#love fear


To my love

Thank you for always being by my side

When everyone in my life would leave me

I knew I could always trust you

And that gives me hope for a better future

One where we can be happy

I know I haven’t always treated you with kindness

You’ve seen parts of me that no one else has, yet you still want me to be happy

You want me to be a better me

I love you

So from me to me…

Please be my Valentine

I’ve been tossed from the road I once was on

The path before me is paved with uncertainties

My mind is lost in a labyrinth of turmoil

Now all that I know is nothing at all

I’ve decided to go to war.

Not with anyone in particular but with my life.

For too long I have just followed life wherever it led me,

My life took away friends, family, and opportunities from me all while I was too busy being at war with what what going on in my own head.

Now, the fear, anxiety, and depression I have that were once my enemy have issued a treaty.

And we are going to take back my life,


-Doctor, ¿Por qué me deja a solas y con esta pistola …?**Bueno,¿Querías soluciones o no?**-Sí, pero esta no es la manera**Shhh, solo hazlo.. es lo mejor.**

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