
Color Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom.. ​ “ I was free to try anythColor Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom.. ​ “ I was free to try anythColor Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom.. ​ “ I was free to try anythColor Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom.. ​ “ I was free to try anythColor Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom.. ​ “ I was free to try anythColor Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom.. ​ “ I was free to try anythColor Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom.. ​ “ I was free to try anythColor Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom.. ​ “ I was free to try anythColor Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom.. ​ “ I was free to try anythColor Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom.. ​ “ I was free to try anyth

Color Color . Form  Sashay.   Love Sam Gilliam’s work  full of Freedom..

​ “ I was free to try anything i wanted to do i was free to be easy or mysterious , free to be the artist I wanted to be” Sam Gilliam  

Sam Gilliam is  and lyrical abstractionist artist also a associate  of  the Washington Color School. “ 

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From Ashley, via the Ed Zed Omega Facebook:“Every home, school, college and university stand

From Ashley, via the Ed Zed Omega Facebook:

“Every home, school, college and university stands for dry, cold utilitarianism, overflooding the brain of the pupil with a tremendous amount of ideas, handed down from generations past. ‘Facts and data,’ as they are called, constitute a lot of information, well enough perhaps to maintain every form of authority and to create much awe for the importance of possession, but only a great handicap to a true understanding of the human soul and its place in the world.”
-Emma Goldman, The Child and its Enemies

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Liberty or Death Stickers!!! . I drew this in December, and I love these stickers. Printed by @stick

Liberty or Death Stickers!!!
I drew this in December, and I love these stickers. Printed by @stickermule on their sweet uv protected vinyl.
#sticker #diecutsticker #stickermule #skulls #mushrooms #libertyordeath #freedom #psilocybe #psychedelics #medicine #clarity #mushroomsarepeopletoo #hongos #mycophile #illustrator #illustration #chrisadams #crvdpls (at Corvidopolis)

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Fuck feminism.  I’m so tired of having it shoved down my throat by people who pick apart every

Fuck feminism.  I’m so tired of having it shoved down my throat by people who pick apart every word of what I say.  Just because I used the word slut doesn’t mean I’m trying to offend you.  It’s not my fault if you’re offended that I used the word slut. You don’t even know me.  You can’t change how I think.  

I like the word slut anyways.

So, just relax. 

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You’ve been sucked in by The Hunger Games, Divergent and The Maze Runner, but what about the classics? These weren’t the first books to delve into the “what ifs” of dystopia. If you’re digging these societies (at least, when they’re fictional), you should check out these books.

• Fahrenheit 451. In this book, books are not allowed. If any are found, they are burned. But what happens when you find a book and you don’t have it burned? It’s an interesting take on how society views books, and the power that they can bring you.

• Brave New World. Everyone is kept happy by a society that gives them - but are they really happy? They are molded into caste-like systems and raised to do jobs. There is no competitiveness, but there is also no real freedom.

• A Clockwork Orange. A teen talks about his violent adventures and his experience being “reformed” by the state; in the process, however, they take away his free will. He is then forced to face the effects of his decisions. The book questions the cost of actions.

• The Giver. This utopia turns out to really be a dystopia, as you learn that pain has been substituted for sameness, which keeps people from feeling true emotions. It makes you question where the line is drawn to protect people.

• Atlas Shrugged. Major industrialists have abandoned their industries due to new regulations, and they then begin to fail. It asks, “What is the role of man’s mind in existence?” With a focus on objectivism and capitalism, you’ll really think on this one.

There are others out there, such as 1984 and Battle Royale, so you’ve got a lot to satiate your appetite for a dismal future.


Movies that if I were able to I’d cry to

  • Schindler’s list
  • The Pianist
  • The Pursuit of Happyness
  • Two Distant Strangers
  • Monster
  • Beautiful Boy
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Seven Pounds
  • Brokeback Mountain
  • 12 years a Slave
  • Moulin Rouge!
Cycled up a big hill to get the the windmill. Gorgeous views over Warwickshire. Definitely proud of

Cycled up a big hill to get the the windmill. Gorgeous views over Warwickshire. Definitely proud of my achievement. Beautifully restored windmill. @marinbikes_uk

#warwickshire #windmill #chestertonwindmill #chesterton #bikeride #marinpointreyes #hybrid #hybridbike #fitness #bikestagram #cycling #freshair #bankholidayweekend #lastdayofmay #freedom #gettingfit #veganfitness #view #viewoverwarwickshire #restored (at Chesterton Windmill)

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Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum has an impressive site. Instead of a typical orientati

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum has an impressive site. Instead of a typical orientation film, you will be inpressed by the museum’s Reagan #hologram. We viewed the ranch narrative. “The Tack Room at Rancho del Cielo – President #Reagan has just returned from a #horseback ride and he talks to us about the Ranch and how it helps him to balance the pressures of the Oval Office, and then tells us a little about his ideas on #freedom.”

While you visit, be sure to visit the archive. #October is the designated month for American archives. “As a Presidential Library administered by the National Archives and Records Administration (#NARA), the Reagan Library, under the authority of the Presidential Records Act, is the repository of presidential records for President Reagan’s administration. The Library’s holdings include over 60 million pages of documents, over 1.6 million #photographs, a half million feet of motion picture #film, tens of thousands of audio and video tape, and over 40,000 #artifacts.”
The are located at 40 Presidential Drive |Simi Valley, CA 93065. The are open hours are 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. seven days a week.

#archive #preserve #exhibit #70degrees #archives #preservation #exhibition #CA #history #historians #southwest #RonaldReagan #nationalarchives #USA (at Ronald Reagan Presidential Library)

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“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation….”
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
[What a Freedom, 1903 - Ilya Repin] 

• “I was born at Kislovodsk on 11th December, 1918. My father had studied philological subjects at Moscow University, but did not complete his studies, as he enlisted as a volunteer when war broke out in 1914. He became an artillery officer on the German front, fought throughout the war and died in the summer of 1918, six months before I was born. I was brought up by my mother, who worked as a shorthand-typist, in the town of Rostov on the Don, where I spent the whole of my childhood and youth, leaving the grammar school there in 1936. Even as a child, without any prompting from others, I wanted to be a writer…” More: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/1970/solzhenitsyn/biographical/ 

• Ilya Efimovich Repin was born in the town of Chuguev near Kharkov in the heart of the historical region called Sloboda Ukraine. His parents were Russian military settlers. In 1866, after apprenticeship with a local icon painter named Bunakov and preliminary study of portrait painting, he went to Saint Petersburg and was shortly admitted to the Imperial Academy of Arts as a student. More: https://www.ilyarepin.org/biography.html 

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“The mere ability to choose between good and evil is the lowest limit of freedom, and the only thing

“The mere ability to choose between good and evil is the lowest limit of freedom, and the only thing that is free about it is the fact that we can still choose good.To the extent that you are free to choose evil, you are not free. An evil choice destroys freedom.We can never choose evil as evil: only as an apparent good. But when we decide to do something that seems to us to be good when it is not really so, we are doing something that we do not really want to do, and therefore we are not really free.Perfect spiritual freedom is a total inability to make any evil choice. When everything you desire is truly good and every choice not only aspires to that good but attains it, then you are free because you do everything that you want, every act of your will ends in perfect fulfillment.Freedom therefore does not consist in an equal balance between good and evil choices but in the perfect love and acceptance of what is really good and the perfect hatred and rejection of what is evil, so that everything you do is good and makes you happy, and you refuse and deny and ignore every possibility that might lead to unhappiness and self-deception and grief. Only the man who has rejected all evil so completely that he is unable to desire it at all, is truly free.God, in Whom there is absolutely no shadow or possibility of evil or of sin, is infinitely free. In fact, he is Freedom.”
— Thomas Merton, “What Is Liberty?”, New Seeds of Contemplation 
[Ad Parnassum - Paul Klee]

• Thomas Merton (1915-1968) is arguably the most influential American Catholic author of the twentieth century. His autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, has sold over one million copies and has been translated into over fifteen languages. More: http://merton.org/chrono.aspx  

• Ad Parnassum (1932) is considered to be  the best example of Paul Klee’s pointillist style; it is also one of his most finely worked paintings. Ad Parnassum was created in the Dusseldorfer period. More: https://www.paulklee.net/ad-parnassum.jsp 

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What freedom is ?

moodboardmix:MoodBoardMix Stand With Ukraine!Sunflowers (sunyashniki) are especially loved in Ukrain


MoodBoardMix Stand With Ukraine!

Sunflowers (sunyashniki) are especially loved in Ukraine, where golden fields of them face the sunrise in the east. They are Ukraine’s national flower, and in folk imagery represent the warmth and power of the sun, which was worshipped by pre-Christian Slavs.

To my Ukrainian followers, stay safe and strong !

Love you all❤️

We stand with our brothers & sisters now caught in a war in Ukraine

Love you all❤️

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