#study motivation

Lecture four notes! Notice the cute little star post it note on the upper right hand corner! It’s fr

Lecture four notes! Notice the cute little star post it note on the upper right hand corner! It’s from daiso! So cute

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I’ve been loving the color yellow a lot lately and I was inspired to make a lemon-colored pale

I’ve been loving the color yellow a lot lately and I was inspired to make a lemon-colored palette for my o chem notes!

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11.1.22 | 9/100 Days of Productivity

Day 2 of my 48hr stats exam, I’m basically done and it wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. Ready to get that out of the way and get on with my essay due at the end of the month

10.1.22 | 4 - 8 / 100 Days of Productivity

I had a very productive few days but not all of it was academic. My partner and I entered a dancesport comp in Blackpool and so we had to learn a new routine (Covid and Christmas messed up our lesson plan) and then competed with it less than 24hrs later. We danced a category up from what we compete at on the uni circuit and weren’t expecting to do too well but we made the finals of both ballroom and latin!

Now I’m back at my flat and about to start a 48hr stats exam. Looks like I’ll be working from home a bit more but sadly without the wonderful views I had last year

09/02/2021 The snow is so peaceful so I’ve moved all of my desk bits to face the window. I had a crazy busy day yesterday but hopefully that makes today easier. I’m missing my boyfriend a lot today, we had the best snow days when we weren’t long distance. X Emily

7/02/2021 I’ve been working on my notion databases to keep track of my grades all morning while it s7/02/2021 I’ve been working on my notion databases to keep track of my grades all morning while it s

7/02/2021 I’ve been working on my notion databases to keep track of my grades all morning while it snows! I only have a few marks back at the moment and I’m currently averaging about 77(?) so that’s good but I feel so much pressure to keep it up. I’ve been getting to grips with notion and I’m really liking it for some things; you can see all of my databases to the left. Let me know if you’ve used notion and what you thought, I’ve not used javascript before! xx Emily

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Winter Studying Challenge

21st January - Stay warm or go outside in the cold?

Definitely go outside! It’s so refreshing but the best thing if all is coming back indoors. Today I’m working on an essay due Monday.


26.5.19 I did my first exam! I didn’t say straight away because I was feeling a bit funny about it, but now I’m revising for my second and last ever exam of uni! Also who knows groovy chick?? My mum got me these amazing groovy chick socks. X Emily

It’s so important to keep study notes that might be useful in the future! Reblogging this because the notes I was making here, are the same notes I’m using for my current postgraduate essay.

Winter Studying Challenge

16th January: scarves or sweaters? Oh that’s so hard! I think I prefer a really good scarf because you can look so cute in them, but they can get in the way! I like layers. This is the other angle of my kitchen. Sorry for posting so much in here and not my bedroom - I’ve found I’m more productive when my mum keeps me from being distracted.

Winter Studying Challenge

15th January: would you rather wear a winter coat in the summer or a swimming costume in the winter? Honestly I would rather a swimming costume in the winter! I hate being too hot in summer! I know I’ve missed loads of days of these but I’ve been working so hard it’s been dark by the time I remember to take a photo! X Emily

20.07.19 | Today I started my schedule for the next semester of college. I’m gonna start my August layout of my bujo (this picture is the July layout) but I’m really lazy, I don’t feel like doing anything today, except to watch Stranger Things.

I know it’s been a while since I posted anything on my studyblr. I made a vlog of sorts to commemorate the start of my final semester before internship. 

The weather is great today.


- 36 degree Celsius

- Had a nose bleeding

- Made a cup of iced-chocolate + listening to coffee musics to cool myself down.

✎ 12.06.2021 // spent the morning alternating between studying and reading while enjoying a gingerbread latte—I’ve been trying to get through the book thief for a month or so and it just hasn’t hooked me yet but I’m determined to finish it before the new year!

Day 3/100; ✨

Finishing my OChem Acids & Bases notes ☺️ it takes a while but it’s way easier when its time to review because I’ve organized all my rushed scribbles into organized and visually coherent notes.

(P.s. if anyone wants PDFs of any notes I post just dm me!)

Starting over ; 1/100 days of Productivity ✨

I’m back and ready to be active on here again! Last semester my life got in the way and it was a struggle to keep up with posts and notes but this semester is already going much better! Taking Analytic/Quantitative Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Survey of Life Bio (part I of III). A full course load while still working 40 hours a week! Hopefully restarting this challenge will keep me on track, especially over the weekend!
