

oh to be a young, beautiful boy walking barefoot and carefree as his hair is softly blown by the fresh winds of north under the bright sun, in his way to his secret encounter with his lover, a lovely boy with dazzling eyes, in the mesmerizing and far away lands of ancient greece


Summer on Mt. Pelion



  1. What would your dream vacation be?
  2. Tell me a random fact about yourself.
  3. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  4. What’s your favorite season?
  5. Do you believe that you can do anything if you put your heart and mind to it?
  6. Would you say you make friends easily?
  7. How long is the longest you’ve walked at one time?
  8. Do you have any allergies?
  9. Would you ever go on a blind date?
  10. Are you an emotional person?
  11. Do you want to have a family when you get older?
  12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  13. What was your favorite toy growing up?
  14. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  15. Which historical figure would you like to be?
  16. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
  17. If you could time travel, where would you go?
  18. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
  19. If you could be a cartoon character for a week, who would you be?
  20. What’s your favorite childhood book?
  21. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
  22. What’s your favorite smell in the whole world?
  23. If you could pick a new first name, what would it be?
  24. What’s your dream job?
  25. What fictional character do you wish you could meet?
  26. What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
  27. Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?
  28. What is your favorite day of the week?

make quarantine suck less


practice self love today like you’re narcissus


why is every greek mythology person who likes men attracted to hades??? i don’t understand??? pls explain

i now realize this was a very controversial question to ask and i apologize

why is every greek mythology person who likes men attracted to hades??? i don’t understand??? pls explain


Greek Gods as Random Shit in My Camera Roll pt. 1




Greek Gods as Random Shit in My Camera Roll pt. 2





if i see ANY of the kids from the IT cast in the percy jackson tv show, i will loose my goddamn mind

Okay but what if Brandon somehow didn’t get killed and married Cat like planned (I didn’t think any further than that I just wanted to draw Brandon)

Also Patroclus and Achilles bc why not


Thank you all so much for sticking with me and continuing to follow, especially since I’ve been sick and distant for this past month. It’s really helped, and I hope I can get back to playing Hades and giving y’all content of my own soon!!!!

The Greek Army at IKEA

Automedon: racing Briseis in an office chair

Briseis: eating the Swedish food, rolling down the aisle in an office chair

Diomedes: arm wrestling a German guy

Ajax: bench pressing a couch

Odysseus: criticizing how people build the IKEA furniture

Patroclus: struggling to pronounce the Swedish names

Achilles: ambushing Patroclus to throw him onto the mattresses

Patroclus: Achilles and I are dating.

Everyone including Achilles: *gasps in shock*

Patrolus: Achilles, why are you shocked?

Patroclus: Do you ever wonder what your future husband is doing?

Achilles: What are you doing?

Achilles: Visualize the ocean.

Patroclus: *horrified screeching*

Achilles: A calm ocean.


The Song of Achilles is really just a pretentious fanfiction. In this essay I wi-
