
Can’t wait to go back to the Witch City this Summer! Even more excited to be part of WCTG again and

Can’t wait to go back to the Witch City this Summer! Even more excited to be part of WCTG again and in person!

Posted @withregram • @witch_city_tarot Plants have been used since ancient times to connect with the spirit world, the gods and our own psychic senses to receive about our lives and the lives of those around us. Plants that have been used for divination also have psychoactive effects, some of them more dramatic and others, but we can utilize these properties to tap into deeper states of trance and altered consciousness making it easier to tap into our intuition and receive information from the spirit world. In this class we will explore how plants know as ritual entheogens were used historically and how we can incorporate certain plants in our practice today.

Join us by registering here: witchcitytarotgathering.com

Coby is an entheogenic herbalist, occultist and academic whose mission is to educate people about traditional ritual entheogens, plant spirit medicine and plant based witchcraft. Coby has studied both esoteric and medicinal herbalism since his early 20s, with a focus on baneful herbs spanning nearly a decade. Coby owns The Poisoner’s Apothecary, an online store and educational resource for the Poison Path. He is author of the Poison Path Herbal and has been blogging prolifically since 2016. Coby’s main passion is connecting people and plants. Coby currently resides in St. Petersburg, FL and runs the brick and mortar apothecary Staff and Snake.
#witchcitytarotgathering #salem #salemmassachusetts #ritual #entheogens #poisonpath #divination #herbs #occult #magick #herbalist #witchesofinstagram

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Rosemary Infusion for Headaches/Migraines

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub that originally comes from the Mediterranean. It is ruled by the Sun, and is most often used for evening out blood pressure, stomach aches, increasing memory, headache relief and for menstrual cramps. It can also be used as a rinse for your hair to decrease dandruff.


Make sure that you have culinary grade rosemary, and wash it with cold water. Then, steep 2/3 of an ounce to 1 ounce in 1 pint of hot water for at least 20 minutes. Drink 1/3 of a cup as needed, not exceeding 2 cups a day. This infusion will come out moderate to strongly tasting, so feel free to dilute the 1/3 of a cup with another liquid at the time of drinking.

*Please make sure that when making herbal teas that you know where your herbs are coming from! Some may not be edible due to pesticides or other circumstances, so make sure that you do research before consuming them.

**Please keep in mind that ingesting too much of the infusion can cause vomiting, stomach irritation and kidney damage. Do not drink this if you are pregnant as it may cause excess bleeding, or if you have seizures, as it may worsen the effects. Rosemary contains salicylate, which is an ingredient in aspirin products, therefore if you are allergic to aspirin please be careful how much you ingest medicinally. 

✨Enjoy, and blessed be! ✨


Planetary Association: Jupiter
Astrological Association: Sagittarius and Pisces
Elemental Energy: Air
Key Associations: Psychic ability, opening up the sight, calling spirits, connecting to higher dimensions.
Safety:Edible, however in very very large doses can be damaging to the body due to the presence of oxalates. However, in order to suffer from poisoning from dandelion you would need to consume a huge amount of leaves and stems daily. Consume dandelion in moderate amounts, no need to become a Dandelion addict mmkay? Dandelions have a long history of being eaten, and they are used in salads, jellies, teas and wine. If you are allergic to latex please be careful with this herb, as the stems contain latex.

Planetary affects: Jupiter lends an expansive energy to dandelion, allowing the mind to open up to receiving messages from spirits. When using dandelion with the intention of increasing psychic ability, Jupiter in conjunction with the element of air allows for energy to carry from the lower chakras and up through the air element into spiritual dimensions. In this way we are able to extend our primal emotions from the body and out through the auras to be released, bringing spell work, messages from the guides, intentions and wishes to fruition. This is the same reason we often wish upon a dandelion. 

Astrological affects: Sagittarius lends Dandelion a curious and truth seeking nature which helps to increase it’s connection to psychic ability. In combination with the energies of Jupiter and the Sagittarian ruling element of fire, this lends a passionate and motivating force behind dandelion which stimulates the intuition and pushes the mind to seek for answers. Although the element of air rules over dandelion, Sagittarius brings it’s fiery passionate energy into the background, giving a bit of extra oomph to this herb.
Pisces allows the mind to connect emotionally to incoming information and find personal connections to the messages that come through due to an extra oomph from Pisces’ ruling element of water. When doing readings for others, this allows dandelion to bring messages across that can be connected specifically to this person, allowing expression of the messages in a meaningful way.

Dandelion growth: Dandelion can grow just about anywhere, but prefers rich loose soil. However, it is often found in fields, sidewalk cracks, rocky areas, and, compacted soils. This is where the magic of dandelion can come into play- the presence of dandelion literally changes the soil- attracting earthworms, drawing toxins out of the soil, and rejuvenating the nutrients in the ground. This nature of dandelion has helped to shape the folklore behind it’s abilities to transform and adapt energy into a positive force that can be perceived and felt through the energy fields. 

Dandelion Folklore: Dandelion’s flowers open with the morning sun, and close when the sun sets, giving it a strong affinity to the sun. It has often be used as offerings to solar deities or used to decorate spring time altars and shrines as it often blooms in Spring and Autumn. Due to it’s status as a weed, growing low to the ground and it’s ability to grow in poor rocky soils, the dandelion was believed by some to belong to Chthonic deities and has been associated with necromancy and communicating with the dead because of it’s underworld connections. Many believe this herb is ruled over by Hecate.

Dandelion harvesting and uses: Harvest dandelion flowers, leaves and roots in the morning sun when Jupiter is in the sky above. Added benefits arise from the harvest if Jupiter is passing through Sagittarius or Pisces. 
Hang the harvested plants to dry until the flowers have shrunk and the leaves have become crunchy. Store in a jar in a cool spot until ready to use. Be careful where you harvest from, as roadside dandelions may have taken on some carbon monoxide.

Magical uses: Drink as a tea for psychic visions, or use the dried root as a poppet for healing or curse workings. Use in a clarity oil to help sharpen the mind and increase perception of visions and messages. Weave into wreaths to celebrate the coming of spring, or give as offerings. Can be used to dress the feet or hands of deity statues in order to connect to their energy. Leaves can be eaten in a salad, and the tea can aid in cleansing the liver and blood as a medicinal tonic.

Psychic tea
- Dig up the roots and wash off any soil. Chop and roast the roots in the oven at 180 degrees celcius until they turn milky brown in colour. 
- Place in a tea diffuser and allow the tea to diffuse.
- Add milk and sugar as required.

Drink at least 10-15 minutes before a reading, scrying, or meditation session for increased psychic connections.

Clarity oil
- Add the petals of a dandelion to olive oil with some lavender flowers and rosemary leaves. Leave in the light of mercury for a boost of communication energy. For extra oomph make this oil blend on a base of Mercury oil. Anoint the third eye for increased ability to perceive visions and communicate with your guides.

Dandelion paste
- Grind Dandelion petals with sandalwood or chandan powder and mix with a little water to make a thick paste. Dress the hands and feet of deity statues with the mixture to honor them and to connect to their energies. This paste can also be smeared on bones and other curios to connect to the ancestors or animal guides. Feed the paste to bones as an offering- the orange/red brown color imitates the flesh and blood of an animal thus connecting spirit guides to bones and allowing them to inhabit the space within.

Dandelion Salve- For achy muscles and painful joints
- Cover dandelion flowers in olive oil and allow to infuse in a jar for 4-6 weeks.
- Drain the flowers from the oil and set aside.
- Over a low heat melt beeswax inside a heatproof bowl which is sitting in a pan of water (Like how you would melt chocolate without burning it.)
- Mix the beeswax and oil together and allow the mixture to set inside your chosen container.
- Once the mixture has set apply to sore muscles and joints for some homemade pain relief! 


Types of Herbal Remedies

I’ve compiled a list of types of herbal remedies, with brief instructions on how to make them. Choose your herbs carefully, as some are poisonous, some will interfere with health problems and medications, and some can cause allergic reactions.

If you are concerned about any health issue you have, or worried about herbs reacting with your medications, go talk to your doctor. This post is not intended as medical advice.


This is usually cloth that has been soaked in a herbal infusion so that it can be applied topically. Useful for skin issues, muscle pain, joint pain, and general aches.

You can make one by soaking cotton wool in a warm infusion of your choice, wrapping the balls in a piece of clean cloth, and applying to the affected area. Once the cloth cools down you can soak it again in the warm tea and reapply.


This is basically the herbalist term for tea. The herbs are usually dried and ground before being steeped in very hot water and then strained out. If you use a bag then you can skip the straining.


This is similar to an infusion but much stronger, and with alcohol instead of water, which helps to preserve it.

Put your herbs in a jar. Cover them with alcohol (most people I know use vodka). Put the lid on the jar and shake it daily for a month or so, then strain the herbs out. I tend to keep mine in the little dropper bottles, as you normally don’t need to take much at once.


I like to think of these as a stronger infusion. You need four times as much boiling water as dried herb, and you want to simmer the mixture for about half an hour before straining.


These are herbs mixed with a sugary substance, which makes them easier to consume and helps to preserve them a little. They’re a good way to get your herbs in if you have a sore throat, as they are often quite soothing.

You’ll need a couple ounces of fresh herb per pint of water. Put them on the stove and heat until about half of the water has evaporated. Then you need to add about five tablespoons of sugar/honey/maple syrup per pint of water you used originally (so if you put two pints in the pan, you need ten tablespoons). Keep stirring for about twenty minutes, then take it off the heat and bottle it up. You need to keep syrups in the fridge, preferably in a dark coloured jar or bottle.


Essential oils and beeswax, basically. Add about twenty drops of essential oil to a cup of melted beeswax, stick it in a jar, let it cool, and there you go! You can mix in juiced herbs if you like, but that’s optional.


A salve is basically essential oils mixed with beeswax, oils and herbs. I have seen them made with coconut oil, though if you live in a warmer environment then coconut oil won’t work for you as it melts. You need about fifty/fifty dried herbs and beeswax (if you live somewhere warm) or use a mixture of beeswax and an oil like olive or safflower if you live somewhere colder, just so it’s soft enough to use. Use about twenty drops of oil per cup of beeswax. You’ll need to melt the wax in a double boiler, and let the herbs infuse in the molten wax for about half an hour. Then you add your essential oils, and pour the molten salve into the containers and let it cool.


This is basically a liquid balm or salve. Follow the methods above, but use oil instead of beeswax.


When taking a herbal bath, you are basically making a giant cup of tea! Fill an organza bag with your chosen herbs, and put it in the bath while you run the water, then remove it before you get in. You can reuse the bag of herbs, but they lose potency with each use, so I try to avoid doing this.


This is a paste of herbs and sometimes other things that is applied to the skin. Used for infections, splinters, burns, boils etc. They’re pretty simple to make, you just mix some dried herbs with a tiny bit of boiling water to form a paste, put it on the area, and use a piece of cloth or gauze to keep it there. If you want to use fresh herbs you just mash them up.


How to make a tincture

Making a tincture involves steeping the herb or root in alcohol, extracting
its oils, minerals, alkaloids, and glycosides so that it is in its purest form.
You can use vegetable glycerin or apple cider vinegar instead, particularly
in tinctures intended for children, but they aren’t quite as effective at
pulling out the good stuff.
You’ll need strong alcohol, at least 80 proof. Everclear works well, as does vodka or brandy. You’ll also need a pint jar to fill with the herb or plant you want—any of the herbs listed above will work here. 

Chop the herb up a bit or bash it around with a mortar and pestle to help it break down. You’ll want the jar to be full, but not pack your herbs in too tightly.
Then fill the jar completely with the alcohol. (If you’re using dried herbs or roots, you need only put in enough to reach halfway, and then add the
alcohol up to the top.)

Seal the jar tightly. Label and date it, and let it rest in a cool, dark place.

For the first week, shake it once a day, then let it rest for five more weeks.
At the end of the resting period, use a layer of muslin or cheesecloth
held tightly over the jar to strain out the liquid. Decant the tincture into one
of those small, dark glass bottles, preferably one with a dropper, and keep it
stored away from direct sunlight. It should last for five to ten years.

How to make herbal oil

It’s more trouble than it’s worth to make your own essential oils. A true essential oil is extracted by boiling the herb in question and skimming the oil off the top—that’s a task best left to the professionals. But you can make your own herbal oil. It may not be quite as distilled, but it can still be effective, and it’s a great way to preserve herbs for use long into the winter. The nice thing about creating your own oils is that you can use any combination of herbs that you desire. You might mix calendula, catnip, lemon balm, marshmallow, mullein, plantain leaf, and yarrow for an oil that is particularly effective for skin care, or lavender, vervain, lemon balm, and yarrow for a soothing oil to rub on the temples. Chop or bruise your chosen herbs and place them in a jar. Fill the jar with the carrier oil of your choice (olive or almond oil works well), covering the herbs by one inch, and leaving one inch of space at the top. Close the jar tightly, and allow it to sit in as much sunshine as possible for a month. Strain the oil through a cheesecloth on an as-needed basis, leaving the rest to continue steeping.

How to make a poultice

A poultice is a soft, moist mass of herbs, cloth, and other ingredients, and
it’s an excellent tool for treating topical infirmities. A hot poultice is excellent for drawing out infection, as with bee stings or draining abscesses, while a cold poultice will help reduce inflammation.
Gather the herbs you want to use, either fresh or dried. If they’re fresh, you may want to mash the herbs up in a mortar and pestle (the traditional way) or blitz them through a food processor (the modern way). Even if you’re planning on making a cold poultice, add a couple of tablespoons of hot water to your herbs to awaken them, before letting them cool. You can add medicinal clay powder, Epsom salts, or baking soda and combine with water until the mixture becomes a thick paste.
For ailments like congestion or insect bites, you can place the poultice directly on the skin, making sure, of course, that it isn’t too hot. To treat a burn or something that could easily become infected, place a clean cotton cloth between the skin and the poultice.

Common herbs and their uses

Ashwagandha: The name translates to “smell of horse.” This herb is hard to find fresh, but powders, pills, teas, and extracts are available.
Benefits: Increases energy, boosts the immune system, antiinflammatory, reduces anxiety.
Suggested use: Stir ¼-½ tsp. powder into warm milk and honey
before bed.
Concerns: May increase thyroid hormone levels and lower blood

Black cohosh: This member of the buttercup family could be grown in a garden. Dried roots, capsules, teas, and extracts are also available.
Benefits: Relieves menstrual cramps and arthritic pain. Eases symptoms of menopause.
Suggested use: Drink as a tea or mix with honey as a syrup.
Concerns: May cause upset stomach, so consider taking with food.

Calendula: Also known as marigold, this herb could be grown in a garden, but is also available as teas, oils, and creams. Useful for dyeing and food coloring as
Benefits: Helps heal cuts. Good for diaper rash or other skin irritations. Calms an upset stomach.
Suggested use: Steep petals in just below boiling water for ten minutes, then drink as a tea. Add dried flowers to coconut, almond, or olive oil as a salve.
Concerns: None known.

Catnip: It’s not just for cats! Catnip is easily grown and also available as a capsule, tea, extract, and essential oil. It is also handy as an insect repellent.
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory. Good for insomnia, upset stomach, menstrual cramps, headache, and treating the common cold.
Suggested uses: Steep for tea, sprinkle essential oil into the bath or rub it on the temples, use in cooking (it’s a member of the mint family, so its flavor is better than some).
Concerns: None known.

Cranberry: Easily obtained fresh or frozen and also available in pill form, this herb is a great source of vitamin C, fiber, and vitamin E.
Benefits: Most frequently used to treat and prevent urinary tract infections. Also shown to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, slow tumor progression in cancer, and help prevent gum disease.
Suggested uses: Because they’re so tart, cranberries often come with a lot of sugar. Try to buy reduced-sugar dried cranberries and stay away from most cranberry juices. If you can manage it, drink the unsweetened juice to relieve a UTI, and certainly try making your own cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving.
Concerns: None known.

Dittany: This is one of those herbs with a long history. It is also known as “burning bush.” Easily grown, it is hard to find in dried or tea form.
Benefits: Antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial. Good for the skin and the intestines, and is thought to be an aphrodisiac.
Suggested uses: Steep in hot water for tea, but use sparingly. Use as an antibacterial balm or poultice.
Concerns: If you’ve put some on your skin, stay out of the sun, as it can increase the risk of sunburn.

Elderberry: This herb has been used to battle a flu epidemic in Panama as recently as 1995. It can be grown, but is also available as a pill or an extract. For your personal garden, look specifically for Sambucus nigra, as other elderberry
varieties can be toxic.
Benefits: Boosts the immune system, treats sinus infections, lowers blood sugar, acts as a diuretic and a laxative, good for skin health and allergies.
Suggested uses: They’re delicious! Can be made into a syrup, jams, or jellies—even wine.
Concerns: Don’t pick and use wild elderberry unless you’re absolutely certain the plant is Sambucus nigra. Always cook the berries to remove any toxicity.

Feverfew: This is another herb with a long history. Easily grown and available dried, it is most frequently found in capsule form.
Benefits: For centuries, it was used to relieve fever, to assist with
childbirth, and for fertility. Now it is most frequently used to prevent migraines. It can also help with tinnitus, nausea, dizziness, asthma, and allergies.
Suggested uses: It doesn’t taste good, so not recommended even as
a tea. Instead, make a tincture or purchase capsules.
Concerns: If you do drink it, feverfew can cause irritation in the mouth. If taken in large quantities on a regular basis, stopping can cause withdrawal symptoms, so use only as needed. May cause the uterus to contract, so don’t take while pregnant.

Horse chestnut: This is not the kind of chestnut you’d want to roast on a fire, but it is still useful. It is not recommended for personal processing, as the seed contains esculin, a poisonous substance. Purchase an extract or pill instead.
Benefits: Shown to be extremely effective against varicose veins. Also good for hemorrhoids and frostbite.
Suggested uses: 300 milligrams of horse chestnut seed extract twice
Concerns: Don’t consume raw horse chestnut seeds, bark, or leaves.

Lemon Balm: This member of the mint family has a distinct lemony scent. It is also known as “melissa.” It is easily grown, but also available in tea, extract, and
essential oil forms.
Benefits: Calms anxiety, encourages restful sleep. Good for the skin, improves mood and mental clarity.
Suggested uses: Steep fresh or dried to make tea, use in cooking, use to flavor honey or vinegar, use in a hot bath.
Concerns: None known.

Marshmallow: Sadly, these are not the things we put in hot chocolate. The root is available dried, as well as in powder, extract, capsule, and tea form.
Benefits: Aids with dry cough, represses inflammation in the lining of the stomach, good for chilblains and sunburn.
Suggested uses: Drink as a tea, add to a base oil for a salve.
Concerns: May cause low blood sugar.

Milk thistle: This herb is easily grown, as it’s pretty much a weed. It’s available as an extract, pill, or tea.
Benefits: Milk thistle can protect your liver from toxins—say, for instance, alcohol. It can even be used to treat cirrhosis and jaundice and helps with environmental toxin damage.
Suggested uses: Steep in hot water or make a tincture. Not recommended for use in cooking.
Concerns: May cause diarrhea.

Mullein: This is the clear quartz of herbal healing. It is easily found and grown and available both dried and in capsule form.
Benefits: Known particularly for respiratory relief, including cough, bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia, it’s also good for earache, fever, sore throat, migraine, and to heal the skin.
Suggested uses: Apply a tincture to relieve ear infection, drink as a tea, use as a salve to heal wounds and bruises.
Concerns: None known.

Plantain leaf: Pretty hip these days, as herbal remedies go, plantain leaf is easily grown and available dried or in capsule form.
Benefits: Great for the skin, particularly in relieving insect bites, poison ivy, and sunburn. Lowers cholesterol, helps clear up bladder infections, relieves constipation or diarrhea.
Suggested uses: Make poultice with clay and water or make a salve with a base oil. Infuse vinegar to spray on the skin to provide pain relief. Drink as a tea.
Concerns: None known.

Rue: This herb is also known as “herb of grace.” Easily grown, it is also available dried, in capsule form, or as an essential oil.
Benefits: Used to promote menstruation, it provides a sense of calm and well-being and is good for relieving gas, mucus, and arthritis.
Suggested uses: As an oil or poultice it can relieve croup or chest congestion. Drink as a tea to ease anxiety.
Concerns: This one is serious—it can cause a miscarriage. Use in small amounts, regardless of whether or not you’re pregnant.

Valerian: This is an attractive addition to any garden, with a pleasing scent, but it is the root which holds the good stuff and that does not smell good. Easily grown, this herb is also available in tea, capsule, and extract forms.
Benefits: Valerian is very effective against insomnia. It also calms anxiety and depression, and helps with ADHD and headache.
Suggested uses: Drink a tea made from the leaves for a mild sedative, or steep the roots for something stronger. Add a tincture to a bath for a gentler, child-friendly alternative.
Concerns: None known, but obviously don’t operate heavy

Vervain: Usually blue vervain is used, but other types seem to work just as well. Easily grown, vervain is also available dried or as an extract.
Benefits: Helps with anxiety and sleeplessness. Also provides pain relief, eases tense muscles, and promotes an overall sense of wellbeing.
Suggested uses: Steep in hot water as a tea. Not recommended in cooking, though it smells nice, so add a little to a bath.
Concerns: May cause nausea.

Yarrow: This member of the sunflower family is easily grown—and quite lovely— and available dried or as an essential oil.
Benefits: Relieves fever, as well as cold and flu symptoms. Relieves cramps, provides a sense of calm and relaxation, and aids in restful sleep. Suppresses the urge to urinate (say, during a UTI). Use topically for a rash or small cuts.
Suggested uses: Drink as a tea in the evening to induce sleepiness
or relieve cold and flu symptoms, or make into a salve for external use.
Concerns: None known.

Keep reading


Healing Tea Recipes

Headache tea

-½ tablespoon of mint leaves

-½ tablespoon of lavender

-½ tablespoon of chamomile

Nausea tea (not acid reflux)

-fresh sliced ginger root or candied/minced ginger

-1 tablespoon of mint leaves

-1 tablespoon of lemon balm

-½ tablespoon of chamomile

Immune Boost tea

-1 tablespoon (or 10-20) of elder berries

-½ tablespoon of calendula

-½ tablespoon of echinacea

-a squeeze of fresh orange juice

Menstrual Relief tea

-½ tablespoon of raspberry leaf

-½ tablespoon of chamomile

-½ tablespoon of hops

-ginger slices

Acid Reflux tea

-½ tablespoon of fennel

-½ tablespoon of chamomile

-½ tablespoon of licorice or 1 stick

Anti-Anxiety/Insomnia tea

-½ tablespoon of lavender

-½ tablespoon of chamomile

-½ tablespoon of passionflower

-½ tablespoon of lemonbalm

Cold & Flu / Allergy tea

-½ tablespoon of nettle

-½ tablespoon of peppermint

-½ tablespoon cinnamon bark or lavender

-1 teaspoon of lemon juice & raw local honey

-fresh ginger slices

*these do not replace medications and aren’t meant to treat an issue alone. If you think anything’s wrong please see a doctor. Please do research on interactions before you use herbs if you’re on medication.

Hey y’all!

If you’re into herbal teas, holistic insight and diys or you would like to get into all around wellness this year, follow my business page!

IG: sunteaseven


BLACK SEEDS- glorious and whole, we emerge, like black seeds, from the Underworld, the Other world

- glorious and whole, we emerge, like black seeds,
from the Underworld, the Other world,
out — from the body of our false,
second self.

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