#classic lit



i love in jane eyre when rochester is like “jane do you think i’m handsome?” and jane’s like “no”






in this post, i will detail my rankings and reasons thereof of the sluttiness level of every character in hamlet, or their “ho ratio,” if you will,



where’s the rest of the post op

ho-ratio: 11/10. thirty years old and somehow still going through his emo phase. definitely tried to convince ophelia that blue balls was a serious medical condition. has συμφορά tattooed on his bicep. probably makes out with skulls.

ho-ratio: 5/10. probably would have boned hamlet if he wasn’t SUCH a turd about asking. learned kissing from her maidservants. annoyed to have died a virgin but preferred death to sexual intimacy with literally anybody in the danish court. 

ho-ratio: 7/10. spent his youth in paris, presumably being very french about sex. grew up fencing with hamlet, so it can be assumed they touched dicks at least once, on a dare. nice boy, tries hard, loves the game. very relieved to die before accidentally fathering a child with someone he’d have to keep secret from his father.

ho-ratio: 6/10. gamely tried to bone only her first husband for the first two years of marriage before giving up on him ever getting good at it and took her business elsewhere. will try anything once, provided claudius lets her try it on him first. comfortable with nonmonogamy, but not polyamory, because she doesn’t want to have to care about more than one person’s emotional wellbeing. 

ho-ratio: 10/10, which is also the number of chefs in the court who wish he would stop doing naked bikram yoga in the kitchens. 

ho-ratio: 0/10. unproblematic. pure as the driven snow. all sexual fantasies are filled with enthusiastic consent and respectful lovemaking. wants his first time to be special, with a person he loves. has kissed one person in his whole life and refused to brag about it to his friends. “if you’re asking me how many times I’ve been in love, the answer is two. but the rest I won’t talk about.” 

ho-ratio: 2/10. literally a skull. made out with hamlet. not proud of it.

ho-ratio: 3/10. won’t shut up about his ex-wife during sexual encounters. generally unsexy to be around. very cold.

ho-ratio: 7/10. just happy, and surprised, to be here.

ho-ratio: 13/10. exclusively engage in threesomes. always down to experiment. well-known on campus for hosting parties with competitive Sexy Poetry Readings, which is when guests are invited to recite poetry naked, and instead of applause are given kisses. just here to have a good time. unfairly murdered. gone 2 soon. always in our hearts.

ho-ratio: 15/10. all pirates are sluts for treasure.

ho-ratio: 2/10. just a soft beefcake looking for a nice girl. confused by denmark. probably would have boned hamlet if he hadn’t been dead by the time he got there. 




Hamlet adaptation where Hamlet is a vlogger and all his soliloquies are breakdowns he uploads to YouTube

… I am unironically here for this

this is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life

“I wanted to tell you that wherever I am, whatever happens, I’ll always think of you, and the time we spent together, as my happiest time. I’d do it all over again, if I had the choice. No regrets.”

― Cynthia Hand, Boundless

“I wondered how many of them had wives waiting for them, mothers and daughters perhaps. What would those women think if they could see their menfolk, as they stood guard over us, the weeping, grieving survivors of Troy?”
― Jennifer Saint, Elektra

…So I was reading Phantom of the opera… I don’t know whether to despise Erik or pity him. Yes I know he killed people and kidnapped others… but-but he had a tough life… he just wanted to be normal. In the end, all he craved was normalcy and the love he’d never received.

That book was a tragedy and no one can convince me otherwise.


“Your soul is a beautiful thing, child,” replied the man’s voice, “and I thank you. No emperor ever received so fair a gift. The angels wept tonight.” Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera

I think this quote is so beautiful

If someone doesn’t compliment me like Erik compliments Christine, then what’s even the point

“Your soul is a beautiful thing, child,” replied the man’s voice, “and I thank you. No emperor ever received so fair a gift. The angels wept tonight.” Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the Opera

I think this quote is so beautiful
