


Want to know the most terrifying thing about our society I’ve heard in a while? 

When your S.O. @afistfulofrosemary, who has traveled to Poland and France to do research and Holocaust Survivor documentation, recounts the following story:

When I was in Europe, probably the most chilling thing about the whole research trip besides going to see the actual Nazi death camps like Auschwitz and Birkenau, was when I got to interview a Holocaust Survivor. She told me that she was scared again. She told me that living in today’s society feels a lot like like it did before. Like living in pre-Nazi Germany all over again.”

This is why we need historians ladies and gentlemen. 

When protesters get arrested and assaulted for voicing their opposition to neo-Nazi rallies, something is terribly, terribly wrong.

Please see this news article:






Go forth and punch Nazis, my friends. 


Soros Is Revealed In Leaked Emails To Have Been Pro-Nazi During WW II

Soros Is Revealed In Leaked Emails To Have Been Pro-Nazi During WW II

Brexit et al.
1) EU
There has been a flurry of briefing papers arriving at the EU embassy in Beijing.
Core agreement is reached with UK Government. There will be problems in this passing through the UK Parliamentary system. Therefore at this point we should not sound to optimistic.
The Conservative grouping that support the EU are confident that Mrs May will call for a second referendum vote to…

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In pornographic literature, films, and gadgetry throughout the world, especially in the United States, England, France, Japan, Scandinavia, Holland, and Germany, the SS has become a reference of sexual adventurism. Much of the imagery of far-out sex has been placed under the sign of Nazism. More or less Nazi costumes with boots, leather, chains, Iron Crosses on gleaming torsos, swastikas, have become, along with meat hooks and heavy motorcycles, the secret and most lucrative paraphernalia of eroticism. In the sex shops, the baths, the leather bars, the brothels, people are dragging out their gear. But why? Why has Nazi Germany, which was a sexually repressive society, become erotic? How could a regime which persecuted homosexuals become a gay turn-on?

A clue lies in the predilections of the fascist leaders for highly sexual metaphors. (Like Nietzsche and Wagner, Hitler regarded leadership as sexual mastery of the “feminine” masses, as rape. The expression of the crowds in Triumph of the Will is one of ecstasy. The leader makes the crowd come.) Left-wing movements have tended to be unisex, and asexual in their imagery. Extreme right-wing movements, however puritanical and repressive the realities they usher in, have an erotic surface. 

Susan Sontag, Fascinating Fascism(1975)

For one thing, Nazism fascinates in a way other iconography staked out by the pop sensibility (from Mao Tse-tung to Marilyn Monroe) does not. No doubt some part of the general rise of interest in fascism can be set down as a product of curiosity. For those born after the early 1940s, bludgeoned by a lifetime’s palaver, pro and con, about communism, fascism—the great conversation piece of their parents’ generation—represents the exotic, the unknown. Then, there is a general fascination among the young with horror, with the irrational. Courses dealing with the history of fascism are, along with those on the occult (including vampirism), among the best attended these days on college campuses. And beyond this the definitely sexual lure of fascism, which SS Regalia testifies to with unabashed plainness, seems impervious to deflation by irony or overfamiliarity.

Susan Sontag, Fascinating Fascism (1975)

It is generally thought that National Socialism stands only for brutishness and terror. But this is not true. National Socialism—or, more broadly, fascism—also stands for an ideal, and one that is also persistent today, under other banners: the ideal of life as art, the cult of beauty, the fetishism of courage, the dissolution of alienation in ecstatic feelings of community; the repudiation of the intellect; the family of man (under the parenthood of leaders).

— Susan Sontag, Fascinating Fascism (1975)

Last week I had a serious conversation about racism with my mother and younger brother (20 y/o). I told them that racists aren’t just people who are part of the KKK, white supremacists, nazi’s. People who make racists jokes, who call black people the n-word ‘as a joke’ are ALSO racist.

I told them that this is also the case with rape culture. It starts with sexist jokes towards women AND men, rape jokes, saying things like 'boys will be boys’, victim blaming, and the pyramid ends with actual rapists and murderers. Even if you 'just’ make rape jokes, YOU are part of the problem.

I looked at my brother and he had a face like “Omg, seriously….” He wanted to say something but he couldn’t because my arguments were just too good tbh and well he doesn’t understand those topics enough.

I told him “Luuk, you are a racist”. He said “I am not a racist!!!!!”. Yes, yes you are. You have gross racist memes on your phone. A meme that said “90s kids will remember this” with three picture of things from the 1990s and a picture of a chained black man from the 1890s. That makes you racist, even if it’s 'just’ a joke.

He calls people the n-word (both the English and the Dutch version), black neck, and cotton picker. That makes you a fucking racist.

I told him all of that and he left, like a coward. He knew that he couldn’t win the argument so he just left. I sincerely hope that he learned something from our conversation.

I am so glad that Tumblr and a lot of other websites educated me on racism, sexism, feminism, homophobia, transphobia. It opened my eyes and don’t say certain things anymore because I don’t want to be a racist or a sexist. I have said racist things, a lot of racist things, and it’s NOT okay. I learned from it and hate the fact that I used to be like that.

Please, please, educate yourself and open your eyes.

I posted this on Facebookin response to virtually everyone I know sharing the story about a Hungarian camerawoman, Petra Laszlo, kicking Syrian refugees. I should probably post it here too:

I’m seriously glad that so many of my friends are mad about this. You should also be mad that despite what the Canadian government claims, this is exactly the sort of abysmal treatment Roma people receive in Hungary every day. I know this is long as hell, but a lot of Canadians don’t seem to know about it, so please read it regardless.

We have our own refugee crisis in Canada.

We lifted visa requirements on new EU countries in 2008, so in 2009, Roma from Hungary started flocking to Canada. Not wanting to interrupt European trade negotiations by reintroducing visas, the Canadian government immediately started looking for ways to get rid of them. The first way was by designating Hungary as a ‘safe country’, despite the fact that as the refugees were arriving, 6 Roma were killed and 55 were injured in calculated attacks on their communities. The president of Hungary didn’t offer condolences. He said nothing. 

The Jobbik party has been gaining membership and is currently the 3rd largest political party in the country. The founder/leader, Gabor Vona, also founded the Hungarian Guard, a paramilitary group created to, “Stop gypsy crime,” (which is also an integral part of Jobbik’s platform). They were forced to disband after repeatedly staging rallies in front of Roma homes in military uniform. A new version has popped up, they’ve started to work with other hate groups, and now in addition to just threatening Roma people, they’ve been creating military training camps. Gabor Vona wore the Hungarian Guard uniform his first day in Parliment.

In 2011, 2000 members of the Civil Guard, a paramilitary group that began when they decided the Hungarian Guard wasn’t radical enough, descended on a town and spent 2 months terrorizing its 450 Roma inhabitants. They brought dogs, lit torches, and whips. The mayor, a member of Jobbik, said they were doing nothing illegal. They went into schools and threatened students. The teachers threatened to invite them back in. Gabor Vona stated that he wanted to deploy similar groups nationwide. The residents had to be evacuated by the Red Cross. The government told the media that nothing was wrong, and that the Red Cross was bringing them on a planned Easter vacation

In response to Jobbik’s popularity, Fidesz, the current ruling party, has started to go even further right of their initial platform. To put 'further right’ into context, here’s a fun quote from Zsolt Bayer, one of the founders in the party:

“Whoever runs over a Gypsy child is acting correctly if he gives no thought to stopping and steps hard on the accelerator.”

More from him on how Roma shouldn’t be allowed to exist is available here.

In case you were wondering about the official party response, Fedisz said that they wouldn’t make a statement since he wasn’t speaking on behalf of the party at the time, but that anyone who spoke out against his article was “siding with the murderer” (a Roma man).

So what effects do these politics have on the general Roma population?

Roma women are forcibly sterilized. Children are being put into segregated, inferior school systems (and when those aren’t available, immediately sent to special education regardless of their abilities). They make up 3% of the population and 80% of the human trafficking victims. They’re subject to horrific living conditions, are denied adequate access to healthcare (their life expectancy is 10 years lower than other Hungarians, infant mortality rate is much higher, women are 3 times more likely to die of cancer), and are considered unhireable. Hate crimes are frequent, rarely reported, and when they are, they very rarely result in jail time.

So what did Canada do?

We labelled them “bogus-refugees” and made it more difficult to apply, and faster for us to get rid of them. We also took away the standard healthcare and work visas afforded to other refugees. And we were fucking proud of it. Our immigration minister went to Hungary to tell them in person. Canada made pamphlets telling the Roma we could kick them out faster. Then we made a fucking billboard. The mayor of the town where they posted the billboard was very upset. Why? Because he didn’t want the Roma to come back.

They still came to Canada, despite our compelling billboard campaign. For this new/fast/confusing refugee process created specifically for them, they were assigned the shittiest imaginable lawyers. A stand-out in this field, Viktor Hohots represented over 5000 Roma refugees. He won about 1% of his cases. He fully admitted that he didn’t show up to court, didn’t submit or translate documents as evidence, and mixed up clients stories. Literally thousands of people were deported because of him. His punishment? A 5 month suspension.

But, at least a suspension is something. The RCC has been filing similar complaints about other lawyers for years with no response.

On the rare occasion that the plight of Roma refugees is brought up in the Canadian media, it’s always mentioned that a large percent of the refugees withdraw their applications, which is used to fuel the “bogus-refugee” trope. No one ever examines why they just leave. It turns out, it’s because we pay them to. The Canadian government has been telling Roma that they’ll be deported anyway, so they might as well take plane tickets and a few thousand dollars, and not have to deal with the repercussions. It’s not even a bribe, it’s an ultimatum. We’ve given out over 7 million dollars in this scheme.

But some Roma say no and take their chances. And then they’re deported en masse. Kids who worked hard to integrate are being pulled out of bed in the middle of the night, terrified, and sent back somewhere profoundly unsafe.

There’s recently (in the past few weeks) been mention in the Canadian media that the percentage of acceptance rates for Roma refugees this year are much higher. That’s because there are much fewer applications. Because Canada now has people on the ground in Hungary, screening them before they have the chance to get on a plane.

In closing, fuck Hungary, and also fuck Canada.

I know this is post is several years long, but here’s some further reading for anyone who’s interested:

No Refuge: Hungarian Romani Refugee Claimants in Canada(Osgoode Hall Law Journal)

Accelerating Patterns of Anti-Roma Violence in Hungary (The FXB Center for Health and Human Rights- Harvard)

Project: Gyongyospata (Pulitzer Center-Jeneen Interlandi)

This isn’t specific to Hungary, but is about anti-Roma sentiment throughout Europe: 

Roma people in Europe in the 21st century: violence, exclusion,
(The European Association for the Defence of Human Rights)

The part of this myth that really sticks in my craw is the fact that it’s always stated as if it means something. Look: If, at the cusp of the Year of Our Lord/Flying Spaghetti Monster 2014, you haven’t realized that religious people and atheists both have pretty good odds of being huge assholes, you are beyond my feeble capacity to educate.

Also, in the interests of baring my biases: I am a Christian.

But here goes anyway:

Hitler was not Christian. In fact, Hitler’s regime was very anti-Christian. His government persecuted the Catholic clergy and attempted to purge the Protestant church in Germany of “Jewish influence,” which is pretty difficult what with the whole Abrahamic faith-angle. The Nazis even went so far as to found their own version of the church, calling it “Positive Christianity,” which removed all those pesky Jews (Read: Jesus + almost all of the Old Testament) and the Apostle’s Creed, and replaced it with Nazi philosophy.

I know the internet is fond of crowing about the “No True Scotsman” fallacy, but when you take out the Apostle’s Creed, what you have (no matter how loudly you call it Christianity) is not Christian.

Hitler was not (in all likelihood) an atheist. Hitler’s views on the existence of God are tough to nail down. He was a secretive guy, and had a mercurial streak a mile wide. He frequently discussed the idea that Germany was created by God, or gods, and that the nation was favored by God. At the same time he frequently derided faith (in anything other than Nazism or himself) as being idiocy.

In summation, Hitler’s religious views were ambiguous, and the question of Hitler’s faith is of dubious value.







Their names, ranks and kills in case people went to know;

First row – Guard Staff Sergeant, VN Stepanova: 20 kills, Guard Sgt JP Belousova: 80 kills, Guard Sgt AE Vinogradova: 83 kills.

Second row – Guard Lieutenant EK Zhibovskaya: 24 kills, Guard Sgt KF Marinkin: 79 kills, Guard Sgt OS Marenkina: 70 kills.

Third row – Guard Lieutenant NP Belobrova: 70 kills, Lieutenant N. Lobkovsky: 89 kills, Guard Lieutenant VI Artamonova: 89 kills, Guard Staff Sergeant MG Zubchenko: 83 kills.

Forth row – Guard Sergeant, NP Obukhova: 64 kills, Guard Sergeant, AR Belyakova 24 kills.

Total number of confirmed kills: 775. Photo taken in Germany, May 4, 1945.

And this hasn’t been made into a movie or mini series?

The cool thing is, there’s still one person missing: Lyudmila Pavlichenko.

She was one of the deadliest snipers of World War II, and is regarded as one of the deadliest snipers of all time. Over the course of one year (June 1941-June 1942) she racked up a count of 309 kills, 36 of which were enemy snipers. Her prescence in the picture alone would have brought the total number of kills from 755 to 1064.





I learned about this when my Chinese supervisor at work (who lived in and went to school in Sweden) mentioned offhand that Sweden covered up its cooperation with the Nazis and how this was well known even back then when she was in school.

what the article doesn’t mention but adam tooze does mention is that swedish iron ore imports were the primary factor allowing nazi germany to build up its forces against the red army and then sustain that war effort through 1943. difficulties in lorraine and the ukraine left germany with a huge shortage of high-quality iron ore, which was desperately needed for the entire war effort - tanks, shells, guns, ships, railways, and basically everything else required massive quantities of steel, which in turn required massive quantities of swedish ore. without that ore, operation barbarossa might have been stopped at smolensk, and case blau would have been a fantasy. on top of all that, the swedes were paid very well, and their postwar industrial success owes a lot to that money.

in other words, the swedes helped the nazis far more than any of their actual allies, to the point that the war would have been impossible without them, and no-one was ever punished.

That and so so much more. The Swedish government put swedish communists and other dissidents in work camps, it was always clear which side of the war Sweden was on, we just didn’t want to actually fight ourselves.
And Raoul Wallenberg that is mentioned in the article, the “white buses” that saved so many jews in many places chose to first save people of the “nordic races” and in many places even opted to save nazis from the soviets instead of actual holocaust survivors. One of the biggest nazi parties in Sweden after the war was founded and led by two actual nazis from Germany, one of whom is still alive and an active nazi today. We even have at least 15 people that gets “german war pension” from fighting in the war on the nazi side living in Sweden today.

anotherlgbttumblr:kp-ks:Book Burning Memorial ‘In the center of Bebelplatz, a glass window



Book Burning Memorial

‘In the center of Bebelplatz, a glass window showing rows and rows of empty bookshelves. The memorial commemorates the night in 1933 when 20,000 “anti-German” books were burned here under the instigation of Goebbels. There’s a plaque nearby that says something like “Where they burn books, they will also burn humans in the end.” ’

Interesting but rarely mentioned: most of the content burned that night came from the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (institute for the science of sex) headed by Magnus Hirschfeld. The institute and Hirshfeld himself were some of the first to openly campaign for the right to have sex with someone of the same gender, the right to transition if you did not identify with your birth sex and for the general acceptance of queer people. The team had already performed the first SRS operations in Germany and in addition, the institute advocated sex education, contraception, the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, and women’s emancipation.
Photographs of the night of the book burning are plastered across history books world wide, but the queer movement that was destroyed that night often goes unmentioned.

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“Those who live small, mate small, die small. It’s the reductionist approach to life: if you keep it

“Those who live small, mate small, die small. It’s the reductionist approach to life: if you keep it small, you’ll keep it under control. If you don’t make any noise, the bogeyman won’t find you. But it’s all an illusion, because they die too, those people who roll up their spirits into tiny little balls so as to be safe. Safe?! From what? Life is always on the edge of death; narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues, and a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch does. I choose my own way to burn.”   

—Sophie Scholl

SOPHIE SCHOLL was found guilty of treason in Nazi Germany and beheaded on Feb. 22, 1943. She was a member of the White Rose, a nonviolent resistance group of university students who undermined the Nazis by defying censorship laws with graffiti and leaflet distribution. Sophie was caught, arrested, and, just hours later, led to the guillotine. The 21-year-old remained poised and courageous. Her last words were, “Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go, but what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened and stirred to action?”

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Why do Ukrainian fascists tie and tape so many people to poles and trees?

Because that’s what the German Nazi occupiers did during the second imperialist world war.

Passers-by on the street in the occupied Ukrainian city look at a man tied to a pole by Nazi soldiers. August 1941.

Just like nowadays as Karl Marx said.

Heinrich Anacker

You Germany, those that wanted,
who died for you -
Still we carry rolled up
Your everlasting colours.

Because who among us is so strong,
And so holy-drunk,
as those, who near Langemark,
Went down while singing?

The path of blood that all had to take,
The sacrificing pious ones -
Only those will become aware of it,
Who come after us.

One day the tree will grow into the stars,
And nothing can rob it of its crown -
O Germany, you eternal dream,
In which we believe!


How can I resist fascism without punching Nazis? Since I’m a pacifist…

Backbone of the Army

March 15, 2022 by an article translated from JungeWelt — an interview with Dmitri Kovalevich, a Ukrainian journalist and a member of the Ukrainian Marxist organization Borotba.

Fascists gain more and more ground in Ukraine, West willingly supplies weapons.

Neo-Nazis played a decisive role during the 2013/2014 “Euromaidan” in Ukraine. After that, they assumed a number of leadership positions in all spheres of the Ukrainian state apparatus; their paramilitary armed formations were legalized and incorporated into the National Guard, the police and the regular army. The neo-Nazi Azov-regiment was also given the field of educating (indoctrinating) children and young people who were brainwashed for eight consecutive years in special training camps. There is a perfectly balanced synergy between president Zelenskyy and the fascist and nazi paramilitary organizations batallions.

During all these years, only Ukraine and the United States voted annually in the United Nations against this FN resolution on condemning and stopping glorification of Nazism, which already says a lot. Gradually, the state apparatus merged with several openly neo-Nazi paramilitary battalions, units/organizations, and groups. The ideology of the ultra-right became the state ideology, their symbols became official state symbols. The slogan of the Nazi collaborators, “Glory to Ukraine,” has become an official greeting in the army, and even liberal European politicians do not hesitate to repeat it.

The leader of the neo-Nazi group “C 14,” Yevgeny Karas, said at a press conference in Kiev on February 23, the eve of Russia’s operation, that a number of countries had provided a large amount of military support “not because they want us to benefit from it,” but because the state was “performing the tasks of the West.” He continued, “We are the only ones who are willing to perform these tasks because we have fun - we like to kill, and we enjoy fighting.”

Not surprisingly, since the beginning of the Russian operation, the neo-Nazis and the extreme right have offered the most stubborn resistance. Denazification is directed specifically against them, but they try to present their cause as the cause of the entire Ukrainian people, as the cause ofl all. Europe, which they are supposedly protecting from the “Asian hordes.” For the past eight years, the Western media have tried to timidly criticize neo-Nazi units such as “Azov”, “Free Corps”, “Right Sector”, “Misanthropic Division”, “C 14”, “Kharkiv-1” and “Kharkiv-2” , “Aidar Battalion”, “Dnipro-1” and “Dnipro-2”, “Kyiv-1” and “Kyiv-2”, “Tornado Batallion” (released from jail), “Wotan Jugens” (Ukrainan unit), but since late February they have become quite acceptable defenders of Ukraine (most notable the “Azov” regiment.

The neo-Nazis of “Azov” are the most motivated forces, and they were, as far as my knowledge goes, the first to receive Western weapons. The US media also freely reports that they supply “Azov”.

On March 3, Ukraine’s ‘Northern’ Operations Command published photos of troops being instructed in the the use of NLAW and Javelin anti-tank weapons. Since then, more such images have been published by the “Azov National Guard” battalion, the U.S. portal Overt Defense wrote on March 8.

In addition to the regular army units, “territorial defense detachments” were formed from the civilian population at the end of February, which immediately received the nickname “Volkssturm” in Ukraine. These units are led by representatives of extreme right-wing groups who have undergone training or have experience of military action in the Donbass. Regularly have to pass their checkpoints, which are established at every intersection. The fighters of the “Territorial Defense” appear quite arrogant even to representatives of the Ukrainian authorities. They do not allow men between the ages of 18 and 60 to leave the region. Refugees fleeing the war zones are often forced to take a “language test” on their Ukrainian language skills. Those who fail the test are either not allowed through or are subjected to a humiliating check where they have to undress in the cold, with many being forcefully taped onto poles, lamp posts, trees, et cetera. They take a particularly harsh attitude toward people from Asian and African countries who try to leave the country.

The “Territorial Defense” as well as military personnel like to show the insignia of the 3rd SS Panzer Division “Totenkopf”, the Nazi symbol “Black Sun”, which even got into congratulatory NATO tweets to fighting Ukrainian women on March 8. Of course, not all soldiers of the army or members of the “territorial defense” are supporters of neo-Nazi views. However, they are all to one degree or another under the leadership and control of the extreme right-wing forces that form the backbone of the Ukrainian armed forces.

Pictured: Members of the “Azov National Corps” celebrate the second anniversary of their establishment in Kiev without any problems (2.3.2019).”

Text from here: https://telegra.ph/Backbone-of-the-Army-03-15


A " náci" orosz újbeszélūl azt jelentheti: azok a sátánfajzatok, akik utálnak minket meg az örökkénvaló, szent, szovjet Oroszország Anyácskát, mert megtámadjuk, megerőszakoljuk, kiraboljuk és legyilkoljuk őket?

A “ náci” orosz újbeszélūl azt jelentheti:

azok a sátánfajzatok, akik utálnak minket meg az örökkénvaló, szent, szovjet Oroszország Anyácskát, mert megtámadjuk, megerőszakoljuk, kiraboljuk és legyilkoljuk őket?

A " náci" orosz újbeszélūl azt jelentheti: azok a sátánfajzatok, akik utálnak minket meg az örökkénvaló, szent, szovjet Oroszország Anyácskát, mert megtámadjuk, megerőszakoljuk, kiraboljuk és legyilkoljuk őket?

A “ náci” orosz újbeszélūl azt jelentheti:

azok a sátánfajzatok, akik utálnak minket meg az örökkénvaló, szent, szovjet Oroszország Anyácskát, mert megtámadjuk, megerőszakoljuk, kiraboljuk és legyilkoljuk őket?

 Two Against the World by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1924.Dystopian authors such as Aldous Huxley and Ge

Two Against the World by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1924.

Dystopian authors such as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell proposed that the greatest threat to a totalitarian system would be romantic love.

In Brave New World, children are inculcated with the belief that all bodies belong to everyone. Sex is not allowed to be a form of intimacy. Instead, it serves as a means for reinforcing the prevailing social order.

For the same reason, sex is repressed in Orwell’s 1984: relationships create private loyalties, which ferment rebellion and weaken loyalties to the state.

Conflict frequently turns up as a theme in Kirchner’s paintings. Sometimes he depicts inner struggles while, in other works, his interest is a perceived battle between personal freedom and a staid, suffocating environment.

For Kirchner, there is already a totalitarianism of conformity lurking underneath the veneer of western civilization. Creators and lovers have to be against the world to survive in this hostile society.

How would Kirchner fit in a state controlled by national socialists? Well, you can guess the answer.

In 1933, the Nazis branded his art as degenerate. In 1937, they destroyed or sold off 600 his paintings.

In 1938, Kirchner died in front of his house from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was 58.

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Pair in an Expressionist Dance by Gerhard Riebicke, 1930.Riebicke chronicled the Lebensreform moveme

Pair in an Expressionist Dance by Gerhard Riebicke, 1930.

Riebicke chronicled the Lebensreform movement in Wiemar Germany. Created as a reaction against industrialization, proponents of Lebensreform (life reform) advocated a return to a more natural existence, encompassing vegetarianism, organic farming and nudism while refraining from substances such as alcohol and tobacco.

Those ideals may seem to belong to the left side of the political spectrum, aligned with the Green Party, for example. After Hitler was ceded power in 1933, many of the architects of Lebensreform instead embraced Nazism, finding echoes of their ideas in the rhetoric connecting blood and land and in policies to improve the purity and fitness of the German race. Lebensreform can still be found in the ideals of far-right groups in contemporary Europe and the United States, for example in the rejection of science and medicine which conflict with traditional beliefs.

Paradoxically, Lebensreform also inspired the hippies and free love advocates of the 1960s, some of whom “returned to the earth” to establish communes and break away from prevailing sexual norms.

Perhaps if the politics could be put aside to focus on the part about being naked in nature, Lebensreform might inform people about what they have in common instead of what makes them different.

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Ninja-X³ Vs Justin Trudeau - #BlackfaceHitler Edition

#blackfacehitler    #blackface hitler    #blackface    #hitler    #justin    #trudeau    #justin trudeau    #justintrudeau    #fuck trudeau    #freedom convoy    #freedom    #freedomconvoy    #canada    #leftist    #commie    #breadtube    #marxist    #marxism    #communist    #communism    #nazism    #commies    #marxists    #leftists    #leftism    

Woke-Man tells us what he thinks fascism is!

#wokeism    #fascist    #fascism    #antifa    #marxist    #marxism    #marxists    #leftist    #leftists    #breadtube    #leftism    #black lives matter    #commie    #commies    #communism    #communist    #communists    #communazis    #anarchist    #anarchy    #anarchism    #social justice warriors    #social justice warrior    #nazism    
The Ideal German Soldier … or was he?That was the name Werner Goldberg was given by a German

The Ideal German Soldier … or was he?

That was the name Werner Goldberg was given by a German newspaper in 1939, shortly after WW2 began. Participated in invasion of Poland alongside his childhood friends. Irony is … he was half Jew. He was blond and blue-eyed. His image was even used for recruitment posters. In 1940 he was expelled from Wehrmacht for being a Jew. He went to work for a clothing company that was originally owned by a Jew and a German and supplied clothes to Army and Navy. In 1942, his father who was 100% Jew, was admitted into hospital, where Gestapo found about his heritage and sent him to a Jewish hospital/prison that was sending people away to Auschwitz. On Christmas eve, the guards at the prison were drunk and Werner managed to take his father away. Soon after his father got caught again and was scheduled for deportation. Werner told him not to show up at the deportation time (as we now know, many Jews willingly went away, thinking they only going to prison camps and not death camps). Werner’s father, alongside Werner himself, was the only surviving member of Goldberg’s side of the family. 

Werner died in 2004 in Berlin. He was a part of documentary called Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers produced by Larry price. 

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Protesters block both directions of the Interstate 580 freeway during a rally against racism in resp

Protesters block both directions of the Interstate 580 freeway during a rally against racism in response to violent clashes in Charlottesville in Oakland, California, USA.
Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty

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 Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was  Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was  Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was  Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was  Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was  Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was  Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was  Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was  Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was  Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was

Violent clashes erupt at ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. One person was killed after white nationalists clashed with counter-demonstrators and a car plowed into a crowd.

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