

“today’s korean”

hey yall~~

i’m planning on starting kind of a serie of posts with no specific subjects ; i’ll just be discussing random things i discover or learn such as words, expressions, grammar points etc.. when i feel like i have stuff to share with u and that could be useful!hope you’ll like it!^^

korean learning chat

hello everyone! i had some trouble w my kkt account so it removed me from the korean learning chat i created. i created a new one so please join this one instead of the old one ^^ thanks! https://open.kakao.com/o/g2oSB5Y


Weekly Verb

달리다 - To run


달렸어요 - Past

달려요 - Present

달리고 있어요 - Present progressive

달릴 거예요 - Future


как жаль - what a pity
ехидно - (adv) maliciously; mockingly, sarcastically
любопытный - (adj) curious, inquisitive; interesting
кстати - (adv.) by the way; to the point; as a matter of fact; apropos
посочувствовать - to sympathize (with)
сказанное - (n, decline as adj.) what has been said

New Words/Hовые Cлова

наиболее - (adv) the most, above all, most of all
ляп - (n) flub, slip-up
болтать - (v) (colloq.) to blabble, talk needlessly or endlessly; (colloq.) to converse; to dangle; to shake, rock, stir
толк - (n) sense, judgement; talk, rumor

The -овать suffix can be used to turn nouns into verbs, e.g. штраф (fine, penalty) becomes штрафовать (to fine).  When conjugating, drop the -овать in the present tense. For example, ревновать (to be jealous) becomes я ревную, ты ревнуешь, etc.


чувствовать - (v) to feel
торговать - (v) to trade
жаловаться/пожаловаться - (v) to complain
иронизировать - (v) to speak ironically
переставать/перестать - (v) to stop, cease, quit
голосовать/проголосовать - (v) to vote; to give voice

New Words/Hовые Cлова

использовать - (v) to use
доставать/достать - (v) to reach, to be able to reach; to take out; get, procure, obtain
требовать/потребовать - (v) to demand, request; to need, call for
рисовать/нарисовать - (v) to draw, design; to paint

or, I had this list of words I couldn’t categorize easily


который - (pronoun) which, who, that
некоторый - (adj) some, certain
каждый - (adj) each, every
никто - (pronoun) nobody
любой - (determiner) any, either, whichever one wants
сам - (pronoun) myself, yourself

New Words/Hовые Cлова

там - (adv) there
тут - (adv) here, now, then
ничто - (pronoun) nothing
несколько - (pronoun) a few, several, some; (adv) somewhat, slightly, some

A quick refresher of basic formal kimono anatomy and undergarments– just like human anatomy th

A quick refresher of basic formal kimono anatomy and undergarments– just like human anatomy there are many more detailed bits!

Post link
  • 起きる【おきる】 to wake up
  • 寝る【ねる】 to sleep
  • 始める【はじめる】 to begin
  • 終わる【おわる】 to stop
  • 開く【あく】 to open
  • 閉まる【しまる】 to close
  • 休む【やすむ】 to rest
  • 遊ぶ【あそぶ】 to play
  • 読む【よむ】 to read
  • 書く【かく】 to write
  • 聞く【きく】 to listen
  • 見る【みる】 to see
  • 作る【つくる】 to make
  • する to do

  • 仕事をする【しごとをする】 to work
  • 勉強をする【べんきょうをする】 to study
  • 勉強する【べんきょうする】 to study
  • 買い物をする【かいものをする】 to shop
  • 運動 をする【うんどうをする】 to exercise
  • スポーツをする  to exercise
  • 洗濯をする【せんたくをする】 to do the laundry
  • 掃除をする【そうじをする】 to clean
  • 散歩をする【さんぽをする】 to take a walk
  • お風呂に入る【おふろにはいる】 to take a bath
  • シャワーに入る【シャワーにはいる】 to take a shower
  • シャワーを浴びる【シャワーをあびる】 to take a shower
  • お風呂を出る【おふろをでる】 to get out of the bath
  • バスに乗る【バスにのる】 to get on the bus
  • バスに降りる【バスにおりる】 to get off the bus
  • 授業 を休む【じゅぎょうをやすむ】 to take a break / be absent from class
  • 仕事を休む【しごとをやすむ】 to take a break / be absent from work
  • 何時も【いつも】 usually, regularly (usually written in kana only)
  • 大抵【たいてい】 ordinarily, most of the time (usually written in kana only)
  • 良く【よく】 often (usually written in kana only)
  • 時々【ときどき】 sometimes
  • 偶に【たまに】 rarely (usually written in kana only)
  • 滅多に【めったに】 seldom (+negative verb)
  • 全然【ぜんぜん】 never (+negative verb)
  • 毎日【まいにち】 every day
  • 毎朝【まいあさ】 every morning
  • 毎晩【まいばん】 every night
  • 毎週【まいしゅう】 every week
  • ~回【~かい】 ~times
  • 一週間一回【いっしゅうかんいっかい】 once a week
  • 二週間一回【にしゅうかんいっかい】 once every two weeks
  • 毎週火曜日【まいしゅうかようび】 every Tuesday
  • 月曜日【げつようび】Monday
  • 火曜日【かようび】 Tuesday
  • 水曜日【すいようび】 Wednesday
  • 木曜日【もくようび】 Thursday
  • 金曜日【きんようび】 Friday
  • 土曜日【どようび】 Saturday
  • 日曜日【にちようび】 Sunday
  • 土日【どにち】 weekend
  • 週末【しゅうまつ】 weekend
  • 週日【しゅうじつ】 weekday

Yumetake 湯雨竹

Bamboo cooling system to cool hot spring.

No adding water to cool the boiling spring water, so you can enjoy soaking in the pure hot spring. It is called “Gensen-kakenagashi”.

500yen for 30minutes, Private

This is heaven ♨️

Yamada-bessou, Beppu



これが 「源泉掛け流し」


30分500円 貸切

山田別荘 別府





some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.

I couldn’t remember the word “doorknob” ten minutes ago.

ok but the onelook thesaurus will save your life, i literally could not live without this website


These are listed in the order in which they appear in the song.
