#spoonie witch




Also for witches who just don’t have a lot of time.
I have a lot of anxiety, which can lead to perfectionism, and stress myself out worrying that drawing in my grimoire will turn out horribly. I’m also naturally a pretty low-energy person, and can’t afford to spend all of it working on a single page. These are some things I use to speed up the process, and to make it much less consuming.

  • Check out the scrap booking section of craft/hobby stores. There’s many things you can find that could be useful, like small frames, borders, stencils, appliques, patterned paper. During Halloween they usually have more spookie-type stuff, like black cats and bats.
  • Washi tape. There’s so many different kinds of washi tape, and they make really nice borders. I particularly like the floral ones, and the ones with polka-dots.
  • Stickers. You can get stickers from so many places, and you can usually find some pretty cute ones, like animals or flowers, and seasonal ones for holidays/sabbats. Dollar stores also usually have quite a few in the school supply aisle. Online stores like LookHuman and Etsy have some fun ones, though they can get kind of expensive. If you have a printer, you can also try making your own stickers.
  • Craft scraps. Bits of colored paper, fabric scraps, ribbon, buttons, tiny bows. Anything you want. For example; I glued the last bit of some black lace ribbon to a page about graveyard dirt. My grimoire is a mini three-ring binder, so it’s easy for me to take pages out in order work on them. If your book does not have removable pages, be careful of the materials you use. Things that don’t lay flat, like buttons, can make it difficult to work on your pages.
  • Print out pictures. I try to avoid this unless I can really make it look nice, and not look like a school-project collage. Unless that’s what you like. In which case, go for it! This could also be an easier way to add in pictures of animals and plants without having to draw tiny little details.
  • Print out whole pages. (If you have a book to which you can add pages.) Things like recipes, articles, or anything information-heavy. I get that writing things down yourself can be helpful, and even make you feel more connected to your grimoire. But, personally, I don’t feel like every page needs to be hand-done. Some recipes I’ll keep on recipe cards in pockets/envelopes inside the book, or if I want full mythology stories, I’d print it out instead of trying to hand-write the whole thing.
  • Use photographs. These can be printed out, or maybe you have one of those instant Polaroid-type cameras. If you go on walks, you could stick in pictures of local flora and fauna, or make of page for spots around town that help you connect spiritually, like your favorite beach or a local cemetery.
  • Cut out pictures from magazines and newspapers. It can be difficult to find pictures that work with what you’re writing about, but it’s still worth flipping through them. Specialty magazines may work better, like a gardening magazine. Around September/October, history and travel magazines will usually do articles on haunted locations or the history of witchcraft in different areas, though I would check the accuracy.
  • Keep the drawings simple. There’s so many pictures floating around of these beautiful, hand-drawn grimoire pages. And while those are great, it’s also important to keep in mind that yours does notneed to look like that. It’s fine if you want something simple, or need something simple. It’s your book, do what works best for you. Don’t stress yourself out trying to make a masterpiece.
  • Write out your initial notes before copying them into your grimoire. For me, it would take too much time and energy to hand-write everythingtwice. I also tend to reorganize things a lot. So I use word documents on my computer instead. Most computers will come with some type of text program, like Notepad or Microsoft Word. If you need one, I recommend checking out OpenOffice, which works just as well as Word and can be downloaded for free.

That’s all I have! I hope it was helpful, and feel free to add ideas.


Emoji spell for a little cash to come your way soon

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  • a bowl
  • water
  • salt
  • lavender oil (optional; be sure it is safe for skin!)
  • a rag

INTENT: To bring forth positive thoughts and help reduce nightmares.


  1. Gather your water and salt into a bowl; use two drops of lavender oil if using.
  2. Let the tip of your rag soak in the water.
  3. Close your eyes and focus on the water. Charge it with positive energy by holding your hand over it, not touching.
  4. Take your rag and gently dab it from one temple to the other, using 5-7 light dots of the soaked against your forehead while focusing on positive energies.
  5. Save mixture and repeat daily and/or nightly.


did anyone do that thing in primary school where you wrote ‘yes’ and ‘no’ on either side of an eraser and flipped it? because i just realised that was lowkey divination


Tips for lazy witches

We all love our witchcraft but sometimes you’re just too tired to do some certain things so here is a list to help make a busy witches life a little easier.

• too exhausted to make a sigil? Go onto sigilscribe.me and it creates a perfect sigil for you all you need to do is charge it!

• if you wear glasses enchant them so when you wear them when your tired they will help your eyes more

• when casting a circle do it metaphorically instead of lying down crystals, stones, salt etc.

• use music lyrics if you are too tired to create a spell

• want to increase or decrease things? Stir tea clockwise (increase) anti-clockwise (decrease)

• enchant your bed on a good energy day so on a low energy day it may help

• make little pre-made ritual and spell kits/bags so when you need to preform something all your measured ingredients and supplies are already there

* Happy enchanting ✨


Let’s be honest here. Most of us bedridden peeps don’t have an awesome bed setup like this, and our nature exposure can be limited. However, here’s some tips and tricks to staying connected to nature while stuck in bed, with contributions from myself (@heatherwitch),@thewitchofthenorse,@spooniewitches,@persephoneandthepomegranates&@theepagangrace!

  • Open a window, or crack the curtains
  • Hang rainbow prisms in your window
  • Keep a houseplant nearby
  • If regular houseplants require too much energy: Try cacti, succulents, lucky bamboo, or spiderplants!
  • Hang nature/forest/plant artwork around
  • Get air freshener or room spray that reminds you of the outdoors
  • Watch a nature documentary or shows with people exploring nature – check out nature (photography) videos on Netflix for calming videos
  • Listen to forest soundscapes [X
  • Set a nature scene as your screensaver
  • Keep a jar of soil around
  • Talk with any nature deities you work with
  • Follow nature blogs
  • Get sheets, blankets, or pillowcases with leafy designs, flower designs, etc.
  • Get a star map app on your phone to be more connected to the night sky
  • Have a vase of flowers (real or fake)
  • Keep crystals around that remind you of nature (Moss agate, petrified wood, onyx, selenite, agate geodes, etc.)
  • Use sigils designed to connect you to nature
  • Use air conditioning or a fan to make it less stuffy in your room
  • Read and write poetry about nature
  • Press plants/flowers or hang dried herbs by your bed
  • Spend some time looking outside of your window
  • Burn a nature scented candle or incense (Irish moss, myrrh, frankincense, opium, and lavender)
  • Use astral travel or dream magic to get to outdoor areas
  • Watch livestream videos of outdoor areas
  • Make a sachet of grass, oak bark (or whatever tree you like), quartz, and salt. Hang it near your bed.

With help from others:

  • Get someone to collect rainwater for you, and use it to wash your face
  • Ask a friend to take some pictures of cool places they go in nature and send them to you
  • Have someone collect rocks/plants/feathers etc. from each day and bring them back for you 
  • Have someone pick wildflowers for you
  • Drink some herbal tea
  • Have someone you trust harvest wild edibles/berries for you – or at least bring fresh fruits and veggies!
  • Skype or video chat with someone while they’re outside
  • Take the scenic route/detour to some natural areas the next time you need a car ride



All of my spoonie/disabled/low-energy witch posts…

Bedridden witch:

Spells - range in level of energy required:

Tips and tricks:


Updated December, 2018:

Bedridden witch:

Tips and tricks:


Super easy Pumkin Muffins For Mabon

I figured I’d post this bc Mabon is fast approaching and these legit take like 10 minutes of actual work and are yummy.

Psa these are vegan friendly if you use a vegan cake mix and dark chocolate chips. I’m vegan myself and use Duncan Hines white and spice cake mixes and enjoy life’s dark chocolate chips.

¾ tsp Cinnamon - happiness/wealth

½ tsp Cloves prosperity/good relationships

½ tsp Nutmeg prosperity/luck

1 tsp Vanilla extract beauty/self love

15oz Can of Pumpkin- protection

Box of vanilla or spice cake mix


1 cup crushed Walnuts (or really any nuts you like) -protection/empowerment

1 to ½ cup chocolate chips

Dark chocolate (what I use) - grounding/fertility

Milk chocolate- balance/comfort

Preheat oven to temp it says on the cake box.

Mix everything into a bowl

Spray muffin tin with cooking spray stuff

Bake for 15-20 minutes


For the Witch needing “Self-Love”…

Let’s face it, we all struggle with finding some special “me” time. By the time I get home from work, feed everyone and sit down and relax - it’s time to do it all over again. Here are some Witchy Self-Love tips to get you that extra care your mind, body and soul crave!

If you’re like me and suffer from mental health issues, (BPD, Depression and Depressive Anxiety) we all know how hard it is to take that step for Self-Care. Once you do, it feels amazing! I promise.

Notice how journaling keeps getting mentioned??!!?!?!

It may seem selfish to take a few extra minutes to yourself, but sometimes we need to in order to function. Here are a few things you can try that doesn’t take much effort:

I am a huge advocate for Spell Jars. If you struggle with finding “me” time, make a spell jar and carry it with out to radiate self-love at all times so you ever forget how special you are. Here are some examples, but keep in mind you are not limited to these ingredients, nor do you have to do it in any order. Just be clear with your intention and personalization!

I personally always say a chant as a I seal my jars. Try this if you choose that feels right to you:

As always, Blessed Be Witches!

  • -Enchanting-Nova



All of my spoonie/disabled/low-energy witch posts…

Bedridden witch:

Spells - range in level of energy required:

Tips and tricks:


Updated December, 2018:

Bedridden witch:

Tips and tricks:

