


القلبُ قلبي ، و كل ما فيه ليس لي……..!!

”The heart is mine, but all of what is in it, is not mine!”

B r e a t h

From a young age our minds are filled with

false expectations that our lives must be

riveting, we must be grand to matter.

We learn how quickly people fade 

from every memory, thus starting a

desperate attempt to be eternal.

It is near effortlessly to inadvertently 

forget to love the softer aspects of life

in light of trying to create something endless.

Sometimes we all forget to live,

we let experiences pass by attempting

to manifest future happiness.

There is endless love in this world,

sometimes hiding in ways we may

never know, so easily missed out on.

We put so much pressure on ourselves

not to be forgotten and accidentally

forget what it is all for. 



“They say in every library there is a single book that can answer the question that burns like a fire in the mind.”

- Lemony Snicket

“Sound will be the medicine of the future.”

– Edgar Cayce

Thank you for this great life motto Signore Fellini

Thank you for this great life motto Signore Fellini

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i can feel it getting bad again ):

why am I like this?

overthinking kills…
