

the signs as songs from harry’s house

check sun/moon/mars

aries: cinema

taurus: matilda

gemini: late night talking

cancer: boyfriends

leo: daylight

virgo: satellite

libra: daydreaming

scorpio: as it was / grapejuice

sagittarius: little freak

capricorn: love of my life

aquarius: keep driving

pisces: music for a sushi restaurant


Aries:Do not be dismayed to learn that you are being piloted by a small colony of rats. It will change surprisingly little about your life. What is life about if not learning to expect the unexpected.

Taurus:All the tension and stress you’ve been dealing with will finally come out in the form of mild adrenaline based superstrength that surfaces in a fit of erotic rage. 

Gemini:Careful Gemini! You may be interrupted in the midst of your daily oscillation session. Don’t let it ruin your day, hold a house meeting and make sure everyone is on the same page.

Cancer:You’ve been pushing yourself pretty hard in pursuit of your goals. The stars say to allow yourself to rest. Consider spending a day collecting delicious sap.

Leo:Make sure to stretch before collapsing into a prophetic fugue state. The rapturous convulsions can cause neck/back strain. Consider a back brace or praying really really hard.

Virgo:Are you interested in things? Stuff? Today will be your lucky day Virgo! Careful not to freak out when your day is full of both things and stuff.

Libra:Consider introducing yourself to the greyish humanoid figure that always appears at a set distance from you in low light conditions. It may take an illuminated sign but socialization is important for these sorts of things.

Scorpio:Relieve stress by planning a trip that isnt a trip to a place that isnt a place. Relieve stress by conceiving of time collapsed into a single semipermeable plane of events that anchors all the things that could be.

Ophiuchus:  When the stars said that pushing yourself this hard would take an emotional toll we didn’t mean it like an actual payment of currency. No it is not taxable.

Sagittarius:Careful not to blunt those sharp eyes on an unforgiving task. Passion for learning is all well and good, but you’re venturing into uncharted territory that may contain things that want your eyes.

Capricorn:Clever though you are, the stars and I recommend against making an alchemical duplicate of yourself to help with the workload. That sort of thing never goes well.

Aquarius:An upcoming social event will be so rife with intrigue it will spawn a sentient thoughtform that will slowly begin to murder people as the night progresses. Just make sure to duck out early. 

Pisces:Your constant near death experiences may be putting you under some stress. Time for some light reading, or maybe some breathing exercises. Honestly the stars say you’re handling constantly being faced with your own mortality pretty well.

Weekend Weather, 5.8-5.9.21Venus square JupiterVenus enters Gemini**I am currently offering astrolog

Weekend Weather, 5.8-5.9.21

Venus square Jupiter

Venus enters Gemini

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

This weekend ushers in new forms of love. In the final degree of Taurus, Venus makes a hard aspect to the other benefic, Jupiter, and creates goodness on both the intimate and universal levels. Normally squares bring tension and difficulty, but since both of the benefics, or joy-bringers, are involved, this transit remains overwhelmingly positive. It encourages and aids in bringing relaxation, indulgence and enjoyment into our lives, all things that should not be neglected. This transit is conducive to romantic evenings, creative insight & activity, good food, chill vibes, and whatever else makes you feel happy and alive. Let life wash over you on Saturday, and trust that pleasure is your birthright. 

The next day, we get a shift in our relational energy as Venus finishes its transit through Taurus. In the earth sign, Venus finds pleasure in its physical surroundings and lets people come to them to relate (most likely from a soft couch at home). Venus in Gemini, on the other hand, uses its curiosity to go out and find joy. Being an air sign, Venus in Gemini prefers lively, rapid exchanges and finds new information erotic. As more people are being vaccinated (and Jupiter enters Pisces in a few days), there will most likely be a push to increase socializing with this new ingress. See how you can add more variety into your romantic or creative life. Seek out new influences or try new things. 

Read on to follow the heart’s shifts.

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

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Poetry Horoscopes, 5.7.21Aries: “The Animals,” Josephine JacobsenTo the sleeper, alone, the animals

Poetry Horoscopes, 5.7.21

Aries: “The Animals,” Josephine Jacobsen
To the sleeper, alone, the animals came and shone,  
The darkness whirled but silent shone the animals.  
Just before dawn the dove flew out of the dark
Flying with green in her beak; the dove also had come.

Taurus: “Ovid in Tears,” Jack Gilber
Love is like a garden in the heart, he said.
They asked him what he meant by garden.
He explained about gardens. “In the cities,”
he said, “there are places walled off where color
and decorum are magnified into a civilization.
Like a beautiful woman,” he said…Two rounds
later he was crying.

Gemini: “In her mostly white town, an hour from Rocky Mountain National Park, a black poet considers centuries of protests against racialized violence,” Camille T. Dungy
Every year,
snow erases
the highest road.

We must start near
the bottom and
plow toward each
other again.

Cancer: “Fire-Flowers,” Emily Pauline Johnson
And only to the heart that knows of grief,
 Of desolating fire, of human pain,
There comes some purifying sweet belief,
Some fellow-feeling beautiful, if brief.
 And life revives, and blossoms once again.

Leo: “It’s Important I Remember that the Moral Arc of the Universe Bends—” Cortney Lamar Charleston
like an everyday egg in hopes whatever golden light
resides inside shines through, throughs the crimson tide
for the rest of time so the tide will, mercifully, recede.

Virgo: “Freedom,” Langston Hughes
Freedom will not come
Today, this year
           Nor ever
Through compromise and fear.

Libra: “[love is more thicker than forget],” e.e. cummings
love is less always than to win
less never than alive
less bigger than the least begin
less littler than forgive

Scorpio: “In Perpetual Spring,” Amy Gerstler
Even the prick of the thistle,  
queen of the weeds, revives  
your secret belief
in perpetual spring,
your faith that for every hurt  
there is a leaf to cure it.

Sagittarius: “What Work Is,” Philip Levine
Works eight hours a night so he can sing
Wagner, the opera you hate most,
the worst music ever invented.
How long has it been since you told him
you loved him, held his wide shoulders,
opened your eyes wide and said those words,
and maybe kissed his cheek?

Capricorn: “Purple,” Adelia Prado
I gallop after purple,
a sad memory, a four o’clock flower.
I round up love to turn me purple with passion,
I who choose and am chosen.

Aquarius: “Origin Story,” Leah Naomi Green
for once, nothing 
at the fire’s steady flight, 

like a heron
lifting in loud beats, 

our silent mouths open  
as if to give it a tunnel.

Pisces: “Poems,” Nikki Grimes
I’ve found the real thing,
the diamond,
one of the priceless gems
my pain produced.
“There! There,” I say,
“is a memory worth keeping.”

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Daily Horoscopes, 5.6.21**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale pr

Daily Horoscopes, 5.6.21

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

Aries: Already you have been considering your values. You are bringing the beautiful things towards you and finding pleasure in how you arrange your resources. Keeping a toe in what is pleasurable, you are now being asked to go deep not just into what you want to earn but what you want to give back to the world. We each have a role to play; our own form of prominence. You are now being asked what you need to get there. It could be emotional support. It could be a certain amount of funds. In the process, your relationship to your resources is being changed. Could you possibly make a living doing what you love? This is the day to ask these questions, see where it goes.
Taurus: I am struck by all the people you can bring towards you. Even in the pandemic, when it may not feel that way, trust your ability to attract what you need towards you, especially now. But remember the magic you feel around another would not be there if you, too, weren’t magic. We are re-enchanting our self relationship today, dear Taurus, and we are learning. You may feel a slightly spooky curiosity to follow some discipline or spiritual practice and I assure you that impulse is significant. What wisdom will the world give to you today? Plenty, if you trust your magic.
Gemini: Today is a day of clearing. We are going inward. We are letting go. This process need not be ugly. Let your chamber of solitude be filled with flowers, incense, soft blankets. Give yourself every support you need one of these final days transitioning away from an old cycle. You may find new outside resources available to you. When in doubt, call on the unseen, the occult, the shadowy forms of knowing. What are you inheriting from your ancestors, your chosen spirits and deities? You must make room first. You must let go and see where you land. You are still held. It is still beautiful.
Cancer: How you treat people on an individual level expands outward; how you treat intimate connections is also how you treat those in your wider community. They are feeding into each other in an odd way today, though not unpleasant. There is plenty of grounding sweetness in your larger networks, much to the benefit of your larger dreams and hopes. Pay attention to what new desires or goals arise today and see how it helps you change your priorities around relationships in general. You may not have as much energy to waste. You may have to set up new boundaries. Trust the shedding your intimate relationships are doing. It lets the dreams out.
Leo: You have the vision alright; it’s sweet, it’s embodied, it’s beautiful. You are ready to step into a larger role in your community but this also must be supported by how you spend your day. There is a deeper cycle of transformation happening in your daily labor routine and outdated views of productivity and worth need to be let go. Focus on what helps both within and without. Focus on what helps foster growth. Let the rest fall away. See what you are without false views that hurt your body and exploit your mind. Just one step, just allowing, is enough.
Virgo: Has learning been a site of uplift for you, dear Virgo, or a site of oppression? Have you had to sacrifice your own way or inner knowing for the sake of some totalizing view of understanding? You are wrestling your own intuition back from authority. You are going towards what makes you feel alive and blessed and vibrant. How can pleasure be included in your search for knowledge? Know that what is pleasurable to you is also changing. Make room for new definitions of both intelligence and joy. See how they can help each other out.
Libra: You find your embodiment, dear Libra, when you allow yourself to go deep. It’s less about trying and more about floating. What are you finding as you go deep? Where does it come from? There may be a reckoning with familial lines and ancestral patterns. In the process, you are reconsidering what being held really feels like. What does home really mean to you? How does your family’s past factor into it? Your sweetness will be more accessible if you answer these deep questions, allow yourself private reflection to let the truth have space to arise.
Scorpio: You have been given a gift in the form of a person or people in the last few weeks. It has gotten you back to your body, to the simplicity of feeling and its beauty as well. Love should make life simpler, if not easier, not add more complications to your already complex mind. Keep your ears up, however, when it comes to conversation. Pay attention to how your mind is structured and how you put your thoughts into words. Trust that, as you and this relationship evolves, so must your body, mouth and thought. Communication exists on all these levels. What are you afraid to say? Trust the right person will be excited to see more of you.
Sagittarius: Today is the day to turn a loving eye toward your body. How does it feel, on a visceral level, to be you? Does it need more rest? Is there an issue that needs to be attended to? The health of your body is most likely good right now, so take advantage of health to get all of the remaining ducks in a row. Your body is worth spending on. Consider why you save money in the first place. What is the point if your physical existence is not attended to? See your health as a resource worth investing in. Make the moves to make it so.
Capricorn: Even as things may become intense today, put your joy at the forefront. Indulge in what you love. Devote time to a creative project, or just daydreaming. Flirt a little and relish in your glow. You are learning more about your agency today. You are learning more about who you really are. Things that may have held you back but kept you safe may be wrenched away. It may feel vulnerable, but you have access to more agency because of it. So why not use your power to cement the rightful place of joy in your life? That’s where the deep messages lie.
Aquarius: Trust that the most potent action of the day will take place in private. Spend time beautifying your home or getting in touch with yourself in a sacred, secluded space. You may feel more alone. That’s because you are letting go of something. It’s not a conscious process, but there are plenty of emotions that are being asked for your attention. The alchemy that occurs will seem simple, but it will act as a taproot, affecting the rest of your life. Close friends or family or housemates can help provide solace and help you remember that you are not alone. Let these people support your transformation just by being.
Pisces: Keep your eyes peeled today; what you notice or interact with on the mundane level can have significant meaning. Let your values inform how you structure your day and spend your daily energy. But also be aware but the goals underpinning this routine are undergoing a shift. You may receive new information from your friends or have to reorient what you imagine for your life. Let your routines ground you while allowing them to change as necessary. The day-to-day and the larger vision are connected, but they are not the same. See how they can support each other

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

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Daily Horoscopes, 5.5.21**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale pr

Daily Horoscopes, 5.5.21

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

Aries: There is so much around you, waiting to be enchanted. That just means paying attention. It means watching it grow under your receptive gaze. Notice the things you always see and the information that flows in just by going about your day. This information is being processed by emotions you may not be able to see. They are accessed through rest. If you need to take action today, focus on your intimate surroundings or inner life. Is there a private experience you need to protect? A conversation you need to have with family or housemates? Focus on what you need to feel safe, then go out into the world again. 

Taurus: Your heart is with your community today; spend time connecting to sacred others to realign your emotions and receive intuitive downloads you may not expect. Lately, your mind has been on value; perhaps money is a topic of conversation or you are making the next step to having what you need to flourish. Regardless, there may be a conflict around what you want to give and what you need to receive. Protect your thoughts and consider the bonds you can initiate on a local level to get to where you need to be. Be real with what feels like enough. Use your mind to invent solutions to getting that. 

Gemini: Don’t be afraid to sit back and listen today, especially on a public level. You are being asked to go inward and be influenced by outside sources today in order to better hone your career and public role. What new inspirations come through? How will you put them into words? Trust your mental processing ability today. Let it guide your decisions and help you sift through this newfound information. Protect your resources well. Including the intangible ones. Your emotions must fuel your journey as well. 

Cancer: You have the power today, but only if you give yourself plenty of space to be messy. Action tinged with emotion can still be effective, but only if you are taking care and taking no shit. Don’t tamp down your needs to avoid conflict. If feeling emotionally overwhelmed, ask for help. Use your emotions to go on a journey and ask your source of wisdom for insight into your dilemmas. Go somewhere you’ve never been before. Your ability to put your insights into words may be difficult today but trust that the thoughts are just gestating. Give them time. Give it to yourself too. 

Leo: Is there someone who you need to forgive? Is there an exchange you need to make clean again? Consider the big, long view; consider how much energy anger or tension takes up. If you’re not ready to unclench, that is more than understandable. At least indulge in some quiet time to realign thought and action. Most of your emotions don’t need other people to run their course, impart their wisdom. Trust the psychic surgery that helps you heal from the inside out. If up to interacting, focus on exchanging information and ideas. Your communities are valuable sources of movement and knowledge. Focus on what feels the best. Go from there. 

Virgo: Let other people be your portal; some intimate partner or loved one can help you loosen any tension and get in touch with all you really feel. There may be a need to surrender or let things go in the context of relationships do don’t be afraid to relax into solutions. This need to go deep with another may feel at odds with your current career goals. Find a way to do both. Gather plenty of information about your current path or field of study but don’t worry about where it will all lead. Just stay receptive. You may need to enact boundaries for the sake of your goals. What time can you stake out for your dreams? How will you feel without it?

Libra: Be sure your work today is interspersed with drifting and rest; it will allow you to better serve your tasks. But while your body may be content to let the world simply pass through, the mind wants to gather all that it sees and understand what it means. Your mind is focused on big questions; it may be drawn to new courses or fields of study. See how the receptive, dark parts of you can further this inquiry. Feelings are a major part of what you can offer others, specifically acting as a nurturing container. What actions can you take to make your services available?

Scorpio: Let your downtime be pleasurable. Rather than having an agenda, simply follow what feels good; that is your portal into oneness again, a sense of belonging. But part of you also wants to go deep and divide, understand, digest your roiling experience into palatable parts. Find the words when naming something is useful but don’t reduce your experience to mere thoughts or explanations. Ultimately, your pleasures lead you to their own discoveries and a wisdom that has its home in the body. Will you defend your journeys? What is worth coming home to? 

Sagittarius: You find our comforts by focusing on the home today, and seeing what deeper connections lie there. Family to you means no words. It means a connection that you can’t touch but you can feel. How can you bring this sort of deeply felt knowing closer? How can you protect what others don’t see? Right now you are grappling with what has been taken from you, or the ways you felt you needed permission to be yourself or act. Knowing what you want your surroundings to feel like is a good guide for your actions. This going inward, however, may create some tension with loved ones, who only seem to want to talk or connect with words today. But can a conversation be a home too? See for yourself. 

Capricorn:You want to express yourself, but putting your deep thoughts and insights into words has always felt like a labor. It can be vulnerable to simply speak, or let the flow of the moment give voice to your inner experience. But you can stay connected to the outside simply by being present; by taking a walk or running errands. Try and notice the enchantment, the divine, present in each mundane moment, bleeding into your thoughts. Notice this divinity when any tension or conflict with partners may arise; you will never fall out of the universe. Difficulty is meaningful too. 

Aquarius: Are there virtues you want to cultivate? Consider what values or needs guide your actions. Think on a more intangible lesson. Perhaps there are spiritual resources— a connection to something larger, a belief system, a regular practice— that need to be enhanced. But also leave space for play specifically in the realm of thought and ideas. Rather than being so serious about it, notice which thoughts want to be made into something. Notice where the pleasure lies in the mind. You may also have plenty of work to do. Consider what you need to sacrifice to get everything done. When is it worth it? When is it not?

Pisces: Trust your emotions today, dear Pisces. They will help you make decisions. They will connect you to something deeper. While your insides may be chattering; while an exchange of information is happening internally, keeping ideas fresh, simply breathe and feel into your actions today. If you need to gather energy towards anything, let it be fun. Let it be creative. Consider what boundaries you need to erect around your enjoyment. See to it.

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

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Daily Weather, 5.4.21Mercury enters Gemini**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at

Daily Weather, 5.4.21

Mercury enters Gemini

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

After months away, Mercury makes its reentrance into one of its home signs. While Virgo is Mercury’s nighttime ruler, lending powers of analysis and discernment to the messenger planet, Gemini is the diurnal home of Mercury. It lends its powers of curiosity and open-mindedness to gather as much information as possible, keeping Mercury fresh and engaged. Mercury appreciates the quick pace and shape-shifting power of the mutable air sign as well as the desire for social and intellectual exchange. Expect writing, communication and absorption of information to go more smoothly, at least until Mercury goes retrograde at the end of the month. While that period merits its own discussion, it’s worth noting that it greatly extends Mercury’s time in its domicile. Usually taking only three weeks to traverse a sign, Mercury will be in Gemini for over two months this year, lending us plenty of time to work and rework the part of our chart that Gemini is situated within. 

Consider how you want to use your newly resourced mind.

Use the song associated with your rising sign (and sun and moon if you so choose) as a soundtrack to this newfound acuity. 

Aries: “Rose Parade,” Elliott Smith

Taurus: “Body Language,” Isaac Hayes

Gemini: “Everything is Everything,” Lauryn Hill

Cancer: “Throwing Back the Apple,” Pale Saints

Leo: “Not Too Soon,” Throwing Muses

Virgo: “Classic Man,” Jidenna

Libra: Burning Airlines Give You So Much More,” Brian Eno

Scorpio: “Fingertips,” Brian Jonestown Massacre

Sagittarius: “Crazy on You,” Heart

Capricorn: “Lopin’ Along Through the Cosmos,” Judee Sill

Aquarius: “Maybe Partying Will Help,” Minutemen“

Pisces: “Salad Days,” Young Marble Giants

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

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Daily Horoscopes, 5.3.21**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale pr

Daily Horoscopes, 5.3.21

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along here and here. **

Aries: While you would never mistake what you own for who you are, it still provides its comforts. You have been needing to lean more on the tangible and accumulative to feel like yourself this month and this may be grinding up against more remote plans. There is plenty to be done, it seems, perhaps too much. Today I am asking you to be realistic about what you can actually fit on your plate. Are there some dreams that must be deferred? Only go for the ones that make you feel bigger, more alive. Then bring the spirit of it into matter. 

Taurus: Every morning, flowers unfurl their petals. Every night they close them again. Then one day, the cycle is over. The flower dies. “Oh why do I rage so against such short blooming in myself when I am so accepting of how it is with the crocus?” Artist Paulus Berensohn asks. Your bloom may feel closed right now, dear Taurus. But I am asking you to take a bigger view of the cycle. What are the benefits of discipline and going inside? Imagine how much bigger the blossom when you do emerge. Everyone will be able to see it. No one can deny it. 

Gemini: Part of you is content to drift, letting sleep, dreams, unconscious influences, to come and take you to new places. This is wonderful in a way. It connects to your body and helps you cleanse what is not for you. But there are tasks ahead — books to read, journeys to take, messages to understand. You may be feeling extra oppressed by institutional structures or bureaucracies surrounding education. That is real. But there are also opportunities in this toil, so long as you also keep an eye on the unexplainable. You can’t teach oneness. You are it. 

Cancer: You want to gather. You want to arrange. You want to be part of something larger. But there is still much on the inside to attend to first. Stuck between feeling bigger and smaller, you are trying to figure out what entanglement really brings. Sometimes it leads you to feel dependent and small. Sometimes it opens your whole world up. Ground yourself in the body when it all seems too much. Keep boundaries secure without losing sight of the bigger vision. What are you working towards? How can you include others without losing yourself?

Leo: Whatever holds your greatest hopes also holds your deepest fears. In this case, it’s relationships. You crave closeness, partnership, but are also loath to give up your authority in the process. Keep this part of you, the loving part, alive, but find your bearings in your own transcendent gifts. Consider how you want to show up for the world at large and what tiny steps you can take to project that image. It’s not about the inside and the outside always matching, but having a throughline. Notice when relationships inspire this journey and when they take your energy away from it. Indulging in either is fine; the noticing is where the medicine lies. 

Virgo: At the end of his book on ceramics, Paulus Berensohn offers this line from his journal: “Not techniques, but equipment for the journey”. Can you see your labors and toils in this light? Like it’s refining you for something bigger? Like the struggle and overwhelm has a purpose. Of course you first must decide what you can take with you and what is just weighing you down. Be practical about what you need to find the knowledge that you seek. You shine regardless; make the work be in service to it, not a shroud. 

Libra: You have the power today to see where you are clinging. Is there a cycle you are not letting end or a connection that is taking up your energy but you can’t imagine life without? The burden of joy is asking you to prioritize what brings you alive. Simply observe where holding makes you smaller and less open to change. Commit to creative work today even as it gets hard or tedious. Soon enough, new ideas and possibilities will spring from it; possibilities that don’t ask you to sacrifice your fluidity or depths. 

Scorpio: The burdens and possibilities of your inner life may be running up against the simple presence of your relationships. Ask yourself this: how can stability co-exist with messiness. How can you engage with what is in front of you while still incubating your grand visions for the future. Going inward, spending time alone, is encouraged. So is a gentle, grounding relationship. See the latter as bringing the latter into reality. Do you feel good with your current situation? What needs to be improved? Start with the inside, then go out. 

Sagittarius: “You can be a potter without making pots” Ceramicist Paulus Berensohn tells us. How can that be so? How else do concepts and ideas become real except in actions, tangible things? I suggest you suspend your disbelief for the day and consider how being and practice come together. Are you creating barriers around your becoming? Oppressive standards preventing you from being what you already are? Focus on the work that comes naturally, fitting into your day and your mind like a glove. Know you have nothing to prove or change. 

Capricorn: You want to be gentle and steady in your expression, dear Capricorn. There is information and a sense of being in cultivating joy right now. But your mind is also focused on having enough. Perhaps it can feel selfish or distracting to indulge yourself. But don’t you want a life where resourcing and feeling joy are not mutually exclusive? You’ll have to get creative and find a way to relax. Take stock of what you already have. Consider what you want for your future self. Be about it. Name it. Own your desires. Give as much as you get, you’ll see it always comes back. 

Aquarius: The burden of choice may feel heavy today. On the one hand is the voice of obligation, imploring you to act to create structure and discipline in your life. On the other is the voice of potential, asking you to take big leaps and trust where you land. You may find yourself wanting to retreat and I think there is wisdom in this paring down. Take some time to incubate, preferably in nature, and connect to the simplicity of your breath and the feel of your skin. Let this centering guide your actions. Find a balance between “getting real” and trusting the fantastic. You can contain all sorts of contradictions. Just remember you only need the next step.

Pisces: You are finding our light in the hustle and bustle of the every day. You want to explore; you want to practice new skills; you want to see and hear and write about everything around you. But there are also very real forces calling for you to retreat and surrender what isn’t good for you. You may need more boundaries than you want in order to protect your sacred tasks and your newer visions. It’s not about knowing where it’s all going. It’s finding the emptiness behind activity. I don’t mean nothingness. I mean potential, the unknown always trailing close. Can you find rest amidst all you do? Try and see.

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

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Weekend Horoscopes, 5.1-5.2.21**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-sc

Weekend Horoscopes, 5.1-5.2.21

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

Aries: You are being asked to go deep with your values; beyond superficial desires and predilections, what deeper beliefs do you want to give voice to? Start by naming them. You could even try doing it in public, letting the depth shape your offering for the better. Don’t forget to include enjoyment in this assessment. Start with what feels good in your body with you sit with it. Just know that engaging with this practice may well bring up factors and parts of yourself that you can’t quite see. Think of it as a clearing away of the old to let in the new; what will you mourn with love?
Taurus: If you’re looking to change, consider what influences you keep around. Are the courses of study, books and spiritual practices with which you are engaging keeping your beliefs complacent or are they asking you to question them? You have the power of where you are steering your mind. Keep it simple and let it go deep; whatever the journey is, it should be long and it should be pure, whatever that means to you. Tap into your innate charm as well and wear it proudly. Use this beauty when creating new connections or fortifying networks; there is plenty of opportunity to make new friends and blend into new communities. Just ask; do they make my dreams seem accessible? Does connection with them feel as easy as falling asleep?
Gemini: Can you write a song of letting go? Do it with your body, its release. Do it with your mind, letting all extraneous thoughts fall away like water down a stream. Take the alone time you need to make your necessary discoveries with plenty of room for messiness. And while you may not be able to see the creativity flowing from you, trust its bottomless source. Consider how you can add more softness, less exactness to your current vocational path. What messages are receiving about your public role? Pay attention, even if they don’t make sense in the conventional way. If you put being of service to others at the top of your list, you can’t go wrong.
Cancer: Treat your dreams like a garden. Start by digging deep into the soil and ensuring that the dark material is being aerated, i.e. give voice to both your desires and the fears wrapped around them. When you name a fear, it suddenly becomes smaller, more manageable. Then, spend time enjoying the fruits that have already arisen. Don’t be afraid to celebrate the smaller milestones; it’s what keeps you going. Be open to all sorts of direct messages as well; they will arise the more you accept the innate pleasure and beauty of your life.
Leo: You are working out the messages and words you want to bring to the table in your public life, but are perhaps feeling stuck or too surface-level. If you want to think deeper, then you must engage with the work. Devoting yourself solely to one task at a time— and doing it well— will yield deeper insights into your messaging as well as the gifts you can impart to others. But that’s just one half of the puzzle. The other half involves how much you can give freely. Be as open to others as possible, and be open to receiving in return. A big part of what attracts people to you is generosity without an agenda; watch your visible beauty grow.
Virgo: You are on a search for knowledge, dear Virgo, and I am here to tell you that it need not be a struggle uphill. You need not strain or stress yourself to find the information you nee and I actually advise the opposite. See how pleasure and creativity can add vital information to your current intellectual discoveries. Go after what feels good and makes you want to probe more deeply. Your close relationships can also act as portals this weekend. There has to be trust, however, a more drifty perspective. Let the other guide you. See what beauty and understanding springs from a loose hand.
Libra: Today you are being asked what does and does not belong to you. For the sake of your peace-keeping tendencies, you may be holding onto someone else’s emotions for you, which can be stagnating your own ability to process. Spend time around trusted loved ones and in familiar surroundings to get to the bottom of your own issues and cleanse what is not yours to heal. Notice which relations bring more beauty and embodiment into your life. See what gentle, psychic work you can do to enhance this quality. Notice when merging makes life sweeter.
Scorpio: Today is the weekend of planning a life with another. What logistical work or practical communication do you and your closest collaborators need to accomplish? Don’t be alarmed if these conversations lead to deeper conversations and insights. Use your intuition when it comes to what “feels” right and don’t for a second think the mundane and the spiritual are separate in these exchanges. Don’t neglect the pleasure that this weekend can hold as well. You have the opportunity to romance and be romanced quite well, with the simple joy of togetherness strengthening the commitments made between you and others. You don’t have to plan it; just look around and dive in.
Sagittarius:  You have the potential to see deeper into the value of what you do. All sorts of labor— service work, emotional care, any job deemed “minimum wage”— is devalued for a bevy of silly reasons. Today, take back the value of all that you do for yourself and others. What space or boundaries do you need to give yourself to prevent burn out or depreciating your own gifts. Go towards what gives both ways. Go towards the work that makes your life feel fuller, more beautiful. Don’t forget to go within and replenish your resources. Spend quality downtime and see what deeper connection can arise from giving yourself what you need.
Capricorn: See your creative work as a portal this weekend; a portal to deeper understanding, greater power and more agency. It will kick up some potentially tender things so be sure to give yourself plenty of protected space to explore your psyche. Your taste will be impeccable. Your pleasure, not optional. For deeper inspiration, talk a walk around your neighborhood or visit your favorite shop or cafe. Be inspired by the flow that happens all around you. Practice mantras as well; the flow within you will bolster as well.
Aquarius: Your thoughts need not be loud or public today, dear Aquarius. If anything, they will benefit from some quiet incubation and privacy, as they are connecting to some tender, mysterious parts of you. You won’t be privy to entire excavation process but allowing yourself solitude and plenty of space will do you well. Surround yourself with sweet interactions and do something tender ancestral work. Remember your resources don’t begin and end with you. Countless humans had to be born for you to be where you are. Call upon them; they are waiting to support you as they always had. At least some of them are. Go towards what is sweet.
Pisces: To connect to your larger goals, think locally. Make tiny rituals or repeat mantras throughout the day that work in the directions of your dreams. Access the community within walking distance, driving distance, of you. Notice if there are any skills you want to cultivate that someone in your community is teaching or offering a class on. These tiny steps add up, dear Pisces. But first and foremost, you are meant to honor the flow of your experience this weekend. Go with what feels good in the moment and don’t be surprised if there’s beauty all around you. Let what is present guide you.

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

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Daily Horoscopes, 4.30.21Aries: We live in a world where talking about money in spiritual circles is

Daily Horoscopes, 4.30.21

Aries: We live in a world where talking about money in spiritual circles is considered dirty. Money is for the bourgeoisie, or the capitalists to worry about. But this tidy fiction covers up the vast inequality that can’t be done away with money spells or perfect surrender. We all need a certain amount of resources to live. We often don’t get to control their inflow. How, then, do you find stability? How can money be a source of freedom rather than a site of imprisonment? There must be something else you’re valuing or working towards; let money serve that. Don’t let what you own hold you back. 

Taurus: You have the power to weave your own song of freedom, dear Taurus. Your sense of self is fused to a rebellious spirit who doesn’t want to be pinned down. How can you turn your decisions towards the unexpected while still keeping your center? Know that change is scary. Letting go of the past is always a loss of some sort. But if you try to hide from the change, it will come back bigger and outside of your control. How can you be the harbinger for change, for something new and big in your life? Can you let the fear or trepidation have a home too?

Gemini: Can you let go of control, dear Gemini? Can you let go of the thinking and planning that covers up the intimacy that comes with squarely facing the unknown? For better or worse, the power to change is not in your hands today. It is something unexpected, creeping up from out of nowhere. It is your job to surrender well, bringing all your worries and hesitations with you. What is arising comes from a part of you with which you are still uncomfortable and hence placed in the unconscious. Clear everything away. Hold onto nothing and see the wide realm of possibility before you. 

Cancer: Right now your energy is focused on your future. Right now, your visions for the next part of your life may need to be reshifted. This can be difficult for you, as your future has often been a source of grounding; now it is asking you to rise up and change. Perhaps this change is coming from a friend or community member. This transit is essentially a social one to you; how do you want to show up to others? How are potentially rigid views stopping you from serving right here in reality? Presence now is all we can rely on; the rest is out of our hands. 

Leo: You never have to commit to one way of showing up. You never have to hold onto a vocation or a role that no longer brings you alive. This transit is all about staying abreast with the neverending impermanence of the world. You are not a failure because something has ended or you need to shift your approach. Be open, instead, to unexpected opportunities to bring your new role into the public. Even better if it’s weird or hasn’t been done before. Embrace finding your own lane that no one else could fill. 

Virgo: We need to shake up our belief systems every once in a while lest we stop growing. Know that any system of thought or overarching belief is only temporary; some small part of the ineffable whole. You may find yourself drawn to books or systems of thought that seemed to radical for you. Wonderful. You may find beliefs that keep you small untenable. What journeys will you make to get to the truth of things? What outside sources can you call upon? How can you question the institutions of knowledge that constrict our thought? Learn your way. See how it changes your seeking. 

Libra: “Each that we lose takes part of us;

A crescent still abides,

Which like the moon, some turbid night,

Is summoned by the tides” Emily Dickinson tells us. Something or someone of which you were quite fond may be on its way out. Things on loan are now being asked back. Spend plenty of time in grief today, dear Libra. To prepare the ground for the next stage, you must clear what is taking your energy unbidden. You must see all the loose ends you have not cut. Consider what you really want from others. Honor the traces left behind. 

Scorpio: We may see freedom and partnership as incompatible. But this only rings true if your whole self is not included in the relating, or if distance is seen as a detriment. There will always be chasms between individuals, no matter how close they may be. In the poet Rainier Maria Rilke’s words: “But, once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole and against a wide sky!”. Trust whatever else falls away. 

Sagittarius: You are confronting the part of our lives that always seems destined to box us in: labor, chores, the actions that keep life going. We all have some tethering to the body and its many needs. But we also have the burdens of a late capitalist world that forces us to increase our work without increasing the value of said work. Such unequal arrangements will not be tenable for you. The normal flow of labor will be disrupted in some way today and it’s not because you should throw out all work. Simply point towards what gives you something back; your freedom. 

Capricorn: “The quality of light by which we scrutinize our lives has direct bearing upon the product which we live, and upon the changes which we hope to bring about through those lives” Audre Lorde tells us. We need to be conscious of what we shine our attention on: it is what grows and shapes existence. Within the dark places, she goes on, is a store of unexamined creativity and potential. Poetry, or art in general, then, bridges the gap. It “forms the quality of the light within which we predicate our hopes and dreams toward survival and change”. What beautiful hidden things will you bring to light, dear Capricorn? What censure will you resist today?

Aquarius: “The meaning of freedom can never be grasped by the divided mind” Alan Watts tells us. “But to the whole mind there is no contrast of “I” and the world”. Is there a divide between who you feel yourself to be and the world in which you act? We are talking about a deep feeling of separation, one that follows us into solitude. But dare to imagine yourself as continuous with the world. Find a home in its shape, knowing you have the power to change just as it does. “No one fates and no one is being fated’. With that in mind, how will you shape the changing world?

Pisces: How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives, as Annie Dillard tells us. What you are used to relying on regularly— daily tasks, routes, places, interactions— is undergoing a shift. What is familiar may now feel stifling or else shift into something more mysterious. But ultimately, these changes just reflect a deep alteration in your own psyche and the structure of your mind. What new habits or rituals can you enact to let this new, more freedom-oriented mind state take hold. What are you accumulating into a life over these passing days? 

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Daily Horoscopes, 4.29.21**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale p

Daily Horoscopes, 4.29.21

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

Aries: Ask the big questions. Seek to understand what is around you and don’t stop until you have found a satisfactory path or resource. Don’t underestimate the power of a clear intention and purpose undergirding the rest of your day. One of the tantalizing things about a journey is getting lost, so don’t be alarmed if confusion arises. What this space allows you to do is reassess what you value. Where does support come from? What makes you feel safe? Gather these ingredients from the deep and consider a foundation that is not tied to things. 

Taurus: While the ambient mood of the day may be hard to pin down, don’t doubt your ability to speak your truth. The power to communicate, to put the numinous into words, is yours. Your mind naturally drifts to the future, so why not explore this unknown? Try to understand your next steps without relying too heavily on the thinking mind; ask for help or guidance, and then trust how you interpret your signs or insights. Pay attention to the part of you that needs permission to speak. See what happens when you just say it, do it. 

Gemini: you are not in charge of the words; you are not in charge of what speaks. Your sense of your path may be hazy today and that is where the magic happens, if you allow it. There is always a point in the hero’s journey where the lotuses are offered or the poppies release their sleeping spores. The key is to not get caught too long on this resting place. Gather your focus once again from your intimate partners and collaborators. Treat them like a sounding board, or a focused return back to your feelings and bounded self. Then go towards the shadow again. 

Cancer: Your ambient focus today is on all that needs to get done. It need not be a burdensome task, especially if variety and play is included. See how compatible these tasks are with your current worldview. Perhaps it wants more rest from you, most inner looking. There is a direct channel of insight to the divine, so pay attention to your dreams. Call on your communities to help decipher or guide these hazy messages. Offer what you work for and create today to others; see how it takes on a life of its own, just by being shared. 

Leo: While pleasure still reigns today, take note of what arises from the deep. Engage yourself creatively today, staying connected to the message or belief that fuels your art. Deeper issues and shadowy unconscious factors may be arising as you engage with your art and this need not be a problem; as long as you feel safe enough to go their, I see it taking your art to a deeper place if you can surrender to what comes up without trying to master it. This vulnerability is a huge part of your gift and what you can share with others. Make public moves on your career path; see how other respond to your vulnerability and authentic highs and lows. 

Virgo: You don’t need to leave your house to go on an adventure; find what journeys you can take from the comfort of your usual surroundings. Find the mystery in your loved ones. It may seem like they’re confusing you with their inexactitude and anodizing presence but see your people as a portal to a deeper understanding. You have the ability for a direct message from the divine, or a deeper insight into a field of study. Pass the knowledge through your body first; notice how it lands. You do not walk your path alone, not in body or spirit. 

Libra: Pay attention to the conversations you have today; they will take on a more subjective hue and can serve as a reflection for your own inner state. Keep your body and mind in motion, though know the real work comes from knowing when to rest. Keeping up your normal level of productivity may be difficult today, so shift your focus toward inner work as much as possible. Ground this work in ritual or regular practice, whether that be praying at an altar, meditating for twenty minutes, or writing intentions down in a journal. Your mind is skilled at getting to the bottom of deeper issues, so writing through those is also a useful activity. Expand that definition of “useful,” anyway. 

Scorpio: Today you are well aware of what you have and what you are willing to spend. Be judicious in how you spend your energy and go all in on something that brings you joy. You need not understand it or know what it’s “for,” but follow the artistic muses to the very bottom. Be replenished by the satisfaction that creative work can bring when unencumbered by time, space, limiting ideas. If having trouble expressing your vision, call on a close friend or partner. They will help unlock your voice in a grounded, fertile way. 

Sagittarius: You may still be more emotional than usual but you also have the power to direct your powers of nourishment. Do you need free space to roam? New ideas? Lively conversation? Indulge yourself, sweet Sag. Don’t neglect your downtime either; it is a portal that comes out when comfort is achieved. Deep dreaming takes place there. Let the replenishing aspects help in your work life as well. Don’t be afraid to give voice to your new ideas or speak up when you need rest or different boundaries. Find the mysterious eye in the center of activity; who are you when your borders aren’t closed? 

Capricorn: Take plenty of time to rest today. Take note of your dreams. You are apt to receive important messages from liminal places; if feeling lost, call on the language of runes, tarot, I-Ching or any other divination tool that helps ground you. Your conscious understanding may not be satisfied, but trust that some mysterious part of you is keeping the score. The best way you can metabolize these messages is through art. Do something that brings joy to your life and connects you to your body. See what you have to say. 

Aquarius: Find some way to stay connected; reach out to networks or communities that sustain you and make you feel alive. Spend time envisioning your future; where you want it to take you. What resources do you still need to enact that future? Your priorities may be shifting. Resource is more than just money and you are apt to notice when your psychic reserves are low. Your inner capacity is a valuable asset. Take some time to replenish these sources of power. Express yourself freely. Tune into your body’s messages. Emerge again. 

Pisces: You feel good with a healthy amount of visibility today; it spurs your further on your own becoming. What public role or vocation feels good to you? How does it connect to what you already are, who you already feel yourself to be? We are not trying to become something we’re not, but unlock the deeper levels of our own potential. What steady, embodied practices can you engage with regularly to connect in with your sense of self? Are there skills you want to cultivate or rituals you want to maintain? These regular actions are crucial. They make you. 

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along hereandhere. **

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Daily Weather, 4.29.21Mercury sextile NeptuneToday the moon spends all day in Sagittarius, home sign

Daily Weather, 4.29.21

Mercury sextile Neptune

Today the moon spends all day in Sagittarius, home sign of Jupiter. The buoyancy and inquisition of the last half of yesterday carries over to today, with a sextile to Saturn to fortify and concretize our efforts and a square to Neptune at the end of the day. This aspect is interesting because Neptune has just made a perfect sextile to Mercury, lending the oceanic outer planet a bit more legibility than it normally has. The square to the moon creates an ambient dreaminess, diffusing some of Sagittarius’s fiery energy in favor of Pisces’s receptive flow. You may be more sensitive to external stimuli and supernatural forces alike. The sextile from Mercury asks that you don’t disperse the mystery of Neptune’s gifts but that you do something to make it real. Being in Taurus, the sign of Venus, this Mercury wants what it communicates to be beautiful. Making music, herbal medicine, food, art of any kind is a beautiful way of expressing this mystical, cerebral transit. The only thing to watch for are old habits or subconscious forces arising. Remember to act from an aware, present place and find an activity that puts your mind and soul to work. 

Read on to join the universe.

[photo by Francesca Woodman]

**I am currently offering astrology and tarot consults at a sliding-scale price. I will increase these prices in June so book now by messaging me or emailing [email protected] to secure the lower cost. Find out more info here and follow along here andhere. **

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Daily Horoscopes, 4.28.21***if you enjoyed this offering, consider signing up for my weekly newslett

Daily Horoscopes, 4.28.21

***if you enjoyed this offering, consider signing up for my weekly newsletter, which focuses on astrology, intimacy, deep attention. You can also follow me on instagram here. ***

Aries: What you’re feeling isn’t behold to sense. What you’re feeling need not be useful or in search of larger aims. Keep this in mind as you find yourself down rabbit holes you normally consider yourself too composed to fall into. There is strength in accepting forces larger than you, whether that be feelings, familial cycles or the exchange of money. By trusting the opportunities that arise from presence and surrender, you can access the next piece of the puzzle. Trust your curiosity and your desire for understanding after you’ve undergone the necessary initiation. 

Taurus: You will most likely experience a lot of emotional action surrounding your relationships today. It is up to you to consider whether this intensity is welcome healing and when it just adds further complication to your life. The creation of boundaries can be helpful today but remember that boundaries don’t have to always be rigid. What we need to protect one moment may want to be open again the next moment. Notice the flow of connection and contemplation in your day and the power of merging not simply because someone else demands it. 

Gemini: Going inside can feel like a struggle. Like a trudge, or somehow distracting from the Good Stuff. But part of this feeling arises from taking on more than you can handle. Just because you can detach and process a lot of information at once doesn’t mean you don’t need to pause, or be judicious with your energy. Take on what you can handle of your own baggage first, then go for those who help you better understand these tasks. Your people should make you feel bigger. They should help you find your intuition in the midst of all your thinking. 

Cancer: Today is a great day to both work and play. Musician Bill Callahan said this when speaking of his creative process: “Writing can be many things besides just writing, right? Looking at art, listening to music, going for a walk—it’s all part of the process sometimes”. Expand your idea of productivity to include all the threads you follow and all the little desires you give into. By taking a bigger view of labor, we can see the usefulness in what resists easy consumption or the assignation of exchange value. Work for what you love, dear Cancer. 

Leo: Start the day reveling in the psychedelic quality of your inner life. Where does it come from, your thoughts, feelings, imaginings? Consider all of the unknown ancestors who gave you your qualities and affinities, and find a way to honor the past. There is meaning there and later on you will be inspired to do something with what you find in this inward searching. Value your privacy as a site for creation. Let pleasure and curiosity guide you. 

Virgo: If feeling bogged down by feelings or worries, I recommend writing. Not trying to control the flow of words, simply let them fall out like a stream and see what next images or insights arise from this exercise. Notice the way you speak to yourself or communicate your needs. Do you honor your desires or button them up? In the latter half of the day, you may find yourself needing more alone time. Treat this going inside like a journey. See how your inner life can expand and breathe without the presence of others? Erecting boundaries teaches people how to love you best. It teaches you how to love you. 

Libra: What are you holding onto? What concepts, things, situations does your happiness feel dependent upon? Don’t be afraid if you have to let go. Find ways to relax into presence, accepting what you cannot change rather than disrupting your peace over it. You don’t have to play the role that no longer suits you. By taking a deep look at your resources, you can find opportunities for new paths and discoveries. You support this process by devoting yourself to the daily practice of ritual. What in your everyday life is meaningful? How can you do the work to draw it closer?

Scorpio: Emotions are going to be a big part of how you make decisions today, dear Scorpio. The rub comes, of course, when you try to please every instinct and feeling that arises. Watch for paralysis in the face of deep feeling; something taking a step back from the issue is the best decision. I expect the pathways to get cleared out eventually, especially if you prioritize security. What do you need to feel safe? What can you draw closer? From there, you can explore and expand safely. Let your insights contribute to your sense that nothing is wasted. 

Sagittarius: Your emotions take on a blurry quality today. Your dreams may be hazy. Your needs may feel contradictory. Know you are also especially porous today. Be careful of what you let in. Notice what makes you feel larger than just a body. This liminal exploration will help you feel bigger in your thoughts. From there, your emotions become extremely clear and much more buoyant. Let your feelings guide your actions in the latter half of the day, especially if they are coming from a place of joy. Trust that the truth is closer to happiness than judgement. 

Capricorn: You can keep your dreams to yourself today. Give them plenty of free space to roam and imagine all of the things you want happening. Think of the people or resources you need to get there. Be open for a potential opportunity springing up around midday that contributes to your larger vision. Then confusion may set in. You may feel unsure where to go next, or some unhelpful feeling may arise out of nowhere; perhaps a longing without a name. Imagine yourself in a fairy tale or myth, exploring a strange new land. You don’t have to know the rules to find the treasure or magic object; you just have to keep walking. 

Aquarius: What do you share with others, dear Aquarius? Your sense of privacy and discretion may be stoked when you think of sharing your gifts in public but your vulnerability is a gift to all. Think about how you can include more of yourself in your public image or social role without straying too far away from your comfort zone. Notice who comes forward as a source of support or possibility. See how your true community fortifies and expands your efforts. By sharing yourself, you let others know they aren’t alone. You aren’t either. 

Pisces: Your intelligence need not fit into institutional ideas of education. Your intelligence need not be divorced from your feelings, and actually benefits from your own, unique perspective. Indulge your curiosity today but pass your findings through your sense of what feels true, letting this intuition guide your journeying. Soon enough, you will have plenty to share with others, or at least help you click deeper into your specific calling. Your presence is a gift. Celebrate this act.

***if you enjoyed this offering, consider signing up for my weekly newsletter, which focuses on astrology, intimacy, deep attention. You can also follow me on instagram here. ***

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Daily Weather, 4.28.21***if you enjoyed this offering, consider signing up for my weekly newsletter,

Daily Weather, 4.28.21

***if you enjoyed this offering, consider signing up for my weekly newsletter, which focuses on astrology, intimacy, deep attention. You can also follow me on instagram here. ***

Today the Moon finishes its monthly journey through Scorpio, though not before making some notable aspects along the way. As I stated earlier, Scorpio moons can be rough. Our feelings are big. Our ability to express them may be hindered. Take the time you need to make your little inward journeys and boundaries. The moon will form a helpful trine to Neptune in Pisces around 3:30 AM PST, which can add a prophetic quality to your dreams. Spend time in the morning drifting, if possible, and don’t put too fine a point on your thoughts or problems. Let solutions arise in time. With the moon forming a square to Jupiter around 12:30 PM PST, though there may be some tension between your emotional needs and your need to expand, they can also help the other out. Jupiter in general tends to bring larger systems into harmony while giving us a felt sense of understanding of the world’s moving parts. Put your emotions into a larger context and ask: what are they for? How can they heal myself and others?

Finally, around 1:45 PM PST, the moon moves into Sagittarius, where feelings tend towards enthusiasm and what we feel is deeply connected to what we believe. Take advantage of this generous truth-seeking energy by following your curiosity and simply having a good time.

Read on to find your flow.

***if you enjoyed this offering, consider signing up for my weekly newsletter, which focuses on astrology, intimacy, deep attention. You can also follow me on instagram here. ***

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“I live on the edge of a sleepy soul, a moist rose, and an infinite lilac sky beneath my chin.”

— M. Melia, The Unravelling Travelogue.(viadreamsofmedusa)

Questions I have for the Zodiac Signs (excuse the shade):

Aries: Why do you always pretend to not care when deep down you’re shattering? Why do you always play this “insensitive b*tch” game especially with those you claim to care about? Breaking their hearts with your hot & cold actions. Why is caring such a bad thing for you? Do you think that coldness and aloofness is not going to break your heart too, eventually?


Taurus: How can you always forgive those who made you suffer so very deeply? Those who made you feel pathetic, not worthy enough, stupid and ordinary. How many times do you have to fall and tangle yourself in the web of their lies just because you’re afraid of being lonely? Afraid of not being liked. How many past mistakes does it take you in order to finally note down the lessons?


Gemini: Why do you always allow your feelings to mix up with your life choices, seeming as if you change your mind 10 times per minute? Why are you, deep down, so afraid that you’re going to end up alone and sad if you give up on toxic people? On people that don’t deserve you. How can someone so confident and bold be fooled this easily?


Cancer: Why do you always feel the need to fit in, to blend in with all these boring ass people and their stupid standards of beauty, intellect or humor. Why can’t you take a deep breath and just accept yourself, without feeling this powerful need to be liked by everyone. Without trying to be their kind of cool. Be your kind of cool. Can you do that?


Leo: Can you actually stop wanting to be right about everything all the time? Can you actually accept the fact that you do mistakes too, just like everyone else? Can you just sit down and finally admit that you’re suffering? That deep down you know you’re wrong and that shatters all your confidence? You’re not alone. And certainly not ridiculous for feeling down.


Virgo: Why do you stress so much over so little? Why do you always feel this enormous need to have control over everything? Perhaps you have self issues, a desire so strong for perfectionism that you just can’t accept life as it is sometimes. But do you think that stressing over building the perfect kingdom is going to make you happy? Do you actually think that power is going to last forever? Do you think that stressing is living? That perfect means happy? Just go with the f*cking flow and learn to embrace imperfection for God’s sake!!!


Libra: Does acting all nice and sweet actually make you a good person? Do you, for real, think that if you bathe people in compliments they’ll like you just like that? Is this what you do in order to gain people on your side in case one day you’ll fall and don’t want to be lonely? My dear, acting sweet isn’t going to get you through all the pain life has to offer. Learn to say no, learn to move on, learn to be lonely. Or perhaps you don’t want to? Maybe you’re too scared.


Scorpio: Does watching from a distance feel good? When all you want to do is just f*cking go for it? When you just feel the need to aproach that one person and talk, tell them everything you’re feeling, with no shame. Does it feel good to watch them being happy without you, just because you’re too proud of yourself to just admit that you’re not as perfect as you think? Do you actually think that you’re stronger than everyone else when, in reality, you run away from everything that makes you feel unsure of yourself? From everything that doesn’t fit into the imaginary patterns you drew all your life?


Sagittarius: Do you think people can’t actually see through your bullsh*t? That they can’t figure out when you’re truly happy and glowy and when you fake all the smiles and nice comments? You’re an honest person, most of the time. But that mind of yours, those feeling that you don’t pay much attention to, they eventually show. And when they show, all I want to know is: are you prepared to be alone? Misunderstood? Or do you expect all those people you kept second guessing to still stick around you?


Capricorn: Are you aware of your own rudeness when you start showing off that huge ego you’ve got? Are you that insecure that you can’t afford people judging you? Why do you constantly feel the need to put yourself into a light that only makes you perfect, showing people that you’re better than them? Why are you afraid to admit that you’re confused too. That you don’t know the answer to all the questions or problems. Why do you need to constantly approve yourself through the eyes of society?


Aquarius: How can you wake up every day, knowing how many terrible things stain your hands, without feeling any trace of regret? How can you, so suddenly and abruptly, throw away all your emotions when you feel threatened by others? Do you actually think you can run away forever from your own demons? From those emotions you tear away from your heart and pretend you have never felt them? Do you actually think that, in this way, people are going to stop hating? Stop trying to bing you down? Well, my dear, no. This world is f*cking cruel and I guess so are you.


Pisces: Does the “cool” etiquette feels good to posses? Does being two-faced, mean and trashy feels good? I gues it does, at least after you gain a statutus of popularity. After you’ve got yourself a bunch of people you can call friends, but secretly hate on. Why are you doing all of these things? What are you trying to prove? That you’re lovable? Kind? Sweet? My dear friend, you don’t have to shove this in everyone’s faces. You only have to feel it deep down. You don’t need lots of likes and lots of friends to prove yourself. Or do you?


It’s Christmas and I kind of feel bad for posting this because I know it may be plain and simple rude. I’m really sorry in case I’ve just ruined the vibe BUT I strongly belive that this EXCUSE THE SHADE series I came up with is actually kind of entertaining and can bring out the truth underneath the STEREOTYPES.

I’m an Aquarius and just called out bullshit on myself, hope I’ll fix my behaviour in 2019, haha ♒️ What’s your NY goal?

THE SIGNS AS I KNOW THEM (excuse the shade):

ARIES: sometimes intimidating, extremely confident people with crazy desire to share their opinions and ideas with the world, massive flirts, loud mouths, independent and super funny. They tend to hide away their true feelings and pretend they don’t care about anything. Intriguing personality that can make anyone fall in love with them almost immediately.

TAURUS: perssistent, easily manipulated, great listeners, romantic —low-key would do anything for their loved one—, classy and natural beauty and sense of style. They associate friends with family. Fun to be around yet stubborn and independent. They love learning new stuff.

GEMINI: artistic —even if they aren’t artists—, big eyes filled with joy and hope, whimsical minds, bad puns that somehow sound hilarious when they tell them, exotic minds, witty —they know something about everything and have a large range of information and facts—, actually loyal. Can be a little over-dramatic but that doesn’t mean they’re lying. Usually stereotyped as two-faced but in reality they are just honest —thing that bothers people—.

CANCER: trying to seem arrogant, overwhelmed almost all the time, in need of attention and approval, artsy —they’re aesthetically pleasing and have good taste in all kinds of art—, secretive before they know they can trust you, shy when it comes to confessing love, trying to be something they’re clearly not. They handle criticism with sarcastic humor; they know they’re better than you.

LEO: doesn’t need approval from anyone in anything, goal-oriented, can make their way out of any kind of situation by simply using their charm and intelligence, uses a variety of memes to describe their feelings. They don’t easily fall in love but when they do you’ll know it’s real. #extra without even trying. CONFIDENT.

VIRGO: resting bitch face but deep down sensitive and caring for those who are close to their heart, grammar cops, pretty sexual —pretty much—, party animals at night, robots functioning on caffeine during the day. Minimalistic sense of style that reflects the art of simplicity in which they strongly belive just like aliens belive in taking over the world. (This description is a mess but so they are sometimes. Shh, you don’t know it from here).

LIBRA: fashion masters, goofy and weird, the real trash talkers just because they’re bored and, honestly, better than you. Overall peace-makers and cheesy. Cute instagram feed, delicate manicure and light makeup. They know A LOT of people —sometimes it’s annoying because they bump into people they know, all the time they step outside the house—. Charming and flirtatious, showing their intelligence through fantastic humor.

SCORPIO: somehow scary —but honestly, they wouldn’t even be able to kill a fly—, too proud of themselves to admit shit they’ve done wrong, wanna be cool, actual softies, sexual creatures who can eat you alive with just their eyes. The definition of possesive. Paranoid and moody —one moment all hot and sexy, next second cooler than ice—, more intelligent than you think. They can be bold when showing affection, just because they want to warn others that you belong to them and only them.

SAGITTARIUS: rarely freaks out FOR REAL, sassy kings and queens, original, naturally born with a dramatic side that makes them extraordinare actors, passionate. They inspire by using their intellect —which btw, yes, they have haha, you haters—. Literally good at anything they do (tell me your secret, please). Showing love might be hard just because they generally feel unsure of their true feelings.

CAPRICORN: dark humor, actual selfish people who only think about themselves, masters ar stressing over minor problems, the real foodies, probably the coolest people in school/on instagram/at work —or whatever environment you’re in—, attractive in an unexplainable way. Touchy —plain and simple touchy—. Protective. Born smart. Easily hurt by negative comments but would never EVER admit it.

AQUARIUS: their charm makes them appear fake —which they might actually be, not gonna lie—, plain and simple weird, angry at their unlucky destiny, daydreamers, softies who hide their desire for true love, probably dreaming of the idea of soulmates —right now—. Their kindness usually makes them look like fools and that’s why people don’t give them credits for important stuff they make in this world. “The best friend”. Crying at movies and SUPER clumsy and awkward. Tired of being labeled as “not important” or “the cold one”; they kind of love attention.

PISCES: more selfish that you may think, attention whores and tea spillers. They want to look and act cute all the time and are hurt if someone says it looks fake. Always up to impress intriguing people they are attracted to, by using their most valuable talents. Family guys —and girls—, food lovers, sports oriented, extreme love for alcoohol. Sort of mysterious and hard to figure out. Bubbly flirts who don’t play hard to get.

Hard to excuse myself after this amount of shade but keep in mind that this is my personal opinion and, also, my personal experience with the signs. I’m an Aqua and I just called out bullshit on myself sooo… haha anyway every sign has it’s good and bad traits, view this as a chance to find out more about both of them, perhaps?? ♒️

MERCURY rules our day to day expressions, logical and communication. Mercury also rules electronics — phones, cars, planes, computers, machines etc. When Mercury turns retrograde, forward movement in regards to these themes is less supported.

This is why you hear that you need to back up your phone and computer, and make sure to double check any issues with your mode of transport before traveling. This is also why it’s said to think twice, maybe three times before you speak.

Mercury Retrograde is a time to reassess, review and reevaluate out current circumstances.

•Why you should TOTALLY date the signs

Aries: They are the definition of adventure, passion and intellectual stimulation. Their humor has the power to light up any bad day. Never boring & always full of energy. Willing to get out the best in you.


Taurus: They will teach you the benefits of slow reveal and do that old fashioned thing of getting to know each other first before ripping clothes off. Gentle & thoughtful. Won’t let anyone judge you.


Gemini: Their imagination is fascinating, just like their overall personality. They are such good partners that time spent with them flies by without even realising. Spontaneous, adaptable & talentated conversationalists.


Cancer: They’ll actually listen and give a f*ck about everything you’re saying. Cancer brings a sense of connectedness to the dating table. Sentimental & deeply connected to their family & friends. Great at making you feel cared of.


Leo: This sign will remind you off a sense of occasion – how much fun it is to dress up and choose the perfect accessory to compliment the perfect outfit. They also have really big hearts of gold & are a great shoulder to cry on. Fabulously nice.


Virgo: They usually have a mindful aura. They can help you live a healthier life and also keep you inspired with their knowledge. Five star time managers Virgo will also teach you how to seamlessly fit a lot more into an average day without stress overload. Sort of mysterious.


Libra: They are carefree, fun people that just simply LIVE for a little romance. Cliche-ic or not, they will give you the exact amount of attention you need, without asking for anything in return. Their love can make them become completely selfless. Dreamy & peace makers.


Scorpio: They represent temptation in flesh and bones. Firey personality, they will make you pray for their presence in your life. Extremely passionate & possesive. The thrill is always there.


Sagittarius: They are the kind of people who aren’t afraid of showing affection in most weird ways possible. Blame it on their spontaneous character or on their free spirit. Open minded geniuses & super sweet when in love.


Capricorn: They’ll motivate and life you up. They typically reprezent the perfect partner as they will constantly try to inspire you and help you reach your goals. Relaxing presence & generous.


Aquarius: They are the eye-opener you’ve probably searched for for so long! They’ll challenge you to examine yourself, they’ll teach you how to love yourself and everyone around you. Great listeners & encouraging. Sometimes can be selfless.


Pisces: They can easily help you out by sharing their funky viewpoint upon life. They’ll talk about anything and everything and will always protect you, under any circumstances. Sensitive but not a fool. That one person who will never laugh at you if you cry at movies.
