#living with adhd


ADD writer blog 1: Today I read eight pages of the Hobbit and I’m already overwhelmed. I should be finished this time next year.

Who else’s inner voice feels like an undisciplined child that goes on and on about the same things that upsets it and you constantly have to scold to shut upandcalm down, but won’t listen and will keep doing what it wants so you give up…

3 hours after taking 15 mg of Ritalin and 18 mg of Concerta and feeling like I want to stare at a wall and do nothing. I thought it supposed to make me more focused to carry out my work duties, not put me to bed!

Neurotypicals: Everybody has a bit of ADHD :)

Actual ADHDers: bitch stfu; does your brain also play random music pieces ON REPEAT literally from the moment you wake up till the moment you go to bed?? cause I’d like NOT to have that

adhd culture is trying to do some work and then one minute into the work you go on an hour long distraction spiral and don’t realise time went by once it’s over

I dont know if is trauma or somethIng, but i have adhd and people is never patience whit me, SO i have got into the conclusión that patience is a luxury, not everyone can have it whit me,but i must have it for everyone

I quit my office 8-5 job on Wednesday with no notice. So now I’m winging it as I figure out how I enjoy making money (Postmates, Wag!, selling panties again, etc.) ✌ Now I get to find a fun way to destroy this stupid metal mug. There was never a “team” at work, just a bunch of people faking happiness and throwing some bright colors on everything. I’m excited to see what my future holds, I’ve been needing a change ☀️

I started my tumblr in high school and I meant to lose weight. Man, I never did that, huh … but I DID learn that loving myself is a roller coaster & I’m getting better at it every day ❤️

With TikTok, IG & Facebook I never use tumblr anymore for social media purposes. If anything I feel like I’ve used it/am using it as a way to journal my updates in life. So for those that stuck around and didn’t unfollow me because I disappeared for a bit;

• I shaved my head 9 months ago & this is me today^

• I’ve been single 4 years now & dated 3 people semi/seriously in the meantime between my hoe phases; the last guy was on and off for about 7 months until he ended things yesterday. I really liked this one, but it just wasn’t meant to be I guess.

• I’ve loved myself more with a bald head this year than I ever did when my hair was long, thus proving I don’t need long hair to be confident or to love myself.

• I’m working on my self worth. This one is hard. But ✨worth✨ it (hah)..

• I’ve started collecting plants (currently have a pothos, snake plant, ZZ plant, peace lily, aloe, bamboo, and a few hens & chicks succulents). Probably going plant shopping this weekend to get myself something new for V-Day.

• I have a therapist that I finally like. It took a whole year. 12 months. 3 different therapists that didn’t work out first.

• I’ve been taking Adderall for my ADHD for the first time in my life and so many things are different in a good way!!! I could go on for hours about the traits I have that are ADHD related and have been affecting my life but I thought I was just “stupid and lazy”. I’m probably the most excited about this one and the therapy. Working on my mental health over the last 12 months has been damn near exhausting at times but I’m so glad I’ve taken the steps to work on it (both my current and future self are already thanking me). Right now my favorite thing to do is feel my feelings- it’s hard sometimes when it’s a feeling that’s not positive and happy, like when I’m sad or angry. I know it’s important though, and it’s making a huge difference in my life



I want to read your experiences before being diagnosed with adhd? How did you realized? How did you feel?

Me:bitch . I have adhd and I need therapy and meds

Family member: bUt dO YoU waNt tO bE laBeLed???

Me, timidly: um…. no…..

Me, in my head: guess the internet’s my only safe place for mental health huh

i was diagnosed at 4. i had no idea until a school counselor accidentally broke the news when i was 17. assignments that took my friends an hour took me three. i almost never finished my tests. half of my homework was late. my mom tried to get me into assisted study hall and i refused. my counselor gave me countless planners and checklists and i could never keep them for longer than a week. my mom sent me in to get signatures from my teachers so i could prove i talked to them about my 0’s.

my twin sister had been in accelerated school programs since we were 9. i wanted to be like her so bad. i hated help, hated admitting i needed help, would rather fail than ask for help, because nobody else seemed to need it. i wanted to be able to do what everyone else was doing and i was desperate to prove it, because i didn’t know i had adhd and thought everyone else had just diagnosed me with stupid. my mom insists i knew. i didn’t.

fast forward to now, i’m a grown woman and i’m still finding out day-to-day more and more of my behaviors that are related to my adhd. i have the sense of self awareness i was denied for most of my childhood. i’m still stuck in the depression that stemmed from leaving my adhd untreated for so long. i’m experimenting with different medications and i’m doing well. but i still feel like i’m the only one in my life who understands how i work.

please tell your kids what’s happening inside their brains. talk to adults with adhd and ask them what their childhood was like. stop reading those adhd parenting books that were written in the 90’s. they’re not relevant anymore. i always wonder what my life would look like now if i didn’t burn out three years before i graduated high school, if i’d understood what was going on, if i had someone else who understood looking out for me.

i know i’m preaching to the choir here, but i needed to get that out there. it may have seemed like a minor issue when i was a kid but maybe if i had been treated properly i wouldn’t want to die today.

Hi y’all.

It’s been a moment. I’m still here and still finishing up some custom requests. :) I stepped back, mostly to sew, but because I found it near impossible to keep up with social media, sewing, and grad school. If you’ve been following me since I first started you also know that I spent a really long time sewing preorders. I would abandon everything else all day and sew from 5 am to 12 am some days but it was still so slow.

Don’t get me wrong, the shaped masks are a lot of careful work. There are a minimum 12 pieces of fabric/pellon after all. But, it highlighted even more how I’ve been struggling to keep focused.

I’ve seen a number of doctors over the last few years to actually listen to me and to confirm what I thought was wrong. A few days ago I was diagnosed with ADHD. I started new medication and within a day everything in the world seems so much easier to handle. I learned that my best days in the past were actually just subpar normal. I can finally handle basic tasks that I don’t care for doing (aka dishes), without feeling like I’m fighting myself. I look forward to getting more masks out in a timely manner, experiment with making new things, and keeping up with everyone via social media.

Thanks everyone ☺️
