

Hera: I’m at a loss for words.

Zeus, narrating: Despite being at a loss for words, Hera continued yelling for ten minutes.

Apollo: *walks into an art museum*

Apollo: I’m here to donate myself

Helping Hades with Persephone

Zeus: Dude I’ll help you out, I’ve done this hundreds of times

Hera: Don’t listen to him, he’s never had a stable relationship in his entire life


Zeus: Hey queen



Hera: You’re never this nice…what did you do

Zeus: What makes you think I did something?!


Zeus: ugh what happened last night

Dionysus: Idk man

Zeus: Why does my lower back hurt?

Dionysus *trying not to laugh*: I don’t know

Hermes walking in: Sup losers what’s going o-OHHHHHHH



Hermes: You got a tattoo?!?


Dionysus, on the floor laughing: AHHH HAHAHAHA

Zeus, runs to a mirror: oh my ME


Zeus: I’m dead

Hermes: Yeah you are!!

Dionysus: You wanna see the video?



Dionysus: Relax, I’ll call Dite to help you help cover it up

Zeus: thank you

some time passes

Aphrodite: I heard there was a skin crisis?!

Dionysus: It’s big Z

Hermes: He has a new look!

Dionysus and Hermes:HAHAHAHHAHA

Aphrodite: Um okay?

Aphrodite: Zeus, let me see?

Zeus: Don’t laugh at me

Aphrodite: I promise I won- HAHAHAHAAHAAAA

Zeus: fuck you all

Aphrodite: Oh honey you already did

Hermes, falls to the floor: OH MY HAHAHAAHAAHHA

Athena: If you took a shot everytime you made a mistake how drunk would you be?

Artemis: I don’t know, a little tipsy?



Dionysus, high as a kite: What if ducks threw bread at us?

Poseidon, a natural idiot: Well we’d have to duck!

Hades: I hate you both


ive never been the kind of person to enter battle in a wild rage and nearly get myself drowned by attempting to murder a river god but these arent hopeful times

Agamemnon: *breathes*


Okay time to close the gates of Janus Quirinus for 2021 ✌️

PSA: if you’re looking for dating advice, please don’t listen to Ovid

Artemis of Ephesus

A Roman copy of an original from the 2nd century BCE.

Musei Capitolini

What the bulbous protrusions on Artemis’ garment are still remains a matter of debate. Initially they were thought to be breasts and this assumption was prominent even in the later ancient period – the 4th/5th century CE Christian writer Jerome referred to her as πoλυμαστις (“many-breasted”) – and throughout most of the Early Modern period. Now, however, there are competing interpretations: eggs, bull’s testicles, beehives, and gourds.

I can’t believe it’s even more lovely colors from Pompeii!

I think that I could defeat Socrates in an argument. RIP to the other interlocutors but I’m different.

uwu you want to stwike me down fow my hubwis??? owo??? You say I hawe gone too faw with my staggewing dispways of awwogance and compwete diswegawd of mowals? Be qwiet pwease (✿^‿^).
