

You are not a prophet, but go humbly on the way of the prophets,

and you can arrive where they are. Don’t try to steer the boat.

Don’t open a shop by yourself. Listen. Keep silent.

You are not God’s mouthpiece. Try to be an ear,

and if you do speak, ask for explanations.

The source of your arrogance and anger is your lust

And the rootedness of that is in your habits.

-Rumi The mouse and the camel.

Neisa stole my heart from the first moment I saw her.
Sweet, gentle, and strong souls are hard to find…
Thank you for your warming presence, your willingness to learn, and your patience to be.

Be (2022)

The blessings are pouring in Once upon a time eye was told and believed that all cards were evil. Ey

The blessings are pouring in Once upon a time eye was told and believed that all cards were evil. Eye also believed that most Afrakan spiritual traditions were evil because everything eye learned in church literally made me afraid of my culture subconsciously. After all, our ancestors were heathen pagans who needed to be “saved” according them. Dua Renenet!

Renenet is a force of NTR☀️ (NaTuRe)✨ This cosmic principle is symbolized here, it’s feminine energy associated with abundance and fertility. She is the NTRU of the harvest and connected with birth and death. Present in the birthing chamber is ancient texts she’s a protector and nourisher of the child after birth. The two vases you see in her hands, like breasts, pour the cosmic energy as “nourishment” for the subtle bodies. The abundance available through this universal energy flows through the “Milky Way” pouring from her breasts. Eye have to speak in symbol because everything isn’t for everyone. If it resonates you already kNOW✨

The closer we get to NaTuRe, the closer we get to our ancestral spirituality and vice versa! Hit me up to book a reading with me if you’re interested in decoding the energy in your life according to the ancient spiritual system of Kemet (Ancient Egypt)
#HightopsandHeels #CoinsandCowries #HTxH #cardreading #Kemet #Kemetic #Renenet #Spirituality #HealingHealers #CaboVerde #CapeVerde #Beach #Praia #Santiago #islandlife #beachlife #Nature #connecttonature #neter #holistichealing #abundance #oracle #shestoodeep #AustNfrKa

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Place 8 PYRITE crystals over your business card to set the intention of an effortless flow of abunda

Place 8 PYRITE crystals over your business card to set the intention of an effortless flow of abundance. These crystals mirror your potential back towards you, casting your gold-tinted reflection out into the universe #crystalsofig #crystalsofinstagram #pyrite #abundance #abundancenow (at Energy Muse)

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✨Mantra/Mudra(1) –“As long as I continue my WORK, I will continue to GAIN”

•THE MUDRA OF COMPLETE WISDOM- As you relax your shoulders, press together the tips of your index finger + thumb while your other fingers are extended outward. Form this on both hands w/ the right placed over your heart & the left hand on your left knee.

✨Mantra/Mudra(2) –“June begins The Harvest of ABUNDANCE”

•THE MUDRA OF THE GOD OF WEALTH- Fold your little and ring fingers into the palms of each hand while pressing the tips of the index/middle/and thumb together. Place your mudras in your lap w/ palms facing up. —————-

These mudras should be performed in a seated upright position while focus is placed on breathing. Perform them for at least 5-40min; twice a day for best results


✨Follow Me✨

IG: CrystalEmpress_1111

YouTube: CrystalEmpress 11:11

PayPal: [email protected]

Thank you for your support✨

& so you shall be blessed in return

Manifesting Friendships!

I am GEEKED. So I was expressing to my therapist last week I felt lonely and how I want to meet more people into laws of assumption and manifest great girly friendships !

I joined a laws of assumption Facebook group & have been messaging with some women in the group. I also checked my Facebook messages and saw on Saturday I received a message from a girl who used to be in a group that I was & she asked to meet for brunch and drinks !!! This was merely days after I said that I was feeling lonely ! I’m soooo excited and will continue to affirm I have harmonious, unconditionally loving, respectful, cherished friendships in my life. I also zoomed two friends last week and felt great. I’ll continue to work on my self concept predominately.

I also manifested yesterday prior to work I have the most peaceful shift & I literally only saw 4-5 patients in 8 hours . I’m manifesting an even softer shift tomorrow.

Been doing more work on living in the end. Affirming my power and owning my power.. I noticed something recently the anxiety at times makes me think of worst case scenarios esp of me being victimised so I’ve been affirming it’s safe to own my power in my world. It’s safe for me to be and feel calm, confident and grounded.

My therapist asked me today can you see yourself without anxiety and my first response was no because how would I protect myself and then it clicked ! There’s an underlying belief of ‘I’m not safe’ and that’s what needs releasing and deprogramming so I can reprogram my brain. I’ve never considered what if I don’t need to protect myself because I’m not in danger what if I can have confidence that I am safe and have the skills to navigate life. I’ll definitely be using some askformations regarding why am I so safe.

Also super super random I haven’t seen my male cousin in years and he came to my house today and I was so so happy !

I believe in myself

Mindset Shift With Money.

I have had a huge breakthrough, so I’ve been really really shifting my beliefs and replacing them with my desires. Today I had a breakthrough.. instead of saying omg I have credit card debt - actually that’s wrong !!! I used my credit to pay my bills - my bills are paid. I didn’t use it to buy handbags or shoes or be frivolous I legit paid my bills with it. Instead of saying Omg I owe the bank. I can actually remind myself no I don’t because I paid my bills. This has made me feel so much better and is really allowing me to connect with the ‘feeling of it’s done’. Also I had another breakthrough last week I asked my sisters to borrow me the money to clear my credit card and they AGREED. They gave me the money instantly !!!! I’m learning to tell the story of that which I want/ have in the present tense.

Coincidentally that same day I got an Instagram DM request from a man offering to be my sugar daddy . Legit 30 minutes after my sisters both agreed to help me.

I’ve been looping ALOT of self concept affirmations and it feels good to be in that mindset and mind frame of true self care and self love. Tomorrow is my first Saturday off in 6 weeks so I intend on self care, face masks, Pilates and actually having some time to myself. I’ll do some scripting and focus on my affirmations.

Having this mindset shift is HUGE about the credit card. To shift from Omg I owe to actually I used money I HAD to pay my bills and I STILL have money to use. I’ll continue looping abundance affirmations ! Wishing everyone a lovely weekend & peaceful full moon .

This is a picture of me in Mykonos last summer the sun was setting and I felt great. Manifesting more beautiful sunsets and warm sunshine. Or as Neville would say I’m already there and I flew first class

This slogan is sometimes attributed to Marx. In fact he’s not the author, and warns about misusing it.

Pro-capitalist commentators abuse this phrase, claiming a socialist state would seize all property and redistribute it according to perceived need.

In socialism, workers collectively decide what to produce and how. They democratically decide what to do with the products. This leads to more equitable distribution of the wealth they produce.

A “socialist state” does not alienate workers from the fruits of their labour. On the contrary. It exists to stop wealth being taken from those who produce it.

Only in a state of superabundance, where co-operative labour has provided allworkers with more than they need or want, might society voluntarilychoose to distribute on the basis of need.

“In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life’s prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly – only then then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!” - Marx, ‘Critique of the Gotha Programme’ 
