

Na via de dor Ele passou sem alguma mágoa, antes intercedendo por aqueles cegos que Ele tanto amava e tanto lhe faziam mal. Dentro de si apenas um pensamento: “Eu posso interceder pelos que me humilham, posso perdoar aqueles que me causam feridas, posso sentir dores por eles, posso suportar as chagas que lhes causariam danos. Eles não entendem ainda, mas eu Sou o Amor e nada pode mudar isso!”

Todas as vezes que imagino isso, meus olhos se enchem de lágrimas e meu coração se dilacera em prantos, pois apenas Ele foi capaz de suportar tudo isso por Amor. A perversidade humana ainda cega e Jesus entendia, por isso intercedeu: “Pai, perdoa-os, pois eles não sabem o que fazem!”

O sofrimento que era para nós, Ele tomou para Si. Ele morreu por nós. Tudo isso para que o mundo possa ver que Ele vive em nós. Nós antes cegos podemos ter nova vida e ver tudo novo.

Essa verdade nos mostrou a verdade e nos libertou.

Graça eterna ao Deus do amor.

Por: @josianferreira

Às vezes somos tomados pela ansiedade, por problemas mal resolvidos que precisam urgentemente de uma solução. O que não nos damos conta é que são momentos como esses que devemos estar atentos para sermos guiados por Deus. Não devemos nos apegar na ansiedade, essa força que nos faz perder o foco de Deus. Mas como em Filipenses 4:6 diz, de maneira nenhuma devemos deixar essas preocupações nos afetarem, devemos estar nos pés do Senhor entregando toda a ansiedade sobre Ele, e Ele nos retribuirá com paz, novas forças.

Tenha Calma!

Por: @josianferreira

“Não andem ansiosos por coisa alguma, mas em tudo, pela oração e súplicas, e com ação de graças, apresentem seus pedidos a Deus.” (Filipenses 4:6 NVI)

“Lancem sobre ele toda a sua ansiedade, porque ele tem cuidado de vocês.” (1 Pedro 5:7 NVI)

“Mas aqueles que esperam no Senhor renovam as suas forças. Voam alto como águias; correm e não ficam exaustos, andam e não se cansam.” (Isaías 40:31 NVI).

I had my last exam yesterday and I’m not yet fully aware of what this means…
I’VE FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL (with a hell of a 100/100 btw)…
This means FREEDOM, as our sweet Vergil said…

Libertas, quae sera tamen respexit inertem, candidior postquam tondenti barba cadebat, respexit tamen et longo post tempore venit, postquam nos Amaryllis habet, Galatea reliquit.
Vergil, Ecloga I, 27-30

FreedomSanta Monica Beach, LANov 2015c. ilariafilippi


Santa Monica Beach, LA

Nov 2015

c. ilariafilippi

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Marathon prep: Issues with my hip

Hello again! As I said in my previous blog post, this one will be all about my third month of marathon training. If you don’t know, I’m training for my first ever marathon, which will be held in October in Ljubljana. What you didn’t know is that I changed my race day from 16th to 29th of October. Initially, my plan was to run it on 16th October, by myself, without competitors. Just me, myself and…

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What’s been going on?

Hello! I’m finally back, after a really long time. I haven’t been posting lately (for about 3 weeks), because I was too busy with studying for my exams. My intention was to post once a week, but I just didn’t have time. It was a difficult decision to ‘give up’ on writing during my finals, but I knew that posts wouldn’t be as good as I wanted them to be and I just focused on studying as hard as…

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Jemima and The Broken Ones

They used to call us The Broken Ones. In the fallout of the revolution, the world ushered in a new way of life. For the first time in our history, Earth fell into a state of equality…but only through the introduction of the hive reaping. Once every six months The Cleanse would sacrifice a few for the greater good of the many. We didn’t fit in, and that didn’t sit…

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Beautiful Cartagena, where 2000 year old Roman theatres sit side by side with modern Spanish bars an

Beautiful Cartagena, where 2000 year old Roman theatres sit side by side with modern Spanish bars and restaurants… WHERE’S YOUR FAV PLACE IN SPAIN?

Your weekly Yoga Class is up on our YouTube channel


.. ENJOY This one is floor based for those with low mobility, if you don’t want to feel exposed in a public place or if you just want to roll around on your mat and ya can’t be bothered standing up!
Much Love, Chlo

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“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a

“Keep close to Nature’s heart… and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean” - John Muir

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“Freedom is not about breaking or escaping constraints. It’s about flipping them over into degrees of freedom. You can’t really escape the constraints. No body can escape gravity…Freedom always arises from constraints–it’s a creative conversion of it, not some utopian escape from it.”

-Brian Massumi

“This performativity…is not freedom, but a question of how to work the trap that one is inevitably in.”

-Judith Butler, on gender performativity

Capitalism is not freedom. Capital is a condition of freedom under capitalism.

What does that mean?

In order to have “freedom” of choice, you must have capital (wealth/property).

For example, those with capital can choose not to work.

Those without capital must find employment in order to buy food, clothes, shelter, etc. or to maintain acceptable living standards, although workers often live in poverty anyway. This means they have to sell their ability to work. The capitalist exploits the worker.

Employment does not provide workers with a wage that would allow them to accumulate enough capital to leave employment. This is a form of coercion, which holds the capitalist economy together.

In other words, the purpose of the wage is to ‘keep the labourer in bare existence as a labourer’.

This is known as ‘wage slavery’.

Just chill. Welcome to Poland ❤ My photo

Just chill. Welcome to Poland ❤

My photo
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