#greek gods memes


Apollo: Are you mad?


Apollo: So sharpening daggers at 2 am is just a hobby?

Ares: So here’s the tea

Athena: For the last time it’s called a mission report!

Zeus: Athena, shhhhhhhh. I wanna here the tea

Hephaestus: Zeus, you can play the role of my father.

Zeus: I don’t want to be your father.

Hephaestus: Perfect you already know your lines.

Hera: I’m at a loss for words.

Zeus, narrating: Despite being at a loss for words, Hera continued yelling for ten minutes.

Hera: Didn’t anyone teach you to say please and thank you?!

Hephaestus: Please shut the fuck up


Hephaestus: Thank you

Persephone: I have a new hoodie

Hades: We have a new hoodie!!

Aphrodite: Hey where’s Artemis?

Athena: What do you mean?

Aphrodite: I mean where is she, i haven’t seen her in a while

Ares: Yeah, it’s been like a few months

Dionysus: Wow even Ares noticed she was gone

Ares: *nodding gravely* i know

Apollo: Wait, my sister is gone?!

Athena: She’s not gone, she’s just probably out hunting



Athena: *exasperated* You’re not an only child

Hermes: You’ll never be an only child when Zeus is our father

Zeus: Hey! I heard that!

pointless arguing continues

somewhere in the middle of the woods

Artemis: *laying on a hammock completely unbothered*

One of the Hunters of Artemis: My lady, aren’t you worried what the gods will think when they notice you’ve been here for six months?

Artemis: *opens one eye to stare at the hunter* *closes eye and smirks* nope

Hermes: Come here i wanna show you something

Hermes: *turns around and walks away*


Hermes: That’s not it, but thanks ;)

Ares: You’re so short, what can you even see from down there?

Persephone: Your IQ

Athena: Could you be more annoying?!

Poseidon: *death glare*



Apollo: Aphrodite I’m in love!

Aphrodite: With who?!


Poseidon: I did something terrible

Hermes: It’s okay, I’ll get the shovel

Poseidon: Wait, what do you think I did?!

Hermes: It doesn’t matter, no one will ever know

Apollo: Couldn’t sleep either?

Ares: Yeah, bad thoughts, the usual

Ares: What about you?

Apollo: How the fuck does wind work, like how the fuck? Does it go?

Ares, nodding: Mine was eels

Hera: Everyone has their demons

Hera: This is mine his name is Zeus

Nyx: Don’t torture yourself Erebus

Nyx: That’s my job

Erebus: Oh Nyx

Aphrodite: *hugging Apollo from behind* I love you so much

Aphrodite: But if you take my lipstick again I will kill you

Apollo: *walks into an art museum*

Apollo: I’m here to donate myself

Athena: The path to inner peace begins with four words

Athena: Not my fucking problem

Persephone: Can you at least try to see things from my perspective?!

Hades: *crouches down*

Persephone: I despise you

Hades: Damn you’re violent

Persephone: Yeah, but I’m short so it’s adorable

Dionysus: Are you saying I’m your favorite hot mess?

Hermes: Actually I’m my favorite hot mess but you’re a close second

Hestia: Fight me!

Every other Olympian: *mouthes* do not

Athena: You are an idiot!!!

Hermes: I’m sure your right but why?!

Helping Hades with Persephone

Zeus: Dude I’ll help you out, I’ve done this hundreds of times

Hera: Don’t listen to him, he’s never had a stable relationship in his entire life

Apollo: Looking back I have no regrets

Artemis: You should

Apollo: I know

Zeus: This was a 100% successful trip!

Hermes: We lost Ares

Zeus: This was a 100% successful trip!

Ares: *stuck in a jar and pissed*


Zeus: Hey queen



Hera: You’re never this nice…what did you do

Zeus: What makes you think I did something?!


Zeus: ugh what happened last night

Dionysus: Idk man

Zeus: Why does my lower back hurt?

Dionysus *trying not to laugh*: I don’t know

Hermes walking in: Sup losers what’s going o-OHHHHHHH



Hermes: You got a tattoo?!?


Dionysus, on the floor laughing: AHHH HAHAHAHA

Zeus, runs to a mirror: oh my ME


Zeus: I’m dead

Hermes: Yeah you are!!

Dionysus: You wanna see the video?



Dionysus: Relax, I’ll call Dite to help you help cover it up

Zeus: thank you

some time passes

Aphrodite: I heard there was a skin crisis?!

Dionysus: It’s big Z

Hermes: He has a new look!

Dionysus and Hermes:HAHAHAHHAHA

Aphrodite: Um okay?

Aphrodite: Zeus, let me see?

Zeus: Don’t laugh at me

Aphrodite: I promise I won- HAHAHAHAAHAAAA

Zeus: fuck you all

Aphrodite: Oh honey you already did

Hermes, falls to the floor: OH MY HAHAHAAHAAHHA

Athena: If you took a shot everytime you made a mistake how drunk would you be?

Artemis: I don’t know, a little tipsy?



Dionysus, high as a kite: What if ducks threw bread at us?

Poseidon, a natural idiot: Well we’d have to duck!

Hades: I hate you both
