#wolfstar angst


and he’d look up to the sky, whispering a name that had once fallen off his lips so easily, with so much love and devotion, in hopes that the stars would give a sign, a flicker, that they were still watching over him. but the stars remain always silent.

you had to kill the conversation

“where the hell do you keep on going?” sirius said, glaring at remus from under their long eyelashes. “‘cause i am one hundred percent sure you’re not going only where dumbledore sends you.”

“i’ve told you! i’m not allowed to tell you!” remus’ words were almost a growl. “i’m not in the mood for fucking talking.” remus said coldly and went to their room, slamming the door behind him. sirius flinched.

you always had the upper hand

“why do i only go with the werewolves?” a nineteen-year-old remus asked, trailing off after dumbledore. “why can’t i go with my friends?”

“because that,” the older man looked at remus categorically, leaving no place for discussion, “is where you’re useful.”

“but it’s not fair! i-” remus started.

“no buts. do you remember how much i’ve done for you?” dumbledore cocked one single eyebrow. “it’s the time you pay me back.”

got caught in love and stepped in sinking sand

“maybe falling in love with you wasn’t the brightest idea i’ve ever had.”

remus wondered when did they fall out of love. was it with little steps, something that could have been avoidable, that they noticed just a little bit too late? or did they just wake up one day and decide that they didn’t love each other anymore?

nonetheless, the flame of their love had consumed them entirely. lit up by it, like a match, like a cigarette, and burned until nothing but their ashes were left.

you had to go and ruin all our plans

“i’ll be back soon, sirius. i promise”

“you never keep your promise though, remus, do you?” sirius looked up to their lover tiredly. “it’s all just unkept promises”

packed your bags and you’re leaving home

remus always came back late. and sirius would wait, until they got tired of waiting.

got a one-way ticket and you’re all sent to go

and with every single mission, they started to not be sure if they’d want remus to come back or not.

but we have one more day together

and everything would once come to an end. their love, the war; soon enough, even if they were going to be the ones who lost.

so, love me like there’s no tomorrow

they had very few nights of love left. with the uncertainty of war, never knowing the day you would stop waking up next to the one you loved, and everything going around, they’d have to live life to the fullest. even the little they had left.

hold me in your arms, tell me you mean it

so they’d just love each other.

this is our last goodbye, and very soon it will be over

they never knew how to quite make out the difference between sinners and saints. but when their last goodbye would come, they’d know that neither them, nor their lover, had been either.

they had been just fools in love.

but today just love me like there’s no tomorrow

it had all been an illusion.

many people knew what it felt like to fall in love with sirius black. falling in love with a grin, an only dimple on the right cheek, eyes of mercury gray, and royal eyelashes. falling in love with the courage of a tiger and the heart of a lion. falling in love with the love for the earth’s soil and the fire’s flames.

they’d all fall in love quickly. they never recognized it, until it was too late, and there was no way to surrender from it anymore. they’d stare from afar, their heart shattering. a comparison to the artists’ hanahaki disease, if you will, but it was silent. it always was.

remus thought it would be different for them, though. declarations of undying love over one single cigarette shared in the astronomy tower, feeling the taste of each other’s lips in their mouth, almost addicting. words gasped rushedly in the dead of the night when they thought they wouldn’t find the day of tomorrow and that those words, those words, were the last things that could keep their broken pieces together.

it had been real love, remus thought. maybe his love for sirius would not end tragically. maybe they wouldn’t be just another two actors, playing their play until the end and the curtain draws shut.

but he’d realize bitterly one night, all alone, that it had all been something to fill the little time they had left with each other. sirius never really loved him. it was just another fling, remus would call it, because it wasn’t love. or so, his broken heart thought. or so, his loneliness whispered in his ear. or so, he’d let his thoughts consume him whole.

Sirius: *wears one of those tik tok leggings that makes the butt look fat to tease Remus*


Remus, drinking coffee and reading a book: Yes what is it, babe?

Sirius: look at mee. I need attention :c

Remus: *looks at him and chokes on his coffee* Fuck~


The angstiest fic I have ever written… you have been warned… read the warnings!

Chapter Two: He Sees Constellations

“Oh God,” he says. “Oh God.”

Minerva finds him like this. She helps him inside, makes him tea. Makes him sit with her and drink it. He tells her. She is not generally the type of person you confide in easily. She is too stern. And yet, he tells her. Everything. She looks back at him.

“You will have to tell him,” she says, abruptly.

“I know,” his voice catches; he repeats it, slower. “I know.”

She nods, and he is sure there are tears in her eyes.

“Have a biscuit, Remus,” she whispers, like she used to do, whenever they were in trouble.

“Thank you, Minnie.”

They sit in silence for a while. She brushes her face with her hand, sniffs into her handkerchief.

“I’m dreadfully sorry.”

“So am I,” he says.

Continuechapter 2
