#lgbt witch



To charge and activate sigils trace them with a crystal point. You can use clear quartz for anything but if you want to get specific you can use Tigers Eye to activate and charge a protection sigil or use your own correspondences. 

Rope Circle Casting Spell

For the busy witch that just doesn’t have time.
1 Bell (to server as an Opener/Closer)
40’ 60’ or 80 Ft of Rope (your Choice)
1 large bucket
1 White Candle (Represents Spirit)
½ Gallon distilled water (Binding agent)
½ Gallon white Vinegar “banishing, Cleaning”
5 Tbsp of Sea Salt “Protection, Cleansing”
5 Bay Leaves “Protection”
5 Whole Cloves “Protection”
5 Dragon’s Blood resin chips “Protection”
5 Hibiscus Petals “Balanced Energie”
5 Tsp Blue Sage “Protection”
5 Star anise “Protection”
5 Tsp Rosemary “Memory”

*Step 1, Bring all the ingredients to a boil in a pot on the stove
*Step 2, Place the rope and bell into a bucket
*Step 3, Pour the hot “potion” over the rope in the bucket then light the candle and say the following below. Then let cool and then dry and it’s able to be used as often as you like. Make sure to keep the bell and the rope together since they are a dull pairing.

“A circle of power
best of meeting
of love, Joy, and Truth,”

“When this rope is layed
shield against all wickedness and evil
nothing may cross,”

“A boundary between men
and the realms of Spirit,”

“Preserve and contain
the power that we/I raise
until the bell tolls three
then energies be set free,”

1. Bottle trees are used in Appalachian areas to keep spirits from roaming free on your lands.

2. Shards of mirrors into glass mason jars placed in your window sill keep out spirits and negative energies. it should all be Blessed and spelled.

3. Crosses made from a briar bush hung on a front door keeps evil at bay

4. Black pepper around the base of your home keeps people away.

5. Wishbones with your name on it and a string inter twined and buried in your front lawn confuses spells pointed at you.

6. Rose’s and Rosemary burned in your home brings hope and peace into your home.

7. Write your Enemies name down on a red parchment paper and keep tying it into a knotted ball to keep them bound from doing harm to you.

8. Three arrows buried in the true center of your property keep tornados at bay.

9. john the conqueror root wrapped in a purple silk placed under your bed keeps out bad dreams.

(This is all from my family line that was taught to me i just wanted to share with others that come from the same background as my family.)

This post is for myself. I’m posting this before the results of election day. So tomorrow i have to reblog this with the answers to these questions.

• did Biden win?

• are you happy right now?

• did you cry in the past few hours?

• did you have to take meds for your anxiety bc or the results?

• are you okay?

• are your American friends okay

• do they have to immigrate to Europe and come live with you bc of the results?
