

Apollo, god of prophecy, oracles, music, art, protector of and disease of boys and men, and archery.

Apollo holds his bow and arrows behind, while he strums the lyre given to him by hermes. Near the sun flies apollos white crow/raven. The column on the right is capped with a cow, representing his sacred animal as a god of herds. The serpent Python sits dead at his feet, killed by apollos arrow so that the god could takeover the delphi temple location. The temple complex sits underneath the god, while o. The far right, the PYTHIA ( apollos priestess) sitting upon a tripod, breathes the hallucinatory gasses seeping up from the earth to get her prophecies which she bestows upon visitors.

oracle punches nazis!

(requested by anonymous)

My right hand man ;) ✨Card from Mystical Oracle Cards Deck

My right hand man ;) ✨Card from Mystical Oracle Cards Deck

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Sketch of the (Delphic?) Sybil…The sybils were like oracles for the ancient Greeks who were i

Sketch of the (Delphic?) Sybil…

The sybils were like oracles for the ancient Greeks who were influenced by divine inspiration and made prophecies (always true ones) who -mostly- caused all trouble and fun in every great ancient Greek mythical story.

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The Blind Spot Reading

An interpersonal reading that reveals what you and the other person know about the situation…and don’t know!

Remember that this is time and energy spent on YOU. 

You would not ask a hairdresser to trim your bangs for free. You would not go without tipping a delivery person. You would not stiff the veggie vendor at the local farmer’s market. These are services that YOU have requested. This is time and energy that could be put elsewhere. These are resources that have been requested by YOU. 

So please, do not inquire and become upset if you know readings are free. When in doubt, ask! And if you cannot pay for a reading, kindly thank them for their time and move along. Tarot is not about the money, it is about a service provided for the betterment of others. And services do not go without reciprocity. Be kind to us, we are all trying our best!

Be well, be love, be positive!

Tiny hands holding your own tiny full moon. Oracle ring with glowing handmade full moon orb

Witchy little orb with a ghostly floating planchette, set into our Oracle ring.


babscore: newspaper headline edition

ancientcharm: “Admetos and Alkestis receiving the oracle”. Roman fresco found in Herculaneum, Italy.


Admetos and Alkestis receiving the oracle”. Roman fresco found in Herculaneum, Italy.

Admetos and his wife Alkestis receive the oracle saying that one of them will die unless a relative offers himself to go to Hades instead; Admetos´ parents listen.

National Archaeological Museum, Naples.

By ArchaiOptix  (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wikimedia Commons

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Futaba: Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so…

Akiren, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him

Makoto: You did WHAT–

Ryuji and Futaba: William Snakepeare
