#positive mental attitude


Self-love is a difficult thing to achieve, and it’s easy for others to preach it but putting it into practice is a journey that can take a lot of time and work and relearning the way that you think about yourself. 

So remember that you’re not failing by not being there yet. You’re not wrong or inferior for struggling with low self-esteem or mental illness that can make loving yourself really difficult. Self-love and self-acceptance is a process, and what matters is that you’re somewhere along that road. Even if the only thing you’ve done so far is take that first step by acknowledging that self-love is a goal you’d like to achieve some day, even that is a massive achievement, and a really important step to take. 

You don’t have to compete against or compare yourself to anybody else - their accomplishments don’t diminish your own, even if their timeline is different from yours. The only person who you should be aiming to be better than is yourself from the past. 


Productivity since using the iPad to plan out just about every corner of my life.
