
Sprouting Chaos Player’s Companion Races: Awakened Blight and SilvaSprouting Chaos Player’s Companion Races: Awakened Blight and SilvaSprouting Chaos Player’s Companion Races: Awakened Blight and Silva

Sprouting Chaos Player’s Companion Races: Awakened Blight and Silva

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Armiger Fighter by The Middlefinger of VecnaArmiger Fighter by The Middlefinger of VecnaArmiger Fighter by The Middlefinger of VecnaArmiger Fighter by The Middlefinger of VecnaArmiger Fighter by The Middlefinger of Vecna

Armiger Fighter by The Middlefinger of Vecna

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Path of Shadows Spells by SeginusPath of Shadows Spells by SeginusPath of Shadows Spells by SeginusPath of Shadows Spells by SeginusPath of Shadows Spells by SeginusPath of Shadows Spells by SeginusPath of Shadows Spells by SeginusPath of Shadows Spells by SeginusPath of Shadows Spells by SeginusPath of Shadows Spells by Seginus

Path of Shadows Spells by Seginus

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Predators of the mighty Dragon Turtle the Dragon Eels are vicious killers of the deep, terrify your Predators of the mighty Dragon Turtle the Dragon Eels are vicious killers of the deep, terrify your

Predators of the mighty Dragon Turtle the Dragon Eels are vicious killers of the deep, terrify your party with them.

My Youtube where I post videos on dnd : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPcFsxfrenLv_Nx0oxSmBhA

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I’m a little late with the video this week but today I give you the Sand Giant for 5th edition. ThesI’m a little late with the video this week but today I give you the Sand Giant for 5th edition. Thes

I’m a little late with the video this week but today I give you the Sand Giant for 5th edition. These tribal giants are very strong and can be deadly using the right tactics.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPcFsxfrenLv_Nx0oxSmBhA

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The Leech. A malevolent villain who is the BBEG in one of the campaigns I’m running.Despite his mons

The Leech. A malevolent villain who is the BBEG in one of the campaigns I’m running.

Despite his monstrous appearance the Leech is very intelligent and wise. But the real danger is that the longer they are in combat with him the more he saps their abilities adding it to his own. A paladin whose smite is taken away, a sorcerer that finds their sorcery points are taken away from them and used for the Leech’s spells. Imagine the panic.

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The Sun Giant (Or Desert Giants in AD&D) are Nomadic giants who travel the desert. Check out theThe Sun Giant (Or Desert Giants in AD&D) are Nomadic giants who travel the desert. Check out theThe Sun Giant (Or Desert Giants in AD&D) are Nomadic giants who travel the desert. Check out theThe Sun Giant (Or Desert Giants in AD&D) are Nomadic giants who travel the desert. Check out the

The Sun Giant (Or Desert Giants in AD&D) are Nomadic giants who travel the desert. Check out the video on my channel for more information.


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Twisted, chaotic dragons from the 518th Layer of the Abyss. The Chole dragons are tentacled nightmarTwisted, chaotic dragons from the 518th Layer of the Abyss. The Chole dragons are tentacled nightmarTwisted, chaotic dragons from the 518th Layer of the Abyss. The Chole dragons are tentacled nightmarTwisted, chaotic dragons from the 518th Layer of the Abyss. The Chole dragons are tentacled nightmarTwisted, chaotic dragons from the 518th Layer of the Abyss. The Chole dragons are tentacled nightmar

Twisted, chaotic dragons from the 518th Layer of the Abyss. The Chole dragons are tentacled nightmares that destroy everything in their way. Check out my video where I geek out about them on my Youtube. 


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Hello, everyone. New post talking about commissions again. Like most people right now, My position was terminated due to COVID-19. So, my commissions are very much so open.

- Race/Racial Hybrid ($25 for just Racial Traits)

- Race/Racial Hybrid ($40 for full racial pages)

- Monster Stat ($30 or higher depending on how complex)

- Magical Item(s) ($15)

- Tier System Magical Item(s) ($35 or higher depending on how complex)

- Subclass ($25)

- Spells ($15 for one spell + $5 for additional spells)

To anyone that commissions in bulk which will mean all money up front, I will gladly give you a discount.

Alternatively, if you would like access to plenty of exclusive homebrew material you can pledge to My Patreon!

If you’re interested in a commission, follow this link to get to my Commission Form. There are more instructions there to follow. Just reblogging this is helpful as well.

I’ve always liked the concept of a barbarian being able to lay the beat down on their enemies even if they don’t have any weapons handy. So here’s a Tasha’s Cauldron style optional class feature! Hope you enjoy!

One of my newest characters, Magister the Warforged Wizard! He’s the host of my new youtube video al

One of my newest characters, Magister the Warforged Wizard! He’s the host of my new youtube video all about the Blood Boil, a nasty blood sucking ooze. He put the poster up in his classroom and it seems pretty official, but he never said what he’s wanted for…

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manicpixiesyourdreamboy: Iron Queen Campaign NPC Time!Idaeus “Day” Aphelion (he/they) is a human divmanicpixiesyourdreamboy: Iron Queen Campaign NPC Time!Idaeus “Day” Aphelion (he/they) is a human div


Iron Queen Campaign NPC Time!

Idaeus “Day” Aphelion (he/they) is a human divination wizard raised by the Congregation of the Perihelion, a cult that worships Pelor. Idaeus was raised to be a prophesied god killer, as it was believed one day he would rid the world of all gods except Pelor, leaving the Dawnfather to be the only god remaining (since this is homebrew, several of the existing gods of the D&D pantheon have different roles and motivations and many of them are afraid of dying, thus amassing more and more followers, sometimes in immoral ways). Idaeus ran away from the cult when he discovered they were going to blind him.

They joined up with the Hellbenders, a group of environmental activists and researchers who would eventually become their polycule. The Hellbenders, led by Idaeus, also rescued Battalion Model 0041 (Tally) from King Taevall’s research lab where it was created. The six of them adventured together until one fateful night whereupon breaking into the King’s lab yet again, the party was ambushed and all except Idaeus and Tally were killed. In a moment of desperation, Idaeus bound the Hellbenders’ souls to Tally with a soul-binding spell they had learned in the King’s lab. They attempted to escape alongside Tally but were unsuccessful, ending up in the hands of King Taevall, who then sold him for a favor from Adreila Zenvarra. The drawing on the left depicts him as he looked during his time with the Hellbenders.

In the current day, Idaeus is in the Feywild being coerced and extorted into bringing about a godless apocalypse– fated to a cyclical tragedy, forced to fulfill the role that he thought he escaped many years ago. The drawing on the right depicts his attire in the Feywild as Adreila’s court wizard.

Playlists:https://open.spotify.com/playlist/36TyHSPf6YLxiRlNN7dmgp?si=0bff16f3bcb94937 (general Idaeus playlist)
https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4WsL3Cr4RstNjxugJ44gKp?si=0841d4f3e92b43d0 (Idaeus B sides OR songs for when you’re in the feywild doing apocalypse shit against your will)
Pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/goldgraham/dnd-each-captivated-crooked-smile/

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Yo- so- I’ve been doing some thinking recently. Specifically about what ways in TTRPGs geography would/should/does effect the prevalence and manifestation of magic. 

Like we all get druids hang out in the woods- clerics are around temples- wizards have towers and schools and all that jazz in some classic fantasy. That just sorta scratches the surface of what I’m thinking about though. And to a certain extent this idea has been considered by the Circle of the Land Druids but id like to explore it further.

For example- let’s us, you and I- look at the Tempest Cleric. It makes sense to me that the storm gods are prayed to more heavily in costal regions and so it tracks to me that in port towns or seaside villages the most common/largest/best kept temples would be staffed by Tempest Clerics. And that when a ship goes out to sea they either get blessed by a stormy priest or even bring one along both to keep wind up and in the sails and to prevent shipwrecking storms from arising. 

I think this train of though kinda continues to track with other classes too. I would posit that rural or more isolated communities would be more likely to have a sorcerer or warlock as arcane casters than a wizard just based on access to fancy magical education. It’s way easier to make a deal with a hag for some good good magic then it is to move your ass a thousand miles just to be the man who went to wizard school. AAAAND think through this with me- I would argue it is more beneficial for a village to have an in with a hag than one good wizard- help protect your crops in the fall, maybe get a milder winter, maybe your village livestock never really seems to have issues with predators. No good ol’ wizard is really gonna be able to do that.

On the subject of arcane nerds however I think some schools of magic would be more popular foci of study in different areas. A rural wizard might practice divination to find the ideal time for planting and how late you can leave crops in before the seasons change. An urban wizard might be more inclined towards abjuration or evocation- two schools where they city they live in might be more interested in employing them for defense or what not.

I dunno if all this makes sense to anyone else but I’ve really been thinking about it a lot recently and wanted to throw it on out there.

Are these still a thing here?

So I startet playing Detroit: Become Human yesterday and got inspiration how to play interrogations, so that they aren’t just rolling intimidation and that’s it:

The DM decides the stress level of the interrogated NPC at the start of the interrogation depending on the circumstances between 10 and 19 (I’d say), but keeps this number secret. The optimal stress level is 15; when the adventurers ask their question while the NPC is at this level, they give them the information they asked for.

Every successfull indimidation check rises the stress level by 1, every time dealing damage by 2. Every successfull persuasion or deception check lowers the stress level by 1, every unsuccessfull intimidation check by 2.

If the NPC reaches level 9 or lower, they feel to save to answer. If they reach level 20, they go berserk and try to flee or even kill the interrogator.

I have to try it out as well, but let me know if it works or if you have ideas to improve this system further
