#miss you

HE’S HOME TODAY!Back from the Philippines. It’s been over 2 weeks without him. I know

Back from the Philippines. It’s been over 2 weeks without him. I know I’m fortunate, some people go much longer without the one they love, but he’s HOME.

We can go back to talking into the night after the streetlight comes on, people watching, making lists of the worst things we’ve ever stepped in, or things we’d tell ourselves in 10 years while sipping Americanos, to making late-night dinners in our tiny black-and-white-tiled kitchen, driving to nowhere in particular to clear our minds of the day, imagining what our future cat will be like, intense pun wars, making each other laugh at the gym with bad Hulk Hogan impressions, catching up on our nerd shows together and moaning when it’s over and we have to wait a whole week for the next episode, trying weird beers (that gingerbread one sucked), planning our next big adventure (Pacific Coast Highway? Japan? Germany?), working out exactly how to get our dream jobs because it WILL happen, falling asleep while hugging, and just being happy.

He’s back.

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Szólhattál volna…

  • hogy ezért vagy ilyen szűkszavú,
  • hogy ezért keresel ritkábban,
  • hogy ezért kamuzol apróságokban…

Ne félts! Oly sokszor nem kellettem már… megtanultam kezelni, ha elhagynak.

Don’t want to sound edgy or sth But we were in this gallery and I was not looking at art I was looki

Don’t want to sound edgy or sth
But we were in this gallery and I was not looking at art
I was looking at you

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Don’t you dare fall in love, it’ll leave you sick.

miss you