

I’ve been craving to give and receive so much love lately… unfortunately not getting the same energy back.

I just wanna sit in the sun with my titties out and eat fresh fruit ☀️



Message me for Tarot Advice tonight


Using my Oracle deck to give accurate readings right now, so, please, submit your birthdate to us and your question and we will get started.

convenient places for sigils.



Day 25: Family - Sansa Stark

Lady (is that a chain around her neck? and a red dog?

Tully fish included.

Red Rose? form Loras? and above it is the poison stone necklace?

Purple flowers? not sure, the only purple flowers I remember are the poison ones that Arya picked and gave to Ned, so perhaps these allude to the poison used in the hairnet that killed Joffrey? I believe they were purple stones…

You included Sansa herself in hers? or is it just a maiden figure? the little bird makes me think it is supposed to be Sansa.

Here’s my take:

They are both direwolves, I drew two because Sansa is the second child.

The gray one, without tongue and chained is Lady, it represents Sansa’s past, but also the most composed part of her personality. I see the red and free one as a hope for the future. The tongue represents the power of words.

I included the red rose because I love the tournament scene, I think it’s one of the first graphically described deaths we see, a prelude to the Stark’s tragedy.

The Maiden is there for the cult of the Seven, I gave her a similar aspect to the character because I liked the parallelism (the flowers are purple because I thought they looked good).

Day 25: Family - Jon Snow

Day 25: Family - Rickon Stark

Day 25: Family - Bran Stark

Day 25: Family - Catelyn Tully

Day 25: Family - Eddard Stark

Day 25: Family - Arya Stark


How to Create Sigils

  1. Pick your Intention or affirmation.
  2. Cross out all vowels and repeating letters
  3. Match the letter to the number
  4. Create a clock wheel 1-9 in whatever order you wish
  5. Connect the Numbers
  6. Add a personal touch (arrows, dots, swirls)
  7. and you’re Done!

Another Method

  1. Pick your intention or affirmation
  2. Cross out vowels or repeating letters
  3. Connect the letters on the wheel
  4. Add a personal touch (arrows, dots, swirls)
  5. and you’re done!


Make a sigil out of your name, your initials, your middle name… whatever feels right to you, and sign it in place of your signature or behind it as a little spell! You can incorporate a sign for prosperity, or self love, or luck into the sigil, and you will be charging and casting it with everything you sign!

Hey everyone!

It’s been a long time (as always lol). I’m in kinda a rough spot financially, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in buying a custom sigil or tarot reading? Based on what you want from me I may have to change the prices a little but I’m thinking something like this:

Sigils - $1.00

Drawing a tarot card for you - $2.00

Basic past/present/future tarot reading - $5.00

Celtic Cross tarot reading - $8.00

Custom tarot spread - Price based on complexity

Would anyone be interested? And do these prices seem fair?
