

Folklore Friday:

Cabbage should be planted on the seventeenth day of March, to insure its heading well.

I’ve upcycled a wooden crate!

I upcycled a wooden crate using paints that I don’t use anymore and old bubble wrap (I couldn’t find another foil). I put some potting soil inside it and planted some seeds… now I’m looking forward to planting lots of herbs inside my house! Okay, I’m joking, for now it is just a basil ;)

My motivation? I got really irritated with buying basil spice in paper bags every month… you know the small bags you can find in (I guees) every shop. I’ve also seen same looking basil being sold in plastic bottles (similar to ketchup bottles), what’s wrong with people? Anyway, I’m a person who uses a lot of basil while cooking and I’ve finally decided I want to grow it myself. But I have a large garden so why did I plant it in a crate? I wanted to check how it is to plant food inside ;)

By the way, I mentioned a bubble wrap. If you obtain it somehow, don’t throw it out! Always try to reuse bubble wrap, I always collect it and if I have to I use it to pack another package ;) Here are some ideas what you can do with bubble wrap:

  • Use it to cover wooden crate similar to mine and make your own potting crate ;)
  • You can use it for window isolation (it is useful especially in winter)
  • Simply use it to secure what you need
  • Make a frottage! Cover the wrap with paint and make a stamp
  • Or use it in a collage! (maybe it won’t save the planet but it’s fun…)
  • Make some beads! I’m absolutely amazed by the idea!
  • Use it in photography (for example like that)
  • If you like baking and you are brave, you can also try out those wild DIY from youtube:D

I hope I inspired you a bit ;) 

Thanks for supporting me! 


Raymond and Mildred Pitcairn watch as workmen plant a tree on the Glencairn grounds.Raymond and Mildred Pitcairn watch as workmen plant a tree on the Glencairn grounds.

Raymond and Mildred Pitcairn watch as workmen plant a tree on the Glencairn grounds.

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Growing fresh basil in a planting pot is an easy way to ensure that you have fresh herbs to add in a

Growing fresh basil in a planting pot is an easy way to ensure that you have fresh herbs to add in any recipe.  Basil makes a great addition on pasta, eggs, quinoa, pizza or most any other food you might be cooking.  You can buy started basil at many nurseries and grocers, or plant your own. It takes very little maintenance besides watering once a week.  Get out and garden! 

- The Frisky Farmer 

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Planting tomatoes for beginners.

Gen-Chan seems to want to help but just disturbing (^^;)




Step 1: Pick leaves
Gently twist the leaf near the base, it should snap off the plant cleanly. Good cuttings will be slightly rounded at the ends, and have no ‘open’ wound:


Bad cuttings will not grow, you need to make sure the whole leaf comes off in one go. Bad leaves are jagged, torn, or cut:


Step 2: Lay all cuttings inside on a piece of cloth.
I usually put a piece of old scrap material down on my desk and lie all the leaves out in rows. I try not to pile up the leaves, as this tends to promote rot. Do not water at all. AKA no misting the leaves, no watering the leaves, nothing. Everything the baby succulent needs to grow is stored in the mother leaf, watering may rot the leaf before the new plant is big enough to survive on its own! Make sure the leaves aren’t in direct sun, as they will wither before they form new plants. Filtered light from a window is strong enough!


Step 3: Waiting
After about 4 weeks you will start to see the first signs of life. The leaf may send out roots first, it may start to grow with no roots. Both are okay! 


Step 4: Planting (Start watering once a week at this stage)
After 6-8 weeks the baby succulents will be big enough to plant outside! I do this by placing the leaves on top of loose, sandy soil that has not been compacted. I do not bother burying the leaves, as it tends to do more harm than good (you may snap roots/damage new shoots in the process):


I place all the plants together, they don’t really seem to mind! These is how they look after about 10 weeks:


When the plants are big enough, the mother leaf will shrivel up and start to die off:


TADA! You’ve created baby succulents :)

I’m sorry, this is a very beautifully illustrated, informative plant post, but every time I read “Make succulent babies” I put the emphasis on the wrong part of the phrase and expect something.. very… different.

For the green witches

Planted tomatoes today. We are having unusually wet weather here in California in May, so I thought it might be good to take advantage of the ripe planting conditions and set these tomatoes out.

I planted them deep as I usually do with tomatoes. I squeezed one tomato in between two large artichokes. Time will tell if it has enough space and light.

Since I’m so limited in planting space, I expanded the bed. Two tomatoes have brand new soil to enjoy. The fourth tomato will grow out as a container plant. Let’s see which planting does the best. My money is on the container planted tomato!

headspace basil stimboard for @catgirlcores disguised as an anon !


please do not tag as kin , me , or anything similar . this board was made for an osdd system’s fictive . for the comfort of the requester , endogenic systems please do not interact with this post. this is a case sensitive basis and does not necessarily apply to our other boards unless stated . we do not personally partake in syscourse but respect the comfort of our friend .

We started a Team Trees campaign! If you want to join us in donating money for planting trees, you can do so at teamtrees.orgbut make sure to write “The Climate Crisis Movement” in the “Team” section.

Let’s see who plants the most trees in this campaign! Send us a screenshot of your donation and we will happily repost it!

For Ostara, the first day of spring, I celebrated by baking bread and planting seeds. I bought this

For Ostara, the first day of spring, I celebrated by baking bread and planting seeds. I bought this green tea cup at a thrift store and labeled it with a fake tea tag. I hope everyone enjoyed their day as well :)

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Built up some large wire tunnels. Cut and fixed burlap sacks to the bottom halves of tunnels. Filled

Built up some large wire tunnels. Cut and fixed burlap sacks to the bottom halves of tunnels. Filled with dirt and matter. Added potatoes, eyes up. Soaked. When plants are six to nine inches tall I will mulch with hay and fertilizer. Also, I never take these rings off anymore.

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