#green witch


Birthday stones

There are differents ways to clasify stones. This is one. There are also:

Zodiac Stones

Traditional birthstones vs Modern Birthstones.

With a like you let me know if you want the other clasifications of stones


If you pay attention on your daily life, you can see and feel the universe giving you signals. This set of numbers are an example. Keep it always with you or take notes of the numbers you see and when.

It’s amazing

Caution when casting spells! ⚠️

When casting spells, you have to be as specific as possible.

You always have to specify what and how you want this to go.

For example: if you want more money, you don’t have to say “i want money” and thats it. Becouse you might get what you wanted, but your husband died and you got his life insurance.

You can say: “i want more money to come to me, with the less harm to me and to others”

Doing this, you are putting your energy in one spot, causing less or any side effects of your magic.

Be safe and protect others from harm

Dark dreams of Summer…

Natalie Ina Photography.

A selection from different years.





For all questions, as well as for the purchase of photo prints and about the collaboration, please write to my mail: [email protected]

do NOT edit photos, cut, change colours, do not use as avatars, blog headings and other things like that. If you want to make a post with my photos, please include the authors name or a link to my page.

Earth Day Event

  It’s Earth Day — as witchcraft practitioners, it’s important for us to try our best in counteracting the negative effects that happen on our Planet. Though holidays and such are very much just a way to try and pretend that the matter at hand is getting the needed attention, it’s within our hands to keep promoting change, and even small actions, that’ll save the planet. 

  These services I’m offering will be all with affordable and social prices to commemorate this day, that reminds us that working together goes very far. 

Free Readings ● 1 card 

  • One question/theme 
  • Only one reading per person
  • Send your question through ask
  • Question, Big three signs and Initials

❗For the donation services, DM me before donating

Digital Art ● $3 minimum

  • Personal or Commercial use

Divination by Donation ● $4 minimum

  • Career 
  • Spirituality
  • Seashell

Printable decks ● $6 minimum for any deck!

  • Ultra Black Universe Oracle
  • The Seed Oracle
  • The Deep Dark Blue Oracle
  • Circular Tarotscope Oracle
  • The Storyteller Oracle
  • Yes/No Oracle
  • Soft as Clouds Pastel Tarot
  • Sex and Love Tarot
  • Black is Art Tarot
  • Fairytale Lenormand 
  • Queer Lenormand

Akashic Records ● $20 minimum

  • Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms — This reading helps you understand your Soul Journey and where you are in it.

Want to donate to your witch?

If you just want to help out this nb black witch, feel free to donate or to purchase from my store.

Want to donate to some charities that make the difference?

   Here are some charities that I trust from Brazil, centered on making a difference in Amazônia as well as helping the indigenous tribes that live there. 

  • FundaçãoAmazônia Sustentável (FAS)
  • Povos da Floresta (ISA)
  • SOS Amazônia 

Love is when you sit outside on a sunny day and watch the birds gather under your bird feeder and there’s a very gentle breeze and you have a bowl of sweet, in-season strawberries and you take a deep breath and slowly plan out the work you’re gonna do around the house at a very leisurely pace and it’s quiet, calm, and warm, and everything is okay

Earth spirits are just about the easiest ones to make contact with. Their forms tend to be less subtle than those of many fairies,and they generally stick to one place- so if you feel a location is haunted by these beings, it will always be haunted. Wherever anything grows, there will be a fairy to attend to it.

Earth fairies love gardens,and will gather round you while you are planting and watering. At the end of a hot day they exult when you get out the hose or watering can, and will dance among the refreshed flowers with glee. Often they do not like you weeding,though,so make sure you always do this with respect. Leave a patch of your garden to grow wild, for the fairies love this and it creates a space for all the plants that are unwelcome elsewhere- just because humans do not like them, this does not mean they do not have a valuable place in the scheme of things.


  1. To draw close to the gnomes,settle quietly in your garden or in a park,woodland, field, or hillside- close to a barrow-mound may be the most powerful place of all. Gnomes of the deep earth may be experienced in a cave or hollow,whereas others may be more of the flower- or tree-fairy types. Let your bare feet and hands make contact with the earth,mud or stone. Beat a soft rhythm on a drum,if you wish.
  2. Be very still, relaxed,and quiet. Try not to see anything,because that will put you in the wrong frame of mind. Just be there, and be observant- these spirits do not show themselves in the ways you might expect, and seeing them can seem almost ordinary.
  3. Be aware of any little movements out of the corner of your eye, for that is where spirits are often first perceived. An animal running in the undergrowth may also be a shy gnome in disguise. Look out for the face of the Green Man among the leaves, and watch flowers, for they can also be sweet faces, nodding and smiling.
  4. To show they have drawn close to you, gnomes will often give you a tangible gift,such as a coin or a piece of jewelry. If you find this on your path,treasure it, for it is very lucky.

Do this meditation outside, if you can find a quiet spot. All the natural scents and sounds will intensify your experience. However, it is very important that you should not be disturbed.


  1. Start by relaxing completely. Close your eyes and either imagine the actual place where you are sitting/lying or that you are somewhere else in Nature. Take the time to see this in detail. If you are using the place where you are, do not be surprised if it changes in some way.
  2. Around you there are soft sounds of rustling and scuffling. The undergrowth seems to be moving here and there,this way and that, as if there are creatures within it. Each time you turn around to get a better look, the movement seems to stop. You feel that you are being watched by curious eyes.
  3. The vegetation around you is becoming indistinct. You realize a soft gray mist is rising from the ground,slowly obscuring all that you see. Up, up goes the mist, around and above you, until you find yourself in a bell jar of whiteness. Peace surrounds you, and you wait patiently.
  4. Now the mist is clearing in front of you, revealing a different scene entirely. You see there is a forest path,dark and over-arched by thick branches, winding deep into the heart of the woodland. You know that you must take this path.
  5. You get up and begin to walk into the tunnel of green. Bird calls echo overhead. The air is still and cool, and there is a scent of moss and soil. The earth beneath your feet is springy and even, although the forest grows thick on both sides. As you walk, you are aware that the undergrowth on either side of the path is moving from time to time. Gradually you realize that beings are walking alongside you. As you walk on, they become clearer and clearer, until you can see their faces and fairy forms.
  6. Ahead you can see a dark shape looming. The earthy scent intensifies, and you realize you are approaching the mouth of a cave. You stand before it, and the beings on either side of you stand still too. Beside the path there is a flat stone. You sit on it and wait.
  7. You are becoming aware of a rhythmic sound, like a heartbeat or a muffled drum. The noise is steadily getting louder, and you realize that it is the sound of footsteps approaching. You feel a little apprehensive, but notice that all your companion earth spirits are clustering expectantly at the mouth of the cave, as you also watch patiently and hopefully.
  8. The sound intensifies to a steady boom, until a figure appears in the shadowed arch of the cave. This is a mighty creature,which looks as if he has been hewn from solid rock: gnarled,gray-brown, and sinewy, His feet are like tree roots and his arms like the branches of an oak, and he carries a great club over his shoulder. For a moment you feel afraid, until you notice that above his tangled beard his eyes are brown and twinkling.
  9. This being squats down, and as he does so he looks much more homely. All the gnomes and nature spirits throng around him and he laughs a deep,booming laugh as they climb upon his knees and shoulders and whisper in his ear. All the while he looks sidelong at you, winking and nodding, until you approach a little closer. “Look around you.” he says, and his voice is surprisingly soft, like the rain falling on thirsty ground. “Look around,listen around,feel around!” You look about you, into the green fertile forest. “Here.”. he says, “Is where it all happens. Do you understand? All takes shape,you take shape,everything is.”
  10. Thoughts rise in your mind and feelings within your heart. Ask questions of the Gnome King. Speak to him especially of your plans and ambitions, your practical difficulties, and matters to do with your home,money,and body. Ask how you can proceed in love and harmony with the earth,while finding fulfillment. Don’t be surprised if some of his answers are quite short and to the point.
  11. Soon the time comes to take your leave. Do so respectfully and thankfully. Walk back along the forest path,with such of the earth spirits have chosen to accompany you. As you approach to the place where you began, see that the mist has disappeared and all is normal.Come back gradually to everyday awareness.

(ART LINK) - Rossdraws

 Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For ProtectionSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/? Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For ProtectionSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/? Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For ProtectionSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?

Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For Protection
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en
I had to delete my old tumblr of the same name, give me an add if you were previously following me :]

What are some simple things that you do that you think would help another witch?

My list of daily or easy practices requires little to no prep-work

•Use a protection plant ally like a witch’s burr, cloves, thorns, motherwort, black pepper, garlic, or onion. Close your eyes and place your plant ally in your hands. Ask the spirit of the plant if they will offer you protection to see you through the day. Carry it with you.

•Alternatively, you can also use crystals. My go to combo is black tourmaline and red jasper!

•Use a protection archetype tarot card like the Nine of Wands. Nine of Wands, for myself, symbolizes boundaries and protection when it comes to our growth/life path. Place it on your altar with intention since it is a portal to our intentions, our guides, and the liminal, or carry on your person.

•Smoke cleanse the thresholds in your home, yourself, and your loved ones. I personally like rosemary and lavender for this purpose.

•As you leave an offering for your guides/ancestors/deities during your daily conversation with them ask them for their help when it comes to protection.

•Write the word protection or a symbol of protection on a black candle with intention and light.

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 Full Moon Beauty WaterSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=enYou can either make t Full Moon Beauty WaterSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=enYou can either make t

Full Moon Beauty Water
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

You can either make this during the full moon and leave it out to catch some of the full moon rays or use the full moon water you have in your fridge on a Friday!

•A jar or bottle
•Tablespoon of dried red petals
•Tablespoon of dried jasmine
•Tablespoon of dried yarrow
•small pinch of catnip
•Small pinch of saffron
•Extra credit: A dried pink or white orchid flower
•Full moon water or water depending on when you make this

Add each ingredient with intention as you add it to your vessel. Envisioning or thinking about your inner beauty shining through to the surface.

Feel free to strain with a cheesecloth after 24-48 hours.

Add a little to shampoos, conditioners, body lotion, etc, and apply directly.

If you like to full moon bathe, apply some the next full moon bathe ritual to further enhance its properties and longevity when applied!

As always, this is how I personally do things, which may be different for you and that is a-okay! Everyone’s practice can and should be different!

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 How We Develop Magickal Plant CorrespondencesSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=

How We Develop Magickal Plant Correspondences
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

It is so easy to look up correspondences now in days and find keywords given from others, but where do they even come from? Do you find yourself using correspondences that you hardly understand or you just add spellwork ingredients willy nilly despite them not resonating with you in the slightest?

In order to connect with the materials you are using, I recommend looking them up before spellwork. Not just their keywords. It will help you understand the herb and connect with its unique spirit on a personal level.

Correspondences come from a few different things
•How they grow
•Historial aspects, magickally or otherwise
•How they involve your senses (taste, touch, smell, sound, and looks)
•How they have been used for healing, health, poison, etc
•Their color
•Most importantly, your experiences with the plant

Deck - Seed & Sickle - @liminal_11&@rosdottir

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my mom is an icu nurse and she has told me horror stories of people you didnt tell their doctors about their herbal uses, especially with ginger and they end up bleeding out during surgery. ALWAYS tell your doctors if you have used herbs in the past 2 weeks!

marisarenee: More Watercolor Leaf Paintings (on Instagram) by Marisa Renee These watercolor leaves w


More Watercolor Leaf Paintings(on Instagram) by Marisa Renee

These watercolor leaves were based on plants I actually own. The plants featured here include: Begonia Maculata, Calathea White Fusion, Philodendron Cordatum Silver Stripe, and Snow Queen Pothos. Houseplants make for pretty good reference material because they don’t move too much haha.

More planty art from yours truly

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Happy Monstera Monday feat. A New Watercolor Leaf Pattern!

I was inspired by young monstera leaves for this repeating watercolor pattern free backgrounds for personal use - download for mobile or message for desktop jpeg✌
