

I have a friend that has schizoaffective disorder and we talked about the aftermath of an episode. Episodes include depressive, manic, mixed, psychotic, etc. You go through them at weeks (or months) and at times all you were trying to do is stabilize enough to make it through them.

You survive it but now you have to deal with the aftermath. This could be the missed phone calls/emails, debt from excessive spending, or things that were just once an priority that took a backseat.

My friend explained it as cleaning up the residuals and I feel like that fits perfectly. You are trying to repair, fix, clean, get back on top of everything. Ironically, this can sometimes lead to another episode if you don’t have a plan or support through it.

How do you deal with the aftermath? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.


“I’m a recovering drug addict and have learned to accept my own journey. I looked at someone else’s successes and would get disappointed when I didn’t live up to them. Once I realized I was still using addictive behaviors, just not with drugs, I was able to be real with myself. I’m now 2 years drug free and I want others to know it’s hard, but possible.”

Anonymous post. Thank you for sharing!


Through years of therapy and recovery, you learn different coping techniques or skills to manage your symptoms. Over time, you saw results and they were proven effective. You remain hopeful and dependent on them.

Then one day, it no longer works. You give it time, try to make it habitual, but it still doesn’t work.

I’ve learned with trying to manage my mental illnesses that I have to be flexible with ongoing management. What worked before may not work later.

I would love to hear your experiences or thoughts regarding this.


Oh the rabbit hole I fall into when I overthink, especially when I rationalize things to fit my current state of reality. I’ve learned how to step back and try to process situations rationally. This can be tough when you have impulsive/obsessive thought patterns, history of psychosis, or other factors that can cause rumination or detachment from reality.

Click the link below to read about the coping technique I use.



Feel free to share what your mental illness has taught you! You may submit anonymously if you wish.


“That I am responsible for treatment even if that treatment is simply working on self awareness and discipline. Mental illness has taught me that it is not an excuse; it is something to work on.”

Nettie was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder. After 7 years of therapy, those diagnoses stemmed directly from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Thank you for sharing! Check out the link for her info.


This mostly goes for myself, especially with self-talk and rumination associated with anxiety. When I learned how to set boundaries for myself and not overthink, I’m more productive with myself and also being there for others. For me to constantly go over this in my head, at times, leaves me “stuck” causing more issues. I’ve learned to accept my decisions and stand firm in them.

Is this something you are still working on? If you have mastered this, what helped you?


One of the most frustrating things, when I started therapy, was trying to find a cause/trigger/etc. I was in my early teens, so I can understand the reason for this. This continued to frustrate me over the years especially trying to explain to people my mental illnesses or how certain episodes can just happen…no rhyme or reason. Read more at:


New year, new me? Probably not, but that’s me being realistic. I’m in a comfortable place right now. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. The only things I really want to achieve are to write and experience more. If you are making resolutions feel free to share!


I posted this around this time last year. Reminder that your mental health is important. Do what you can to maintain it and do not feel guilty if you need space. Your first obligation will always be to yourself.


“I was diagnosed with schizophrenia last year and it has been tough. I don’t have much family, but my friends have been helpful with me managing. Medication and support has helped tremendously.”

Anonymous post. Thank you for sharing!


I’ve always felt like I needed to be there for people even when it sometimes was at my own expense. I’ve learned over the years how detrimental this can be to even someone without an mental illness. Learning to say “no” or accept that other’s decisions are not for me to control helped me accept that I can’t be everyone’s savior.


Dealing with a mental illness can make you distrust your own thoughts and others as well. You may have tried to express yourself in the past and were shut down. This is why it is so important to find your voice. You have a say in your treatment so it is important to have this trust with the professionals in your support system. You have the right to express your thoughts and feelings to others. Your voice matters and if you haven’t found it yet, I hope you do soon.


There is so much out of my control, that I just have to accept it. This can be a hard pill to swallow, but the realization and acceptance makes changing things I can control easier. Thoughts may come, but I can choose how to react. Situations may happen, but I have the right to detach or disconnect if I can. And if I can’t, I try to manage until I can. This is all general because we all have ways to cope, manage, but yet hold ourselves accountable for what we can change.


For me it was hard to accept. Finding peace with your past. Managing symptoms in the present. Planning for the future. These all require time. I expected everything to be “fixed,” not truly understanding time. The patience, the work, the setbacks, etc had to all be accepted for me to fully grasp the magnitude of my mental illnesses.

How have you viewed time when it comes to your mental illness?


I’ve come to realize that I was just rebounding to be honest. I’m still in love with my ex. He’s who I think about everyday. I listen to his music everyday just to hear his voice. It’s him that I want and this guy was just a distraction. I didn’t want him. The only thing about him that I found attractive was his tattoos and his dick to be honest. But my ex? Everything about him I love. He’s not my typical type. Not one tattoo, no facial or body hair. Emoish hair. He finally let me pierce his ears and nose so that made him a bit more my type. Now he’s wearing the earrings I bought him. I saw a pic on Instagram and he looked so fucking cute. Damn.. I really need to not date until I’m over him. Or else it’s bound to fail. I just wish he was ready for a relationship. I’d be with him in a heartbeat. Oh well. Right now I need to focus on me. Finding a place to live, working and making money. Building my savings back up. Paying my taxes. No time for boys. I don’t have time. I need to crack down or I could end up homeless or just fucked. It’s okay. I can do this. I. Am. Resilient. I always make it through the hard times when I swore I wouldn’t. I can do this.

I Dated A Manipulator

He’s literally so fucking annoying to me now. I can’t stand him. After talking to my best friend last night. He helped me remember the exact reason I stopped talking to my boyfriend in the first place. So back in June. We were fucking. I told him that’s all it was. We weren’t dating. Well in turn, he decided he was gonna be a fucking prick the rest of the night and treat me like shit in front of his friends. We went to karaoke and I just sat by myself. Everyone was having fun while I was having a panic attack. He told me I can just leave. When he was the one who took me there. So my friend came and picked me up. Once I got in his car I started crying so hard. Well fast forward to a little more than a month ago. Before we got together. We started talking again. I have no memory of that night besides remembering that he was being a dick and I was secluding myself during karaoke. I didn’t remember why it all started. Well my best friend remembered because that night I was texting my best friend the entire time. Well my now ex, decided to use the fact that I don’t remember to his advantage and gaslighted the living fuck out of me. He convinced me that it was ME that was being a major bitch that day, which triggered his mental issues and made him be a dick to me. So yeah. It was my own fault for why he was being a dick. So I thought aw shit, I’ll give him another chance because I was being a bitch back then. If I remembered what really happened that night I would have never given him a second chance. Ever. So yeah. Manipulative much? So now, every time he does something wrong he manages to swing it around qnd makes himself the victim and I’m the villain. Even though he’s the one who fucked up. Like when he had me pack all my stuff, just to kick me out of his apartment. He said it was because “I’m hard to confront”. He blames me.

Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30th, he was posthumously deemed to have Bipolar Disorder, thus t

Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30th, he was posthumously deemed to have Bipolar Disorder, thus today is World Bipolar Day. I didn’t know World Bipolar Day was a thing until I heard about it while watching the news a couple of mornings ago.

But now that I know, I feel like I have to say SOMETHING in the name of walking the walk. I can’t tell everyone else to f*** the stigma and then let the stigma scare me.

This is one of my wounds into wisdom situations

Truthfully I am not completely aware of what people are unaware of.

I’ll share the 3 top things that come to mind and maybe you will learn something new, and maybe you won’t.

1. Bipolar disorder and multiple personalities are not the same thing.

2. When you learn to manage it like a boss, you’ll find the upsides of the symptoms. Experiencing such a uniquely intense and broad range of emotion can create a whole new understanding of the capabilities of the mind, and a whole new appreciation for human behavior and connection.

3. Full on mania is a lot like your brain randomly deciding to take a boat load of cocaine. Zero warning. You have to live regular life in that state of mind. No one is anywhere near your level. Come down is included.


#personaldevelopment #growth #emotionalintelligence #crusader #stigma #vangogh #bipolar #badass #success #awareness #mentalhealth #soul #riseabove #crazy #guru

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