe davvero molto per me se voi sprecaste qualche minuto del vostro tempo per leggerla e, soprattutto, per dirmi cosa ne pensate o per darmi qualche consiglio, sulla storia o in generale sulla mia scrittura.

Illicit Affairs - Mia madre non lo deve sapere (on Wattpad) 

Alex è il figlio del rampollo di una delle famiglie più importanti di New York e di Martha Gordon, una delle più famose attrici del panorama Hollywodiano. È bello, carismatico e sta vivendo il suo più grande sogno: giocare per i New York Giants. Insomma, la vita per lui non potrebbe andare meglio. Sofia è una bella, brillante e simpatica, giovane attrice, perennemente nell'ombra del suo ben più famoso, e grande, fidanzato, Lukas Connelly, anche lui attore. Prendete loro due, aggiungeteci che Martha e Lukas sono amici di lunga data, il risultato è una serie di situazioni surreali, bugie, tradimenti, risate e lacrime con Manhattan per scenografia.

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 Non ho mai pubblicato ciò che scrivo, per due principali motivi: perché me ne vergogno e perché non

Non ho mai pubblicato ciò che scrivo, per due principali motivi: perché me ne vergogno e perché non penso di essere così brava da meritare dei lettori. Ma mi sono resa conto che se non permetterò mai a nessuno di leggere ciò che scrivo non potrò mai migliorare. Quindi ho deciso di pubblicare la mia prima storia a capitoli (la parola romanzo creerebbe troppe aspettative) su wattpad.

Significherebbe davvero molto per me se voi sprecaste qualche minuto del vostro tempo per leggerla e, soprattutto, per dirmi cosa ne pensate o per darmi qualche consiglio, sulla storia o in generale sulla mia scrittura.

Illicit Affairs - Mia madre non lo deve sapere (on Wattpad) 

Alex è il figlio del rampollo di una delle famiglie più importanti di New York e di Martha Gordon, una delle più famose attrici del panorama Hollywodiano. È bello, carismatico e sta vivendo il suo più grande sogno: giocare per i New York Giants. Insomma, la vita per lui non potrebbe andare meglio. Sofia è una bella, brillante e simpatica, giovane attrice, perennemente nell'ombra del suo ben più famoso, e grande, fidanzato, Lukas Connelly, anche lui attore. Prendete loro due, aggiungeteci che Martha e Lukas sono amici di lunga data, il risultato è una serie di situazioni surreali, bugie, tradimenti, risate e lacrime con Manhattan per scenografia.

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While we like to joke about Izzy being in the wrong genre, I would argue that there are in fact at least five distinct genre universes in the world of Our Flag Means Death, and all of them have different rules.

Stede Bonnet, and his crew when they’re around him, live in a Muppet movie. I didn’t come up with this analogy but it’s so accurate. Insane physical comedy and comedy-action where no one really gets hurt. Mild peril but you know everything is gonna work out. Terrible puns and sight gags, but room for sweet, genuine emotional moments too. The rules of time, space, probability and logic will bend for a good joke.

Izzy Hands is in a grimdark action/drama where if someone gets stabbed in the gut they will behave normally and fucking die. (Probably slowly and painfully, of sepsis.) Crucially I think Izzy also lives in a genre where you can only be subtextually queer, and violence (done for or with or to each other) is the only acceptable form of intimacy between men. This is why being forcibly dragged into Stede’s world, where everyone is busy having silly low-stakes misadventures and being gay and emotionally available all over the main text–and seeing his Subtextual Boyfriend go into this world and love it–sends him round the twist.

The British, Spanish and other imperialist militaries are in a Master and Commander-style naval adventure where they’re the heroes. This is why they all take it completely seriously when Stede (unintentionally) kills Badminton and takes hostages, even though we can see that he bumbled his way into it ass-backwards. This is also why Stede is so shocked to get actually for real stabbed aboard the Spanish ship. (“Did you mean to do that?”) He didn’t realize until that moment that he’d stepped into a different genre. The stabbing is one of the first Surprise Genre Switch moments we get and in retrospect it’s very important for setting up that in this world, the threat of getting hurt or killed is very real–which we need to understand to know that there are real stakes much later, when Stede almost gets executed by the British.

Keep reading

Hirugami Sachiro: Lucid Dreaming (Part 2/?) NSFW

->Masterlist to Haikyuu Smutshots

->Part 1

Part 2

She yawned when she sat at her desk, although she wasn’t as tired as she was this morning, there was still a little hint of sleepiness behind her eyelids. Y/n eyed the paper bag under her desk, flushing when she realised, she had to face Hirugami soon.

“It was just a dream…” She muttered to herself, taking a deep breath before she prepped for her shift.

“Hello dear”

Y/n’s shoulders perked, and she turned to smile at Aunty, who was dressed in her casual clothes.

“Good evening Aunty, heading home?” She asked and the old woman nodded, fixing her round eyeglasses before she focused on Y/n,

“Oh my… You seem a little tired… Didn’t get enough sleep?” She asked and Y/n laughed, rubbing the back of her neck.

“I think I slept a little too much…”

Aunty raised a brow, “How was your night shift? I heard you met Dr. Hirugami…”

Y/n tried not to blush when she remembered the wet dream she had, shaking her head. She hoped Hirugami didn’t tattle on her for falling asleep.

“I-It was good! No one really came by so I was a bit bored” She answered and Aunty laughed,

“Most of the nights are mild… Occasionally it does get hectic when we get emergency appointments but Hirugami insists on overworking himself so that he can help. We insisted on setting up the resting room specifically for him. Conserving energy is precious for him…” Aunty muttered, and Y/n raised a brow

“I’m glad Aunty hired you… You’re full of energy…”

His words form her dream echoed in her mind and she merely thought of it as a coincidence… But she wondered why Aunty brought up her energy a lot… Maybe she missed her youthful days?

“Alright Y/n, I hope you have a fruitful night…”

Y/n nodded,

“Goodnight Aunty!”

The older woman nodded, waving her hand before she stepped towards the exit

“Also… If you feel sleepy, use the resting room… It’s more comfortable than a desk chair.”

Y/n froze, cringing to herself… He did snitch on her…


Aunty just chuckled, walking out of the office. Y/n began humming to herself, she was expecting a pet to be dropped off soon. While she checked records, she let out a small awe

“Sushi got to go home? I’m so glad”

She was worried about the poor cat but if they sent him home, it meant he was recovering! She was happy he was reunited with his family. As she logged in the appointment lists, she heard the door buzz

“Good evening and welcome to our clinic! How may I help you?” She beamed, saving her file before she looked up and blushed. Hirugami was standing by her desk but unlike yesterday, he looked content. In fact, he was smiling at her.

“Good evening Miss Y/n. That’s a lovely reception for our clients. Glad to see you’re at your desk tonight”

She felt her cheeks burning up to her ears

“G-Good evening Hirugami-san! Fancy seeing you here today!”

He raised a brow and she was embarrassed when he chuckled,

“Yes, it’s a coincidence seeing you at the clinic we work at…”

Y/n wanted to hide under her desk in utter shame… Why was she struggling to speak to him… Seeing his face, kept reminding her of her dream…


Hirugami was amused, he liked how she was too shy to look into his eyes. He placed a hand on her desk, leaning closer.

“How’d you sleep?” He asked and she froze,

“U-Um… I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to fall asleep! I-I think it was the heating in your office, it was so warm that my eyes felt heavy and next thing I knew, I was knocked out!” She rambled and he nodded,

“I know… I tried waking you up but you sleep like a rock… I had to find your address from your resume… By the way, you need to change where you hide the spare key… Anybody can break in if you hide it under the doormat… It was the first place I looked”

Y/n’s eyes widened, so he really did take her home… Of course, he did, she had his jacket with her…

“Oh gosh, I hope I didn’t say anything weird or snore in my sleep…”

She felt anxiety because of that dream and he was quiet for a moment before a smirk etched on his lips

“Nope, you didn’t snore…” He answered and she let out a sigh of relief… A smirk grew on his lips,

“But you looked like you were having a good dream.”

Her breath hitched and her shoulders went stiff, trying to put her best poker face on… Oh god, did she really say something in her sleep…

Now she was worried…

Before she could answer him, the door buzzed and they both turned to a couple and a small boy in tow. A happy Labrador was panting as they stood in front of the desk. She quickly fixed her posture, putting on her best customer service smile

“Good evening and welcome to our clinic! How may I help you?” She asked and the woman nodded, ushering to the dog

“We’re here to drop our Zeus for his surgerytomorrow” She whispered, looking at her son and then Y/n, hinting to be sensitive in front of the boy. Y/n just smiled,

“Of course, we look forward to having Zeus for the night… Aren’t you a sweet little boy?” She cooed at the golden lab, that was still panting happily. Y/n turned to the child, offering a candy from her jar to him which he happily accepted

“Thank you for putting your trust in us. Zeus will be good as new and back to his happy old self in two weeks” Hirugami said and the boy just shrugged,

“How’s he gunna be happy? Papa said that you’re gonna remove his balls… If I was him I’d be sad.”

Everyone was still for a moment, the boy’s father grimaced when his wife turned to glare at him. The boy happily chewed on his toffee whereas Zeus whined…

Hirugami and Y/n watched the lady scold her husband outside the clinic before walking away. Both of them looked at each other before they burst out laughing

“Oh god, I did not expect him to say that” She laughed, and he chuckled,

“He was so nonchalant about it too… Poor Zeus…” Hirugami muttered, patting the top of Zeus’ head before he smiled at Y/n.

“C’mon, lets get him settled for the night. If you haven’t figured, he’s getting neutered tomorrow”

Y/n beamed as she bounced off her seat, following behind Zeus and Hirugami, they entered the care room, where she happily pet the hyper dog who was jumping around.

“Poor baby, I wish owners didn’t have to neuter their pets…” She muttered, standing up while Hirugami began setting the kennel up.

“It seems cruel but in the long run, it actually prevents testicular cancer, increases their lifespan and can reduce the risk of other problems, such as prostate disease. Plus taking care of a pet is not an easy expense. Unplanned puppies can really hurt the pocket and some families just can’t afford it in the long run” He answered.

(AN: Again, I have no knowledge in animal health. Ive googled this shit)

He heard a squeal, quickly turning around, only to burst out laughing when he saw the predicament she was in.

“Zeus! NO!” She squealed when he tried to hump her leg.

Hirugami quickly stalked towards them, tugging on the dog’s collar, pulling him off her side and pushing him into the cage gently.

“Down” He muttered, calming said dog by petting his head before he shut the cage. Y/n was furiously blushing, and he gave her an amused smirk,

“Neutering also stops them from doing that.” He teased and she covered her face,

“I-I’m going to go back to my desk now…” She mumbled in embarrassment, hearing him laugh before she rushed back to her seat…

‘Why does everything embarrassing have to happen in front of him…?’ She groaned to herself… She eyed the bag under her desk and now she felt too shy to face him.

Hirugami found himself smiling as he checked on the rest of the animals. None of them seemed distressed… But again he felt a sudden small urge of hunger inside of him. He clicked his tongue…

He had eaten recently… He shouldn’t be feeling like this for a while… It felt like the animals were staring at him and he grunted, settling himself

“I’m fine” He reassured them, walking to his office…

“Just a little hungry…” He muttered to himself, looking towards the reception area where she cluelessly sat, typing on her keyboard.


Time had passed and she felt the tiredness again. Letting out a long yawn, she stood up…

“Need coffee…” She groaned as if she was a zombie, treading towards the kitchen. She hummed to herself, filling her mug with hot water…

“Why am I so sleepy? I slept most of the day!” She whined to herself as she mixed the coffee beans in her mug. Once she was satisfied, she lifted her mug, turning around

“Oh, could I get one too? Please–” Hirugami’s appearance startled her when she bumped into him, letting out a squeal of shock when the hot drink splashed on her chest. Hirugami quickly spluttered an apology when he realised, she could burn herself.

“Come here quick!”

Y/n was startled, when he gripped her hand rushing her to the sink.

“Oh!” She gasped when he thoughtlessly ripped her blouse open, pushing her bra covered chest under the cold water

“Fuck, I’m so sorry. Hopefully this should stop your skin from burning! Stay there!” He told her and she was still embarrassed, not turning to face him.


He left the room, coming back a few minutes later with a tube and a compress. Hirugami shut the tap and he forced her to turn around, not giving a reaction when his hands poured the cooling gel on his palms, rubbing her chest.

“Its red but luckily it shouldn’t leave a scar” He said as he rubbed it in as and she blushed hard…

“Um… Sir? Could I do this by… myself?”

He froze and there were a few seconds of silence when he realised his hands were groping her breasts. He saw the alarmed look on her flustered face, immediately raising his hands in the air.


He turned his face and she blushed, trying to fix her shirt but the buttons were ripped off… this time.

“I-It’s okay…” She muttered and he draped his coat over her shoulders…

“Go to the resting room and give me your clothes…” He muttered making her flush

“Um… Excuse me?”

Hirugami glanced at her but his eyes went back to her breasts, quickly looking away again

“W-We have a laundry room… I’ll wash your clothes since this is my fault… I think we have some spare t-shirts left from the donation drive… I’ll go look for one” He muttered, turning his back and she just nodded, walking to the resting room.

Y/n really thought of herself as someone with badluck. It followed her everywhere…

She didn’t get into the university of her dreams because she missed one test…

She didn’t get her dream job because the interviewee before her was shortlisted and the firm said they couldn’t accommodate another applicant….

She was the only one from her friends who didn’t have a boyfriend…

No matter what, she just couldn’t get anything right…

Sighing, she looked at her blouse… The coffee had ruined it and the buttons were torn apart… Looking at her bra, making her sigh again because the gel had stained the cups…

She didn’t have the luxuries of shopping so easily…

Unhooking her bra, she observed her breasts, they were stinging but luckily, she couldn’t spot any signs of a burn. The gel really did help. She heard knocks on the door,

“Don’t come in, please!” She squeaked before another awkward encounter could ensure.

“I managed to find a shirt…” He said from the other side and she hid behind the door, extending her hand

“Thank you!”

Hirugami passed the shirt to her and she quickly shut the door, sliding it on…

“Interesting…” She muttered, looking at the very unflattering green t-shirt… It felt like it was a size too small but she had no choice really. Gathering her ruined clothes, she opened the door, peeking outside and he stood there

“Thank you again” She mumbled, and he shook his head,

“Don’t thank me… It’s my fault… Hand me your clothes, I’ll wash them” He said but she laughed, shaking her head

“Um… The buttons have come off and I don’t think a stain like this will wash out of such a light colour… It’s alright, it’s a pretty old blouse! I guess it was time to say goodbye…” She tried to be cheery and he sighed, feeling incredibly bad

“I’ll compensate”

“No, there’s no need! Accidents happen!”

An awkward silence emitted between them… She wasn’t sure what to really say, deciding to go back to her desk but he cleared his throat,

“I’ll drop you home when the shift ends… It’s the least I could do”

She blushed, looking at his face. He seemed like a sad puppy and it amused her.

“Thank you!”

Time seemed to have gone faster for her because before she knew it, she was strapped in the passenger seat of his car, watching him greet another vet before he walked towards the car. She felt shy when he slid into the driver’s seat, starting the car. She clutched her knees, trying to remain calm…

It was pretty quiet between them, she wasn’t sure if she should start a conversation or just let him drive in peace… Choosing to stare outside her window instead… She could see his blurred reflection and she wondered if he had a girlfriend… She still had his jacket with her and she didn’t know why she was too shy to give it to him

“Listen…” Hirugami started and she looked towards him, he looked timid himself, a pink hue on his cheeks as he drove ahead

“Yes?” She asked and he cleared his throat,

“I’m sorry for earlier… I didn’t mean to touch you like that… It’s just out of instinct, you were injured, and I had to help… So I wasn’t thinking… Please don’t sue me.” He muttered and she began giggling making him flustered

“I’m not going to sue you, Sir… I was surprised but I know you’re not like that…”

He raised a brow, looking at her

“You can’t be so trusting of people, Miss Y/n. You never know a person’s true colours…” He warned her and she was confused but she smiled again,

“Sir… You dropped me home last night and you were kind enough to put me on my sofa and cover me… I think I can safely say you’re not a pervert.”

Hirugami blushed,

“I can’t just barge into a woman’s room uninvited… It’s not right… But still, you need to find another spot for that spare key! Do you know how reckless you’re being by putting it under the doormat… Seriously, I worry for you” He said, and she laughed,

“Who knew you were so reserved, Sir? I live in a nice neighbourhood! No one’s gonna break in, besides, it’s not like I have anything valuable in my house…”

Hirugami frowned, and she raised a brow when he slowed the car down.

“Um, Sir?”

She felt her heart speed up when he turned towards her

“Sometimes intruders aren’t looking for objects to steal Miss Y/n… You are most valuable in that apartment…” He answered, making her feel flushed. It felt like things were getting hazy again…

“I… understand…” She said and he nodded, glancing at her.

“Just be careful, please…”

He started the car again, driving to her apartment but she couldn’t get rid of the haziness, her head kept drooping and she thought she heard Hirugami curse under his breath. His breathing was getting heavier

“Miss Y/n…?” Was all she heard before it went dark.

Moments later her eyes opened and she realised they were parked again…

“Hirugami-san…?” She mumbled in her daze but this time he was staring at her intensely… She was certain his eyes were glowing for a moment before he blinked, looking normal…

“You fell asleep… We’re here… Come on” He answered, opening the door. She felt too dazed to move… He had opened the passenger seat, looking at her…

“Y/n?” He asked again, when the freeze cold air hit her, she felt like her senses had come back, looking at him confused,

“I-I, um… I need a moment… My legs seem to be asleep…” She mumbled and he leaned down, ducking his head into the passenger side. She held her breath when his scent hit her nostrils… He smelled so…

‘Sweet?’ She thought…

She never noticed that smell before… Not in the clinic, his office or the car…

Hirugami unbuckled her seatbelt before his arms scooped under her legs

“Come on…” He said softly and she nodded, leaning against his chest. He effortlessly walked up the stairs and she wondered if he had to do this last time as well… He knew immediately where to go, gently setting her down to look under her doormat. Clicking his tongue when the key shined at him so easily, he unlocked the door.

Her knees felt weak, legs trembling, and she almost slid to the floor but he quickly picked her up in his arms. Her body felt really hot, she wondered if she had a fever…

“I’ve got you…” He muttered softly. “I’m sorry about this…” He said and she felt confusion again… Why was he apologetic?

“…You didn’t do anything wrong…” Y/n mumbled

Hirugami helped her to the entrance . He sat on the genkan, with her on his lap. Kicking his shoes off before he leaned pulling her shoes off for her. He held her in his arms, looking at her face

“Hey Y/n… Stay focused… If you remain like this, it’ll make it hard for me…”

He got up, walked to her lounge where he tried to get her on the sofa but she shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck

“B-Bedroom…” She panted, “Please…”

He held his breath for a second… The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he felt starved. Gritting his teeth, he walked towards her bedroom. She felt like she was burning, it. was getting hard to breath. He stalked to her bed, dropping her on top of it before he tried draping the duvet over her…

“No… Its so hot…” She whined, kicking the blanket and he tried to settle her back down

“Y/n, you need to sleep…”

“I don’t want to sleep”

She gripped his arm, panting… She didn’t want to sleep anymore, she was awake… Sitting up again, her hands pulled her shirt off her body, baring her front to him and he tried to pull it back down

“Stop! You need to ignore this feeling” He warned her… This wasn’t good for his heart… He really wasn’t sure if he was warning himself earlier. He had to ignore the hunger, but she threw it off her body, her hands going to pull her skirt down, revealing her lacy underwear.

“I need you…” She purred, staring into his eyes and he grit his teeth again, trying to pull her hands away from his belt.

“Y/n, close your eyes” He tried but she stood on her knees,

“Hirugami-san… Why do I always feel like this when I’m with you…?” She mumbled, trying to pull her panties down but he gripped her wrists, stopping her. She sighed in bliss, gripping his hand, pushing it against her covered mound.

He could feel just how wet she was… Oh god, he was really trying to control himself but he suddenly felt like throwing sanity out of the window and pouncing her.

“I’ve never done this with anyone before, but I want you so bad…” She mewled, trying to grin herself against his palm. He felt like he was brought back to his senses, eyes widening from her unintentional revelation.

He tried to ignore the throbbing in his cock form her sultry face, pulling his hand away from her, making her whine in need…

“It’s not your fault… You’ll be fine when you wake up”

He tried to ignore her nude body, he tried to ignore the strong scent she emitted. It was driving him crazy.

She froze when his palm covered her eyes, shoving her back down onto the bed.

The breath was taken from her lungs when she felt something press against her lips, making her mewl. She felt him pull away and all she felt his hot breath, tickle her ear

“Sleep…” He whispered and her consciousness began fading…

“You won’t remember any of this… I promise.”

She barely caught onto his words before she felt herself slip into a deep sleep.

Part 3

yumeisha:We’re back!LOVE IN PRINT is now on Wattpad, starting with Masaru’s fully remixed and remast


We’re back!

LOVE IN PRINT is now on Wattpad, starting with Masaru’s fully remixed and remastered main story! New episodes will be added every Friday/Saturday/Sunday. 

A romance series written in homage to Japanese otome games, LIP originally ran on Tumblr from 2014-2016. 

How will your story unfold?

In the wake of her broken engagement, workaholic Reiko is convinced that true romance can only be found in fiction. She spends her days marketing swoony shoujo manga for a prominent Tokyo publishing house, believing all the while that her own love story is a closed book. Meet-cutes only happen in the movies. Happy endings are for fairy tales.

Resigned to the idea that lightning won’t strike twice, Reiko has officially given up. When a hectic summer unfolds into an unexpected office romance, she doesn’t even know what hit her. Masaru strides into Reiko’s life armed with quicksilver wit and devastating charm. He’s handsome. He’s maddening. He ropes her into audacious schemes that leave her stunned, breathless, and somehow wishing for more.

Always one step ahead, Masaru dares Reiko to dream bigger, fly higher, and fall harder than ever before. Can she turn the page and meet him halfway?

Read now! }

Love in Print is written by @hrhmariko, with art by Babeesi. For series updates, you can follow @yumeisha

It’s officially running! Once again, please check it out! :)

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so far this must be one of the best korean romcoms ever, a very good pace, not too fast and not too slow, this is probably one of the only dramas where i wasn’t like why is nothing happening bc their chemistry is soo good. I just hope that they won’t ruin this amazinggg drama ! hope that their relationship will be strong enough to not waver when the stalker comes back ( and that Lee dong wook takes care of her case and finally make sure that guy gets punished), that maybe her agency will try to break them ect, it’s 2019, i hope they won’t ruin the relationship again from like episode 9 to episode 16 and only have a happy ending at the end of the episode, i’d really be mad bc right now this drama is just wonderful !!

Why do I feel like I’m in the mood for some cheesy romcom?

Inktober day 7, “New Steps! New Steps! New Steps!” There are too many lines from Strictly Ballroom t

Inktober day 7, “New Steps! New Steps! New Steps!” There are too many lines from Strictly Ballroom that I can quote from the top of my head, I love this one so dang much.
#inktober #inktober2019 #romcom #romcoms #strictlyballroom #bazluhrmann #scotthastings #fran #paulmercurio #taramorice #dancemovies #digitalart #digitalsketch #artistsontumblr #artistsoninstagram #ballroomdancing #pasodoble

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Inktober day 5, Bride and Prejudice. This one is cheesy as all heck but dang it I love it so much. P

Inktober day 5, Bride and Prejudice. This one is cheesy as all heck but dang it I love it so much. Plus it is a guarantee that I will watch any Austen adaptation.
#inktober #inktober2019 #romcom #musical #bollywood #brideandprejudice #prideandprejudice #gurinderchadha #aishwaryarai #martinhenderson #digitalart #digitalsketch #artistsontumblr #artistsoninstagram #janeausten #austenadaptation

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Inktober is here! This year I’m celebrating some of my favourite rom coms. I won’t be able to keep u

Inktober is here! This year I’m celebrating some of my favourite rom coms. I won’t be able to keep up with this everyday, but definitely expect some little illustrated rom com moments from me this month! First up is French Kiss with Kevin Kline and Meg Ryan
#inktober #inktober2019 #frenchkiss #romanticcomedies #romcom #romcoms #kevinkline #megryan #digitalart #digitalsketch #artistsontumblr #artistsoninstagram

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Leap Year (2010) dir. by Anand TuckerDeclan: Anyway, I thought it was your ring we were meant to be Leap Year (2010) dir. by Anand TuckerDeclan: Anyway, I thought it was your ring we were meant to be Leap Year (2010) dir. by Anand TuckerDeclan: Anyway, I thought it was your ring we were meant to be Leap Year (2010) dir. by Anand TuckerDeclan: Anyway, I thought it was your ring we were meant to be Leap Year (2010) dir. by Anand TuckerDeclan: Anyway, I thought it was your ring we were meant to be Leap Year (2010) dir. by Anand TuckerDeclan: Anyway, I thought it was your ring we were meant to be Leap Year (2010) dir. by Anand TuckerDeclan: Anyway, I thought it was your ring we were meant to be

Leap Year (2010) dir. by Anand Tucker

Declan:Anyway, I thought it was your ring we were meant to be worrying about. Diddly-eye.

Anna:Oh, yeah. Right. Well, I’m glad to see you’re finally on board.

Declan: It has nothing to do with me. I’m just the old bag carrier around here. Why should I care?

Anna: So you don’t?

Declan: Would it make a difference?

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Favorite YA Books of 2019:Alex In Wonderlandby@simonjamesgreen

“Being human means being flawed, imperfect, messy. But you can’t beat yourself up for that. And I don’t think you can beat other people up for it either.”
