#very important



completely untested theory but

i think social media not only has eroded ideas of privacy (”if you have nothing to hide why do you care?”), but in a much more harmful way it promotes the notion that there should be no difference between public thoughts and private behaviour. But this is totally bogus because people behave differently according to different situations, and this isn’t being “fake”, it’s just what navigating social situations in a proficient manner is like. 

The way I behave with my friends and my family, the way I behave in private, is not for public consumption. Nor should it be. Publicness is a matter of choice, it shouldn’t be mandatory. People are not entitled to anyone’s private thoughts on anything. People have a right to decide what they wish to show in public and what they wish to hide.





I’ve seen multiple people genuinely asking whats wrong with playing their music on a speaker/their phone in public rather than through headphones. While it baffles me that you can’t reason it out I’m taking it in good faith that you genuinely don’t know - so here’s a list of reasons you shouldn’t:

- It sounds bad. It doesnt matter if people like the song, you might be close enough to your phone speaker for it to sound largely as intended, but everyone else is getting a distorted mess. 

- Unwanted noise is extra stimulation in the already overpowering public space. Yes this is particularly bad for neurodivergent people but I actually want to acknowledge that this effects Everyone. Everyone has a stimulation threshold and unwanted music easily pushes people closer to it.

- Its distracting/disruptive. People want to focus on their own conversations, listen to their own music through their earbuds, or just be alone with their thoughts. Your music is intruding. 

- Differing taste. This one is less significant but people around you just dont always like the same music you do. In extreme cases they might actively hate a song you’re playing. 

- People have the right to as close to silence as they can get. If they’re in a shop playing obnoxious music they can leave, they can change the radio in their car, they can skip the song on their playlist. They have no control over what you are putting on and in bus situations they can’t get away from you. 

- Any other number of reasons; Maybe your music is offensive, maybe its uncensored and there are children about, maybe someone just got horrible news and your perky feelgood song feels like salt in the wound, maybe someone’s sick or hungover or in pain and your music feels like a drill to the skull. 

You might think your music is good, it might make you smile after a hard day. Nobody is saying dont listen at all, just put in earphones. To everyone around you its the equivilent of a drunk guy singing loudly and off key at the back of the bus. Maybe it makes some people smile to think he’s having a good time, maybe some people are scared his lack of boundaries will mean he could act out, maybe some people wish he would just shut up. 

you are controlling an aspect of a public space which affects everyone in that space. That’s the jist of it. By playing music in public, you’re saying “my desired sound and its volume are all that matters, and nobody else’s”. That’s why quiet, beyond a reasonable speaking volume, should be the default in public. If quietness is unsettling to you, you can fix it by listening to something through earbuds without affecting anyone else, but if too much/the wrong kind of noise is unsettling to others, it’s much harder for them to block it out.

Shared spaces should be kept at conditions tolerable to everyone, where reasonable. That’s almost the definition of a shared space. If you dominate that space in some way, eg by playing music out loud, you are making it your space. You are making it unwelcoming for others. That is rude and anti-social behavior.

it’s the last one, really. just the last one.

Neurodivergent person here who lives just outside NYC, and this has gotten REALLY bad within the past few years around here.

I have noise-canceling headphones. I love them, and I wear them whenever I’m out and about alone and don’t have to talk to anyone. But when I’m with my friends, I tend to keep them off so I can chat with them.

Lately, people have been driving around blasting their music, carrying portable speakers, and all sorts of things - a lot louder than they did before. They even do it on the PATH and subway now. It’s hard for me to go for walks sometimes because of this. Last summer I went for a walk on the waterfront, and some people were blasting music so loudly that even blocks away I was overloaded. I got back to my apartment and actually had to lay down.

Please be considerate of other people when you’re playing music in a public space, and if it’s a situation where you can wear headphones or earbuds, please do so.



I saw some #discourse go by about how adults shouldn’t be in fandom writing about younger characters because it’s uncomfortable and gross to younger people to have adults ‘thinking about them’ in romantic/sexual terms.

1, This is not a restriction that any writers in any other venue have to deal with, wtf, or the entire YA genre would be banished; 2, Excuse you, children of Tumblr, no one is thinking about you.

If other people in fandom are older than you, by definition, they have been your age. When fans write about younger characters, we’re not peering through a keyhole at young people now and creeping on them.

We are drawing on our own experiences, thoughts, feelings and memories of what it was like when wewere that age.

No one has the right to ask older writers to cut themselves off from their own past just because young’uns don’t want to acknowledge that people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, allof them, were also young once. I’m 41, but I remember vividly what it was like to be 14. If I write a high school AU, it’s about myhigh school experience, even if I were to set it in the present day and decorate it with some (probably comically out of touch) Stuff The Kids Are Into Now. If I write a high school AU with sex, it’s because I remember that too! I’m not thinking about kids today, why would I– I have my own experiences to draw on. And honestly, sometimes there are things about being young that you don’t really understand until you’re much older and have some perspective– and that’s worth writing about.

If someone is genuinely a creeper, you’ll know, because they’ll ask you questions about you.But people who aren’t even directly interacting with you, who are just expressing themselves in fiction, are not a threat to you, and it’s not creepy for them to draw on their own experiences and their own past to write about younger characters.

Fuck, there’s still shit that sneaks up on me from high school days that I go, “Oh welp, better process that through the safety of fiction I guess,” and that’s being a married 35 year old with their own kids, a house and farm, and running their own business.

‘Someday you too will know my pain, and smile it’s black-toothed grin.’



If you are looking for an emergency exit from Ukraine, Poland will open EIGHT safety points on the border with Ukraine (you will get warm food, medical help and from there you will be guided to safety) in two of our voivodeships: lubelskie and podkarpackie. It is confirmed by the Polish Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Paweł Szefernaker.




I’ve marked those voivodeships on the map!

Please share because it can save lives!!!!!!




It is really important to me that all of you learn about Al Bean, astronaut on Apollo 12 and the fourth man to walk on the moon, who after 20 years in the US Navy and 18 years with NASA during which he spent 69 days in space and more than 10 hours doing EVAs on the moon , retired to become a painter.

He is my favorite astronaut for any number of reasons, but he’s also one of my favorite visual artists.

Like, look at this stuff????

It’s all so expressive and textured and colorful! He literally painted his own experience on the moon! And that’s just really fucking cool to me!

Just look at this! This is one of my absolute favorite emotions of all time. Is Anyone Out There? is like the ultimate reaction image. Any time I have an existential crisis, this is how I picture myself.

And then there’s this one:

The Fantasy

For all of the six Apollo missions to land on the moon, there was no spare time. Every second of their time on the surface was budgeted to perfection: sleeping, eating, putting on the suits, entering and exiting the LEM, rock collection, setting up longterm experiments to transmit data back to Earth, everything. These timetables usually got screwed over by something, but for the most part the astronauts stuck to them.

The crew of Apollo 12 (Pete Conrad, Al Bean, and Dick Gordon) had other plans. Conrad and Bean had snuck a small camera with a timer into the LEM to take a couple pictures together on the moon throughout the mission. They had hidden the key for the timer in one of the rock collection bags, with the idea being to grab the key soon after landing, take some fun photos here and there, and then sneak the camera back to Earth to develop them. They had practiced where they would hide the key and how to get it out from under the collected rocks back on Earth dozens of times.

But when they got to the moon, the key was nowhere to be found. Al Bean spent precious time digging through the collection bags before he called it off. The camera had been pushing their luck anyways, he couldn’t afford to spend anymore time not on the mission objectives. Conrad and Bean continued the mission as per the NASA plan while Dick Gordon orbited overhead.

Fast forward to the very end of the mission. Bean and Conrad are doing last checks of the LEM before they enter for the last time and depart from the moon. As Bean is stowing one of the collection bags, the camera key falls out. The unofficially planned photo time has come and gone, and he tosses the key over his shoulder to rest forever on the surface of the moon.

This painting, The Fantasy, is that moment. There have never been three people on the moon at the same time, there was never an unofficial photo shoot on the moon, this picture could never have happened.

“The most experienced astronaut was designated commander, in charge of all aspects of the mission, including flying the lunar module. Prudent thinking suggested that the next-most-experienced crew member be assigned to take care of the command module, since it was our only way back home. Pete had flown two Gemini flights, the second with Dick as his crewmate. This left the least experienced - me - to accompany the commander on the lunar surface.

"I was the rookie. I had not flown at all; yet I got the prize assignment. But not once during the three years of training which preceded our mission did Dick say that it wasn’t fair and that he wished he could walk on the moon, too. I do not have his unwavering discipline or strength of character.

"We often fantasized about Dick’s joining us on the moon but we never found a way. In my paintings, though, I can have it my way. Now, at last, our best friend has come the last sixty miles.” - Al Bean, about TheFantasy.

tags via @starsofyesteryear

yum-cy:[Transcript of a Twitter thread by Seanan McGuire (@ seananmcguire)]I started writing fictionyum-cy:[Transcript of a Twitter thread by Seanan McGuire (@ seananmcguire)]I started writing fictionyum-cy:[Transcript of a Twitter thread by Seanan McGuire (@ seananmcguire)]I started writing fictionyum-cy:[Transcript of a Twitter thread by Seanan McGuire (@ seananmcguire)]I started writing fictionyum-cy:[Transcript of a Twitter thread by Seanan McGuire (@ seananmcguire)]I started writing fictionyum-cy:[Transcript of a Twitter thread by Seanan McGuire (@ seananmcguire)]I started writing fictionyum-cy:[Transcript of a Twitter thread by Seanan McGuire (@ seananmcguire)]I started writing fictionyum-cy:[Transcript of a Twitter thread by Seanan McGuire (@ seananmcguire)]I started writing fiction


[Transcript of a Twitter thread by Seanan McGuire (@ seananmcguire)]

I started writing fiction, so far as anyone can tell based on excavation of my old papers (Mom kept everything), around the age of six. In these stories, I went off to Ponyland to play with the Ponies and hang out with Megan. Everyone loved me, naturally. I got to ride unicorns.

Most of the kids I knew were making up the same stories; I was precocious only in that I was already writing them down. The boy three houses over had a very close relationship with the Care Bears. His sister was the best mechanic the Transformers had ever known.

was most of it self-insert wish-fulfillment? well, yeah. FUCK, YEAH. We were kids. We were learning how to make up stories, and the best stories were the ones that had a place for us in their centers. 

As we got older, most of the boys I knew stopped telling–or at least stopped sharing–those stories. They had discovered that the majority of media centered boys exactly like them, which meant they could move from self-insertion to projection without a hiccup.

(Projection is also an important step in learning how to make believe. If you can’t BE the main character, you can let them be your avatar, carrying your essence into the story. Here’s the thing, though: it takes time to learn to “ride” avatars that you can’t recognize.)

Everyone who grows up on a diet of western media learns, on some level, to accept the default as their avatar, because we historically haven’t had much choice. Want to be the hero, instead of the love interest, the scrappy sidekick, or the villain? Embrace The Default. 

Bit by bit, the number of girls* who would admit to making up their own stories also dropped off. The rest of us, well. We learned that “I had an adventure…” made people laugh at you. We started writing avatars.

(*Parts of this thread are very binary, because they are based on my childhood experiences, and I grew up, as many of us did, in a very gender binary world. I am fascinated to see how these experience with story change as we move into a more fluid and accepting world.)

Only writing avatars also got us laughed at, when people found out about it, got us accused of Mary Sue wish-fulfillment bullshit. We stopped making up original female characters. Many of us stopped making up characters at all.

If we used only existing characters as our avatars, we didn’t get laughed at as much. If we used only existing MALE characters–characters we had all been trained to view as The Default, capable of anything, not just of being The Girl–well.

Suddenly we could write ANYTHING WE WANTED. suddenly we were GODS OF THE FICTIONAL WORLD, and we could finally start telling the stories the shows and books didn’t want to give us.

I honestly think that the reason so many fanfic writers are women/girls is a toxic combination of social stigma (”ew, fanfic is a GIRLY thing, ew, it’s all PORN, and most of it is GAY PORN”) and seeking a way to empathize with The Default.

So you have generations–literal, multiple GENERATIONS–of female authors growing up steeped in fanfic. Making our own stories from high school on, if not before. Trying to find our way to a schema of story that actually fits us.

(You also have generations of queer authors, trans authors, and gender-nonconforming authors, all going on their own journeys. My sexuality definitely influenced my attraction to fanfic, because finally, I wasn’t being judged for it.)

This means that you have, again, GENERATIONS of female authors who have gone through the most rigorous writing school in existence, going pro and starting to publish.

Yes: THE most rigorous. FIGHT ME.

Fanfic taught me pacing. Taught me dialog. Taught me scene, and structure, and what to do when a deadline attacks. Fanfic taught me to take critique, to be edited, to collaborate, to write to spec. FANFIC MADE ME.

An MFA takes three years. my path from fanfic newbie to published author took me more than a decade.

It’s not a structured school. there aren’t classes, or finals; you don’t get a degree. How fast you learn is tied to how fast you listen, and you can stop whenever you find the place that makes you happy. *Going pro* is not the brass ring for every fanfic author.


A not inconsiderable number of us started writing fanfic because we wanted to live the stories we loved, and then discovered that we loved telling stories. We wanted to do it always and forever and maybe…maybe we wanted to tell OUR OWN STORIES.

Maybe we wanted to CHANGE THE DEFAULT.

Can you imagine?

The audacity!

Graduates of a school that doesn’t cost money, with a “student body” made of mostly women, CHANGING THE DEFAULT.

Because here’s where I’m going to pivot a little, and tell you a filthy, filthy secret: men write fanfic too. They just call it “homage,” or “public domain,” or “licensed work,” and get on with their bad selves.


WICKED? Fanfic.

Every x-men comic written since Claremont stopped? Fanfic.

Your beloved HAMILTON? Real-person fanfic. Songfic, even.

When men write fanfic, there is a tendency for the media to report on it as “transformative” and “transgressive” and a “new take on a classic story.”

When women do it, the same media goes “hee hee hee she wrote about dicks.”

am I blaming the men who tell the stories? Fuck, no. But when the conversation is always framed as “HE makes LITERATURE, SHE writes TRASH,” that is the schema people seize upon. that is the narrative we live.

The Default, now, is that a man who writes fanfic is uplifting and transforming, showing us the pearl within the oyster, whereas all the wants to show us is the “pearl” in the “oyster,” in the Victorian sense.

AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THE VICTORIAN SENSE. But this is just an updated version of the “men write erotica, women write pornography” conversation that’s been going on since I was a wee small Seanan sneaking my stepdad’s playboys

Women who admit they wrote (or still write) fanfic get shit upon, over and over again, because we keep saying, and allowing the media to say, that fanfic is trash, and that by extension, we who write it are garbage people.

It gets used as a “gotcha.” I have experienced it directly, the interviewer who drops their voice, leans in conspiratorially close, and asks if the rumors that I used to write…those stories…are true.

They always look so damn shocked when I respond with a cheerful, “Oh, yeah, my agent initially contacted me because she really enjoyed my BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER Faith/Buffy porn!”

I am supposed to be ashamed of my past. I am supposed to repudiate the school where I learned to hold an audience; I am supposed to bury the bodies of all the girls who made me.

I refuse.

Fanfic is a natural human interaction with story. Children do it before they know its name. People who swear they would never do it all the time, retelling fairytales and Shakespearean dramas and family anecdotes in new lights and new settings. FANFIC WILL NEVER DIE.

We need to acknowledge that fact: we need to accept that fanfic is never going away and it would suck a sack of wasps through a funnel if it did, because we need it. We need to center old stories in new ways, to update The Default, and yeah, to see some vampire peen.

So if you know someone who wrinkles their nose at fanfic, or who would tell a former fanfic author that their original fiction is somehow worth less because of their roots, or who is just generally an impacted asshole with legs, remember:

They are wrong.

Fanfic is beautiful.

Writing fanfic teaches you important storytelling skills.

I have a funnel and access to wasps.

Thank you for coming to today’s episode of Seanan Gets Mad About Shit.

/End Transcript]

Post link


So I saw this: 

Bruce Wayne could do a lot more to fight crime in Gotham City by funding youth programs with his immense wealth instead of dressing up like a bat and dishing out vigilante justice. (just-shower-thoughts)

And thought it would be a cool to research Bruce as a philanthropist and Wayne Enterprises as a business. You know, instead of applying to jobs or cleaning. 

Basically all Bruce does all night and day is give to charity and help people. 

Читать дальше


@nobodysuspectsthebutterfly​ and I have been experimenting with the ban and this is what we know so far: 

1) If you are the OP of an incorrectly flagged post, DON’T DELETE IT! Only the OP can request an appeal. 

2) If you weren’t able to request a content appeal on your posts before the ban, you (as the OP) should be able to request an appeal now.

3) The appeal process is going VERY FAST now and it is VERY LENIENT on what is allowed. (I mean, this art on my sideblog was immediately restored, and uhhhhIdon’t recommend clicking on that if you’re at work.) I’ve requested appeals on about 5 of my posts so far, and I got the approval email for all of them in about two minutes.

4) If you have flagged posts on your blog, some of them are currently “stuck” or out of chronological order on the desktop right popout blog! But you as the owner of the blog may not be able to see this! This is how you get to the popout blog: 


On the popout blog, the blog owner / admin will see their posts normally, but your friends visiting the popout blog will see old posts from months/years ago mixed in with more recent posts ( @new-xkit-extension‘s timestamp extension is helpful here). The out of order posts have probably been flagged. (You may not be able to see the flag.) SO! 

Ask a friend to look at your desktop right popout blog for the first 10 to 20 posts. Your friend can tell you which posts are out of order or flagged for you to request a content appeal. 

5) You may have other flagged posts in addition to the “stuck” ones! This script might help you find other flagged posts on your blog, but it has known bugs and it will not find all of them. As I write this, we currently do not know of a way to find all of your flagged posts on your blog. 

6) The best thing to do right now is, if you see an incorrectly flagged post, message the OP to let them know their post was flagged and they can request a content appeal. 

7) If you’re an artist or photographer and you think your work isn’t going to be allowed on tumblr anymore, request an appeal anyway! It might be restored!(Seriously,this art on my sideblog was immediately restored, so try an appeal! It works!)

8) If a post is incorrectly flagged, but the OP has deleted their blog, we don’t know if there is a way to appeal the post. 

9) Sometimes if you reblog a post that’s flagged you’ll get a notification that it is flagged – contact the OP if so and let them know their post was flagged. 

I am writing this post at 3:50AM Eastern Standard Time on 12/17/2018. The information I have listed here may change with time.












When I was 17 my appendix ruptured because I thought I was just having period cramps and didn’t go to the hospital so don’t tell me PMS symptoms are no big deal

this actually happened to me during my math final and i didn’t think anything of it and when i was later admitted to the hospital my math prof was asking me ‘you didn’t have to take the final! why didn’t you tell me it hurt?!?!’ and i told him i’ve had cramps worse.

he gave me 100

This is actually an extremely common occurrence simply because in sex ed they don’t teach you how to tell the difference between menstrual cramps and other more serious pains. The way to tell the difference between cramps and appendicitis is that while menstrual cramps are generalized toward the middle of the stomach below the belly button, pain from a swollen or burst appendix will start in the middle of the stomach and relocate to only the lower right side, even lower than menstrual cramps, and is a very localized pain. It also comes on extremely suddenly and will worsen over time or when you make a sudden movement, like a cough or a sneeze.

Basically, if you’re feeling any sort of pain, even if it’s menstrual cramps, don’t hesitate to tell the school nurse or a parent, or if you’re out of school and home even make a doctor’s appointment. Chances are if your cramps are that bad there’s something they can do to improve that as well.

I am boosting the shit out of that reply, because I am twenty-fucking-five years old and did not know how to tell the two pains apart

Adding another diagnostic tool! This is something we use in the ER called the rebound test. Basically, appendicitis and cramps react differently to certain things. If you’re still not sure if you have cramps or appendicitis, take two fingers and press them into your abdomen where the pain is (try repeating this on the lower right quadrant of the abdomen just to be sure.)

When you press in firmly, it will probably hurt. Here’s the test: LET GO. Does it get better or get worse? Appendicitis will immediately hurt worse when you let go. Cramps will not. Go to the ER if the rebound test makes it worse!


My husband got sent home from the ER with a rupturing appendix. When he came back and was rushed into surgery, the surgeon was super angry – “Why didn’t anyone do the rebound test?!”

All great info, but there is another lesson to be learned here: if you’re in major pain, it’s probably important - so don’t let anyone tell you it’s not. There is a documented pattern of women who go to the ER with complaints of pain being dismissed as overreacting…when in reality women have an incredibly high tolerance for pain, to the point that some don’t even realize exactly how serious their condition is. These stories only serve to illustrate this point.

Reblog to literally save a life.

Every time I see this..

^the women have a high pain tolerance thing…my orthopedic surgeon, the first day I met him laid me down and messed with my shoulder. At this point I had been told by doctors and another orthopedic surgeon I was overreacting and making my pain up…for months. There were days I missed class because I couldn’t get dressed. Anyways, he laid me down and messed with my shoulder. When he was done he helped me sit up, and went and sat down across the room from me. He looked me dead in the eye and said “I just dislocated your shoulder, put it back in, and you didn’t flinch. You needed surgery four months ago.” He was pissed. Seriously, don’t take major pains lightly, in the abdomen or otherwise.

Holy shit. Reblog to save a life.


If you are in the El Paso Area and can donate blood you can donate at the following locations tomorrow, August 4th, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Vitalant’s East Side Donor Center at 1338 N. Zaragoza Road

Vitalant’s West Side Donor Center at 424 S. Mesa Hills Drive


Can’t squirt? Can’t fuck for hours? Worry that you’re not up to pounding someone ‘til their brain turns to mush? Can’t orgasm easily? Like the idea of dirty stuff but always end up doing vanilla? Inexperienced? Worried about the way your body looks when you’re contorted during sex? Feel like you’re bad at getting a rhythm when you’re on top? Worried your dick isn’t big enough? Worried your pussy isn’t pretty enough? Not wet enough? Too wet? Are you nervous because everyone else seems to be amazing at deep-throating and you might gag? Haven’t been with someone that isn’t a different gender to you, but you feel bi/pan? Worried you can’t fuck someone again immediately after cumming?

Don’t stress yourself. All these feelings are normal. In fact, they’re typical. I’d say these anxieties are more common than they are rare.

A lot of people talk in such a way (especially on Tumblr) where they’re not clear that they’re talking about their fantasies, rather than real and lived experiences.

They’re not showing off to you. You’re not bad at sex because you feel worried about things or haven’t had the courage to try them or suggest them. They’re just saying “I like the idea of this thing”.

I’ve had a lot of experience. I’ve been in long term relationships. I’ve been promiscuous. Largely speaking, I’m very confident about my sexuality and my sexual prowess. However, the anxieties we have about sex are always there - I’ve just learned to manage them a little better.

The pressure to perform is a lot. The pressure to know everything and be up for everything is real. A lot of sexual fantasies don’t translate into real life at all, but it’s fun to fuck around and try. A two second gif of someone getting railed isn’t someone getting railed for 3 hours - their hips and knees would give out first - it’s all smoke and mirrors.

A three second quickie where you both laugh at the end is always better than some overly dramatic roleplay, trust me.

Just remember that everyone is in the same situation, it’s just not very cool to say it out loud. I’m saying it out loud because I don’t care if someone thinks I’m uncool because of it.

You’re more beautiful than you think. You’re better at sex than you think. You’re allowed to learn on the job too.

You’re doing great, honestly.

It’s my birthday. Happy birthday to me~


The difference between making blanket statements about male or white or cis or straight or rich people and making ones about women or LGBTQ people or people of color or the poor is that marginalized groups use generalizations to identify their oppressors as a form of self protection. And this is different from privileged groups who use generalizations to further oppress the marginalized, to making statements that allow for their further dehumanization and vilification.  Cultural context is ESSENTIAL. People with any of these privileges who want to be allies need to understand this basic theory because otherwise we are held back by our own egos and inability to see what role we play in that oppression.




Populations have been on rapid declines to due illegal Gillnetting!


Here’s where you can donate!!!!!



i’m launching my campaign to destroy anime 

tangentially related



Helping shovel snow.

he really just scooped that man


10 Of The Funniest Cats Caught On Camera








The SSI Restoration Act of 2021 is currently proposed to congress. SSI is a type of disability payment for disabled Americans. The bill will increase the SSI payment to the poverty level (right now the maximum payment is 9528$ a year). It will allow disabled people on SSI to marry and not lose their income. It will increase the asset and income caps for SSI among other improvements.

Friends and I made a website that has all of this info plus a REALLY easy way to send an email to your state reps. If you click the link below and click send email, you can send a letter of support for the SSI Restoration Act to your state reps. It’s already written and takes only a few minutes. Seriously it is ridiculously easy. These emails have more pull to reps than resistbot so please fill out if you can!

We also have a Facebook page called “Campaign to Fix SSI” that has this information and regular updates. Here’s the link for that.

Please do this and boost! It could change the lives of millions of disabled Americans.

This got a big boost in reblogs/likes the last day or two. We are up to over 500 letters sent! Please keep boosting and if you are in the US and able to, actually do the letter campaign. We got 3 new cosponsors on the bill this week alone and will only get more if you contact your representatives.

We are up to 900 signatures! The post is losing a bit of traction that it’s had the last week (which has been amazing) so please keep boosting and send those letters! (and call your members of congress if you are able to. That holds the greatest weight but I understand it’s challenging for many)

@heyatleastitsnotcancer is this still active for 2022? The link and website say 2021 so I wanna make sure this is still an ongoing thing? Also, are there any updates?

Yes it’s still active. I literally have a new letter campaign to share today (once I have time to write it). It’s active till 2023

Hey if you’re reblogging this post please see the pinned post on my blog! Or the link below. There is an update and a new letter campaign! It’s better to send letters either with both campaigns or the new one if possible. We have until 2023 to get this passed! (this comment is 3/20/22)

This was SO EASY

Click the link. Do the thing.


jung-koook: 2021 seasons greetings bts jung-koook: 2021 seasons greetings bts jung-koook: 2021 seasons greetings bts jung-koook: 2021 seasons greetings bts jung-koook: 2021 seasons greetings bts jung-koook: 2021 seasons greetings bts


2021 seasons greetings bts

Post link


Donate if you can please. I’m being charged with assault and battery for punching my racist neighbor for spitting on me during a pandemic. I need to pay for lawyer fees and to move out of my racist town.

If you don’t want to donate through gofundme then you can cashapp me $Muvatokyo

If you can’t donate, please reblog when you see this. I’m desperate. Thank you!




Please share!! By survivors for survivors is the MOST valid and best type of resource for anything sexual assault/abuse/trauma related.


