

Remus: Whatcha drawing, Sirius?

Sirius: My favorite thing in the world

Remus: Awww is it me?

Remus: *looks over and sighs* Sirius, why did you draw my ass?

Sirius: *exasperated sigh* I’m so tired of Covid.

Sirius: Like go away nasty, nobody wants you

Sirius: someone needs to do a ritual or something to chase it away

Sirius: *smiles mischievously* that ‘someone’ could be me

Sirius: *brings all the supplies for the ritual and starts setting things up*

Remus: babe, wtaf happened to our house?

Sirius, laughing nervously: well yeah about that-

Okay sooo I sometimes forget the age gap between tonks and Remus.

Like can you imagine young Sirius introducing his boyfriend, Remus to Andromeda and Andromeda telling him to take care of her brother and not break his heart??

Then after some years, her daughter brings the same man home and introduces him as her husband, like can you imagine the expression on her face??


Sirius is the second shortest marauder (After Peter) and James and Remus tease him about it A LOT. Also, he always has to get on his tiptoes to kiss Remus. Remi loves to use him as an armrest and does it ALL the time just to piss Siri off.
