


realistic octopus amigurumi i made for @vintage-squid ! one of my best works!

nasihah-creativeportfolio:Cheeming Boey is a malaysian animator/artist best known for his art on s


Cheeming Boey is a malaysian animator/artist best known for his art on styrofoam cups. In order to best utilize his natural talents, he went to San Fransisco intially to study advertising and later switching over to computer animation. He believes and follows his dream of making a living as an artist, created an online blog with thousand of followers and completed a book about misadventures from his youth. Everything is just begin with one simple word DREAM…a dream that inspired him+you+I to follow our heart, imagination and created the future us. Boey once said “if you want to get something done, or if you have a dream…just go for it”. So, that what i’m trying to do right now. Do what i want to do…have a dream and just go for it. 

To recall the history of how i admire this cool man, it just happened a few years ago when i “incidentally” bought his awesome piece of When I Was a Kid. Falling in love with every pages and every stories, then i decided to dig who is this awesome man. When i first seeing his art of styrofoam cups, the only thought i had was “super duper creative”. How can he even think to draw on the cup, and unexpectedly turning the rubbish into a piece of art. He just need a cup, pen and creativity. Is not it awesome?…that why i call him The Awesome Boey.

He may have had a few luck along the way, uses only simple materials and makes his achievements look easy. But his passion and willingness to follow his heart and dream really inspired me. In his path to the success, Boey had showed me how a coffee cup, a thing that we just treat as a rubbish turning to an unexpected art and inspired not just fellow artists , but anyone with a dream. Is not it amazing to inspire people? for me i want to be one of them. Being inspired, Being respected.  

p/s:  The Awesome Boey…lets meet one day.

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Clever, creative, simple packaging. Clever, creative, simple packaging. 

Clever, creative, simple packaging. 

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proud of anyone putting effort into becoming a better version of themselves


“But in the end, stories are about one person saying to another: This is the way it feels to me. Can you understand what I’m saying? Does it feel this way to you?”

— Kazuo Ishiguro, in his Nobel prize (2017) acceptance speech.   (via halcynth)

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A version for tumblr that can be read without opening a new tab, since plenty of people would scroll past this story otherwise.

The bravest woman on Earth.

I love her. Forever reblog.

I have the utmost respect for this woman. 

please reblog. reblog the way you would reblog a picture of a hot singer, a pretty girl, a tasty meal or some nice stationary. Because this will not make your blog ‘less aesthetic’ or anything. This is important, far more important than anything I’ve mentioned before.

Nevertheless, she persisted.


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If only, ONE day, I’d actually do this ideal day….

А може би думата завинаги

никога не е била предназначена за хората,

а за спомените ..


Само хората, които все още

не са изпитвали истинската любов,

си мислят, че любовта боли.

Всъщност хора, любовта цъфти.

Любовта е комфорт, уют, тишина.

Любовта е всичко, но не и мъка.

И да, трудна е за откриване.

Но уловката е, че тя не се търси.

Тя сама идва.

В най-правилния момент.

Почакайте. ❤️


Покани ме да вляза в сърцето ти,

но не ми каза, че ще чакам на опашка.


Никога не правете грешката

да се сгушвате в миналото.

Не знаете колко топла може да бъде

прегръдката на бъдещето.


Живота е като книга.

Важно е да я завършиш, както си мечтал,

преди да ти е свършило мастилото.

