

Being the “Black Sheep” in the family, this reminds me so much of my family. I’ve been dealing with colorism in my family for some time. Why is that?! I wish I knew the answer. What I do know is that even though they talk hella shit about me, they secretly want my life. How is it that you can bully me, criticize me, body shame and bash me, yet get upset when I choose not to spend time with you?! Please tell me, how does that make any sense!? Our families, I’ve learned that they can be our first bullies in our lives. And when you point it out to them, to them it is “tough love”. That’s not tough love. Let’s be real about what it truly is! It is manipulation, narcissism, jealousy, insecurity and straight out hate that people project onto you because they aren’t happy. I’ve been reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The second agreement is to not take things personally because the person who is doing all the negative things is projecting their true feelings towards you. I let what someone says go into one ear and out the other a lot. I refuse to get myself hurt because of others actions, words and energy. Their pain has nothing to do with me. I love my family but I can admit I don’t like a lot of them. I set healthy and safe boundaries to protect myself. I don’t know who this may resonate with. I hope you know that you are great the way you are. Just because your family may treat you in a certain manner, doesn’t mean you are suppose to be ok with it. Set boundaries and if that me separating yourself for a while, then please do so! Please know that You Matter! Keep fighting!

Ana ♿

My life feels very heavy as we speak. I just went through a hyper mania episode about a week ago. I now feel the blows of depression and anxiety hit me now. I feel horrible once I realize what I have done during the time of being in the hyper mania state. With my health constantly changing, it totally can affect the brain and mental health. I’m still having issues with my feeding tube, which is beyond my control. I wanna control everything. It isn’t place to do so. I know it is dark right now, but I hope to start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel really soon. Keep fighting!

Ana ♿

I feel so alone when it comes to having EDS. I miss my old life so much. I truly want to be happy again. I’m working hard to figure out what makes me happy as well as how to be happy again. It is a feeling that is foreign to me right now. I honestly can’t recall the last time I have felt truly and pure happiness! I wonder will I ever get that feeling again… The not so great days, fucks with my mental health a lot. My body is doing things that are beyond my control. I just wish for one day of no pain and just a day of pure bliss… I long for it actually. Chasing a feeling that I would do whatever to feel again… Hopefully one day, happiness will find me again. Keep fighting!

Ana ♿

I so resonate with this mantra right now! I’ve been cutting some cords for some time. I know that by doing so, is my form of healing from the past and those past influences in my life. I never regret, yet I never forget the lessons I’ve learned from that time in my life! So I release everything and everyone who doesn’t deserve me nor my energy.

Ana ♿

Everyday is Valentine’s Day! I honor, love and respect this beautiful body I’m in. Self love Valentine’s are the best! I love me some me

Keep Fighting!

Ana ♿

Self confidence is most definitely the best outfit you can ever wear! I love this beautiful body I was given, and even though there are a few disabilities and flaws; it doesn’t stop me from loving myself.

This is part one of a series of self love as a disable woman which will grow into a complete series of sex and love despite chronic illness and diseases. I will share how you can stay be intimate no matter disability or apparatuses you may for mobility to having a feeding tube like me. I hope you enjoy! I’m having fun creating this series! Keep fighting!

Ana ♿

I may look like I’m adjusting well to this #tubielife but I’m struggling. I’m struggling with actually understanding how I can’t eat like normal anymore. It has been a sad few days for me because of it. I live in a Caribbean family household and to smell the foods I love so much have been really triggering. I know just trying a little bit would cause dysphagia and who wants to choke on their favorite food?! Not me. I definitely don’t miss the vomiting either. Yet it is a grieving process. My wardrobe is changing because my stoma doesn’t like to be covered and hidden. It gets very slimy and icky wearing a long tshirt over it. Crop tops have the saving grace for me yet I was a little embarrassed about showing my tube. But it is what’s keeping me alive so why hide it?! Why hide being me and comfortable in my own skin because I have a feeding tube. I had to remind myself that having one doesn’t define me nor should change how I feel about myself physically. I’m learning to love my body even through the changes. These changes have been very drastic, yet again it is what’s keeping me alive. I bought some new crop tops a couple of weeks ago. I took these photos a few days ago and I am being to transparent right now, I was nervous to post them. I felt like people would judge me and then I realized I was judging myself by thinking and allow what others may feel and or say. So I’m learning to celebrate this beautiful shell that is constant changing and evolving every day! Learning to love the skin you are in isn’t easy as a person with multiple disabilities, so I take it day by day and moment by moment. I’m proud of where I am right now and I know the more baby steps I make, the more rewarding it will be! Keep fighting!


I know I have been MIA lately. I’ve been having a lot of health challenges. Not only do I have EDS but I also have gastroparesis. My battle with gastroparesis has been very hard. I was in the hospital for a week and surgery to have a pegj/gj tube placement. I was vomiting so much, I was even vomiting water. It was really bad. It became life or death for me. I’ve been home a week now and my recovery has been very well! Do I miss food?! Not really because I don’t want to have to vomit all day and all night. I have a great imagination so it helps me get through this! As you see at the top that I make my own menus in my head of what I maybe craving. It is fun and keeps me positive about my new journey. I’m grateful for life and to still be here with my family! So that’s my update! I definitely will be back to writing more blogs here! It is so therapeutic and freeing. Stay safe, wear your masks and please social distance! Keep fighting!!

Ana ❤

day 465 : i this beautiful thing. . it makes the world easier for me to navigate. when i’m in

day 465 : i this beautiful thing.
it makes the world easier for me to navigate. when i’m in it, i feel confident, capable, comfortable. emphasis on that last one.
it gives me lovely wheelchair radius with people, unfortunately leads to more pity-smiles than one should ever have to endure, helps me not be self-conscious when i use the accessible stall, and come onnnn i always have a drink at my fingertips. #paralysisperks
this past weekend i was a bridesmaid at a friend’s wedding that was held on the beach. IN THE SAND.
the ramp to get down to the beach was terrifying af, the sand was soft & plushy south florida sand, and i didn’t see where the chair had been set for me, so i stood for the entire ceremony as well as pictures afterwards….i’m pretty sure i’m not recovered yet.
post-wedding update : only fell once (RIP my tricep), and managed to dance. a lot. fast (kinda).


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day 447 : let me tell you about how joltingly honored i am to have been included in this first-ever

day 447 : let me tell you about how joltingly honored i am to have been included in this first-ever women’s empowerment and powerlifting event benefitting an organization near and dear to my heart, @smartfitgirls.
feeling the boom of #intersectionalfeminism and meeting some of the most powerful, badass, and confident women i have ever encountered has been beyond humbling.
i’ve been sick with worry the past few months thinking, how am i supposed to get in front of people and talk about this injury and my life. i’m in a dark place, paralysis is heavy, and what do i currently have to offer to help anyone.
but, as i’ve made #vulnerability my commitment, i went up there, spoke my truth, and didn’t fall on the stage
my soul is bursting with magic at seeing how amazing this event was and how impactful coming together to truly support one another can be.
@chrissy_chard and @smartfitgirls, thank you for letting me be a part of this revolution, and let this be my insta-official notice that i WILL be powerlifting at this event next year. even if i can only crush the 15-pound bar!
to every person i’ve met this weekend - i am grateful to know you and have heard your story. thanks for sharing your good juju with me.

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If you train hard winning is easy✨

#repost from @kunaljethanandani || Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! ✨

#wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #iamadaptive #wheelchairlife #adaptivesports #wheelchairsports #cricket #practicemakesperfect #persistance #focus #adaptivecricket #wheelchaircricket #destroyingstereotypes #adaptivelifestyle #abilitynotdisability #nolimits #liveyourlife #wheelchairguy #amazingpeople #keeppushing #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup


Hey guys sorry for the lack of posts lately! We hope you all are staying safe and keeping your sanit

Hey guys sorry for the lack of posts lately! We hope you all are staying safe and keeping your sanity during these strange and difficult times! With everything thats been going on its been hard to film but we’re back! In this video Brad comes back home from the hospital and catch a glimpse into how we’re holding up during quarantine. Click the link in our bio to watch! ⇧ Be sure to drop a like, share, comment & subscribe for more videos!

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Edited by @iamoppo || #noplacelikehome #backfromthehospital #quadproblems #wheelchairproblems #interabledcouple #interabledlove #wheelchaircommunity #scaryexperience #disabilityawareness #wheelchairlife #hospitalvisit #notcovid #bladderproblems #interabledfamily #quarantineandchill #sci #tetraplegic #quadriplegic #quarantinelife #spinalcordinjury #quarantinevlog #positiveenergy #lovegoesalongway #staysafe #stayathome #inthistogether #maskon #nevergiveup
(at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

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Adventure awaits✨ • • Scroll ⇦ • “Exploring the amazing Italian culture ” - @laprii • •

Adventure awaits✨

• Scroll ⇦

“Exploring the amazing Italian culture ” - @laprii

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Show em the ropes!✨

“A determinação de sempre, pq desistir é pros fracos, nos somos fortes!!!” - @jailtonhito

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The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are✨


▪️Каждый из нас наделён ценными ресурсами, чтобы быть счастливым. Каждый из нас имеет огромный потенциал для успеха!

▪️Ждать, что счастье вот вот наступит, что цель будет достигнута, но при этом сомневаться в себе, в своих силах - это путь в никуда. Очень важно жить в гармонии с собой, и понимать, что не всё приходит сразу: чтобы что - то получить, нужно научиться отдавать!

▪️Я не хочу мусолить тему о себе в данном видео, но расскажу вкратце: я получила жесткое испытание от жизни, которое заставило моё сознание перевернуться на 360• У меня были все стадии эмоционального потрясения после дтп: отрицание, гнев, торг, депрессия, а затем принятие.

▪️Здесь перед мной встал выбор: жить в вечной меланхолии, потерянности, закрыться в коконе, обижаться на всех вокруг или сделать ВСЁ, чтобы вытащить себя из состояния плачущей амёбы. Я выбрала второй вариант, не сразу, но осознание последствий моего уныния пришло со временем. Теперь я знаю, что могу и чего хочу в этой жизни!

▪️В сложных и стрессовых ситуациях, когда сил вроде бы уже нет, очень важно видеть разницу между тем, что произошло, и тем, что происходит внутри нас! Непринятие себя самого - это бОльшая степень непринятия всего вокруг.

▪️Мы не идеальны, мир не идеален, но каждый из нас способен сделать нечто большее, лучшее, стать эффективнее, вдохновлять, в первую очередь самого себя своими поступками и воодушевлять своё окружение!

Консультация со мной поможет Вам определить ваши сильные стороны, которые способны исправить слабые, ваше предназначение, миссию в жизни (см. актуальное «услуги», переходите по ссылке в шапке профиля, читайте информацию♥️).” - @numerolog_khegay

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Keep on shining✨

“Let’s wash the car All the video on YouTube https://youtu.be/ouTFjNWVELo” - @amrcz

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Experience only makes it look easy✨

“Transferring is one of the first things I learned in rehab. I used to rely on a sliding board, a solid board placed between two surface that allows a person to slide across and transfer. Now, I have the strength to make the transfer from a lower elevation to my chair and vice versa. "The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you’ve come.” P.S. I will be posting more about this INSANE handcycle in a later post so be on the lookout for that!" - @annasarol

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The habit of persistence is the habit of victory✨

“Volere è potere ” - @toto_abba

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Skill comes from consistent and deliberate practice✨

“BOM DIAAA!!! ☀️ Pós 1 hora e meia treinando circuito, a endorfina lá em cima, aí bateu a saudade e não teve jeito!! ” - @gabrielaoliveiraoficial

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Be like the bouncy ball. Don’t give up on yourself, no matter how much you’ve been hit by a hard state. As the time passes, you’ll surely bounce higher than ever✨

Sent by @t_wes44 || Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! ✨

#wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #iamadaptive #wheelchairlife #scirecovery #bounceback #soccertherapy #goals #staystrong #adaptiveworkout #balance #pt #physicaltherapy #destroyingstereotypes #adaptivelifestyle #abilitynotdisability #nolimits #liveyourlife #wheelchairguy #amazingpeople #keeppushing #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup


Keep pushing and remember why you started!✨

Sent by @mouzonetraining || Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! ✨

#wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #iamadaptive #wheelchairlife #wheelchairsports #adaptivefitness #personaltrainer #wheelchairfitness #staystrong #adaptiveworkout #wheelchairworkout #rollmodel #wheelchairability #destroyingstereotypes #adaptivelifestyle #abilitynotdisability #nolimits #liveyourlife #wheelchairgirl #amazingpeople #keeppushing #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup


Everyone has a chance to learn, improve, and build up their skills✨

“Aunque la temporada está prácticamente perdida…hay que entretenerse un poquito y mantener el toque lo que se pueda!!” - @varovarez

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Never stop believing in yourself✨

#repost from @valensalloum || Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! ✨

#wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #iamadaptive #wheelchairlife #wheelchairstrong #wheelchairworkout #wheelchairfitness #workoutmotivation #staystrong #rollmodel #adaptivefitness #wheelchairability #destroyingstereotypes #adaptivelifestyle #abilitynotdisability #nolimits #liveyourlife #wheelchairgirl #amazingpeople #keeppushing #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup


Look back at where you came from and let yourself feel proud about your progress✨

“A step that I had walked over thousands of times before without even noticing it was there, all of a sudden became a huge obstacle and challenge when I first came home, here’s how I manage it now! ‍” - @craigdennis

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Ski you later!✨

“Looking forward to the next opportunity to ski!!! ” - @lorrainetruong

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It doesn’t get easier… You get stronger✨

#repost from @zahi9d || Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! ✨

#wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #iamadaptive #wheelchairlife #wheelchairworkout #wheelchairstrong #wheelchairability #wheelchairworkout #strengthening #wheelchairstyle #workoutmotivation #howweroll #destroyingstereotypes #adaptivelifestyle #abilitynotdisability #nolimits #liveyourlife #wheelchairguy #amazingpeople #keeppushing #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup


Shine like the whole universe is yours✨

“Я навсегда запомню этот монолог

«Твоя инвалидность в том, что ты забыла, как бывает по-другому. И не хочешь вспоминать.

Хорошо, если встретится человек, которому ты просто нужна. Ну вот просто- нужна. Сама нужна. Именно ты. А не кто-то, кого ты наивно заменяешь по причине недосягаемости»” - @tvl.di

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Hard work makes things look easy✨

“I try to stay as fit as I can during the quarantine. Safety is important, but luckily with precautions you can still do a lot. I had a great time playing hockey outside at an empty parking lot. Everybody take care and let’s try to make the best of it.” - @the_handicapable

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Never miss a chance to learn something new✨

“Always testing my limits and using my chair as an extension of myself! #AdaptAndAchieve” - @adam__lucio

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Collect beautiful moments✨ • • Scroll ⇦ • “Dla takich chwil warto! Warto wstawać z łóżka, wych

Collect beautiful moments✨

• Scroll ⇦

“Dla takich chwil warto! Warto wstawać z łóżka, wychodzić z domu, ćwiczyć, uśmiechać się, stawiać czoła światu, właśnie dla takich chwil! Olaf bał się wózka, nawet nie mogłam do niego podjechać, a teraz? No wzruszyłam się!
Przesuń w bok to zobaczysz filmik ❤” - @santi_horse_life

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