


Time travelers keep trying to kill you. After successfully apprehending one of them, you have to ask: just what terrible thing are you destined to do in the future?

Sometimes, the mayor would call Phantom a menace, trip him down pretending it was an accident, and try to get him in trouble for the smallest things.

Other times, he would shoo away reporters that made him uncomfortable, check up on him after fights, and hands him money telling him to ‘go eat something you look pale’.

People couldn’t figure him out.


Stereotypical ‘Chosen One’ story, but the Chosen One is a 46-year-old mother of three who ran out of fucks to give five years ago.


“I’m going home.”

“What? You can’t just leave us here!”

Therapist: “How would you describe your relationship?

Person A: “Lovingly adversarial.”

Person B: “You tried to kill me yesterday!”

Person A: “Like I said, lovingly adversarial.”

A bunch of different dialogue prompts #64

  1. “This isn’t going anywhere.”
  2. “This is making me very uncomfortable.” “Good, I’m glad.”
  3. “Move along, move along, nothing to see here!”
  4. “Where have you been?”
  5. “My will to live is dwindling at an alarming rate.”
  6. “Don’t get confused, you are disposable.”
  7. “Do you maybe wanna be friends?” “Go away!”
  8. “Yeah, that tracks.”
  9. “A friend of theirs is no friend of mine.”
  10. “Why did you cut it like that?”

A bunch of different dialogue prompts #63

  1. “Since when are you part of the group?” “Since I can beat up all your asses, that’s when.” “…I’ll give you that.”
  2. “Any questions?” “Several. First of,”
  3. “Pay attention, this is important.”
  4. “I get the feeling that you don’t like me very much.” “I don’t.”
  5. “This feels illegal.” “It’s not, I checked.” “That doesn’t make me feel better.”
  6. “Are you two fighting again?!”
  7. “On the bright side, it can’t get any worse.” “I strongly doubt that.”
  8. “You can keep telling yourself that, but it won’t change what happened.”
  9. “And who’s going to pay for this?”
  10. “Coming from you, that doesn’t really mean much.”

in desperate need of hurt/comfort prompts

please and thank you

i want to write before my family makes me lose my mind


Snumbledore but they raise Harry. Minerva would be his aunt and they’d just be a happy family

Whisper of Words - A Writing Discord Server

Whisper of Words is a small and comfy discord community dedicated to writing. 13+ and LGBTQ+ friendly!

Despite by merely having a hundred members, WoW is an active community for writers and creators that encourages you to keep learning and going forward the goal the most of us have in common: to write!

In here, you can talk about what you do and like. As we do not follow a strict “writing only” policy, you are more open to what you want to do in here. You aren’t a writer but want to read someone else’s work? sure, why not! Want to promote your writing tips/prompts website? go ahead!

Whisper of Words can be a place for you to enjoy, make new friends, help yourselves learn and improve your writing skills. In this server, you can find people who can help in what you need or instead, you can be the one helping others by sharing your knowledge.

WoW has many things to offer, such as:

  • Custom roles to identify yourself (activities, pronouns and more!)
  • Ranks that can be achieved by how active you are in the server
  • Bots for Sprinting and Writing
  • Self-promotion channel
  • Channels for specific writing processes (world building, ideas and feedback, character and plot discussion, etc.)
  • Seminars

However, WoW has a unique feature! In here, YOU can host your own seminar as you can participate in other’s.

We want to give more people the opportunity to help others by speaking to members of our community about topics to help out our fellow writers! A seminar is when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic. You may not be a teacher, but you can help other people learn things you know about! You can learn more about seminars once you join our discord community.

Whisper of Words can be your new home of knowledge, where you can make new friends, share your work and check other’s out!

Join us!

What are you waiting for? Because we are waiting for you!

Discord invitation: https://discord.gg/dAD5bVubtR

Hello Cuties! So I wanted to do something different for my Youtube channel so I created a Mystery Mu

Hello Cuties! So I wanted to do something different for my Youtube channel so I created a Mystery Mug series! #MysteryMugArt Yay! It’s basically a random #prompt generator that I use to #draw something fun and interesting. The first mystery mug video is up on my Youtube channel. If you want to see the different ideas I sketched out for this please check it out. It was really fun. And if you’d like to participate please be sure to use the #MysteryMugArt hashtag so I can see what you make. You can use the prompts that I got or you can make your own mystery mug. If you use the same prompts as me please also use #AvoMysteryMug so I can see them. #drawing #art #sketchbook #goat #pumpkin #fall #prompts #drawdaily #doodle

Post link

Writing Prompts

1. “I will punch them in the mouth right now.”

2. “You do realize that I’m a vampire right?”

3. “I’m sorry, did you forget that I don’t like you?!”

4. “To make things clear, I live for this drama. So, continue on.”

5. “I killed you once! Get over it!”

6. “Can we talk about how we never once had a snowball fight before?”

7. “Ready? Ready to get absolutely decimatedat UNO? “

8. “Who here wants to order a pizza and forget about their problems?”

9. “I’m winning and there is nothing you can do that can stop me!”

10. “It’s ya dude! Ready to make some amazing food!”

11. “Do you ever look at someone and their cheekbones have more structure than your life will ever have? Same.”

12. “Blood is starting to become an accessory for you at this point.”

13. “Wanna pet my dog? He’s so soft! Guess what his name is?”

14. “Looking at the mess before me I realized I had no motivation to do anything about it, and continued to plan on how to rob the bank.”

15. “Oh, come on! What is a little law breaking between friends?”


Otp Questions

1. Who laughs at their own joke and who deadpans at the joke?

2. If they had a secret handshake, how would it go?

3. It’s movie night, what movies are they gonna watch together?

4. It’s time to name their pet they adopted together, who gets to name it? How do they come to this decision?

5. Who would they love to go on a double date with?

6. Who wakes the other up in the morning? How do they wake them up?

7. How do they celebrate Halloween?

8. Who is more likely to call their partner ‘dude’?

9. During a thunderstorm how do they react? Is one scared? Do they both love it? Do they take pictures? ECT.

10. Who would looking lovingly at their partner and call them ‘idiot’?

11. It’s time to get groceries, who likes to look at everything and who just wants to power through and get everything done so they can go back home?

12. Who is more likely to make a mess in the kitchen?

13. Who likes to try to prank their partner?

14. When scrolling on their phone, who is more likely to show their partner a cute picture/video of an animal?

15. Who causes the tomfoolery and who has to try and stop the tomfoolery?


Writing Prompts

1. “What is wrong with a little mayhem?”

2. “You ready to win? I am ready to win!”

3. “I’m not going to encourage this, but, feel free to take my keys.”

4. “When I get taller, I am going to kick your ass!”

5. “Would I ever do such an idiotic thing?”

6. “Stop laughing! We have to be quiet!”

7. “Go ahead. Go to sleep. I dare you.”

8. “You’re going to succeed. It’s already written in the stars.”

9. “You think you can stop these hands? Come say it to my face!”

10. “My heart is full of love! Stop hating, you rotten salad!”

11. “I got a tattoo gun and I’m ready to make poor decisions.”

12. “There is nothing but positivity here! Get out with your negative vibes! I’ll slice you!”

13. “Ready to crack some heads? I brought some snacks for us too in case we get hungry.”

14. “I love y’all, but y’all gotta stop.”

15. “Yes! I accidentally punched them in the face! Is that so hard to believe?”


- A and B both got turned into vampires but both have no idea what they are doing so they just end up making stupid puns rather than figuring out what to actually do

- A is a vampire and B can’t help but fall for A because A has a vast knowledge of history

- A is a vampire who is terrified of bats and B can’t help but seen the irony

- A turns B into a vampire even though B didn’t want to turn, but A couldn’t bare the thought of losing B due to some mortal sickness

- A thinks B is adorable for trying to prove that they are a vampire, meanwhile B is fuming because B is a vampire and they truly believe A is a vampire but just won’t admit it, so B proves to A that B is a vampire so A doesn’t have to hide it anymore, and A is horrified because they are just a human


Otp Questions

1. Who poses and who encourages the other by yelling sweet things at them?

2. Who sighs and rests their head on their partner’s shoulder while the other pulls them closer?

3. Who is more likely to start a pillow fight at an obscure time at night?

4. How do they greet one another when they come home?

5. Who laughs and exposes their cover when they try to playfully scare their partner?

6. Who starts the dance off in the kitchen while they are baking cookies?

7. Are they more likely to built a pillow fort with aesthetically pleasing string lights or sit in a bed of a truck looking up at the stars?

8. Who continually tries to prank the other but fails each time?

9. Who is ready to throw down and who is ready to make a flower crown?

10. Who gets the spider out of the house?

11. Who laughs so hard that they make no sound and whose laugh can you hear from a mile away?

12. Who is more likely to create an absolute disaster in the kitchen?

13. Who tries their best at a new hobby and who is ready to hype their partner up?

14. They get looped into going to a party they don’t wanna go to, do they, A) Get out of it with a mediocre lie, (what is the lie) B) Go and decide to try and have a good time, C) Go and decide to start chaos or D) Go and steal some food?

15. Who would be more likely to buy their partner socks with dinosaurs on them?


OTP Questions

1. Who said I love you first?

2. Who laughs and kisses their partner on the cheek while their partner isn’t happy about something trivial to try and make them feel better?

3. Who cuddles up to the other after a long day at work, and this soon escalates to a playful pillow fight?

4. What is something that they gave one another that has a lot of meaning?

5. How would one another describe their partner?

6. Who wraps their arms around their partner as they look them in the eyes and compliments them with a goofy smile?

7. Who loves saying ‘my wife’ or ‘my husband’ or ‘my spouse’?

8. Who always talks about how amazing their partner is when their partner isn’t there and they just light up with genuine love and happiness?

9. Who loves it when their partner kisses them good morning?

10. Who shows the other how to balance a spoon on their nose?

11. Who loves to pull pranks on the other? What type of pranks do they pull and do they pull their pranks off?

12. What is something small that they would randomly pick up for one another?

13. Who is the one who can’t stop laughing when trying to tell a joke?

14. Who would plan the other a surprise birthday party?

15. Who picks the other person up when hugging their partner?

Writing Prompts

1. “What is wrong with a little mayhem?”

2. “You ready to win? I am ready to win!”

3. “I’m not going to encourage this, but, feel free to take my keys.”

4. “When I get taller, I am going to kick your ass!”

5. “Would I ever do such an idiotic thing?”

6. “Stop laughing! We have to be quiet!”

7. “Go ahead. Go to sleep. I dare you.”

8. “You’re going to succeed. It’s already written in the stars.”

9. “You think you can stop these hands? Come say it to my face!”

10. “My heart is full of love! Stop hating, you rotten salad!”

11. “I got a tattoo gun and I’m ready to make poor decisions.”

12. “There is nothing but positivity here! Get out with your negative vibes! I’ll slice you!”

13. “Ready to crack some heads? I brought some snacks for us too in case we get hungry.”

14. “I love y’all, but y’all gotta stop.”

15. “Yes! I accidentally punched them in the face! Is that so hard to believe?”


Writing Prompts

1. “We are robbing a bank not walking on a fashion runway!”

2. “I’m here to kill one of y’all! Guess which one of y’all I’m here to kill?”

3. “What am I doing? It’s called self care!”

4. “Which one of you set this on fire?”

5. “I sneezed and I swear I was in another dimension.”

6. “I’m here to eat all your chocolate and cheer you up. Wanna hear a pun?”

7. “Looks like we have a mystery on our hands. Who ate the last slice of pizza.”

8. “We got bamboozled! By our own cat!”

9. “For someone who is use to dying a lot, you sure are dramatic about it.”

10. “Is this your normal? Being absolutely insane?”

11. “You’re asking me if I want ice cream in the middle of the winter? You bet your ass I do! Let’s go!”

12. “I’m a vampire and you’re a vampire but we still have no idea who the other vampire is? We sure do suck at this.”

13. “We live in a small town filled with secrets of the unknown!”

14. “Where did you get a pumpkin this time of year? I want a pumpkin too!”

15. “My biggest problem right now? Your presence.”
