


NOTE: Keep in mind that these are all opinions from my own personal path and study, they are by no means set in stone. Feel free to apply your own associations instead of mine. If you associate wands with air instead of fire, by all means use wands for air. My correlations are not your correlations, and this is not me bashing your path or telling you that you are wrong. I am just sharing my grimoire page.

Circles can be as much a part of a spell as anything else. They can be physical, visual, or astral. Astral being debatably visual by some definitions.


  • Chalk
    • just a circle of chalk but can be more complex with symbols, runes, and sigils
  • Crystals
    • Needs a lot of crystals, but surrounds the area with energy. Would be very powerful
  • Flowers
    • Evocative, beautiful. Probably very good for blessings and spells having to do with strong emotions like love and happiness
  • Salt
    • DO NOT DO OUTSIDE!! Salt can hurt the fertility of the earth and kill plants.
    • Good for protective magic or an affordable option
    • Add herbs to the salt for extra potential
  • Liquid
    • Good for connection to water or even as an offering to a god of wine or spirits.
    • Make sure you have enough!
    • Warps wood floors, best done outside or in a basement especially in an apartment.
  • Group
    • Very powerful, the circle formed by joining hands.
    • So powerful and evocative that it is popular outside of witchcraft. (Prayer circles, football, circling up in schools)
    • From personal experience this circle works VERY well on its own without anything else. The power of two people sending out an intention is 10x stronger.
  • Takes even more focus at least for me
  • Easier with a tool
    • Wand: Great connection with fire 
    • Staves: Great connection with fire and/or Earth
    • Athame/Sword: Connection with air
    • Hand: Connection with self/ earth
      • Takes more focus
  • Takes practice in astral travel
  • Infinite possibilities for symbolism and complexity
  • often can be intuitively made. Perfect when you aren’t sure what you want.
  • I am uncertain how easy it is to use for physical plane effects. Perhaps this circle is better suited to spiritual and emotional needs as well as personal.

It is debatable what circles are specifically used for. Some witches use them towards protecting them from entities. Some say they are used to “create sacred space” defined as sanctifying the space, some say it is a container. I will go over all three.


Some believe that when you do magic you become vulnerable, and so a circle for these people is designed to protect you from negative energy and entities while you work. But this depends on if you believe in negative entities.


This concept is often misunderstood. Most pagans believe that everything is sacred, but some do not. For those who do believe this, there is a feeling that this method is wrong. Everything is sacred, so how can we make something sacred? The issue is not in practice but in definition for many of these pagans. What they mean by “sacred space” is rather creating a safe space, a place where you can focus and work freely without fear.

Though many also consider this to be a cleansing thing, creating a circle of neutral energy that will not be tainted by the energies of the world. The problem with this concept is that, yes it may stay clean while it is with you, but eventually you have to let it go out into the world where it will still get tainted. DON’T HELICOPTER PARENT YOUR ENERGY XD. Jokes aside, having clean energy to work with may be easier for some, so this ideology still has it’s uses.


The latter concept is that of a container that can hold the energies you raise. The idea is that it is easier to raise enough energy to fill a small space than it is to raise enough to fill a large space. This too has it’s problems. If you need a shit ton of energy, does this mean you need a huge circle?


I believe that it is all of these things.

A circle, first of all, protects from anything that may try to get in. It creates a safe space for the caster, a place where one can feel comfortable and focus on the task at hand.

A circle creates an energy void. Void in my practice is where we draw energy from. So having a circle where I can step into the raw energies of Void is very useful. I can then shape those energies into ones directed towards my purpose.

It also creates a container to work with and shape those energies. Many will say you cannot step out of circle, but while I do believe you may carry the energies you raised out of the circle, I doubt it would be all of it. This is like opening a door into a room full of gas and letting a little bit out. It may have an effect, but it wont release all of the gas. This is why we have the practice of Doors.

A circle I believe can contain a lot of energy, and to make a huge circle that you are trying to fill yourself would be a very long and arduous task. I managed a circle the size of my living room just barely on the night of the last super moon. I could feel the energies in the space, but there were small areas that felt empty. That was a couple hours of work. 

You do not need a large circle to make immeasurable good happen. 

A large circle is best for multiple people who can work together to fill it. Make your circle just big enough to move around in.


Doors are created in several different ways, the only one I know currently is to cut a door with your athame. I’m unsure how this functions exactly yet. I have yet to study this in great detail. For now it’s just best to get in the habit of having everything you need with you if at all possible.

I hope that this is helpful to you guys or enlightening towards how other people practice if you don’t do it the same way as me. Feel free to ask me any questions and if I don’t have an answer that gives me a new reason to study!

Please post your own methods as well! I would love to see how others do it. <3


So spells are clearly a witches thing. Or also used in several cultures for healing etc. However, not many newer witches understand what a spell really is or how they really work. Heck, probably half of the community knows. I don’t think I am the only correct source, so please do look around and get more information.

Let’s get started.


What Is a Spell?

  • a form of words used as a magical charm or incantation; a state of enchantment caused by a magic spell; an ability to control or influence people as though one had magical power over them(google).
  • For our sake, a spell is simply used with words, ingredients, items and writing. Not all have to be involved though. And most of the time they aren’t used by everyone.

Do Spells Work?

For the most part? Yes. They do. However, sometimes they won’t and that’s okay too. It just means you need to do something different or figure out how it could have gone wrong.

What if a Spell Goes Wrong?

Try a spell reversal. A lot of people have resources on this, it’s a good thing to research especially before you start spell casting.

What Can Be a Spell?

Anything. A spell for bringing love to you all the way to cursing someone who has wronged someone else. These all account as spells.

Should I Use Protection?

Ignore how I worded that. But yes. You should use any form of protection you can from tailsmans to casting a circle. Even a small chant will be better than nothing.

A Spell of Mine Didn’t Work… What Do I Do?

Take notes on what happened. Give it more time to fully manifest. Be Patient. If you feel it genuinely didn’t work you can try again, but do give it time. It might not have worked in the way you wanted it to.

How Do Spells Work?

Most of the time it’s all about energy, intent, visualizing the outcome you want, and manifesting it. While you don’t inherently need tools or ingredients(some will say otherwise) they can be helpful to give your spell an extra oomph you need especially if you don’t have a lot of energy yourself.

What Do I Need For Spells?

A Book and a Pen. All to take notes and write out your spell. Again, you don’t need anything at all for spell casting. They may be helpful, but not needed at all.

Can I Write My Own Spells?

Abso-fucking-lutely. There’s nothing stopping you.

Can I Use Spells Posted By Others?

For the most part yes. The ones posted are usually meant to be used for others to help them. I typically use the spells posted to help me make my own though so it’s up to you.

How Do I Know My Spell Worked?

Did the outcome you want come? Then yes. If your unsure then go search out some answers. Tarot, or some other form of divination can be helpful.

Are Spells and Rituals the Same?

In my own personal opinion? No. To others they may be the same, but for me they have different energies. A ritual is set in stone, copied almost every time you reach a certain point. A spell is something you can do on a whim. But again. My Own Opinion. Others may have something else to say about that. It’s good to look into it though.

How Do I Write My Own Spells?

Here’s a little template for you to help as I’m not the best at wording most of the time:

1. A title for your spell

2. The Intentions you have for the spell

3. The Date, time and Moon Phase(moon phase and time are optional. Date is helpful.)

4. The Items/Ingredients you need(if any at all)

5. Any words/chants you plan to use or used.

6. Instructions!

Anyways, I wouldn’t take too much spell writing advice from me as I usually write out my spells after I cast them.

Again, I’m not a full expert on this process. I probably never will be, but I hope this is slightly helpful for those who are trying to figure it out.


The Sleepy Witch

Created: 12/05/2018

**Compiled from my personal grimoire**




What is an Esbat?

Each occurrence of the Full Moon is observed as a celebration called an esbat. The Full Moon for each of the 12 months in a year is known by a specific name, for example ‘Hunter’s Moon’ or ‘Snow Moon.’ These names for each Moon change depending on if you are in the Northern or Southern hemisphere, the same way the Wheel of the Year’s sabbats are opposites depending on which hemisphere you are in (e.g. Southern hemisphere witches celebrate Beltane during their spring, while simultaneously it is winter in the Northern hemisphere and witches there are celebrating Samhain and vice versa).

An esbat is defined as a ritual observance of the night of the Full Moon, with the Moon as the sole focus and dedication. They are typically used as an opportunity for covens to meet, but solitary practitioners can perform their own rituals alone on esbats too. Esbats can also be celebrated on the New Moon instead if the Full Moon is not a convenient time, which is often the case with secret and solitary witches. A practitioner can choose the Full Moon or New Moon interchangeably each month depending on what works best for them at that time.

Esbats are seen as powerful times to perform magick and workings, as opposed to sabbats which tend to be more celebratory. Esbats are a good time for magick of all kinds, especially that involving lunar energy. Feasting and commemorating the Moon’s cycles is also common. It is also a good time to reflect on what has happened in your life since the last esbat. Meditate on what you are thankful for and what you would like to achieve by the next esbat.

There are also traditional altar decorations for esbats, typically corresponding to the Moon. These can include a bowl of water, candles, mirrors, silver decorations and white and clear crystals.

Possible Esbat Activities: (Based on my own personal experiences as a solitary witch).

Make offerings and pray.

Renew any spells that need it, such as wards, recharging sigils and charms etc.

Reflect on yourself, meditate, treat yourself a little for all your hard work throughout the month and reflect on what is yet to come. Set some goals.

Cleanse and charge yourself and your tools and space.

Spend time in the moonlight; watch the moon rise.

Collect natural items that have been charged by moonlight.

Make moonwater.

Make a crystal grid charged by moonlight.

Have a ritual bath.

As a disclaimer, not every witch observes the esbats, and it can be difficult to celebrate every single one. You can celebrate a few when it suits you, or choose not to at all. It’s all up to you!


☼ wear citrine, amber or sunstone jewellery
☼ make your own orange juice
☼ grow sunflowers, and keep some in a vase in your room
☼ make some rainbow water
☼ research cosmic witchcraft (after all, the sun is a star)
☼ hang prisms in your room to paint rainbows on the walls
☼ try a tarot spread based on the sun, or make your own
☼ incorporate phoenix imagery into your practice, maybe use it to inspire a spell
☼ go to the beach to tan (safely!)
☼ learn to play ‘here comes the sun’ on an instrument
☼ spend time researching, and maybe even contacting, sun deities like apollo, sulis, ra and sól
☼ try making sun oil
☼ flavour more of your dishes with rosemary
☼ keep all your curtains and blinds open during the day to allow as much sunlight in as possible
☼ learn about your sun sign (aka star sign)
☼ research or write your own correspondences for the sun phases (sunrise, noon, sunset, etc.)
☼ cultivate a cacti/succulent garden
☼ donate to a “save the bees” organisation (be sure to research them before so that you know the money is being used well and that they’re an effective organisation!)
☼ listen to a playlist of songs that remind you of the sun, or make your own
☼ create a south-facing sun altar



During the Basic Spellwriting class that Salt hosted tonight on the server, the WAMILY members gathered and constructed a spell together.  This was an amazing team effort and the collaboration produced a simple, yet effective spell.  This is what they came up with!


To dream deeply and vividly, and to recall it when you wake.


During the New Moon; and/or on a Saturday (a day of relaxation.)  Bonus points if you can score a New Moon on a Saturday!  

Each New Moon is a brand new beginning.  It offers the opportunity to make a change, to re-orient yourself, or to conjure a new aspect of yourself and your life into being.  The energy of the new moon is great for initiating a new project or the start of an adventure.  And with it being hidden in darkness, there are parallels drawn between the darker sides of the moon as well as our minds.


  • Soft Pajamas: for comfort.
  • Fluffy Pillow: to rest our head, where dreams happen.
  • Cup of tea: to warm and relax our bodies.
  • Amethyst: to remove stress, to boost intelligence and promote personality growth, to protect from harmful outside influences, to strengthen memory.


1.  On the night of a New Moon (or a Saturday, or both), climb into bed wearing soft pajamas and tea in hand.  Sip your tea and focus your energy on a night of restful sleep.  Think back on the past vivid dreams you have had and the details of them.  You can also set an amethyst by your bedside, under a pillow, or near a window.

2.  When your tea is finished and you are sleepy, read the following incantation, focusing on the mysterious, majestic power of the New Moon.  Visualize its shadows as a cloak that will conceal you.  The New Moon will inspire the start of your adventure in the dreamscape.

3.  Recite the following spell:

I ask the New Moon to allow peaceful and calm rest. 
To the depths of my subconscious, give me access. 
Let the absence of the Moon be my shield and guide, 
and when I wake, let the dreams ever-flow to my mind.

4.  Turn off the lights, rest your head on your pillow, and allow for your dreams to blossom!  In the morning, you should wake and be able to recall the details of the dream.  (We suggest writing them down!)

Thanks to everyone who participated in creating this spell!  You all are amazing and we cannot wait to see what else our WAMILY creates together!


The winds of change I feel tonight

The waters are calm and the sky is bright,

Luck be mine, come into me, 

My desires are true, so mote it be.

 - Chant until the energy has built up, then clap your hands to release the energy to the universe


“And the blood in these veins
isn’t pumping any less than it ever has.
And that’s the hope I have,
the only thing I know that’s keeping me alive.”

~Paramore, “Last Hope”

Intent: I don’t know about anyone else but I need this right now. This spell is intended to give you the strength you need to pick yourself up and move forward through depression. It’s not designed as a “cure” but an aid through rougher times. 

I wanted this spell to be relatively simple in terms of material and leg word because when my depression hits I know I don’t want to pull out all my materials and make a big show. If you want to vamp it up and add extra elements please feel free to!


  • matches
  • tealight candle
  • paper
  • pencil


1. On your piece of paper write the word “depression” in big letters. Underneath it, write “let it happen” until the page is full or you’re content with how many times you’ve written it. (Alternatively you can make a sigil if you’re feeling up to it). The point of this step is to not try to push down or hide your depression. Acknowledge it and accept it so that you can face it head on.

2. Carve the words “keep me going” onto your tealight candle. Remove the candle from it’s aluminum holder and place it on top of your piece of paper.

3. Say the following phrase before striking your match:

“It’s just a spark but it’s enough to keep me going”

4. Light your tealight candle and allow it to melt over the paper, while visualizing the “spark” that will keep you going.

A spell to help someone realize that they are just being incredibly dumb.


A sigil to represent your target

A sigil to represent wisdom

A sigil to represent regret

An indigo candle

Sage incense


Carve the sigils into the candle

Light the candle

Use the candle to light the incense while saying  “You have chosen a selfish path, learn your wrongs, and face guilt’s wrath.”  Three times.

Blow out the candle.

Also!  I hit 100 followers this week!  That’s amazing, I honestly didn’t think I would.  I’m celebrating with a Q and A, Start sending in your questions and I’ll answer them all on Monday.

Let’s talk about: Incantations


Incantations, sometimes known as magic words, are probably one of the most famous types of a spell, and with good reason.  We often picture some kind of chant to help summon whatever magic powers we want to use at the time.  I love incantations in my spells, both because I am dramatic and live for ominous chants, and because incantations are a great place for a little poetry which I also love.

When it comes to the how to of incantations there’s very little to say beyond “do what comes naturally”.  Incantations can be long drawn out chants in verse, they can be a quick quip in latin saying what you want to do, they can be a single word that you made up for the specific spell you’re working on, or anything in between.  The greatest importance for incantations is your intent.

No matter what you’re saying, what language it’s in, or how many times you repeat it the incantation won’t work if you’re not clear on what you’re doing.  That’s why intent matters so much in all spells, it’s so very important to know exactly what you’re trying to accomplish and have it firmly in your mind before you begin, beyond that the only rules are what feels right and what has meaning to you.

Now for the most part incantations are a wonderfully unisex way to practice, but I’m sure there’s someone in the world saying, “Poetry, what guy is caught dead doing poetry?”  My response to that is a simple list of gods who have poetry included in their domain: Odin, Angus Og, and Apollo.  I’m sure there are more, but I don’t know who they are. It’s also worth pointing out that King David was an accomplished poet and wrote the psalms.

That brings my ramble on incantations to a close.  Practice safe and Ret'urcye mhi!  


This is a simple glamour that can enhance your attractiveness in many ways, to many people! The purpose of this spell is to give you a boost of confidence in your physical appearance, your communication skills, your creative abilities and other qualities you possess that people find attractive. Think your nose is pretty cute? Think you’re funny? Smart? Do you have a creative talent? Like your thighs and your tummy? People will be drawn to these qualities and take more notice of them, as will you when assessing yourself! This is a self love glamour as much as it can affect others. 

- 1 ripe strawberry
- 1 small bowl or saucer
- 1 fork

Time of Day
Perform during a waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday or Friday if the calendar allows. Super effective every Thursday or Friday when the moon is in Libra.

Make sure you cleanse your tools and cast your circle to protect yourself. Do a cleansing bath and cleanse yourself of negative energies beforehand if you’ve been feeling especially down on yourself. 

Hold the strawberry as you visualize people looking twice at you, complimenting your appearance, approaching you to chat. They laugh at your jokes and are enchanted by your thoughts and opinions. They think you are alluring and intriguing and they want to know more. People are utterly charmed by you and if they don’t want your romantic love, they aspire to be in your close circle and be touched by your aura. Think of specific people if that is part of your goal with this glamour.

Put the stawberry in your bowl or on your saucer and plate and gently mash it with your fork. Anoint your lips with the stawberry juice, kiss the juice off your fingers. This should be a sensual act. Eat the mashed bits of stawberry, enjoying the sweetness of the juice rolling down your tounge as you suck on the pulp, seeds gently bursting between your teeth. 

As you do this, say aloud:

“The words I speak,
The smiles I smile,
Be made sweet,
As bee to flower,
As honey to fly,
I draw you nigh.”

Burn Away the Sadness Spell

Burn Away the Sadness Spell

This is a quick little spell for releasing sadness. Witchcraft is of course not a replacement for medical professionals of any sort. Seek help if you need it.
I dreamed up this spell in as I was trying to fall asleep one night. For this spell you will need:

an envelope
something to write with
basic energy work skills
a match or lighter, and a safe space to have open flames…

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Bead Dangle Spells

Happy New Year everyone! Here for a quick spell idea. This isn’t open to everyone as not everyone has these supplies lying around, but I think it is still worth sharing. For this kind of spell you will need some jewerly supplies:

HeadpinBeads of your choiceRound nose pliersWire cutters or strong scissorsJumpring

You can pick beads based on the correspondences of its material or color, or…

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Astral travel tea, formulated to aid you in your journey to the Astral realm and to keep you calm while your Astral projecting.

Remember to always do your research on herbs before you ingest them and to consult your health care provider before trying anything new

moonmaagick: Created these cute little wish bottles for love, happiness and peace. Containing: - ros


Created these cute little wish bottles for love, happiness and peace.

- rose petals
- chamomile
- rose quartz
- amethyst
- quartz
- hematite

And of course with a little added extra moon magick!

Post link
mothmaam:                              Welcome To Moth’s Book Of Tides Here it is, my updated, witch


                             Welcome To Moth’s Book Of Tides

Here it is, my updated, witchy master post.

Updated January 25th, 2018.


Powders and Glamours

Spell Jars

Reversal Spells


Servitor Spells

Banishing Spells




Healing/Health Spells

Good Fortune Spells

Growth Spells

Misc. Spells

Misc. Witchery

**This list is subject to updates so keep an eye out for new additions!**

Post link


House Cleansings & Blessings

practical and simple ways to cleanse and bless your home

burn cedar sticks or cedar incense. cedar helps drive away negative influences, energies, and spirits. really good herb to work with when moving into a new space. helps with protection on all levels.

sprinkle a blend of salt, sage, and mint on the floors to soak up all the negative energies on the ground and vacuum up when you feel it has picked everything up. clean out all that salt from your vaccuun and dispose of it in the trash outside (not in nature)

diffuse lavender oil. lavender oil is very protective and helps bring serenity and peace into a space.

manifest abundance and prosperity by meditating with citrine and placing it in your home. place a clear quartz next to it to amplify abundant energies

make a crystal gird out of selenite, black tourmaline and white jade. these crystals will create a barrier of protection around your house and they will cleanse the hell out of it.

place pieces of selenite in windowsills, this will purify energy coming in and out of the house. immediately raises the vibration of the room

when burned, palo santo releases a cleansing smoke filled with healing energies. great for filling spaces with good health and fortune

ask your spirits/deities to cleanse, protect, and bless your space and leave them offerings when you are done

sandalwood incense raises vibrations, cleanses, offers psychic protection, and helps to open up psychic awareness

amethyst is not only a enhances the intuition and increases calm energies, it is also very protective and will shield you from psychic attacks

work with the elements for protection, meditation and visualization works well

visualize an impenetrable bubble of protection surrounding your home protecting you from all lower energies

visualize a waterfall pouring into your space washing away all stagnant and negative energy leaving your space with abundant and healthy energy

put mint leaves all around your house, in your windowsills, in your shoes, jewelry boxes, altar, etc. to protect you from evil intentions. also good for protecting your home from misfortune

wind chimes will warn you when a negative spirit is around, there sound will also help drive them off your property

cinnamon is extremely protective, i love dressing candles with ground cinnamon for cleansing and protection

burning dragon’s blood incense will create a wall of fire protecting you and your space, also a really good incense for clearing bad spirits

sleep with a lavender sachet underneath your pillow to protect you from psychic vampires

labradorite protects you and your home from demons

placing a vase of flowers in a room will lift the energy and invite positive energy in. use different flowers for attracting different things example sunflowers for happiness, roses for love, marigolds for success and creativity, etc.
