#witches spell


Items needed :

  • Small jar
  • Broken glass
  • Nails
  • Thorns
  • Steel wool
  • Wormwood
  • Thistle 
  • Vinegar
  • Salt
  • Urine
  • Black candle
  • Red marker

Fill the jar with everything listed and seal. On top of the lid draw a pentacle with the red marker and place the black candle on the lid and light it. Chant the following :

Candle of black and hexes of old. Release the powers that you hold. Reverse the flow of spells once cast. Leave pain and sorrow in the past.

Let the candle burn out and bury the jar near your home. It should protect you for about 6 months.

Self Protection JarThis is a throwback to an old spell that uses a lot of sharp items to create a pr

Self Protection Jar

This is a throwback to an old spell that uses a lot of sharp items to create a protection jar. Using sharp objects like thumbtacks, pins or broken pieces of glass is a way to create a ‘psychic fence’ so to speak. That way anything negativity coming towards you will be pushed back or deflected by all the sharp objects surrounding your energy field. 

What you’ll need

  • 1 clean and cleansed jar (see note on this post on how to cleanse your jar)
  • Sharp items (Thumbtacks, pins, opened safety pins, needles. If you’re going to use broke glass PLEASE BE CAREFUL)
  • Add in any protection herbs or crystals if you choose to but I usually skip this step. 
  • Something that binds you to the jar such as fingernail filings or a lock of hair. The original spell asked for drops of blood but that’s a whole different thing if you want to do that. I recommend just using hair because of the risk of infection by cutting yourself.

Cleansing your jar

It’s important to cleanse your jar first and foremost. You can use any jar (Hello salsa and sauce jars!) Clean them out super well. If you are stuck with a smelly jar that has retained a strong odor even after washing out thoroughly you can rinse the jar with vinegar or let it sit overnight. That will usually get rid of any smell. 

Once you have cleaned your jar, I simply cleanse it by using incense. Light your incense and let the smoke thoroughly fill up your jar before releasing it into the air.

What to do

Set up your spell with any provisions you would normally use. Light candles, incense, and have any crystals out that you feel connect you to your magic. Protect your space by imagining a white light in a circle around you encasing the jar and sharp objects inside. 

Place each object inside until your jar is at least ¼ to ½ of the way full. Last, add a lock of hair or item that you chose to bind this jar to you. 

Once everything is inside, close the jar. If you want to seal the jar with wax you can take a candle and drip wax on top of the jar or on the sides letting the wax drop down into the seal. 

Close your spell and release your circle. 

Take your jar and hide it in a dark place where no one will find it. 

SPECIAL SHOT OUT to Obsidian Odyssey for collabing with me and creating the art for this post. Check out her witchy blog! Also she’s an AMAZING artist and has a free coven you can join! 

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I’ve only ever really had to use this spell once a long time ago. A family member had recently gotte

I’ve only ever really had to use this spell once a long time ago. A family member had recently gotten into a bad marriage. It wasn’t physically abusive, but it was mentally and emotionally manipulating. The spouse was pulling apart relationships and isolating in typical narcissistic fashion. He was controlling and all around a really bad guy. I usually like to stay out of other people’s affairs, but in this case they had stopped by and I did not have a positive experience with them. It wasn’t that they did anything horribly wrong, I just didn’t like what they said or their vibe and I felt like they wanted to drag my immediate family into their rabbit hole-hot mess of a situation. So once they were gone I immediately went to work on this super simple but effective spell. 

Like I said this is a super simple spell. All you need is a lock of hair from the person you want to stay away (your target) and a broom. A kitchen broom will work fine, it’s just for metaphorical purposes. If you can’t get a lock of hair that’s ok, you can still perform this spell. 

Take your broom and start with where the person sat, sweep all around in that area. If you have carpet sweep above the carpet. You’re going for the energy here, not really any actual dirt. Sweep in really vigorous motion getting up all of their nasty energy and move in the direction of your door. Keep sweeping. When you get to your front door, open it. Drop the lock of hair on the floor outside your door and sweep it outside along with all the energy you have gathered. Make sure to say the person’s name and that they are not welcomed back. Slam the door and lock it. 

That’s it! 

As far as the couple I had originally performed the spell for I never saw the spouse ever again and they never came back.

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Someone once told me that I was a collector of energy. That I walked around  picking up everyone els

Someone once told me that I was a collector of energy. That I walked around  picking up everyone else’s shit garbage vibes and let it effect me. And afterwards I would need so much time to decompress from even the smallest ‘peopley’ interaction. I would lay in bed and not want to get up for dayyyyyys. Of course I had to. I had to work and do all the things. But it was so overwhelming and exhausting that sometimes I felt myself dragging through the minutes just waiting to get back home. 

Then someone told me I was a collector of energy and that I needed to be a curator instead. Keep the good things, the positive feelings and interactions but trash the rest. 

That small tiny crumb of advice changed my life. Shitty things will always happen and there’s nothing you can do to change that. But don’t collect other people’s shit energy. Don’t bring it into you space and most importantly don’t let it effect you. 

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We are a new Group on Fb but I am hoping to get this group up and running and making sure to keep ou

We are a new Group on Fb but I am hoping to get this group up and running and making sure to keep out all the Scammers and the Nonsense. This Group is for all forms and types of witchcraft we are all here to build ourselves and our fellow witches lets be Polite and kind to everyone an teach those that seek knowledge. the link is on the Photo just click it. 

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3 Tbsps. Pink Himalayan Salt
3 Tbsps. Red Rose Petals
3 Tbsps. Pink Peppercorn
3 Tbsps. Clove
Male- 3 Tbsps. Poppy seeds
Female- 3 Tbsps. Catnip
Nonbinary- 3 Tbsps. Allspice

Put all ingredients into a mortal and pestle be sure to pick the ingredient that associates with your sexuality and as you grind imagine what you want in a Partner, When you want to start using this dust your going to sprinkle it in front of you befor your leave your house and you sprinkle it say the following
“I am worthy of love
I open myself up to love
I trust myself to love again.
So Mote It Be”

This is a spell to attract love not to force love so it will attract people that are potential lovers but you cant use it to force someone to love I have personally written this spell dust to make sure that is how this works and cant be used to harm someone’s free will.

—Altar Candle/Fire Safety Tips—
1. Any candle that’s not in a jar should have a heatproof dish under it
2. Candles that are on a shelf should be watched at all time of it being lit… (should have 3 feet above candle free)
3. Candles placed on a window seal should be watched and curtains moved completely out of the way and in winter candles shouldn’t be near a cold window it can cause Stress fractures and can break windows.
4. having oils, cologne, perfume, near candles or incense for long periods of time can make them go rancid and some can be flammable
5. Incenses should be watched at all times
6. clear quartz crystal balls should be covered (fire hazard if the sun hit them)

—Altar Liquid Safety—
1. Any bowls/cups of water should have a collection dish under it heat and cold will make it sweat and can cause warping on your wood altars also can ruin altar cloths and other fabric items you might have on your altar.

—Altar Sharp Items Safety—
1. Any knives, swords, bowlines, and so forth should have their sleeves on them just in case you have children that come into or are living in your home. (or keep put away in a drawer)
2. Some crystals can be sharp-pointed and should be placed further back on an altar this is for your safety and everyone else. (tripping and falling onto said item would not be a fun trip to the Dr)
        Note: If you have other safety tips I have missed please feel free to let me know and I will update the list.


1 ½ Cups Olive Oil
1 Jar
1 Cigar (Cleansing) (Leave out if you are a Minor)
1 palo Santo/ceder (Cleansing) “use cedar unless you are latine/indigenous”
13 Whole Cloves (Protection, Power, banishing)
13 Black Pepper (Hex Breaking, Banishing, Protection)
1 raw Clear Quartz (charged by your own energy
2 small Cinnamon sticks (Protection, Power, Healing)
Orange Peel (Blessings, Protection, Energy, Raising Vibration)
Rosemary (Protection, Cleansing, Consecration, Memory)
Blue Sage (Health, Healing, Prosperity,)

Step One- Light your candles on your altar. Cleans your jar with your Cigar Smoke and Palo Santo/Cedar, cork the jar with the Smoke in the jar and let sit for a little bit.

Step Two- Put all your Dry ingredients “Clove, Clear Quartz, Cinnamon Sticks, Black Pepper, Orange Peel, Rosemary, Blue Sage, ” into the jar and then your Oil into the jar and Cork the jar.

Step Three- Now you are going to enchant and imbue your Oil with your own Energy and power, just the way you prefer to by a prayer or a spell its up to you.

Note’s- Add a few drops of this oil into your Bath to give it a little energizing of power, Drop this oil around when you are casting a circle to add a extra boost of power, anoint your house with this oil to help power wards you have set in place, you can use this to draw invisible sigils the oil will act like a batterie being recharged by the Sun, Moon, and other magical workings in the home…

3 Cups. Avocado oil
2 tbsp. Lemongrass
2 tbsp. Cloves
2 tbsp. Orange peel
2 tbsp. Rosemary

Step 1. Cast a circle, Light a white candle, Cleanse the jar you will be using for your Oil,

Step 2. Add oil into your jar while you invasion a bright light entering the oil from your heart, eye, and mind.

Step 3. As you drop each herb into the jar of oil tell it what its job is to bring to the protection oil, Lemongrass= removes negative energy, good luck. Cloves=protection/banishing evil, Orange peel= brings joy and hope, Rosemary= memories, protection, and peace.

Step 4. When all is combined cap it and mix it while saying.
“while stirring the pot I cast my spell into a glass to have at last, as I will it so shall it be.”

Step 5. You are done at last and you let sit for a week and shake about every other day otherwise you will get mold, after the week is up you can go on and use your oil by just adding to your finger and touching the top of doors and windows of your home, car, even your kids/dogs forehead and even use on your own protection candles…
(Side note: be sure your kids and or yourself isn’t allergic before using on yours/their skin)

The Photo and the recipe are my Creative property feel free to share 
