#green witch



Burgundy - a deeper, darker, more tempestuous love

Celadon Green - prosperity, fertility, and good luck

Coral - charm and affection

Hot Pink - announces passion, daring, and verve

Ivory - romance and a steadfast, mature love

Orange - vitality, passion, enthusiasm, and energy

Pale Pink - gratitude, appreciation, romance, a dreamy first love; use to invoke a warm fuzzy feeling

Purple - power, passion, and the enchantment of fairies 

Red - true love, lust, and romance 

Red and White - creativity, unity, and solidarity 

Yellow - friendship, joy, happiness, good health, communication, and the power of the sun 

White - peace, love, marriage, moon magic, new beginning

Herb Magic for Beginners: Down-to-Earth EnchantmentsbyEllen Dugan
Rose Color Meanings

w-itchling: “My plants will grow healthily” Feel free the use for your own purposes! If you do pleas


“My plants will grow healthily”

Feel free the use for your own purposes! If you do please like/reblog!

This one goes alone with the previous plant sigil I posted, so I suggest you use the together for optimum plant care!

Post link

before u ask, i know that many people might think it is the most boring thing in the world, but if someone asked me to go out into nature with them and identify trees and shrubs, i’d be like heck yeah, hold my tree guide bestie


Anyone have any book reccommendations for southern folk witchcraft thats not focused as much on bible-centric beliefs? Im having trouble trying to find resources that arent super full of bible references

Is there a particular reason you want to specifically practice folk magic but also avoid the Christian bible?

I don’t want to come off as flippant with that question. It’s sincerely asked because resources will be much more difficult to find if they are both hills you’re willing to die on. It won’t be impossible but everyone has different boundaries so you might be able to get away with more if your limits are looser.

For example, I’m not southern but my craft is based in the folklore of my area. It’s an area which is heavily Christian. I’m not, but I also acknowledge the power that a tool like the bible has in certain workings. It’s also worth noting that just because something might come from a “Christian” source doesn’t mean there aren’t roots that dig even deeper.

If you truly want it to be southern, andfolklore based, and not Christian I would research stories and folklore of the area. Distill them down to their bones. Experiment with what works. Journal your findings. Get to know the local flora and fauna and the energy that resides in them and the land itself. Though to be fair, this is always my advice when it comes to locally based witchcraft.

Best of luck!

For a Peaceful Home - Burn blue candles on Thursday 

To Overcome Fear - Burn red candles on Sunday  ♨️

For Inner Peace - Burn silver candles on Monday 

For Self-Confidence - Burn red candles on Sunday  ❣️

For Physical Well-being - Burn green candles on Friday  ♻️

To Overcome Regret or Guilt - Burn white candles on Wednesday 

For Mental Clarity - Burn yellow candles on Wednesday  ⚱️

To Let Go Of Anger - Burn orange candles on Monday 

For Success at Work - Burn green candles on Friday 


*credit to original author

*not mine! Credit to original author.

  • Decide on an amount of money that will fulfill your financial needs. Write it down on a piece of green or white paper. 
  • On the back of the same paper write down your full name and address, if no address write date and time of birth.
  • Soak the paper in pure orange juice and leave it to dry.
  • Once it is dry, place the paper on your heart chakra and say : 

“I open up this centre and twin my talisman with it.”

  • Lay down your paper and put a bowl down next to it.
  • Command out loud :

“Oh spirits of the lands beyond, come here to me this day. Stretch time and traverse the universe to be here.

Spirits of money I call to thee do my bidding, Hear my cry and hearken to my words.

Money spirits whose power is great, give to me this thing I ask. By the power of the money spirits So Mote It Be!”

  • Take the paper over the bowl and light the corner of it with matches or a lighter.
  • Place it in the bowl and wait for it to burn out. 
  • Spread the ashes over your front door.

This post took forever to put together. Here are some common foods and spices and their properties and associations. 



  • Alfalfa - Earth. Associated with grounding and stress relief.
  • Allspice - Associated with luck, prosperity and health. Fire.
  • Almond - Earth. Associated with healing, wisdom, protection and prosperity. Sacred to Thoth, Hermes and Mercury.
  • Apple - Sacred to the Goddess. If cut in half one would see a pentacle formed within by it’s seeds. Associated with love, healing, happiness and divination. It was said that sliced apples could help one foretell the future.
  • Apricot - Happiness, romance and peace. Feminine energy.
  • Artichoke - Associated with personal growth and safety.
  • Avocado - Associated with fertility, beauty, love and virility. 
  • Bagel - Ruled by Adonis. Put different toppings on for different effect. 
  • Banana - Ruled by Mars. Provides safety when travelling and luck. Used to increase male sex drive, prosperity and love. Associated with heroic energy.
  • Basil - Draws money and sexual energy. Associated with love, protection and prosperity. Calming and sanitizing properties.
  • Bay - Enhances psychic abilities. Used to connect to deity. Associated with protection, strength and purification. Sacred to Vishnu.
  • Beans - Grounding, prosperity and luck.
  • Beef - Associated with prosperity and grounding. Sacred to Hathor.
  • Beer - Associated with purification and immortality. Sacred to Shoney. Earth and water.
  • Beetroot. Associated with love, beauty and passion. Sacred to Aphrodite.
  • Blackberries - Associated with prosperity, agriculture and sex. 
  • Blueberries - Protection, peace and calm. Protection from psychic attack.
  • Bread - Associated with kinship and sustenance. Sacred to Isis
  • Broccoli - Associated with protection, strength, leadership and physical improvements. Sacred to Jupiter.
  • Cabbage - Associated with protection and the moon. 
  • Caraway - Protection from theft and negativity. Promotes trust.
  • Cardamom - Increases strength of partnerships. Burnt as an offering to the gods.
  • Carnation - Associated with pride and beauty.
  • Carrot - Ruled by Mars. Associated with fertility, male masculinity and sex, also vision and grounding.
  • Catnip - Associated with rest and joy. Used in cat magic. Sacred to Bast.
  • Cauliflower - Associated with moon and water related magic.
  • Caviar - Sex 
  • Celery - Associated with sex, grounding and peace.
  • Cheese - Associated with joy, manifestation, and health. Used to reinforce personal or spiritual groundwork. Sacred to Apollo.
  • Cherry - Associated with love and female sexuality.
  • Chicken - Associated with healing and well-being. Used in Sunrise magic.
  • Chili Powder - Used in Hoodoo and other forms of folk magic. Used to banish and for protection.
  • Chives - Associated with protection and breaking bad habits.
  • Chocolate - Increases power and virility as it was a sacred food to the Aztecs and Mayans. Also associated with happiness, romance, sex, friendship, grounding and nurturing. Used in both solid and liquid form.
  • Cider - Health and healing.
  • Cinnamon - Associated with abundance, fortune, protection, prosperity and love. Sacred to Dionysus.
  • Clams - Aphrodisiac. Used to reveal secrets.
  • Clove - Associated with fun love, protection, piercing illusions and prosperity.
  • Coconut - Associated with luck, diversity, flexibility, spirituality and purification. Sacred to Athena and Ganymede.
  • Coffee - Associated with magical abilities, energy, alertness and sex.
  • Coriander - Ruled by Mars. Associated with love, sex, well-being and intelligence..
  • Corn - Associated with protection, eternity, agriculture and cycles. Sacred to Quetzalcoatl.
  • Cowslip - Associated with grace. Used in Faerie magic
  • Cranberries - Associated with protection.
  • Cucumber - Health and healing.
  • Cumin - Ruled by Mars. Associated with love, lust and protection.
  • Crab - Sacred to Apollo. Helps ground spiritual energy.
  • Daisy - Associated with innocence, fidelity, dawn and new beginnings.
  • Dandelion - Sacred to Hecate. Associated with wishes, psychic abilities and opening doorways to the spirit realm.
  • Dill - Protection of children. Sacred to Horus. Associated with courage and sexual desires.
  • Eggs - Fertility, protection, sex and grounding. Ancient questions and mysticism.
  • Elder flower - Protects from the Fae. Associated with blessings and wishes.
  • Fennel - Love and protection. Sacred to Dionysus.
  • Figs - Fertility, prosperity, sex and magical abilities.
  • Fish - Happiness, love, sex and peace.
  • Flour - Used to reveal hidden matters.
  • Garlic - Associated with health, protection, banishing, breaking hexes and healing. Sacred to Hecate.
  • Ginger - Associated with health, cleansing, vibrant energy and prosperity.
  • Grape - Fertility, dreams, vision and prosperity.
  • Grapefruit - Associated with purification and health.
  • Green peppers - Associated with growth and prosperity.
  • Guava - Associated with love, fantasy and relieving sorrow.
  • Ham - Associated with dramatic energy and theatrical flair.
  • Hazel - Associated with luck and wishes.
  • Honey - Happiness, love, sex, health, healing, magical ability, purification and peace. Sacred to Ra and Demeter.
  • Jelly - Associated with joy, pleasantness and energy.
  • Lamb - Associated with kindness, sensitivity and warmth.
  • Lavender - Associated with comfort, sleep and spiritual vision.
  • Lemon - Associated with health, love, purification, marriage and faithfulness. Sacred to Min.
  • Lettuce - Ruled by the element Water and the Moon. Associated with financial wealth, prosperity, happiness and divination.
  • Lilac - Associated with love, youth and joy.
  • Lime - Associated with love and purification.
  • Lobster - Associated with reincarnation, rebirth and growth. Sacred to Ares.
  • Mango - Associated with sex, love and protection. Sacred to Buddha.
  • Milk - Associated with fertility, prosperity, nurturing, peace, love and purity. Goddess Energy.
  • Mustard - Associated with fair and mental alertness. Sacred to Aesclepius.
  • Nuts - Fertility, sex, health, prosperity and healing.
  • Nutmeg - Associated with fidelity and luck. Sacred to Hermes.
  • Oats - Associated with agriculture, prosperity and sustenance.
  • Olives - Happiness, healing, spiritual pursuits and peace. Sacred to Aten.
  • Onion - Masculine. Associated with protection, purification, money and lust.
  • Oranges - Associated with magical ability, love, joy, inspiration and the sun. Also used in magic associated with love, protection, purification and abundance.
  • Oregano - Ruled by Venus. Associated with love, happiness, luck, protection and enhancing psychic ability.
  • Parsley - Associated with prosperity, sex and protection from accidents.
  • Pancakes - Luck.
  • Papaya - Love.
  • Passion Fruit - Associated with happiness, love and peace. Used to promote kinship
  • Pasta - Ruled by Mercury. Used to enhance creativity, protect and improve communications. Can also be used in romantic love.
  • Peaches - Happiness, love, healing and peace.
  • Pepper - Associated with protection, cleansing, banishment and purification.
  • Peppermint - Associated with wealth, sex, purification, health and luck.
  • Peanuts - Associated with grounding and male energy. Used in Earth magic.
  • Pears - Associated with prosperity, longevity and luck. Sacred to Venus.
  • Peas - Associated with love and prosperity. Used in Goddess magic.
  • Pineapple - Health, love, magical ability, prosperity, protection and healing.
  • Pizza - Ruled by the Sun. Associated with happiness, luck and perseverance.
  • Pomegranate - Associated with fertility, hospitality, prosperity and wishes. Sacred to Persephone and Ceres.
  • Poppy Seeds - Fertility and love.
  • Pork - Associated with fertility.
  • Potato - Ruled by the Moon. Associated with folk healing, protection and grounding. Used in Earth magic.
  • Pumpkin - Associated with health, prosperity and healing.
  • Radish - Protection.
  • Raspberries - Associated with happiness, love, protection and peace.
  • Red peppers - Associated with energy, vitality and strength.
  • Rice - Associated with fertility, sex, protection and abundant blessings.
  • Rose - Happiness, love and peace.
  • Rosemary - Used to enhance psychic ability. Associated with love, protection and purification.
  • Rum - Ruled by Ellegua and Chango. Channels the spirits of the Gods and when offered, attracts their favour. Associated with magical abilities, sex and protection.
  • Sage - Health and healing. Sacred to Zeus and Jupiter.
  • Salt - Strong purification spice. Absorbs negative energy and provides protection from evil. Helps with grounding. Sacred to Osiris and Set.
  • Sesame Seed - Fertility and protection. Sacred to Ganesha.
  • Soup - Purification.
  • Strawberry - Associated with Aphrodite and Freya. Aphrodisiac. Associated with love, healing, fertility and luck.
  • Sugar. - Ruled by Venus, the Goddess of love. Used to draw attention and sweeten spells or potions. Associated with love. Sacred to Kane.
  • Sunflower seeds - Protection. Helios, Demeter, and Apollo
  • Tea - Magical abilities and prosperity. Divination and meditation.
  • Thyme - Ruled by Venus. Associated with Faeries, purification, pleasant dreams, good health, fortune, love, courage and enhancing psychic ability.
  • Tomato - Ruled by Venus. Aphrodisiac. Associated with prosperity,  health, attracting love, protection and healing.
  • Tulip - Associated with devoted love.
  • Vanilla - Associated with love and sex.
  • Vinegar - Associated with protection and purification.
  • Violet - Associated with grace, modesty and expression.
  • Water - Purification.
  • Wine - Happiness, love and peace. Sacred to Dionysus, Bacchus, Osiris, Horus, and Isis.
  • Yellow peppers - Associated with creativity.
  • Zucchini - Ruled by Jupiter. Associated with sexual desire, protection and prosperity.


Here are some ways to cleanse the space where ritual or spellwork will take place.

  • Plants are a great natural filter for negative energy. Not only do they purify the air but they are also a beautiful decoration. Having a couple of houseplants in the room will make the energy very different. This works with flowers as well.
  • Take rock salt or sea salt, there are a few ways to cleanse a space with this.
    • Dilute in water and spray around a room.
    • Put in bowls and place at each corner of the room.
    • Simply sprinkle it on the floor or other surfaces and clean up after a bit. The longer it is left the better.
  • Physically remove it by walking around the house and verbally banish any negative energy that might be around you. Verbally and visually bring positivity back into the space.
  • Smudge the place. Buy or make your own smudge sticks and smudge the space. Be sure to leave doors and windows open when doing this.
  • Make a room spray with either salt (as previously mentioned) or with essential oils and other herbs used for cleansing. Spray it around the room.
  • Sweep the space to rid of physical and spiritual dirt. 
  • Ring a bell at each corner of the room to rid of any stagnant energy in the space.
  • Add any cleansing or banishing crystals like black tourmaline or selenite to the room. Placing it in the corners of the room, the windowsill or about all entrances.
  • Burn incense with cleansing properties. Let it burn out and monitor the smoke.
  • Light candles, especially white candles, to help banish negativity. They also give off a beautiful ambiance.
  • Open all the doors and windows! Let fresh air in and let the breeze blow through the house. Change your bedding, curtains and couch cushions and asperge everything.


A ceremonial blade with a black handle, used in ritual for ceremonial magic. Traditionally are double-edged blades, but don’t NEED to be. Often decorated at the handle with carved symbols or crystals. Used to channel and direct energies mostly.


Used for magical evocation. Usually printed on altar cloths, painted on altar tiles or work on jewellery or clothing. Used for multiple different purposes; protection, summoning energies or spirits, among other things. Symbol for air.


A witch’s wand can be made of almost anything that she/he is drawn to. Used in most spell work to raise and direct energy. A lot of witches decorate their wands with an array of crystals and magical objects to make it prettier. Symbol for air. 


Symbol for water. Used to hold wine or any other ceremonial liquid. In some cases symbolizes the physical body or the womb of the Goddess.

B O L I N E 

White handled knife, often with a curved blade. This blade is strictly for harvesting or cutting herbs, also anything that has to do with carving or cutting during spellwork.

C E N S E R 

Holds the incense.

 I N C E N S E 

Symbol for air. Different incense scents have different properties and you would pick one based on the intent of your ritual work or spellwork.


Mainly used in Wicca as a belt to signify rank, but in other paths it is just used in spellwork. The cingulum is basically a 9ft long chord made from natural fibers or materials.


Mostly used to sweep away negative energy. Most witches make their own besoms.

C A U L D R O N 

A pot used for potion making, brewing or for safely burning out candles or incense in spells or rituals.

J E W E L L E R  Y

Enchanted rings, necklaces or even earrings that are used in ritual or spellwork.

S T A N G 

A forked staff. Symbolic of horned deities.


A designated place for worship or witchcraft. Normall adorned with symbolic items and offerings. 

A L T A R   C L O T H 

Used to decorate the altar, store tarot cards or runes. Normally decorated with symbols of the craft depending on it’s purpose.

A L T A R   T I L E 

Placed on the altar for symbolic purposes. In old texts it was said to trap and hold spirits.


In some cases used in place of athame. Also never used to cut anything physical. Said to keep negative spirits at bay.


Different coloured candles are used to represent different things within spellwork or ritual work. Burnt for intent.


Used in spellwork to hold concoctions or other witchy items together. 


Used for a wide variety of magical purposes. Each crystal has individual purposes and can be used in many ways to channel these properties.

D I V I N A T O R Y   T O O L S

Tools used for psychic practices are a staple for any witches looking to practice this.

H E R B S 

The oldest magical tools. Probably the most important tool and has been used for centuries to treat ailments and other purposes. Different herbs have different properties.

 E S S E N T I A L   O I L S

These contain the properties from the plants from which they are made. Their scents also have effects on people and are wonderful to use in the craft.

M O R T A R   &   P E S T L E

Used to crush herbs and other ingredients.

O F F E R I N G   B O W L 

Used to hold offerings for the Gods / Goddesses that a witch sometimes worships.

S T A T U E S   &   R E P R E S E N T A T I O N S 

Figurines or symbols used to represent deities honoured, this is normally kept on the altar.


The vibrations from ringing a bell is said to banish unwanted spirits and clear stagnant energies from a room. This is normally done before any magical workings.


Normally used to help prep one mentally and also to get into the mood. Putting on ritual attire is mostly to help you focus and this in turn will help boost your intent. it’s also a lot more comfortable than jeans.


Used similarly to the wand to draw and direct energies.

D R U M 

Often used the same as if one were to chant. The rhythm helps induce a trance like state and I am assuming that it would work the same as the bell in some sense.


Used as a divinatory tool but also in spellwork.


As some witches do rely on the cardinal directions in spellwork it is handy to have a compass near or on ones altar.

P A P E R  &  P E N

Have spells written down or to help quickly jot down any visions one might have during divination or other psychic practices.

S A L T 

Strong protection and purification properties. Most witches will use salt in nearly everything. Symbolic of earth.

My ✨Imbolc ✨Alter

I used

-Glass bowl

-Bay leaves

-Live rose

-Dried Rose




-Pink & Yellow & red & purple candles

This was a very fun alter to make. I felt spring in the air.

This is used as an offering to the bridge goddess to ask her to protect your house and family in the upcoming year.

Will you be making one of these?

Quartz is colorless or white. Quartz can balance and revitalize the physical, mental, and spiritual planes.

Amethyst is light lavender to deep purple. Amethyst can help with spiritual awareness, inner peace and healing, and balance.

Looking for more people to follow! Reblog if you post:

  • Spells/rituals
  • Witchy content
  • Cottagecore content
  • Recipes
  • Animals
  • Astotrology
  • Gardening content
  • Witchy/cottagecore/fairycore/goblincore content

Will be following everyone!


(based on a recipe from Sacred Year, by Anni Daulter)

  • 2 ounces of dried rose petals 
  • 4 - 6oz honey
  • 10 - 12 ounces of vodka or brandy
  • 1 pint canning jar

Mix together in the jar and let infuse in a cool place protected from sunlight (you might also like to charge up your elixir under the full moon or new moon).

(This elixir is intended to offer support with anxiety or emotional stress. It can be dropped under the tongue, stirred into water or tea, or added to a bath)
