

Watch out cuz there are people that don’t have the best intentions or toxic and destructive behavior that may find littles/ABDLs easier to manipulate. @Livewire25 & I talk about ones they'vepersonally  seen & a local friend also shares what she learned in a recent toxic power exchange dynamic.


#advice    #abdllifestyle    #cgllifestyle    #cglcommunity    




I’ll admit. I’m a sucker for Men strong enough to hold me up

I have always wanted to have a girl who was so excited to see me that she flew into my arms wrapping her legs around my chest as I caught her. I hope his would become one of our standard greetings.

I was talking with a submissive friend of mine, and she confessed that being picked up by a Man is really scary to her. I could not believe it, being picked up is supposed to make you feel safe and protected. What could there possibly be to feel scared about?

It is kind of scary! So many unknowns…will he drop me? How long will I be up here? Will he accidentally walk me into a wall? Is he a sadist? How long will I be up here?!?!?” she said.

Our conversation went on from there but it occurred to me that being picked up is a great metaphor for D/s relationships and that these questions are exactly the sort of questions that a good and level headed submissive should ask before choosing her Dominant. Is this the sort of Man that you can trust? I

Is he strong enough not to drop you? Not necessarily physically strong but strong enough to be your Dom through the tough times and to support you. 

How long will you be up there? What sort of relationship are you after? Bedroom sexy fun time only? 24/7 Total Power Exchange? Domestic Discipline? Vintage 50′s traditional gender roles? And how long will it last? Are you looking for a weekend only play partner? Do you need an ongoing boyfriend who will Dominate you during the afterwork hours? Do you want to give it a month trial period and renegotiate things from there? How long will you be up there?

Will He accidentally walk you into a wall? Well in this case the answer is “Yes”. Eventually, if it goes on long enough, sooner or later every Dom will make a mistake. (subs will make mistakes too but we are talking about Doms for now.) The question you should be asking is not IF He will accidentally walk you into a wall, but will He do everything He can not to? How will He behave when accidents do happen? Will He care for you? Is He a Man of strong enough character to change His behavior after an accident to prevent accidents from happening again in the future?

Is He a Sadist? Well that should definitely be something that you should know before getting involved with a Dom. Do you want a Sadist? Are you a masochist? Will He hurt you the way that you like to be hurt? Can He protect you the way that you need to be protected? 

If He is the sort of Man that you can trust to pick you up and hold you, then that’s a good indicator that He is the sort of Man that you can trust to Dominate you.


things i learned during finals season because it was rough

  1. start as early as you can, especially for subjects that are cumulative like calculus. you need to understand the basics before you can understand other concepts.
  2. learn how to recognize when you need a break. are you struggling to focus? are you not really engaged with the work? are you actually retaining the information you’re learning? 
  3. don’t get too discouraged if you’re not understanding things right away. yes, it’s annoying and frustrating but don’t give up on it so quickly. if the answer key is provided, look at the answers/steps and try to understand whythat answer is correct. give yourself a 5 minute break and try the problem again. practice makes perfect. you’re 100% capable of understanding it, even if it feels like you aren’t.
  4. if anyone says it’s easy, they’re lying. everyone is struggling with something.
  5. make your room somewhere where you want to study. light a candle if you need to, open a window, have a warm drink, make sure the lighting is good, wear comfortable clothes, etc.
  6. take advantage of all of the resources available to you. youtube videos, practice quizzes, old tests, office hours, free tutoring if your school offers it, etc. there are so many resources available and there are so many people who are willing to help you succeed; but you have to approach them first.

after finishing yet another finals season (which was also rough) i thought i would add on to the list ✨

  1. don’t force yourself to be a early morning studier if your max productivity time is in the evening. waking up at 6AM won’t make a significant difference in your actual test results/exam experience, it’ll just make you more tired. prioritize sleep so that your work period is as productive as possible.
  2. don’t talk to certain people about the test/class subject. some people are fantastic friends but make you more scared for the test. know who you can talk to without getting more nervous. it’s nothing against that person, just do what keeps you the most calm.
  3. pomodoro doesn’t always work the best. download an app like flipd where there’s a stopwatch, and challenge yourself to stay focused for longer periods rather than waiting for 20 minutes to pass by.
  4. make (or find) a good study playlist. time goes by a lot quicker <3
  5. the study resources your professor provides are not the only resources available. search your class subject on google, keep scrolling (be persistent with this) and you’ll find so much.
Ladies, take note. That is all.

Ladies, take note.

That is all.

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Hi!! Question for those of you who successfully crowdfunded / raised money for top surgery, how? Did you sell things? Did you give incentives? Did you just put your campaign on your socials and hope? I could really use some tips :)

Thank you!!

I asked the Mommies on my Facebook page if they follow their intuition when it comes to their kids or do they feel they may be overreacting-it was unanimous! Mommies follow their intuition, better safe than sorry! I agree and will never question myself again!


Episode 27: “Dress Better”

Hello, another one.

#yell you better    #video webseries    #advice    #fashion    


Episode 25: “Making Plans with Friends”

It is a show about yelling. I yell. It is in the name.

#yelling    #advice    #comedy    #yell you better    #nicki minaj    #team barbz    #bird owners    #bird owner problems    #friendship    


Episode 24: “Open Office”

Hello, please watch this.

Hi, my web series is back. My voice is still loud. I’m still myself.


#yellyoubetter    #advice    #comedy    

You are caught in a vicious cycle. You are hesitant because you are not used to things going your way. And things will never go your way because you remain hesitant. You see what you want, become hesitant, and the door of opportunity closes. It happens again.And again. And again. With each choice towards inaction, you reject yourself a little more.

You know who you are. The ones who dream about being a slut but are afraid, the ones who fantasize but insist they would never actually do it, never actually open their holes for cock…after cock…after cock.

I have a little challenge for you.

Post an ad on Craigslist. If you don’t live in a particularly populated area, post in the section for a nearby larger city. This ad is going to go in the “casual encounters” section.
I know, you might be getting scared, but don’t worry, because you won’t have to reply to the messages you’ll get– from the first one.
Instead, the first one is just going to be to help you realize what’s out there.

Type out your fantasy, either your biggest one or a smaller one. Something that you imagine doing while you rub that little slit of yours. Include as much or as little information about yourself as you are willing. Post the ad. And wait.

I want you to see just how many replies you’ll get, how many men are willing to make your fantasy a reality. Men who are right near you. I want you to realize just how easy it would be to be that slut you dream of being.

Maybe once you realize that, a particularly notable response will catch your eye. Maybe you’ll just think about it. Maybe you’ll reply. Maybe you’ll find another way to get that fantasy fulfilled. But eventually, you will become a slut.

To all the little sluts out there who fantasize about taking cock after cock, but of course wouldnever actually do it: you can’t resist your desires forever. Sooner or later you will give in– might as well make it sooner. Trust me, it’s so much fun.

Listen Up Philip (2014)

Listen Up Philip (2014)

Post link





This was intentionally manufactured by Facebook. Facebook implemented it’s “accountability culture” starting with its rule about only using your real name and photo on its service and encouraging you to disclose other information in your profile, and from there it just got normalized. It was entirely to gather data for advertising purposes, but now we associate that level of openness with “accountability”. Entire generations are now being raised with this as the norm. Privacy is no longer a priority, or even really seen as an option.

This is to your detriment. Your privacy protects you from predators of all kinds. You really should be guarding it carefully. Disclose what you feel is important on a case by case basis, but even your mental health status and beliefs are exploitable by big business and small-time bullies and abusers alike.

Even if you’re not overly fussed about what people know about you, just understand that not everyone has the luxury of feeling the same. Some people have stalkers and abusers they’re trying to evade, or don’t want to attract new abusers into their lives by being that vulnerable and open again. Some people have extreme social anxiety. Some people are protecting other people in their lives. Some people just don’t want their grandmothers to find their smutfics. Some people are Internet privacy advocates who keep their details private as a political statement and as a matter of principle.

You are not entitled to anyone’s information, and you do not owe anyone yours. You are allowed to just be an anonymous username until you feel safe to disclose more.

You are not entitled to anyone’s information, and you do not owe anyone yours.

