

“This ‘season’ is a grotesque, dangerous joke. The ISU needs to cancel everything and give huge fines to Federations that practise bad citizenship by running domestic events now that half the world is back in lockdown. There’s no sports competition important enough to warrant traveling, even to another city right now.”

“I just don’t get excited about figure skating anymore and it makes me very sad. It’s hard to care when competitions have no stakes and my faves aren’t competing. I used to watch everything on the edge of my seat, and now I’m like, ‘Oh, was there another Russian Cup this weekend? Whatever.’ Hopefully, we will have normal international competitions next season.”

“What on earth are those weird choreos. that Sambo-70 does in its dance classes??? Now I understand why Shoma didn’t want to stay with Eteri when he went there for a camp (during the time he was coachless, before the start of the 2019-2020 season). Sure, he was like: Nope after going to those dance classes, lol they look ridiculous.”

“After Yuzu, P/C and Sui/Han, mens, ice dance and pairs will be so bland, and maybe will be for quite some time. There won’t be anymore nails that are sticking out, just a field of sort of the same, similar things over and over.”

“Is it too much to ask if I want yuzu to have another OGM, and p/c to have the same number and type of individual Olympic medals as v/m? The former is a possibility, but I don’t think ISU will allow the latter to happen.”

“I know Yulia had timing issues in 2015 when she got a lot taller, and so has Sasha in the latter half of the season when she grew a little, but Alina has had ur issues, rotational issues, technique issues and edge issues, but never timing issues. Maybe that swingy lutz entry really works for her.”

“‘Nathan looks like he doesn’t care about and looks down upon figure skating as a sport!!!’ Cue Nathan using his free time to complete his coaching certification and coaching the younger skaters…. your faves can never and will never, sorry not sorry.”

“Omg, apparently in the month since Worlds got cancelled, Nathan went and became a certified coach.”

“Sometimes, I admit, I think maybe, I do overhype Nathan too much, and maybe he really isn’t all that good, at least compared to some. But, then I rewatch his programs and I’m just like. God. What an icon. Perfection. Beautiful. Amazing. Absolutely Riveting. Stunning. And, I just fall in love with his skating all over again.”

“I always think it’s sad when a low-ranked skater has a really outstanding skate at Nationals and makes the podium, but nobody knows or cares because they don’t come from one of the four big feds.”

“Nowadays, unless they are A.) Team Tutberidze, B.) a Russian, C.) a Japanese, or D.) an American, no one talks about them! There are so many lovely skaters that I would love to hear more about, but I never hear about them unless they fit in one of those boxed-up categories.”

Not low poly, but modeling related: My mom won 1st place in a Ms America Senior beauty pageant this past Saturday!

She obviously doesn’t look it, but she is older than 60 years old ;)



Seriously, nothing better than watching 2 big cock daddies fucking bareback. This is so fucking hot

#senior    #fucking    #older men    #older man    #cocksucker    #sixtynine    #gay men    