

These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!

-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 37% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

Word probabilities: 50/49 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 10/89 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 45/54 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Wed Jan 6 18:01:04 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
things (Trump, 4.6:1), happen (Trump, 5.2:1), landslide (Trump, 1.4:1), election (Trump, 6.6:1), victory (Trump, 4.2:1), & (Other, 2.3:1), away (Other, 1.3:1), great (Trump, 1.4:1), badly (Trump, 13.6:1), unfairly (Trump, 1.4:1), treated (Trump, 2.5:1), long (Trump, 1.7:1), go (Trump, 1.8:1), remember (Other, 1.7:1), day (Trump, 1.4:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anticipation’: 5, 'fear’: 2, 'negative’: 3, 'sadness’: 3, 'joy’: 3, 'positive’: 3, 'trust’: 2, 'anger’: 1, 'disgust’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 8.8

Washington is being inundated with people who don’t want to see an election victory stolen by emboldened Radical Left Democrats. Our Country has had enough, they won’t take it anymore! We hear you (and love you) from the Oval Office. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 46% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

This is tweet number 2025 mentioning the Democrats from @realdonaldtrump – 1864 since inauguration.
This is tweet number 929 mentioning ‘Make America Great Again’ from @realdonaldtrump – 589 since inauguration.

Word probabilities: 53/46 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 0/99 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 67/32 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Tue Jan 5 17:05:56 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
people (Trump, 2.6:1), want (Trump, 3.2:1), election (Trump, 6.6:1), victory (Trump, 4.2:1), left (Trump, 2.5:1), democrats (Trump, 4.0:1), country (Trump, 2.1:1), enough (Other, 1.2:1), take (Trump, 2.0:1), anymore (Trump, 1.8:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1), hear (Other, 1.2:1), ( (Trump, 9.7:1), ) (Trump, 9.9:1), office (Other, 1.3:1), make (Other, 1.3:1), america (Other, 1.5:1), great (Trump, 1.4:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{'anticipation’: 1, 'joy’: 2, 'positive’: 2, 'trust’: 1, 'anger’: 1, 'negative’: 1}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 5.2

torontocowsave: Says Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness: “The owners and association that run torontocowsave: Says Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness: “The owners and association that run torontocowsave: Says Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness: “The owners and association that run torontocowsave: Says Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness: “The owners and association that run torontocowsave: Says Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness: “The owners and association that run torontocowsave: Says Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness: “The owners and association that run torontocowsave: Says Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness: “The owners and association that run torontocowsave: Says Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness: “The owners and association that run


Says Marc Ching from Animal Hope and Wellness:

“The owners and association that run one of the largest and oldest dog meat markets in South Korea, agree to close their slaughterhouses.

Not just the dog meat slaughterhouses, but all of them. The chicken slaughterhouses. The duck slaughterhouses. The rabbit slaughterhouses.

They told me that many local activists and international groups have lobbied and petitioned, asking for the same thing. They told me that when they come, all they do is argue and fight with them.

He said, “This is the first time ever, that someone has come asking how we can work together.”

He said, “You should feel lucky, because today is historic.”

Our first victory…

(Deeply rooted in tradition, Gupo Meat Market has been slaughtering animals for over a century.

Today marks the first time in history that they have agreed to make a change, accepting to work with our foundation.

While the process of emptying the cages still needs to be presented to the government, the hard part is over. Getting the dog meat traders themselves, to want to become something else.

This victory - let it be for the animals.)” 

This post was taken from the Animal Hope and Wellness Facebook page where a short, yet beautiful video of a little dog being rescued from a slaughterhouse+farm which is currently being destroyed can be found. His name is Ari and he is one of 47 that were rescued yesterday. Thanks to this instrumental leap forward of the closing of this large slaughterhouse-chain, so many more Aris will be saved from their suffering.

While far from being the “first victory” for Animal Hope and Wellness on behalf of the animals (they have already saved the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, by dismantling individual slaughterhouses/farms and direct rescues), it is certainly one of the most monumental. And not just for the animals who are being fought for and represented by Marc Ching and Animal Hope and Wellness, but for all animals and the entire animal rights movement!! In addition to those that will be rescued, re-homed, and given a new chance at life, this victory also means that a vast number of chickens, ducks, dogs, and rabbits will now be spared from ever having to experience such sadness and pain.

Endless gratitude to Marc Ching, those who work with him, those who support him, and the “business” owners who are finally letting their true compassion shine!!

*All pictures belong to Animal Hope and Wellness and/or Marc Ching with the exception of the two pictures depicting the beautiful moment when Toronto Chicken Save, with the critical aid of Marc, rescued four chickens.

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brainwad: identicaltwinhalfbrother:choachie150:spectrometon:krustybunny:acciowine:justroll











so is Victory


Don’t forget Truth (Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind)

This must be why the Trump administration hates them all 

The Four Horsewomen of the Trumpocalypse.

I’ve never reblogged anything so quick

The Ultimate Squad, comin’ to wreck your shit and save the world

Rb for that art doe

Dignity here to join the girl posse.


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a hijabican overcome. #FREE #SYRiA Pray for your brothers and sisters. May Allah give the oppressed

ahijabican overcome. #FREE #SYRiA Pray for your brothers and sisters. May Allah give the oppressed victory over their oppressors.

Source: http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2013/04/syria-in-ruins/100488/

Post link
Hay que perder para ganar…Esta tarde me dedique a escribir este texto que en lo personal me pHay que perder para ganar…Esta tarde me dedique a escribir este texto que en lo personal me pHay que perder para ganar…Esta tarde me dedique a escribir este texto que en lo personal me pHay que perder para ganar…Esta tarde me dedique a escribir este texto que en lo personal me pHay que perder para ganar…Esta tarde me dedique a escribir este texto que en lo personal me p

Hay que perder para ganar…

Esta tarde me dedique a escribir este texto que en lo personal me parecio muy padre como quedo, no se ustedes, a veces se me da por pensar cada cosa y sobre eso escribir cosas y dice asi… 

Hay que perder, soltar aquello que no nos hace bien, aunque sea algo por lo que luchamos y creímos tiempo atrás. No se puede estar todo el tiempo hablando de los sufrimientos e injusticias que vivimos, tenemos que estar dispuestos a soltar, dejar atrás… perder para ganar.

Claro que vas a sufrir, vas a llorar, pero ¿qué vale más? Supondrá un tiempo en silencio, haciendo una limpieza interior para poder salir a la luz, para poder darle a la vida otra oportunidad y tratar de vivir en forma tranquila.
Por miedo a la soledad acabamos aferrándonos a los recuerdos, a lo que hemos ganado y a lo que llevamos tiempo guardando. Todo en la vida cuesta esfuerzo, por eso cuesta soltar y perder. Pero nada en esta vida nos pertenece, ni siquiera nuestra propia vida, todo es prestado, nada es eterno… por eso te invito a hacer esta reflexión: muchas veces debemos perder para levantarnos y ganar de nuevo.

Recuerden cómo era su vida antes que llegasen tantos problemas y el sufrimiento se anidase en sus corazones. ¿Dónde quedó esa persona que eras antes, con sueños de éxito y proyectos realizados? ¿Dónde está esa persona luchadora que más de alguna vez fue modelo a seguir para otras personas? ¿Qué fue de aquella persona con propósito y visión que una vez fuiste?

Vuelve a creer en ti…

Post link
digibash: Star Saber (Armada Colors)Remember, if a v-tuber tells you not to reunite the three Mini-C

digibash: Star Saber (Armada Colors)

Remember, if a v-tuber tells you not to reunite the three Mini-Cons that form a one of the deadliest weapons, do not listen!

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digibash: Star Saber (Limited Black Version)Pleased to present the first digibash from the Japanese

digibash: Star Saber (Limited Black Version)

Pleased to present the first digibash from the Japanese canon of Transformers. 

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I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbeliefI

I raise a hallelujah, in the presence of my enemies 

I raise a hallelujah, louder than the unbelief

I raise a hallelujah, my weapon is a melody

I raise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me


I’m gonna sing, in the middle of the storm

Louder and louder, you’re gonna hear my praises roar

Up from the ashes, hope will arise

Death is defeated, the King is alive


I raise a hallelujah, with everything inside of me

I raise a hallelujah, I will watch the darkness flee

I raise a hallelujah, in the middle of the mystery

I raise a hallelujah, fear you lost your hold on me


Sing a little louder

In the presence of my enemies

Sing a little louder

Louder than the unbelief

Sing a little louder

My weapon is a melody

Sing a little louder

Heaven comes to fight for me

I raise a hallelujah

Post link
How many of our followers are LoL players? I’ve just started out but i’m hooked on ARAM, This happen

How many of our followers are LoL players?

I’ve just started out but i’m hooked on ARAM, This happened the other day while myself and T were playing and I feel we gotta share it!

As usual I hope you are all doing well :D Have you any funny LoL stories? I’d love to hear them :D

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Almost done with the first series in the goddess portraiture series, Might and the Maiden.

Almost done with the first series in the goddess portraiture series, Might and the Maiden.

Post link
Almost finished with Nike for the Might And The Maiden show.  If you’re in L.A. on Just 7th, s

Almost finished with Nike for the Might And The Maiden show.  If you’re in L.A. on Just 7th, stop by the Hive Gallery check these out.

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pcllasathena:myth moodboard: N I K E requested by anon Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victorypcllasathena:myth moodboard: N I K E requested by anon Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victorypcllasathena:myth moodboard: N I K E requested by anon Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victorypcllasathena:myth moodboard: N I K E requested by anon Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victorypcllasathena:myth moodboard: N I K E requested by anon Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victorypcllasathena:myth moodboard: N I K E requested by anon Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victorypcllasathena:myth moodboard: N I K E requested by anon Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victorypcllasathena:myth moodboard: N I K E requested by anon Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victorypcllasathena:myth moodboard: N I K E requested by anon Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victory


myth moodboard:N I K E

requested by anon

Nike is the winged Greek goddess of victory, strength, and speed. She was always shown holding laurels and in her right hand, a palm branch, as well as wearing gold. The palm branch she carried symbolized peace, and the laurels were shown so that she could crown the victor. She often carried a cup as well, to drink out of for victory toasts. Nike was pictured wearing wings when she was alone, but not when pictured with other gods. To the Romans, Nike was known as Victoria.

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JUDGE ORDERS DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE TO SHUT DOWN Victory: Unprecedented victory for Standing Rock Si

Victory: Unprecedented victory for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe after four-year legal battle. Good news, finally! #victory #standingrocksioux #pipeline #dakotaaccesspipeline #dakotaaccessprotest #fucktrump

Post link

I’ve been doing physical therapy off and on since I was around 16 or 17, it was actually my first stop for trying to fix my messed up body. I had the same therapist the entire time, so she was with me throughout the entire ordeal of going from having painful legs to not being able to walk to standing for the first time in 4 months. I was actually at physical therapy, with her, when I stood up and we were both pretty excited. Heck, I knew almost all of the therapists and joked around with them, being a teen without an injury and always wearing crazy socks made me stand out a bit, and we were friendly to the point that they saved me a cupcake that someone brought in for all of the staff. We’re buds and, even though it was a really rough time in my life, having such a fun and welcoming atmosphere really helped me stay positive and work hard to keep my body as strong as possible.

But enough about the past, yesterday I went back. The last time my therapist saw me I was using my wheelchair regularly, had seizures all the time and was just in bad shape due to fighting Lyme with the Lyme specialist. Oh man, that was hell. 
So seeing me walk around was a welcome surprise for her and hearing about how well I was doing was very exciting. The best part though was my strength test. For people who haven’t done physical therapy, the first day is spent figuring out what your strengths and weaknesses are so that you know what to focus on and going over what the doctor wants you to focus on. My doctor kind of gave us a “do what you think is best” prescription because I told him about my history at PT. With that in mind my therapist and I decided that we should focus on my legs first seeing as I want to get out of my chair completely. 

So it was time to test the strength of my legs and I am a freaking beast! I had to pull and push with her pushing and pulling against me and she made me stop because I was dragging her on the ground. We were both pretty surprised and excited. Turns out my glutes need work, when she found that out she said “finally we found some weakness!” because my legs are so friggin strong. Hard work pays off kids.
I have some homework to do until I see her again next week and then we’re going to go hard in the gym again, something which I’ve missed and I’m really looking forward to it.

But my legs are strong guys! Really reallystrong! Take that lyme disease! 
