

On Episode 4, I give advice to a listener getting out a toxic situation with her ex

Available wherever you get podcasts!

On Episode 1, I spoke on the comparison between black on black violence & police brutality. Needless to say, there’s not a comparison

Or I guess I should put it another way…

1. I work full time

2. I have a freelance project that has been going on for almost a year that is wrapping up in the next couple of months.

3. I have a second freelance project that I have a deadline for in a month. It is a very manageable deadline, but still a deadline.

4. I have a small project that I have one more sketch to do to finish up the project, but my contact is MIA….

So a really cool freelance job offer just popped its head out of nowhere after finding my online portfolio (Yes they are important, keep them updated, keep them relevant) and could possibly be something big. I have a feeling…but also the person just seems very professional and has a great portfolio themselves. If they chose to work with me…they want me to jump right in now. But I am worried about stretching myself too thin…but it might be a good opportunity….what do?? What is sanity??


Hi, you sent me a message a while ago that I never got to. I haven’t really been on tumblr for a couple months since being so busy! I was having trouble responding to your message, so I hope this post catches your attention!

And to the rest of my followers- hello its been a while! Having a full time job sure sucks up my free time! But I have been learning a lot and growing a lot so I am happy to have finally logged back into Tumblr on my new computer.

So Kkkhhhzzz asked me my background in fashion, what it has been like since I have graduated, and where I went to school.

The first easy question, I attended the Savannah College of Art and Design in Savannah, Georgia, USA. Since moving out to Los Angeles and talking with/working with other designers who went to other schools, I am 100% happy and confident in my education at SCAD. It is expensive and a for-profit school, but fully believe I received the most thorough and relevant education in Fashion Design that is offered here in the USA. They have amazing professors, good (not great, but good) facilities, and a challenging well organized course load. The school has like 60 other majors, so you are surrounded by fashion merchandisers, film, photography, advertising, etc, all of whom you can collaborate with and learn from. Learn more at www.scad.edu

The  second question I will answer is my background. I have been drawing for as far back as I can remember. It has always come naturally and seemed lil the perfect choice of a career to go into. I fought it for a while, thinking a general business degree would be better. But looking at this job market, I am glad I went with something more specific that has a smaller pool of workers. The fashion world is pretty small. I didn’t sew at all, just sketched a lot when I made the decision. I learned how to sew while at SCAD, I had never touched a sewing machine before. I graduated being able to sew corsets, gowns, and outerwear. Pretty amazing. So that is pretty much all my background. In high school I took a couple AP art classes, but I didn’t really realize I wanted to do fashion until I visited SCAD and saw their fashion building. I had considered illustration but felt wasn’t really good enough to compete. What I also liked about fashion is that it is a billion dollar a year industry that always will need workers, as opposed to freelance illustrators who I feel can have a hard time finding steady work.

So the last question, what has happened since graduation? This is the big, scary, amazing one. After I graduated, I assumed I would have a job within a few weeks. I temporarily moved home for a few weeks which turned into nine months. FML big time. I got an unpaid internship with a local boutique that turned into a part time 3 days a week job that slowly trickled down to “ill call you when  I need you” because she couldn’t afford to keep me. I got a freelance job doing lingerie design that got me $3,000. I had the money and made the decision to move to LA that month. I had been applying to jobs in LA for months but never got replies. Here is the big fat reality check I had to deal with. NO ONE WILL PAY FOR YOU TO FLY IN FOR AN INTERVIEW. NO ONE WILL WAIT FOR YOU TO MOVE FOR THE JOB. NO ONE WANTS TO WAIT A MONTH TO HIRE YOU. These were important things in this economy that no one told me. You have to be where the job is for anyone to consider you. Things move super duper fast in LA and NYC. When a job is open, they want it filled immediately. So I moved to LA with my boyfriend and submitted a ton of resumes. Within two weeks of moving there I had a full time job as an assistant designer at a handbag company. I have officially (as of tomorrow!) lived in LA for an entire year. I have negotiated two pay raises, and I am due for a third. I have been promoted from assistant designer to designer and now design half of the 200 purse samples that arrive in our showroom every month. My first purse design is in stores in Tillys. I can walk into any mall and see my bag for sale on the wall. It is pretty amazing! So I have had an amazing time since I graduated. You have to work hard and be confident in the decisions you make. You cannot hesitate. Throw yourself in, work your ass off, and good things will happen.

Please don’t hesitate to ask more questions if you have them :)

I made a short comic late last year as part of a course at uni and only now trying to think of what

I made a short comic late last year as part of a course at uni and only now trying to think of what to do with it. Idk if I should publish it online, try to get it into an anthology or keep it to create my own anthology. If any of my indie comic/zine peeps have advice here, I’d love to hear it. ✌️

#art #comic #comiccover #comicart #shortcomic #indiecomic #indiepublishing #qca #newbie #advice #digitalart #restrictedpalette #carousel #anthology

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I like the phrase “explanation, not an excuse.”

Offering a polite explanation as to why something was done wrong/late/not at all instead of blabbering excuses can highlight your thought process and show that you did try.

I need advice friends:

So my current childcare job is not the greatest: they’re overworking us, dysfunctional management, ect. So I’m looking for another teaching job in case my talk with the boss doesn’t go well and they can’t promise to making things more comfortable for me.

My last school (private catholic school) is losing one of their nuns to reassignment so I COULD in theory go back and have my own class. I know I wouldn’t be overworked, I know the families and kids are nice and I would get to work with my mom (!) which would be so so fun. It’s not my most favorite age group and I’d get private catholic school benefits (not great), but I know if I committed to it for a year I could be happy there.

But to go back would mean going back in the closet for my working life, which was one of the main reasons I left. I’m not terribly flamboyantly lesbian at work, but it would be nice to be able to mention things offhandedly and not be fired.

At any rate all of this is just for another year until I have my master’s/maybe teaching license and move up in the world, so it’s not forever, whatever I chose.

So the question is: do I go back to an otherwise lovely job that I know is comfortable and fun at the expense of being gay at the Catholic school and holding my tongue at some things, or continue on in the secular world and keep trying to find something else?

Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6 Copyright of Megan Fabbri.

Some holiday advice for mental heath from the pill cats! #1-6

Copyright of Megan Fabbri.

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Runny nose is not a disease, but it can really make life difficult. The use of inhalation of essential oils, good wiping nose and nasal drops suitable to effectively mitigate the infection. Find out how to cure a runny nose.

1. Inhalation - follow it with the infusion of chamomile or essential oils, eucalyptus works well, inhalation will help unblock a stuffy nose and peaceful sleep.

2. Tea with raspberry juice and elderflower - perfectly warms and hydrates.

3. Garlic - has antibacterial properties, it is often called a natural antibiotic. You can add chopped it for sandwiches or eat eg. With honey. To mitigate its pungent taste and smell can eat tiny pieces of garlic with tomatoes.

4. Onions - finely cut throw into the pot, pour boiling water, covered her head with a towel and leaned over the pot and breathe - that clears blocked nose inhalation.

5. A hot bath - a pair of hot water will help to unblock a stuffy nose, it is added to the water of mineral salts or essential oils.

If you want to learn more tips check How to Get Rid of a Runny Nose and Sore Throat Overnight

So the time has come and you’re moving away to university, a pretty daunting event for anybody. It’s a big step for most of us into total independence and can be very stressful event where things can often be overlooked. Here however, are some helpful tips to make choosing the right accommodation and the overall moving process much easier.

Halls or University owned properties?

Now it is important to know exactly what you want and to know what each option offers and its advantages and disadvantages. Generally speaking the university halls will be more social and there will be lots of people to meet straight away and attend the fresher’s events with. However, they will likely be louder than university owned houses, so if you’re not keen on the party scene and prefer a smaller closer knit group of people, then you may want to take this into consideration.

Halls are usually located nearer the university buildings so it’s potentially a shorter walk to lectures every day, halls also have the option of en suites (your own personal bathroom) and not many university owned houses will be able to offer this option.

Halls can also offer catered and self-catered options, so bear in mind that if you’re up all hours of the night and sleeping during the day you’re likely to miss the meal times, on the other hand, if you’re hopeless in the kitchen then maybe catered is for you.

You will also need to investigate pricing; halls and houses vary from university to university but remember that the most expensive option isn’t always best!

Internet access

This is often overlooked when looking at accommodation, most of us are used to WiFi but not everywhere will offer this, so you need to decide if using an ethernet cable is a big deal for you or not. Bear in mind that you will be unable to connect your phone to the internet without WiFi unless of course, it 3G technology.

What to take?

This is always a tricky topic to approach but it is important to add at this point that you don’t need to take everything!

Most accommodation will offer ample space for all your belongings but you will still need to be careful on what you chose to take with you.

When I moved I used it as a good opportunity to sort through all of my clothes and get rid of any well worn items. Half of my t-shirts didn’t even fit me anymore! So that cut down on my packing considerably.

You have to ask yourself questions like: “Do I really need all 10 of my guitars?”, “Do I need my entire library of books?” and “Is my extensive collection of rocks and minerals a wise thing to take?” This sort of thinking helps you to distinguish the things you can live with and without at university.

Depending on whether you’re going catered or self-catered, kitchen utensils are a must. Again, you will only need the basics such as: a couple of different sized saucepans, a frying pan, a baking tray and some plates and cutlery etc. It might be an idea to cook a few sample meals at home before moving away, just to get an idea of all the items that might be required.

Remember that you can always go home in the holidays and bring back anything you’ve forgotten.

Moving advice for household relocation find at: rent a van Chelsea


thinking about that quote that’s like “it’s better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially” and how a lot of readers and social media try and pressure others to read a million books super fast and complete absurd book challenges when everyone has different lifestyles and different amounts of time to read. forcing others to go through books like cigarettes stops a lot of readers from really enjoying what they’re reading. what’s the point then? if you can’t properly analyze and enjoy what you’re reading? appreciating books takes time and that’s okay


Do not approach it as sex or gender; approach it as your own physical, emotional, and aesthetic needs.

Hey, my tarot and witch friends! I’ve started a page set up now just around my spiritual journey and

Hey, my tarot and witch friends! I’ve started a page set up now just around my spiritual journey and my free readings which I’ve decided to continue after a successful test run. If you could be so kind as to follow my new tarot related blog @helkirain

So from now on if you would like a free reading from me please send your question to @helkirain 


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Trying to decide what my next pick a card subject should be… what you’ll struggling with and want guidance on?? ‍♀️✨

Hey! You can do pick a card reading on my YouTube channel now. Il hopefully be able to post one a week if you are interested check it out and like and subscribe I would really appreciate it.

Sending love and light to you all x ‍♀️✨
