
 CARD GIVEAWAY  I printed some cards, and as a BIG thank you for your support, I want to give them a


I printed some cards, and as a BIG thank you for your support, I want to give them away for FREE*

Shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] or send me a message with your details (name, address).

*I may ask you to help me to pay the shipping price

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I will never be thankful enough for your support 

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Baja autoestima no es únicamente sentirse mal y/o tener inseguridades respecto al físico o tu propia percepción personal puesta en comparación para con los demás, también es tener un miedo constante a no saberse suficiente, creer que no somos lo bastante guap@s, buen@s, list@s, atractiv@s…, haciéndonos socializar en la inferioridad y la duda constantes. Trabajemos mucho contra los estereotipos y aprendamos a querernos y aceptarnos tal cual somos, abrazo a todxs y buen domingo.

The episode of Zacchaeus is narrated to us only by Luke, and placed after the healing of the blind man from Jericho (Luke 18: 35-43) as a complement. The blind man is healed so that he can see Jesus, and Zacchaeus climbs a fig tree so that he too can see Jesus.

Tax collectors were looked down upon as sinners by the Jews of that time. The way in which taxes were collected then lent itself to much corruption and abuse, practices condemned by the Law of Moses. Sharing a table with a sinner was considered a “contamination” in sin, a complicity with him that was incapable of prayer and worship. Zacchaeus was the chief tax collector in the Jericho region, and for this he was the target of scorn.

Jesus, who reads hearts, takes the initiative and invites all his people to Zacchaeus’ house, which should not be small at all. The attempt is this to see the teacher has been more than rewarded. And the presence of Jesus and his words change her heart. The conversion of Zacchaeus is important because it shows us how faith in Jesus entails a change in attitude and lifestyle.

Zacchaeus agrees to give half of his assets to the poor and, in addition, if he has never extorted taxes, he will pay back four times more.

The expression of Jesus: today salvation has come to this house, contains a double meaning. On the one hand, Jesus, who is the salvation of God, has lodged in Zacchaeus’ house, and has even stayed in his heart. On the other hand, salvation, understood as conversion to God, has transformed Zacchaeus’ life.

To know more please read Luke 19: 1-10: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/nt/luke/19?lang=eng
