


Уютът от чаша чай,

топло одеяло,

канела, книга


нечия прегръдка,

нечие сърце..

Или в по-точен превод:


- Л.Л.

me: posts beautiful photos of coffee & books

Tumblr: *ignores*

me: posts mediocre soup pics and shit on my cutting board


Wonder Pens in Toronto, a stationery institution (comes with 2 shop cats, a skylight, and plants)

When you’re picking out a fountain pen they let you test them out to feel the ~connection~ - move over Ollivander

queen of sending people letters and postcards they can’t decipher ♥️

POV: you pick up a new fountain pen and stationary, write postcards at an old favourite coffee shop, and grab a few croissants at a little bakery on your way back home

An order of pumpkins made way to their new home, today!

ig: Cozy.Creative.Lifestyle

ig: RoslynnNikole

Tried crocheting for the first time in about ten years.

ig: Cozy.Creative.Lifestyle

Great taste indeed MC

✴️ Still can’t stop thinking about how MC organised a reindeer sleigh ride for Gavin.

✴️ Or that she embroided a ginkgo on his scarf

✴️ Or that this is a date in Northern Europe

✴️ I guess Gavin now owes her a carriage ride huh? ;)
