#lucius malfoy

apotheosisofacedelaserna-deacti:”Helena [Bonham Carter] and Jason and I were all sitting in the sa


”Helena [Bonham Carter] and Jason and I were all sitting in the same row at the premiere of [Deathly Hallows — Part 1]. When the end credits came up, there was silence in our row because they’d cut most of our parts. Helena was like, ‘Do you want a drink?’ I was like, ‘Yeah, I want a double!’ [Laughs] But it’s not frustrating because all you care about is if it’s a good story.” —McCrory aka Narcissa Malfoy

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ssirius:@hogwartsonline  ·  april quidditch: death eaters lucius malfoy (b. 1953/1954) was a brissirius:@hogwartsonline  ·  april quidditch: death eaters lucius malfoy (b. 1953/1954) was a brissirius:@hogwartsonline  ·  april quidditch: death eaters lucius malfoy (b. 1953/1954) was a brissirius:@hogwartsonline  ·  april quidditch: death eaters lucius malfoy (b. 1953/1954) was a brissirius:@hogwartsonline  ·  april quidditch: death eaters lucius malfoy (b. 1953/1954) was a brissirius:@hogwartsonline  ·  april quidditch: death eaters lucius malfoy (b. 1953/1954) was a bri


@hogwartsonline  ·  april quidditch:death eaters

lucius malfoy (b. 1953/1954) was a british pure-blood wizard. he was educated at hogwarts, where he was made a prefect in slytherin house. as an adult, lucius was an aristocratic wizard and patriarch of the malfoy family, believing strongly in notions of blood purity and the superiority of pure-blood wizards. he joined the death eaters, who shared his views on blood purity, and participated in the first wizarding war.

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International Women’s Day is when you just happen to know that all of your fave men (and masculine presenting individuals) in HP are getting strapped down by their respective partners.

I’m talking Molly and Arthur, Harry and Ginny, Remus and Dora, Lucius and Narcissa, Snape and whoever he happens to be dating at the time, etc.

Happy International Women’s Day!

wickedastardly: Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. wickedastardly: Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. wickedastardly: Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. wickedastardly: Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. wickedastardly: Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. wickedastardly: Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. wickedastardly: Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. wickedastardly: Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. wickedastardly: Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

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lovejasonisaacs: severinsnape:slytherinnpride: One of the Death Eaters is clapping omg! All I notilovejasonisaacs: severinsnape:slytherinnpride: One of the Death Eaters is clapping omg! All I notilovejasonisaacs: severinsnape:slytherinnpride: One of the Death Eaters is clapping omg! All I noti




One of the Death Eaters is clapping omg!

All I notice is how fucking gorgeous Lucius is…

So damn gorgeous

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A mother’s war: Cléone Malfoy, nee de l'Étrangé It’s so quiet, she says, out of the blue

A mother’s war: Cléone Malfoy, nee de l'Étrangé

It’s so quiet, she says, out of the blue and Lucius starts, so quiet. Like a tomb. A grrreat big marble tomb, now that he is gone.

Do you know what zey told me? she asks him, Dragon pox. Dragon pox! Ha. I told zem, he’s never had a day’s illness in his life. Strong as an ox, that one. Dragon pox, dragon pox, dragon pox. No no no no no. It is something else.

Lucius raises his eyebrows, something else, mother?

She rolls her eyes, blessed Cernunnos, have you no imagination?

You mean, Lucius hesitates, Nobby Leach?

No, she shakes her head decisively, not Monsieur Leach. He is not smart enough, creative enough. Besides he is entirely too honorable. Very much brave - eh, Gryffindor? Oui. If it was legal maybe a duel, but not so. This is something else.

She does not notice the way her son has gone very still. The way his knuckles turn white before he forces himself to relax.

Oh? He asks her.

Poison, Lucius. I do not - he would not tell. But he knewsomething. I know it - oh do not ask me how, it’s always like that with you and your English, how and who and where and why, I do not know, I just knowit. It wasn’t natural. You know it. You saw it. Say it.

Lucius pauses and then takes the plunge, Yes.

It is the work of a cunning mind. Smart and ruthless. Like these, how do you call them? Eh, your house, mon cher. Slytherin? Oui. But we are all from Slytherin here, are we not?

He nods weakly and forces himself to breathe evenly.

Lucius - she stretches her hand out and grasps his hand - Lucius my son, mon cher. You loved him, did you not?

How could I not? he answers simply, gently rubbing her fingers, not allowing himself to think.

Thenfind them, Lucius. Find them. Hurt them. Hurt them as they hurt us. Please,for me. Your maman.

He lifts her hand and presses his lips against her fingers, Of course maman, he murmurs.

She does not see how he holds his left arm stiff by his side as he leaves the room.

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It’s all fun and games and pureblood extravaganza until Lucius Malfoy, aged seven and having careful

It’s all fun and games and pureblood extravaganza until Lucius Malfoy, aged seven and having carefully inspected Miss Bellatrix Black, decides to proclaim his findings on the young lady in question to all and sundry in the piercing voice of the very young.

Bellatrix Black is an ugly hag.

Druella Black grabs her husband’s arm, and hisses something about Bellatrix and temper.There is a moment of tense silence where no one dares move, as everyone present tries to decide which course of action would avoid beginning a blood feud between the Blacks and Malfoys.

Narcissa Black, age six and usually considered the darling of the family - always well behaved, never been a trouble in her life - surprises everyone by taking matters into her own hands and picking the cake from the side-table, lobs it straight into Lucius’ face.

My sister is the bestest, she says fiercely, you’re nothing but a – a stupid oaf!

Lucius bursts into tears and there is a flurry of activity during which Cygnus Black, poorly concealing his laughter, picks his youngest daughter up – still scowling like a young and angry tigress – and takes her out of the room. Druella wrings her hands apologizing profusely while Abraxas Malfoy struggles to keep a straight face. Bellatrix looks torn between laughter, being touched at her sister’s fierce love for her and anger over the loss of a perfectly good cake.

(The Lestrange brothers solve that particular dilemma when they start to pick pieces cake off Lucius and eat it. If a LestrangeofLestrange Place can do it, so can milady Black, Bellatrix reasons.)

Narcissa, meanwhile, bears her scolding in stoic silence and refuses to apologize to Lucius.

He’s a rude little boy and he deserved, you saw what he called Bella, papa!

Papa concedes that his youngest daughter has a point, but young ladies do not throw cakes in young gentlemen’s faces.

But he’s not a gentleman!

 Cygnus sighs and decides that there is no reasoning with Narcissa when she’s in high dudgeon over an insult to either Andromeda or Bellatrix – or for that matter him or Druella.

You’ll be sent to Gryffindor if you don’t apologize, he says in a half-hearted threat.

Narcissa returns, chin tilted high and apologizes, but with a glint in her eye that lets everyone know that she is doing this because her Papa, who is a gentleman asked her to very nicely and not at all because she means it.

It is this same fierce protectiveness for family and this wild disregard for the rules by which people play that she will carry with her into the future.

She learns, however, to disregard the rules like a ladywould.

(Narcissa Black-Malfoy requested by jjh2456)

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Snape: It’s just me calm down.

Lucius:Oh, I’m sorry Severus, you know what I’m like when I comes to clothes.

Lucius:Remember that time I pushed a toddler infront of a hippogriff because he was standing on my Topshop voucher?

Snape:Yes, I believe that poor Draco still has the scar.

Please go follow my main blog @beebox-illustrations for more :)

So I read a fanfic a while ago, in which Luna was Dracos first cousin. Lucius and Lunas mother were siblings in this but her marriage to a non pureblood wizard resulted in her getting thrown out of the family and Draco and Luna were told not to talk to each other. It was just a side note of the story and didn’t matter to the plot at all But I LOVED the idea.

I’ve found it! It’s called ‘Never grow a wishbone’ by ShanaStoryteller at ao3 :D knock yourselves out:)

It took me so long to find guys. Oh my. But If you’re interested in more of those two and their cousin relationship go and follow my main blog @beebox-illustrations for more :D I’ve got a few more of them I’ll eventually finish.

Have you ever thought about the day Lucius Malfoy got his wand? - Hear me out! -

Think about this little boy, who’s exited about getting his first wand and then he gets this literal 18 inch long cane with a creepy snakehead on top.

Please go follow my main blog @beebox-illustrations for more :)

These first 3 years must have been hard.

Malfoy Family Portrait

Please go follow my main blog @beebox-illustrations for more :)

I’ve watched “A Very Potter Sequel” and God, I wasn’t disappointed! The only thing that bothers me a little – it seems that there are more jokes… lower than the belt than it was in the first one, or is it just me? Well, I don’t have something against those jokes – just noticing. (Spoilers!) Well, they just couldn’t not show us the first year – how everybody met, got sorted, start their classes and play quidditch. We also got some Marauders’ stories. Because yes, it’s the first year, but still has so much stuff mixed – Lupin and Sirius (oh, a little Wolfstar fan in me was so happy) Umbridge and Dumbledore missing, and time travelling Malfoys… Yes! Lucious Malfoy. O. My. Devil. He’s so handsome! (I know, that it’s the same actor as Cedric Diggory) And he dances all the time! He can’t make a single simple step – all is choreographed. He also has too much eyeliner, but since Brian and Pat taught us (“Gill and Gilbert”, episode 14), that eyeliner equals magic, I think it’s reasonable. Enjoyed seeing Joe Walker (yes, I’ve learned his name) as Umbridge – he was remarkable. Fabulous. If he had spoken normally, I think, I might have even fallen for this character. Do you think I didn’t cry? Of course, you didn’t think so, you know me too well. I cried on “Guys Like Potter” because it makes me feel feelings and I shed a happy tear during the bows when the whole cast was singing “Going back to Hogwarts”. Totally watching the next part. P.S. One thing which was unclear for me was Narcissa and Dobby and how could she “choreograph an affair” with him, but then I remembered that Hagrid’s parents existed in canon and rejoiced that Dobby was at least an adult elf for sure.

voldemort: lucius, you’ll work with narcissa and severus.

lucius: alright! my fantasy threesome!

everyone else: *blanks stares*

lucius: …of people on a team.

narcissa: *holding lucius’ hand over her stomach so he can feel the baby kick* sorry this is taking so long, they kicked for everyone else.

lucius: it’s hard for the little guy to preform under pressure.

snape: top ten things lucius said on his wedding night.

lucius:woah! it was small, but i think i felt something!

regulus: top ten things cissy said on her wedding night.


lucius: stop laughing at it!

snape and regulus: top ten things lucius said on his wedding night!
