#taehyung smut


➭ “Yoongi, the zodiac snake hybrid, requests an evening with you - and asks dog hybrid Taehyung to join.”

  • pairing: yoongi x reader x taehyung
  • genre: hybrid au, smut
  • wordcount: 9k

Zodiac Hybrids Masterlist ✾

★ warnings: hybrid threesome. rough sex, orgasm denial, d/s themes, use of ballgag, daddy kink, cumplay, facial, hair pulling, derogatory language during sex, spanking. this… is hybrid porn

amynote: for context on what exactly the zodiac hybrids are and what the Zodiac curse is, i recommend reading my fic Tigerboy:-)

also im really not playing around when i say it’s hybrid porn, so please take note of the warnings! thank you, love u ♡


I want her.”

Silence. For a moment, Namjoon wonders if he’s heard that correctly – if he has somehow imagined those three words being spoken.  

His gaze lifts, meeting a pair of cool, golden eyes. The moment that he makes eye contact with him, the realization sinks in that it hadn’t been a figment of his imagination. 

The man standing before him has the blood of the Zodiac Snake running through his veins, the “I want her” really had come from his lips, and his request was none other than you.

Namjoon’s hands curl into tight fists, his hackles rise in irritation at the thought of him and you together. A swell of protectiveness, mixed with something confusing and more territorial, burns through him like a white hot flame. 

He fights back the urge to bare his teeth, pulling himself together just enough to resist clawing that smug expression off of the Snake hybrid’s face.

Min Yoongi lets out a soft hum, leaning his back against the wall. He is enjoying this, Namjoon can sense it in the slouch of his shoulders and the casual tap, tap of Yoongi’s fingertips against the wineglass in his hand.

“I want her,” Yoongi repeats. “Is that a problem?” He keeps his voice level.

Namjoon grits his teeth, and Yoongi’s smile narrows. 

“I lent you my plaything for the weekend last year, remember? The Monkey? She was fun.” Yoongi pauses, assessing Namjoon with mild interest. “Don’t say you’re actually attached to this one?” There is a hint of a smirk on Yoongi’s lips as he poses the question.

Namjoon shakes his head furiously, tearing his gaze away from Yoongi to focus on something else. Anything else. 

“Not at all.”

“Good. So you won’t mind then if I have her for a night. I want to see what exactly about her has got you all wound up.”

Namjoon lets out a low, tense breath and shrugs.

“Do what you want.”

He turns on one heel and strides out, shouldering his way through the doors until they slam behind him.

As he leaves, a chuckle spills out from the side of the room. Park Jimin has his head tipped back, hand pressed to his chest as he laughs. He had been leaning against Yoongi’s kitchen counter the entire time, having witnessed the tense conversation between the two zodiac hybrid members with amusement.

“I’ve never seen him like that, huh. So the tiger can get irritated. Who knew.” Jimin sighs out, Yoongi just clicks his tongue in response. 

Jimin raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest. “Are you enjoying his irritation, Yoongi?”

Yoongi just smiles in response. “Of course I am.”

Jimin just laughs again. “You really are a snake. Speaking of, you should probably go easy on the Rabbit girl.”

“I always go easy on-”

“Hah. Don’t even try, you’re not fooling anybody.”

Yoongi’s smile widens as he lifts his wine glass. It’s such a blatant lie that Jimin doesn’t even bother entertaining it. Everybody knows that Yoongi, the Snake hybrid, doesn’t do easy. 

It’s not in his nature, after all.

Jimin lets out another little sigh. “Yoongi, knowing you, you’ll break her if it’s just the two of you. Hey - want me to join in? It’d be fun…”

Yoongi surveys the other man thoughtfully. Jimin is the Dragon hybrid, and unlike most of the other Zodiac hybrids – Jimin flaunts his zodiac heritage. He doesn’t attempt to coexist peacefully with humans, instead choosing to fully embrace the dragon blood that runs through his veins. 

His hair is metallic silver, eyes as black as coal, and on the side of his neck is an intricate black dragon tattoo. 

Jimin’s personality is unlike most of the other zodiac hybrids as well. The Dragon oozes with confidence, he exudes an intoxicating charisma that wraps tight around the women he seduces -both human and hybrid alike - until they are well and truly in the grip of his claws. 

Yoongi knows Jimin likes to be worshipped, praised, that he demands attention with silken commands that his kittenshows him how badly she wants him, to prove it to him with her tongue, her hands, her body.

Sharing the Rabbit with Jimin woulddefinitely be fun.

After a beat of thought, Yoongi shakes his head. “Sorry, kid. I have someone else in mind.”

Jimin pouts, stretching his arms above his head. “Who? It’s not the Ox, is it?”

Yoongi shakes his head and brings the wineglass to his lips. The liquid is blood red, and he savours the taste on his tongue before he meets Jimin’s curious, slightly affronted stare.

 As fun as it would be to include Jimin, Yoongi has already settled on inviting a different zodiac hybrid member - someone who he knows will be the perfect addition for his night with the Rabbit.

“Who then?” Jimin presses again, folding his arms over his chest.

Yoongi smiles.

“The Dog.”


“So…” You murmur under your breath. “Guess this is it.” 

You look at the door in front of you, before glancing back down at the small business card in your hands. The card is creamy eggshell white, with just an address on the front along with three letters: MYG. 

You flip the card over, and there in the centre is an illustration of a small, coiled, king cobra snake. And below the snake’s body in neat, sloping handwriting: 9PM Saturday.

It had arrived in the mail a few days ago, slotted in amongst bills and other letters. You had known immediately what it meant, and moreover - who it was from. 

Min Yoongi, the Zodiac Snake hybrid. 

You had never met him before, you didn’t know much about him - what you did know was that he was a prominent figure in the creative arts industry in your city, a hybrid who had integrated his life seamlessly with humans. 

Your attention had been piqued immediately. The card revealed no information other than a time and a date, and it was barely anything to go by. For all you knew, Yoongi wanted to meet in order talk business, or perhaps to formally meet a Zodiac hybrid who he hadn’t met before. 

But something deep inside of you, animal instinct perhaps, whispered that he wanted to meet you for different reasons entirely.

Your thoughts are interrupted by the door swinging open. A man stands there with his head cocked to one side, he is a bundle of sun-kissed freckles, tousled auburn hair and wide, imploring eyes. 

“Hey,” He grins. “Long time no see.”


You’re surprised to see the Dog hybrid, he leans in and wraps his arms snugly around your waist, drawing you into a quick hug. 

“Hey, you.” As always, Taehyung is dripping with affection and energy. You blink, feeling a sudden pull in your core at the sudden contact. 

Taehyung smells warm and woody, and the scent is familiar. You can remember that scent lingering on your skin for hours after the last time you had seen Taehyung. 

That same time was also when the two of you had been all over each other with panting breaths and torn clothes, sloppy, desperate tongues dragged down skin. In fact, the last time you saw Taehyung was more than a year ago now. 

You gaze up at him, at the nape of his neck, and suddenly have a recollection of your hands digging into that exact stretch of skin as he fucked into you hard and fast, that same heady scent wrapped around you. 

An involuntary shiver travels across your skin at the year old memory.

“I haven’t seen you in forever,” You say instead and Taehyung glances down at you, a cheeky smile flashing over his face.

“It’s been too long.”

His eyes are dancing and something tells you that Taehyung is recalling the exact same memory that had been playing through your mind just moments ago.

“C’mon in, Yoongi’s just having a coffee.”

You don’t question why Tae’s here at Yoongi’s apartment, closing the door behind you and following Taehyung inside.

The apartment is more spacious than you had expected. Most of the furniture is slate grey marble and polished black wood, everything inside is sleek and minimal in design. The space itself is an open plan style apartment, and at one ends of the room is a huge King sized bed. 

Along the entire back wall beside the bed is a mirror that runs from ceiling to floor, the glass creates an illusion that the apartment is even bigger. 

You feel a prickle over your skin, you breathe in a little deeper. 

The Snake is nearby. You can sense it. 

Your muscles lock in place, you feel your heartbeat accelerate, everything sharpens into tight focus - and then you hear it.

“It’s about time we met.”

His voice is husky. Throaty, like rough velvet, and you feel your pulse start to quicken. 

You glance up, meeting a pair of sienna golden eyes and everything slows. 

It’s like pieces slotting together, coarse edges glossing out, the call of your blood to his - and for a moment the Zodiac curse that is so firmly wrapped around you loosens.

The Snake’s jaw tightens, you watch him take in a quick breath as the two of you stare at each other. You’ve both experienced this before - the exhilarating feeling that is only brought about when two Zodiac hybrids meet for the first time - but it’s much more intense this time, with Yoongi. 

You look at him properly. He has dark hair and creamy pale skin, he’s assessing you with a sharp and penetrating stare. His body is lean, he’s dressed in a black silk shirt and black pants, and the light catches on the chunky silver rings he wears on his fingers. 

You stare at his hands, the silk ripples as he shifts, stepping forward. You feel something stirring deep inside of you.

“Min Yoongi.”

“____.” You murmur back, accepting his outstretched hand. 

He is cool to the touch and you feel his thumb run over your knuckles, down to your wrist, resting lightly on the pulse point there. 

His eyes are still locked on yours. You swallow. 

You feel completely drawn into his heavy gaze, and a thrill of nerves rushes over you.

“I didn’t know you’re friends with Taehyung,” You stammer out. Yoongi doesn’t react, his fingers still laced through yours.

“I wouldn’t say we’re friends,” Yoongi murmurs. “I’m just doing my Zodiac duty by teaching him some… valuable lessons.”

“Like what?”

There is an edge to his smile, his gold eyes flash at your question. 

“Like how to share. He’s very greedy. Tch. Canines… they’re always about instant gratification, aren’t they? I on the other hand… prefer good things to come more slowly.” His eyes are still focused on you, and you feel an ache begin to slowly unfurl between your legs. 

Yoongi’s fingers are linked around your wrist, it occurs to you that he can probably hear the staccato of your heartbeat - and that he likely knows how wound up you are just from listening to his measured, deliberate voice.

“Sharing and, um, patience are … they’re good lessons to teach.” Your voice shakes faintly and you shift in place, clenching your thighs together. 

Yoongi’s eyes glint, a tiny smirk spreads over his lips.

“Perhaps I should teach you too.”

Something dark and needy plucks in your belly.

“Would you like that, little rabbit?” 

You nod, biting your lip. Yoongi lets go of your wrist, his fingers slowly tracing up your arm. 

Arousal is pooling between your legs, a thrill of excitement and intensity steadily working its way through your core.

“Speak.” Yoongi says in an abrupt tone and you nod again, stepping forward a half-step, 

“Yes. I’d like that, Yoongi.”

Yoongi’s smile is razor sharp.

“Tae,” He calls out. You are pulled out of your reverie, glancing over at Taehyung who is watching the two of you with glassy eyes and a slackened jaw. 

“Y-yeah?” Taehyung straightens, his Adams apple bobbing in his throat as he swallows. He’s turned on too, by watching you all meek and needy just from Yoongi’s fingers barely grazing over your skin. Taehyung’s arousal sings through in the thickness of his voice.

“Patience, remember?” Yoongi is staring straight at you, words steely. “If you can’t show me that you can be patient, then I won’t want to share.”

Taehyung lets out a small whimper, then a, “I will, I promise, I can be patient.”

You feel another jolt of arousal deep between your legs as Yoongi leans in closer and murmurs, “See? He’s already so impatient for you. You can hear it, can’t you? That desperate strain in his voice?” Yoongi’s voice lulls into a softer, hypnotic tone and you nod faintly at his words. 

Your fine-tuned senses allow you to hear the quickened pace of Taehyung’s heartbeat, the slightly broken edge to his breathing. 

Yoongi leans even closer, until you can feel his lips brushing against your earlobe. 

“I can hear how impatient you are, too.”

Your breath catches. The feeling of being so wanted by one man, and wanting so badly for another, has your head spinning with lust. 

“But you’re going to do as I say though, aren’t you? You’ll be a good girl for me? For us?” Yoongi’s voice is husky and hushed as he closes the space between the two of you, shifting until his lips are mere inches from yours. 

You swallow, nod. You want him so badly that it’s all you can think about - and the knowledge that Yoongi knows how searing your desire is, that he knows and is dragging it out on purpose, is making you want him even more. 

Yoongi’s fingers skim down your cheek, over your chin. He keeps his gaze on you as his touch trails down your neck, ghosting over your collarbones. 

You tremble in place, not daring to move a centimetre, your instincts telling you to stay still as he teases your skin with his hands.

“Put your hand between your legs.” His voice is steady, soft, but you don’t miss the authority in his tone. You react immediately, your palm fluttering up to hover between your legs. 

“Good girl,” Yoongi murmurs, his fingers deftly undoing the first button of your shirt. “So pretty with your legs spread like that. You’re wet already, aren’t you?” He clicks his tongue, undoes another button. “You have such a sweet scent,” He continues, his voice is silken, “I’m guessing you taste sweet too.”

At his words, you press your palm against your core. You are wet, you can feel a ravenous and needy want emanating through your body. 

Yoongi is undoing more buttons of your shirt, so slowly that you are drenched in impatience. 

Desperately, you roll your hips up into your hand, grinding against your palm harder. It barely offers a release, riling you up further. Yoongi hisses in softly as he undoes the final button, pulling your shirt off of your shoulders and letting it fall to the floor.

“Look at you, so desperate already.” Yoongi clicks his tongue as he watches you, your palm flat between your legs as you rock your hips against yourself. He trails his finger up your stomach, travelling between your breasts, and you press your thumb against your clit through your underwear. 

“So jumpy,” He comments slowly, “And I haven’t even started yet.”

His fingers inch closer to your breast. You are so wet that your underwear is soaked through, and you begin to rock your hips back and forth, craving more.

Yoongi hums quietly, moving his fingers in slow, careful circles around your nipple. Your nipples are hard, and you let out a tiny, eager whine as Yoongi’s thumb skims around your nipple - so close that you can’t breathe… yet he doesn’t touch you, drawing his hand away.

He reaches under your skirt, brushing over your legs. You press your thumb against your clit harder as Yoongi’s hand inches up the inside of your thigh. His touch is feather light, so delicate and careful that shivers travel over your skin.

You can’t help the broken moan that escapes from your pressed lips, your core clenches with yearning. You are so wet that you can feel it everywhere, so full of want that it pulses between your legs. 

Your core feels sensitive and swollen, throbbing and aching. Your Zodiac hybrid senses react to even the barest touches of Yoongi’s hands against your upper thighs, to the air on your bare breasts, the tiny whines that Taehyung is letting out from where he’s standing and watching - and it’s all working together to drive you absolutely crazy with carnal longing.

“Tae,” Yoongi doesn’t look up as he speaks, getting down on his knees. His eyes are locked on your thighs, his hands still travelling up higher, centimetre by centimetre. 

His pinky brushes over the apex of your inner thigh, hooking in the edge of your underwear. He’s so close that your breathing quickens, as he pulls the soaked cotton away from your slit. 

“Tae, what are you doing?” Yoongi asks in a calm voice, you tear your gaze away from him to look over at Taehyung. 

The dog hybrid is staring at the two of you, panting for breath. His hand is stroking up and down his cock through the grey sweatpants he’s wearing, his eyes wide, cheeks flushed. 

The sight has a streak of lust flashing through you, Taehyung’s gaze meets yours and you swallow thickly. 

“I c-can’t help it, Yoongi,” Taehyung breathes out. “She wants you so badly, I can practically taste it in the air- ”

“Tastewhatin the air?”

Yoongi’s finger is still crooked in your underwear, his fingertip is so close to your slit that it takes all of your will to not grind against his hand. You stay still, obedient, waiting for him to touch you - the blood of the Rabbit that runs through your veins telling you to do as Yoongi says, to submit to him.

You return your attention to Taehyung, whose hand is working up and down the shaft of his cock, eyes planted on you. 

“I can practically taste her cunt already,” Taehyung finally whispers, licking his lips. “She’s… she’s sowet, hyung…”

Taehyung’s voice crackles and your eyes widen a touch, heart rate quickening.

“She is, isn’t she?” Yoongi hums in pleasure, lowers his head, He presses his tongue flat along the inside of your thigh, head disappearing under your skirt. Your spine stiffens as Yoongi mouths up your leg, stopping where his finger is resting in the edge of your underwear.

“Take your skirt off.” His words are firm. “And those panties. I want you naked.”

You reach behind your back, unzipping your skirt. It falls to the ground, and you step out of your underwear. 

At the same time, Yoongi quickly undresses - you momentarily forget to breathe as you watch Yoongi take the silk shirt off, then his pants. His chest is taut, his body lean and lithe. Most of all, your eyes are drawn to his cock - it’s big, thick, the tip pink and wet with his precum.

He scoops up your underwear from and tosses them to Taehyung, who catches them with his free hand.

Taehyung lets out a stuttered moan, brings your black cotton underwear to his face and inhales. His eyes roll, his fingers tighten around the fabric and your eyes fall to his hand, which is still working the length of his cock. 

You know he can smell all of your arousal, your wetness, your desperation – all soaked into the underwear he has held up to his face. 

Taehyung lets out another shaky, animalistic moan, his cock twitching in his pants. 

Seeing him so completely turned on over you gets you even more riled up, craving release even more- and then you feel Yoongi press his tongue against your slit.

You let out a sharp cry at the sudden release – at the feeling of Yoongi’s tongue darting against your clit slowly. He’s teasing you, you think to yourself faintly, his tongue swirling against your wet folds in slow, tantalizing strokes. 

His tongue is flat against your wetness, it’s almost rough as he laps every bit of you up. You gaze down at him, at the sight of his tongue against your pussy, his dark eyes dilated as he lets out a soft moan of pleasure right against your clit.

You let out a shaky sigh at how goodit feels, how good his tongue feels licking cleanly down your wetness. 

And just when the pleasure starts to build, Yoongi pulls away.

The absence has you blinking dazedly, Yoongi is staring at you with wicked, darkened eyes. 

“Why should I give you what you want?” He asks, his voice dismissive and low. His hands are squeezing your thighs, his mouth glossy with your slick wetness.

The sight of him - bent on his knees, authoritative look in his gold eyes, mouth slightly parted, lips full and wet from you - has you trembling all over.

“I’ll do anything,” The words come tumbling out, and you hear Taehyung let out a soft groan at your words. It only spurs you on more, the thought that Taehyung is watching the two of you, stroking himself to the sight of Yoongi eating you out, at the sounds of you begging for more. 

You soften your voice into a silken plea, a syrupy “Please Yoongi, please,” your core aching in suspense as Yoongi keeps his eyes locked on you. 

“Such a sweet pussy,” He comments in a slow, self-assured tone, and then his tongue is back on you. This time, he licks down your entire slit in one long, lingering motion - making your toes curl and your fists clench tightly. 

Just as suddenly as before, he withdraws, leaving you dizzy and desperate.

“Yoongi… p-please-”

Yoongi thrusts a finger inside of you, you are so wet that it slides in knuckle deep with no resistance. You can feel the edges of the silver ring that he wears on his index finger as it slides inside of you, Yoongi crooks his finger and you let out a loud, broken cry at the delicious feeling of him finger fucking you. 

Yoongi leans close and flicks his tongue over your clit, rapid and fast, making your vision blur and a sudden spike of pleasure bloom in your chest - and then once again he withdraws, pulling away and staring at you with amusement etched on his features. 

You are breathing heavily, desperation lacing your words as you blink down at him.

“Please don’t stop, please-”

Yoongi lets out a soft, dark laugh. “I love hearing you beg,” He comments, lifting his finger and brushing his knuckle and silver ring gently against your sensitive clit. 

You twitch at the feeling of it, he has his eyes locked on you and he reads every tremble of your lips, his acute senses picking up on the tiniest breaths that escape wantonly from your throat.

“God, Yoongi please, touch me, I want it, I-I need it, need it so badly-”

“How badly?”

“So badly I’ll do anything-”

You are cut off by Yoongi’s lips pressing hard and flat against your clit. He mouths at your clit, sucking it gently with his lips and then teasing over with his tongue. 

The feeling is sudden and immense, and just when you think it’s too much - he slides two fingers deep inside of you. You shake from head to toe, let out a cry of pleasure. 

He keeps a rhythm up - his two long fingers slowly and teasingly fucking you out, gliding in and out of you in slow, punishing motions - while his tongue laps at your wet, needy cunt. 

You are so close that you can practically taste it. You are about to topple over the edge, your entire core clenched and ready for the heady wash of bliss - when Yoongi pulls away. Again.

Your entire body topples forward, your breathing heavy - you hear Yoongi let out a soft laugh, catch the strained groan that escapes from Taehyung - and then Yoongi’s tongue darts over your clit yet again, teasing you in quick strokes. 

This time, you orgasm almost immediately – a sense of urgency and your delayed gratification washing over you in heavy, lacquered waves of pleasure.

You tip your head back, let out a broken moan as your orgasm crests over you. It’s slow, and long. It ebbs through every inch of your body, blissful and satisfying and so intensely strong that your eyes flutter shut. 

As it slowly begins to fade, you are brought back to your senses. You are aware of Yoongi’s hands resting on your thighs, of Taehyung’s heavy breathing. 

Your hybrid senses pick up on the scent in the air – Taehyung’s arousal, the precum leaking from the tip of hard cock, and Yoongi’s too. 

Finally, you open your eyes to see Yoongi, who is still on his knees, staring up at you.

“You still want more, don’t you?” He asks. 

Something inside of you snaps at his words, knowing he has read the quickening pace of your heartbeat and the thrum of lust still there between your legs. 

You look up at Yoongi, eyes widening as he smirks knowingly. He cups the side of your face, fingers lingering on your jaw and brushing over your neck, as he runs his thumb along your bottom lip. 

Your mouth parts, you stare up at him unwaveringly as his eyes narrow.

“Y-yes, I do,” You breathe out.

“Show me how badly you want it.” His voice is like molten silk, his thumb teasing at your bottom lip as you oblige, sucking on his finger like it’s his cock in your mouth. 

Yoongi’s eyes flash. 

Lust is starting to gather inside of you, a frenetic energy, and you let out a tiny whine as you swirl your tongue around Yoongi’s fingers- the same fingers that had been fucking you out only moments before.

Taehyung lets out a loud growl, catching your attention. In the mirror’s reflection you can see a dark smirk of satisfaction flicker over Yoongi’s features. 

It occurs to you in that moment that Yoongi is getting a wicked sense of pleasure from teasing Taehyung, of drawing it out from him just as he had with you. That Yoongi is enjoying this, being powerful, dominant. 

The thought drives you even crazier with fever, your eyes locked on Taehyung’s face - his wide eyes, parted lips, the desperate notes that escape his throat. 

At some point he must have taken off his clothes because he is naked - and while you’ve seen Tae naked before, the sight still makes you momentarily breathless. He is tall, muscular and soft all at once, with strong thighs and a chiselled stomach. 

Your eyes tick across to the figure behind Yoongi- your reflection. You stare at the fucked out look in your eyes, your blown out pupils and full glossy lips. You look like a sex doll, utterly fucked out and high off of your orgasm- and Taehyung hasn’t even touched you yet.

“Are you looking at him?” Yoongi has straightened now, he whispers in your ear. His voice is calm, and you let out a broken “Yes” as he laces his fingers around yours, placing them over his cock. 

You begin to glide your hand up and down his shaft, enjoying the way Yoongi’s shoulders stiffen at your touch.

“Ah,” Yoongi sighs, “Describe to me how badly he wants it. Wants you, wants to be me right now.”

“He… he wants it-”

“How can you tell?” Yoongi’s voice cuts over yours, glossy and calm.

“I-I can hear it, he’s saying my name a lot, and he keeps saying “please”, and… and-”


“-And he’s really hard.”

“Mm.” You feel Yoongi’s hands dig harder into your waist, his voice leans in a little tighter until you feel his teeth graze dangerously at your neck. “How hard?”

You shiver all over, your hands stutter for a moment before they continue working Yoongi’s length.

“He - his cock, it’s so hard-”

“And you want it?”

Yoongi begins to bite down onto your neck, his teeth nipping at your skin and washing over it with his tongue. 

“Yes.” You moan, at the feeling of it, of Yoongi’s hard cock in your hand, all while you are staring at Taehyung’s. 

Tae is hard, so hard that his length sits flat against his stomach.

“Yes who?” Yoongi demands in a soft voice.

“Yes, daddy.”

The words slip out before you can stop them and you feel Yoongi tremble against your hand, he presses tighter against you and for a moment his composure is broken with a tiny, husky “Fuck, you perfect little slut,” right in the shell of your ear.

“Taehyung.” He glances up, and Taehyung all but bounds over. “Why don’t you touch her?”

You look up from under your lashes to see Taehyung standing behind you. 

“Can I?” He smiles earnestly at you and you nod, let out a tiny breathy “Yes please.” 

“Let’s move to the bed,” Yoongi intervenes, and Taehyung bends down, scooping you up in one movement. He places you on the bed and immediately shifts his body so that he is crooked behind you, his hands on your waist.

Yoongi lingers by the bed, but your attention is on Taehyung, and the feeling of his hands digging into your hips.

Taehyung lets out a tiny whine and reaches forward, his palm caressing over your thighs. You are still quivering from the orgasm Yoongi had given you with his tongue, and your skin is sensitive-  enough so that even this, Taehyung running his palms roughly over your thighs and curving around your ass, has you shaking all over.

Taehyung’s palm smacks down suddenly on your ass, a small, sharp slap that has you moaning. 

You arch your back, as Taehyung lets out another low whine. 

“You look so hot with your ass up in the air like that,” He groans out, then his palm comes down again in an even harder slap against you, making you sigh out his name. 

You can feel it everywhere - the few seconds of pain and the tingle over your skin, Taehyung’s hands working over where he had spanked you before they travel up and down your thighs. 

It feels like your entire lower body is tingling, like every nerve ending is on fire.

You clench your thighs desperately, pressing harder against Taehyung, suddenly consumed with a desire to be filled, to be fucked.

“Feels even better than before, doesn’t it?” Yoongi’s voice is low in your ear and all you can do is tip your head back and moan in affirmation. 

“Open your mouth, baby girl.” 

Your eyes flutter open to see Yoongi standing in front of you, a smirk playing on his lips. 

There, in his hands is a small black ball attached on two sides to a strip of supple black leather. 

You swallow, hard, a fresh tremor of lust tingling up your spine before you open your mouth obediently, gazing up at Yoongi. 

Behind you, you hear Taehyung let out a soft moan, a “I’m so hard, fuck. I want to fuck her so badly.”

Yoongi keeps his eyes on you as he places the ball between your lips.

“Taehyung, hold her hair.” He speaks, and you feel Taehyung’s big hands at the nape of your neck, brushing your hair away as Yoongi fastens the strap of the ballgag. 

The ballgag is unfamiliar in your mouth, it holds your mouth open - you can already feel your mouth watering, eyes wide as you glance up at Yoongi. He is looking at you with an expression of dark arousal, and behind him in the mirror you can see Taehyung standing behind you. The muscles in his shoulders and arms flex as he grips your hips harder, an expression of lust and awe in his face as he looks at you. 

You- your eyes tick over your own reflection – youon all fours, hair messy and pulled to one side, bites adorning your neck, and there ¬– held between your lips, a black ball. It sends a whole new series of shivers running over your skin as you refocus your attention on Yoongi.

“You look like such a good perfect slut,” He sighs, behind you, you can feel the tip of Taehyung’s cock teasing at your entrance. 

You whine softly, it comes out muffled against the ballgag and you gaze up at Yoongi. 

He lets out a tiny, choked moan. “Look at you,” He murmurs, “Such a good girl for Daddy.”

You groan against the object in your mouth, arch your back harder against Taehyung, who you can feel cockteasing at your entrance. 

“You want Tae to fuck you?” Yoongi asks in a low voice. “He won’t until I tell him to. He wants to, don’t you Tae?”

You hear Taehyung inhale sharply, his voice coming out in a desperate, rushed growl, “I want to fuck you so badly-”

“And do you want to be fucked by him, babygirl?” Yoongi directs the question to you, and you nod, gazing up at him with wide eyes.

You can feel the tip of Taehyung’s cock teasing at your slit. You are so wet that you aren’t sure whether it’s your own slick entrance or his precum, but he thrusts inside of you with ease. 

Your breath stutters out at the feeling of him sliding inside of you, pushing his entire length deep into your walls. Before you can adjust to the feeling of him stretching you out, you feel Taehyung’s hands at the nape of your neck, fingers lacing through your hair. 

Your fingers curl into fists around Yoongi’s bedsheets, almost out of instinct - and you feel a tiny rush of anticipation jolt through your body as Taehyung pulls hard against your hair.

He pulls hard enough to make your scalp sting, he snaps his hips hard against you, emits a small growl as he crooks his body even closer over yours. 

The weight of him completely on top of you, dominating you, and the feeling of his hand wrapped up in your hair, has you keening out an animalistic moan. 

Your lips are still clamped over the ball gag, and you look up silently with wide, lustful eyes at Yoongi, who is leaning closer to you now. Taehyung starts to snap his hips harder, tugging your hair with each punishing thrust of his hips against yours. 

Yoongi’s lips brush at the side of your neck, his teeth nipping teasingly at the sensitive slope of skin there. You are faintly aware of his hand gliding up and down his own shaft, touching himself like Taehyung had been earlier. Touching himself over you,over each rough, dominating thrust of Taehyung’s cock. 

Your mind is racing - the satisfaction of finally being full, stuffed full of Taehyung’s huge cock, the feeling of being utterly owned by him, one hand massaging your ass and the other tangled in your hair… and then this - Yoongi’s teeth grazing at your pulse point, his finger darting over your clit.

You are brimming with it, of the feeling of being touched and dominated, and then you hear Taehyung let out a low, desperate whine. 

“You feel so fucking good,” Taehyung sighs out, “Such a sweet, tight cunt, God,” His voice is throaty and hungry with lust as he fucks into you harder - so hard that it has you crying out against the ballgag in your mouth. 

It’s riding over you like a wave - pleasure, want, and a dark kind of lust that is unfurling inside of you. It’s like something is being unlocked, something sinful and darkly, deeply delicious. 

Yoongi’s finger drums against your clit, in a teasing, lilting tapping motion that has no set rhythm - he presses long and fast, slow and quick, and it has your back arching even harder, desperation throbbing through your core.

“You look so hot with that in your mouth baby.” Taehyung sighs out, he grips your hair harder, jerking your head back. “Look at yourself- such a gorgeous fuckdoll.” 

Your eyes widen as you take in your reflection in the mirror. The ballgag in your mouth, your dilated, fucked out eyes. Yoongi, by your side, gazing at you, his fingers playing with your clit, face dipped into your neck, other hand working his length. 

Taehyung, behind you, his hair sweaty and falling into his eyes, shoulders arched as he fucks into you, one hand knotted through your hair. 

You, bent forward on all fours, submitting under both beautiful hybrid men. Your walls tighten for a moment with pleasure at the sight- that same dark, sinful kind of pleasure.

“You look good…” Taehyung’s voice growls out, “I’m going to be thinking about how good you look all week. Make that all month. Not going to stop thinking about it, you, looking so obedient, so pretty, all ours…” 

The thought of the Dog hybrid’s hand wrapped around his thick cock as he thinks about you and this, the words ‘all ours’, have your walls tightening.

Yoongi, sensing how close you are, begins to rapidly circle his fingers around your clit. This time, he settles into a rhythm - and you breathing quickens. 

Yoongi’s lips move up to your ear, kissing a slow, teasing trail up your jaw.

Taehyung pulls hard on your hair, your head jerks up a fraction, enough to gaze into Yoongi’s dark, hypnotic eyes before he leans in. 

You can’t speak, not with the ball gag in your mouth, but you tell him with your eyes how much you want them both, how good they feel. How you’ll do anythingfor them to keep going, to keep fucking you. 

Yoongi dips his head forward, lips brushing at your ear.

“Does the Tiger fuck you as good as this?” 

You tremble, moan out against the ballgag in your mouth at that sudden words that spill out of Yoongi’s mouth.

“We could fuck you like this every night…” Yoongi continues, his voice silken, “You could be Daddy’s slut, how does that sound?” He runs his tongue over your earlobe and you feel Taehyung start to fuck into you faster, harder. 

Yoongi’s fingers are still on your clit and you are hyper-aware of how wound up you are getting, how hard your core is pulsing. 

Taehyung adjusts his hips and pushes into you, so deep that it has you gasping out. You catch Taehyung’s eager smirk in the mirror’s reflection as he thrusts even deeper inside of you, enough so that you feel your toes curling. 

You are close - so fucking close that all you can taste and see is a crimson red urgency.

“You’re ours right now,” Taehyung sighs out, you keep your gaze locked on him.

Yoongi chuckles in your ear, puts another finger against your clit. You shudder, still staring directly at Taehyung. He has an easy, confident smile teasing on his face, he tugs on your hair and your head jerks back. 

Yoongi’s fingers tease harder against your clit and you begin to tremble. You can feel it like a wave, so close to orgasm that your vision blurs, and then your entire cunt clenches. 

The release fills your with a heady, hazy bliss, one that has your walls throbbing.

Your body shakes, Taehyung moans out and slows his thrusts, fucking into you with deliberate strokes of his cock, eyes fluttering as he feels you cum around him. 

Yoongi pulls his fingers away and reaches behind your head, he undoes the ball gag and your head lolls forward. 

Yoongi’s fingers brush delicately at your chin, cleaning you up from the ballgag, behind you, you can feel Taehyung bend forward, stamping kisses down your spine and shoulder blades. 

Yoongi’s fingertips brush over your lips, your eyes rolling slightly from your intense orgasm, you obediently lick your wetness clean off of his fingers, a glow settling over your skin as Yoongi reaches forward and kisses you. Slowly, with his tongue gently teasing yours, and you feel the euphoric haze of your orgasm slip away as you kiss Yoongi back, feel Taehyung’s hands caress your back and your shoulders. 

When Yoongi pulls away, you are dazed, blinking heavily with wide, fucked out eyes. You turn your attention to Taehyung, who is still buried deep inside of you, his hands holding your hips in place.

He meets your gaze, his eyes intense, a smile toying on his lips. 

“I want to stuff you full with my cum, baby girl.”

“Y-yes, please Tae-” Your voice is hoarse, desperate, you turn to look at Yoongi. You reach out, wrapping your fingers around his shaft.

“I, I want…”

Yoongi’s eyes darken in realization, he swallows hard, and for the first time you see his composure falter as an expression of pure lust slips over his features.

“You want me to cum on you too, baby girl?”

You nod, and Yoongi lets out a soft, throaty sigh.

“God, you’re…” His voice trails off and you begin to run his hand over his cock faster. Taehyung licks his lips and brings down his palm against your ass, you shudder as he squeezes where he spanked you, pushes into you deeper.

Yoongi sits beside you, one hand brushing through your hair as you work his length. It feels good, his fingers working through your scalp, as Taehyung begins to slowly slide in and out of you, grinding upward with each ministration of his hips. 

You moan out, letting out a shaky “Please cum in me, please,” and nod your head, Taehyung just smiles, clenches his jaw and begins to thrust into you harder. You turn to Yoongi, “I want you to cum on my face.”

The thought is erotic - Taehyung filling you with his cum, enough so that any zodiac hybrid who comes near you for the next few days will smell it on your skin and buried deep inside of your cunt. Yoongi, with his cum all over your lips and cheeks, claiming you.  

You know it turns both men on too, Yoongi lets out a soft moan. “I’m close.” He moves, shifting so that he is on his knees in front of you, his cock directly in front of your face. “Good,” You sigh out, you glance up at Yoongi. “Thank you, Daddy.” He lets out a long, pitchy moan at your words, and you turn your head, fluttering your lids at Taehyung, “Please fill me up with your cum too, Tae.”

Taehyung’s eyes widen momentarily and he lets out a low moan. “You want everyone to know how good you were fucked by us tonight, don’t you?”

He grips your hips harder, you can tell he’s close from the pitchiness of his voice. Taehyung is so expressive - you can see it all over his face, the twitch of his jaw, the way his tongue darts out to lick his lips, how he keeps his gaze locked on you like he wants to devour you, all of you. 

“Yes,” You moan out. Taehyung’s hips snap harder, faster and then you gasp out. He crooks his body over yours, his hands grabbing the small of your waist as he stutters forward. 

He lets out a shaky, desperate moan, you can hear his orgasm in the velvet strain of his voice. He cums deep inside of you, his sounds of pleasure melt against Yoongi, who is beginning to let out a broken, desperate groans as you continue to work his cock with your hand. “I’m-” Yoongi stutters out and you continue to glide your hand faster up and down Yoongi’s shaft until finally his body jerks, and ropes of cum shoot out, painting your face - his cum dripping down your lips and cheeks.

After a beat, Yoongi’s body relaxes, he lets out a soft, hummed “Fuck, that was…” His voice trails off, you lift your head to meet Taehyung’s gaze in the mirror. He has a happy, dazed smile on his face as he slides out of you. 

You let out a tiny gasp, feeling some of his cum drip out of your walls and down your thighs.

“Open.” You look up to see Yoongi running his fingers over the inside of your thigh, he traces the finger over your cheek before holding it to your lips. They’re coated in Taehyung’s and Yoongi’s cum, and you obediently lick his finger, until it is clean. You feel Taehyung shifting behind you, looping his arms around your waist, watching with wide, aroused eyes.

“That’s so hot,” He sighs happily, “You’re so hot.”

He flops back on the bed onto his back and Yoongi brushes the hair away from your face, reaching over to his bedside table and grabbing a fistful of tissues. He gently dabs at our face, wiping the cum away. 

You can still taste both hybrid’s cum on your tongue, suddenly aware of how much your body aches. 

“Let’s rest,” Yoongi says, his voice soft, and you nod. 

You settle back onto the sheets, after a moment you feel Yoongi lowering himself onto the bed beside you.

Your eyes flutter closed. You can hear Taehyung’s breaths, heavy and labored, contrasted against Yoongi’s soft, deep breathing, and the sounds are comforting – they help to settle your dizzy mind and slow your fevered thoughts. 

As you relax, Taehyung lets out a content sigh and rolls over onto his side, curling closer until he is nestled against your side. His palm splays over your hip, his face nuzzles into the crook of your neck, his leg thrown comfortably over you. 

You can feel so much of him, his lips pressing sporadic, sloppy little kisses against your collarbones.

Yoongi on the other hand stays completely still, lying flat on his back. He reaches out with one hand and brushes his fingers up your jawline, brushing over your hair. 

Carefully, he combs through your hair with his fingertips, scratching your head in slow, hypnotic motions. His touch is surprisingly tender and you feel your body start to unwind. 

You are melting into the mattress, your body tucked in between two men. You feel safe, heady with bliss, and you slip into a dreamless sleep.


When you awaken a few hours later, you let out a happy sigh. 

Your body is sated, your mind a touch fuzzy around the edges, muscles starting to ache – and with that as a cue, you sit yourself up and start to get dressed. 

When you are fully clothed, you look at the bed, all crumpled sheets and the smell of sex in the air, and feel a sense of fondness bloom inside of your chest.

Both men are still fast asleep, Taehyung is spread like a starfish on his tummy, eyelids fluttering, animated even in his sleep. Ever the Dog hybrid. Yoongi is beside him, utterly still and serene, lips parted as he lets out the tiniest of snores, body curled tightly into a ball.

“Thank you.” You whisper. 

You straighten, cast one more look at the sleeping Snake and Dog, and with that, you leave Yoongi’s apartment.


Yoongi wakes up to the sound of clattering pots and pans. Letting out an irritated “tch”, he drags his body out of bed to find the source of the racket. 

As expected, it’s Taehyung- digging around in his kitchen cabinets for something to eat.

“I’ll order food, there’s nothing there.” Yoongi mutters bluntly and Taehyung turns his head a fraction, Yoongi sees a corner of his signature boxy grin.

“… We could get pizza.”

Yoongi just rolls his eyes. “Fine.”

Taehyung bounces away from the cabinets and leans over the kitchen counter, eyes locked on Yoongi.

“So,” He begins conspiratorially. “When are we seeing her again for round two?”

“We aren’t.” Yoongi says in a flat tone.

“Why not?” Taehyung pouts, “She was so good. And she knewshe was good, she liked it-”

Yoongi suppresses a little shiver at Taehyung’s words, dark and sinful images of all the things he had done to you and all the things he still wantsto do to you flooding into his thoughts. 

He presses them down, meets Taehyung’s pouty frown and sighs.

“Iknow she was good. But there will be no round two, Tae. You already know why.”

Taehyung grumbles in protest, but Yoongi knows Tae isn’t going to push it further. As happy go lucky as the younger man seems - he still keenly observes his surroundings. If Yoongi had picked up on the reason why their evening with you was going to be a once off, then Tae definitely would have too.

“I’m gonna have a shower.” Taehyung sighs, “Don’t forget the pizza.” He calls over his shoulder as heads straight for Yoongi’s bathroom – without even asking by the way – and Yoongi just lets out another “tch”, right from the back of his throat.

You had been as good as he had hoped – no, you were even better, with your doe-eyed obedience and expressive, pretty face. Your sloppy cunt and each desperate little whimper that had fallen out of your lips.

 Yoongi would love to make you his, to claim you… but, as both he and Taehyung understood, he can’t.

As much as he wanted more of you, the Rabbit… he knew that this was going to be the only time. He had been surprised when Namjoon had even agreed to it in the first place. He had even enjoyed the animalistic jealousy and anger that had flashed across Namjoon’s face when Yoongi had asked. 

Yoongi knew that Namjoon wouldn’t be able to say no, that he was too proud to admit that he had been tamed. That as much as he had a claim on you, you too had somehow put a claim on him. 

But it wasn’t until Yoongi had actually been with you, touching you, feeling you that he actually got it. You and Namjoon belonged to one another. Yoongi had tasted it all over you, known it with the innate animal instinct deep in his belly – the Rabbit had won over the Tiger. 

Something deep and inhuman inside of his core told him that the moment you left him and Taehyung in that bed, Namjoon would be there somehow, with his body pressed against yours, reclaiming you, telling you he wanted you all to himself.

A wry smile twists at Yoongi’s lips. If he was any other hybrid, maybe he’d fight for you - but that wasn’t his style. He was the snake hybrid through and through: composed, watchful, cool and collected. If anything, he would wait for an opportunity to strike or let it go. That included all things surrounding you, now.

Just like in the old Zodiac legend that they all knew back to front, the Tiger is just a little bit faster, a little bit stronger, a little bit smarter, and most of all – he had gotten there first, met you first.

If only, Yoongi muses to himself. If fucking only.

“Pizz-a!” Taehyung shouts out suddenly, and Yoongi’s head jerks up,, shaking him from his thoughts. He shakes his head and grabs his phone, googling the nearest pizza place to satisfy the Dog and his neverending appetite.

“The Rabbit.” Yoongi sighs under his breath resignedly as he brings the phone to his ear, a wry smile twisting at his cool, usually composed features. He would give up nearly anything to claim you as his - to have you as his own, to see all the ways in which he could make you scream out his name in pleasure.

“If only,” Yoongi mutters, the phone ringing out in his ear.

If fucking only.


amynote: thank you for indulging my Need to write hybrid threesome pwp ♡ i’ve been wanting to write a ballgag scene in a fic ever since reading Nana to Kaoru, and finally it’s happened! yahoo!

also why do i want to write a dragon jimin spinoff now 


You are at the very top of your college cohort, an A grade student on the fast track to a life of success. You know the answers to everything, or at least you think you do. That is until you meet quirky genius Kim Taehyung.”

  • pairing: taehyung x reader
  • genre: smut, fluff, college au, college rivals au, librarian!tae
  • wordcount: 15k

❀ 3 / 8 of my oneshot requests


You can still remember the moment you first laid eyes on Kim Taehyung. 

It had been any other day – you sitting at your desk squinting down at your papers, waiting for your subject tutor to arrive, while your classmates chattered around you.

The door had crashed open, which in itself was odd because half of the doors in your college were old and it was a known fact to proceed with caution. Your head had jerked up, wondering which idiot had the audacity to make an entrance like that.

And there, in the doorway, stood Taehyung. 

He was wearing a huge cardigan, one that had scattered lumps of wool throughout, as if someone had been in the middle of knitting it and lost focus. Underneath a thin black tee clung to his frame. He had wide legged pants on and wire frame glasses, a stark contrast to the other guys in your class who dressed identically in black skinny jeans and polo tees. 

He had stood there with his chin tilted up slightly, one eyebrow cocked as if he was there judging everybody else, like you were all the new kids up for evaluation, not him. 

He oozed with a quiet calm and a quiet cool that seemed way toocity for a small town like yours.

“Hey,” He said, his face straight and composed. His voice echoed with timber, rich and velvet. His eyes landed on yours, his eyebrow quirked, just a fraction.

Enough to have you glancing down, swallowing hard and realizing with a sharp clarity that your throat was dry. 

You only glanced up again when you heard the sound of his footsteps, him, working his way around the room to find a seat. He sat at the only empty one, near Kim Namjoon and his friends. He slouched in his seat, pulling a laptop out of his bag (a battered black one that had a peeling sticker of a corgi on it) and he yawned. You hated that you noticed, but you did. 

As if he was sensing your gaze, he craned his neck around and smiled at you. 

You glared and his grin only widend, as if somehow your clear distaste for him only spurred him on more. 

You didn’t know how to describe the encounter, jarring and strange and oddly intriguing, all at once. 

You definitely didn’t know how to describe him either. 

So instead, you stared down at the stack of books in front of you, at your diary, filled to the brim with to-do lists and studying tasks, and you told yourself to stop being distracted by the strange new transfer student who was introducing himself to everyone as ‘Kim Taehyung but call me Tae’.  


Back then, Taehyung had been mildly interesting to you. Someone your eyes flickered to, a voice that you picked out amongst the chatter of your classmates. 

Taehyung is unlike anyone you had met before- and your weren’t alone in your initial curiosity. Taehyung quickly attracted a wide circle of friends, from Kim Namjoon who ran the college newspaper, to Kim Seokjin who was a quarterback on the football team. 

Still, you steadily ignored the stirrings of intrigue in your chest and told yourself to ignore him, the boy who was likely just another guy on the path to graduate college as soon as possible while putting in the least amount of effort possible.

That was until Wednesday of that week. 

It had been a hot day, the kind of day where the sunlight filtered into the room and the air seemed thickened with a slow laziness. Even your brain felt stiffer than usual, and your subject tutor stifled a few yawns mid discussion, echoing the sentiments of the drowsy room. Still, your subject tutor was pushing on, much to everybody’s chagrin.

“…So can anyone see the logical fallacy in this argument? Anyone?” 

Your tutor looked around the class and his eyes fell on you, waiting patiently. You always knew your answers, you always knew your content- but your mind was blank, stubbornly so, and you glanced down at your notebook for answers 

“The logical fallacy is in the argument’s use of circular reasoning.“ A voice piped up calmly.

The voice belonged to Kim Taehyung. Kim Taehyung who was slouched all over his chair, his laptop sitting on his desk, wearing one of the strangest outfits you had ever seen (a vibrant patterned shirt and those same wide leg pants, like he was some kind of bougie office worker on the top half, bohemian street performer on the bottom half). 

Your head had snapped over to him, he was blinking slowly and lazily, like a kitten basking in the sunlight, his hair falling into his forehead, his eyes glimmering in the apricot glow of the mid-summer heat.

Your jaw had dropped open. Your subject tutor pressed on, peppering Taehyung with questions, all of which he effortlessly answered. 

And all that while you stared, feeling for the first time, an unfamiliar prickle in your chest of what you decided had to be competitiveness.


It had become evident after that, that Kim Taehyung is something of a genius.

You had become accustomed to breezing through your classes, being the only one to stay back afterwards and press your lecturers and tutors for more content, more material. You had happily settled into the role of number one amongst your college cohort. 

That was until Taehyung threw a spanner into the works. 

He is completely different to you- relaxed in his approach to everything, laidback in how he goes about his studies. And all semester, he remains right there behind you, number two to your number one. 

He’s been a presence, something that weighed lightly on your mind. But it wasn’t until you scheduled a meeting with your college careers counsellor and enquired about the grad program you had been dreaming of since your freshman year that Taehyung evolved from a slightly irritating presence to a full blown threat. 

Well, there actually is another contender for the grad program,’ Your careers counsellor had said after a moment of hesitation.

The grad program you were pursuing was highly competitive, only ever taking in one student from your community college per year. 

You had been a shoo in for the program all year, the sole candidate.

That was until, of course, transfer student Kim Taehyung had become part of the equation.


“… Personally, I think that physicalism is a good ontological acconunt for the philosophy of the mind. Consciousness, the mind and the soul are purely physical.”

You rattle off your words assertively, folding your arms over your chest. It’s the last of your classes before the summer break, and your surrounding classmates. inclusive of you, are eager for this compulsory capstone philosophy subject to be over and for the summer holidays to begin.

Your tutor hums in agreement. “An interesting argument. Does anyone have a differing argument?” 

The class is silent, and you smile in satisfaction. 

A voice clears, the sound of a cough, a body shifting in its chair. You glance up to see Taehyung lifting an arm straight in the air.

“…Well actually, I personally think that dualism is a better stance on the philosophy of the mind. I think it makes more sense logically to conclude that the mind is made up of an immaterial substance. Plus… I believe that you can’t explain the concept of a soul in purely physical terms.”

Your eyes narrow and you fold your arms across your chest.

“Also a good argument.” Your tutor nods tiredly, glancing up at the clock. “Okay, well-”

“Well. Just for the record. I disagree with that view.”

Your words come out a touch harsher than you had hoped. Taehyung’s eyes meet yours, his gaze is thoughtful before he shrugs, an easygoing smile falling on his face.

“I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree, then.”

A long silence hangs between the two of you

“…Okay, well. That’s all we’ve got time for today.” Your tutor interrupts, the class immediately dissolving into conversation and the sounds of textbooks being packed away. 

You push back on your chair and grab your books, feeling your cheeks flush scarlet in embarrassment. 

You are out of the class when you hear Taehyung behind you, hear his voice calling out your name. 

“That was fun,” He smiles at you, an airy, effortless smile and he’s all floaty and relaxed while you’re annoyed and seething. “We should study together or something during the summer break.”

“You’re applying for the grad program, right?” You ask in a short, clipped voice and you see surprise register over his features. He nods, cocking his head.

“Yeah, how did you-”

“So, you’re my competition,” You say bluntly, and you immediately notice the flicker of amusement in Taehyung’s eyes, pick up on the way his lips quirk in the corners (because you always notice when it comes to Kim Taehyung, as much as you have tried not to). 

“I don’t think studying together would be a good idea.” 

You whirl around on your heel and stride away, squeezing your eyes together in embarrassment. You had thought in your head that the words would come out scathingly, but instead you sound petulant and unconvincing. 

You wonder fleetingly what Taehyung thought of that interaction, of your words and then you practically running away from him. 

You shake your head and try to tell yourself it doesn’t matter what Taehyung thinks of you, that Taehyung himself doesn’t matter at all. 

Still, no matter what you tell yourself, the truth remains the same. 

There’s just something about Kim Taehyung that just gets to you.


You walk into your local library in the late afternoon on the second day of your summer break. Your local library stays open late into the evenings during college summer breaks, and tends to be much quieter than the library on campus. 

Therefore – it’s the ideal place to study.

“Hello,” a voice greets you, a familiar voice that gives you pause. You glance up to see none other than Kim Taehyung sitting at the chipped wooden librarian’s desk, your surprise mirrored on his face before he recovers it quickly.

“Well,” Taehyung says lightly, his voice imbued in sarcasm. “If it isn’t my competition.” 

He’s wearing a button up shirt with sleeves that extend past his hands, you watch as he pushes up on the hems of his sleeves, cocking his head to one side as he gives you a wry smile. His hair is shaggy, falling into his eyes, which are covered in a pair of wire frame rectangular glasses.

“Oh,” You stammer out, your eyes widening slightly. “What’re are you doing here?”

Taehyung just quirks an eyebrow, he leans forward and taps at the small plaque on the desk. The plaque reads, Junior Librarian: Kim Taehyung.

“You work here?” You repeat awkwardly, he nods. 

“Yep, I do the night shifts. Good way to get some extra money, and well, working in a library is actually a lot of fun. I get free books.”

He smiles at you, a small smile, something of a peace offering. You stare at him for a long moment.

“Oh,” You say dumbly, “Right. Good for you.” 

You clear your throat, ignoring the strange flutter that’s settling in your belly as you hoist your bag on your shoulder. 

“I’m gonna…” Your voice trails off and you nod, turning on your heel and quickly sitting down on one of the nearby desks. You pull out your books, your pens, placing them out neatly in front of you.

You glance up to see Taehyung gazing at you, a faint smile tugging on his lips. An olive branch in the shape of a barely there smile. 

You smile back, it pulls at the corner of your lips before you can stop yourself. The two of you sit there – you at your desk, him at his – before you finally tear your eyes away and look down at the work in front of you, trying to ignore the steadfast flutter in your belly.


After that, you see Kim Taehyung every day.

You have no idea when it started to become daily routine, going to the library and being greeted by none other than ‘Junior Librarian Kim Taehyung’. 

Your daily routine goes as follows: Each day, at the end of the afternoon, you make your way to your local library to squeeze in a few hours of productive study. Each time, you spot Taehyung behind the librarian’s desk. He looks up, he smiles at you, and you sit at the same table, bring out your books, and try to focus on the work in front of you and no the librarian sitting only a few metres away.

When it’s well and truly night time, and the library is sparse save for a few dedicated college students, Taehyung strolls over and strikes up conversation. 

Sometimes Taehyung’s shifts stretch until late night close, and he’ll come and sit opposite you, going through lists of people with overdue books, his knee restless as he taps his pen against the sheets of paper he’s rifling through.

Other times, when Taehyung finishes his shift early, he sits opposite you, sometimes studying himself, sometimes buried in the pages of a book. He always looks so utterly wrapped up in the books he reads, poking his head up and out of the pages to tell you in a rushed voice ‘You have to read this book, here, I’ll write it down for you, you have to read it!’ 

And as much as you don’t want to, as much as you didn’t expect it, never expected it - you find yourself thawing, your guard lowering… until you quietly admit to yourself that maybe, just maybe, Taehyung isn’t so bad after all.


“Hey,” Taehyung complains, lifting his head from where it was resting in his arms. “I’m bored.”

You twist your lips, roll your eyes disdainfully. Shoot him a cold-eyed stare that has most people cowering. Taehyung of course, is not most people, and just blinks back at you stubbornly.

“I’m bored,” Taehyung repeats, and you sigh.

“I dunno, do something then. Get a hobby, read a book. I dunno.”

Taehyung leans back on his chair, tilts his head to one side, clicks his tongue.

“Speaking of books. Have you read the books I recommended you yet?”

You are frowning down at the page in front of you, deep in the throes of trying to read up on research material for one of your classes. Distractedly, you shake your head.

“Not yet.”

“Why not? They’re really good, honest. Cross my heart.” You glance up to see Taehyung with his hand over his chest, an innocent smile on his face. 

You roll your eyes.

“I don’t have time to read right now, Taehyung.” You tell him in as condescending of a tone as you can manage. 

Taehyung just leans forward, resting his chin in his hands.

“You should always make time for the things that make you happy.” He says sagely, and you roll your eyes, leaning forward and poking him with your pen.

“Yeah yeah, who are you, Oprah?”

Taehyung ignores your question and you sense him staring at you.

“How come you study so hard all the time?” He prods.

You hesitate, staring pointedly at the page. You have your usual self-defensive answer rolling off the tip of your tongue, but you stop it. Instead, you write down a few words, biting your lip.

“It was family pressure at first,” You say finally, you cross out a word you have written and write a new one beside it. Taehyung is silent. “But now? I don’t know. I guess I want to prove it to myself as badly as I want to prove it to them.” You still don’t look at Taehyung, but you stop writing. Your pen hovers above the paper. 

“Well. I look up to that a lot. I look up to you a lot.”

“Huh?” You glance up in confusion to see Taehyung staring directly at you. His dark eyebrows are raised slightly in an expression of utter sincerity, his chin still propped up in his hands. 

“You look up to me? Why?” 

Taehyung just shrugs and smiles. 

“Yeah well, you work hard, you’re really dedicated.” He says finally, before he straightens. 

“And you have a good heart. You can’t learn those things, you just… are those things. You know?” He reaches in his bag and pulls out a worn novel, opening it and propping his pen between his lips. 

“Anyway. I look up to you. Even though I’m taller than you.” He adds as an afterthought, pursing his lips before shrugging and focusing his attention on the book in his hands.

“Oh,” You look down at the page and fight the strange lump that’s rising in your throat. “Thanks Tae.”

“Anytime.” Taehyung begins humming to himself, tapping his foot in time to the jazzy melody he’s quietly crooning under his breath. 

You run over his words in your mind, securing them in your thoughts. 

I look up to you a lot.


“What are you smiling about?”

“What?” Your head snaps up to see Taehyung glancing at you curiously.

“You’ve had this weird smile on your face for the last hour. What are you thinking about?”

You feel your cheeks start to heat up, it doesn’t help that Taehyung looks even more intrigued, leaning forward and resting his chin in his palm. 

“What?” He whines, and you shake your head, staring back down at your work, trying to tell your cheeks to stop blushing.

“I, uh, just thinking back to um- a joke my friend told me,” You say finally, lamely. You hope that your vague answer is enough to deter Taehyung from pressing on but instead he just looks even more interested, leaning closer.

“What’s the joke?”

“I- you wouldn’t get it,“

“I wouldn’t get it?” Taehyung repeats, he frowns, a puckish twist of his lips that for some reason has your heart leaping in your chest. “Try me. I have a great sense of humour.”

You flush pink, and shake your head. “No, I don’t-”

“Tell me!” Taehyung props his face in his hands and shoots you an injured look. “Friends tell friends jokes. I feel very offended that you’re withholding jokes from me.” 

Your mouth opens and closes a few times. You are stuck for a moment, not sure what to say – you cant exactly tell him that you were smiling like a giddy idiot because you were thinking, still, about the words he had said to you earlier today – and the first joke that pops into your head comes spilling out of your mouth.

“What do you call a man with no nose and no body?”

You cringe the moment it’s out of your mouth. It’s an old joke, one that you and your family say to each other at every Christmas, when all of you are together in one place. There are a few traditions you have with your family, traditions that hold firm even though you barely get to see them. This terrible joke is one of them and you feel your cheeks start to tinge pink.

“What?” Taehyung asks, he raises an eyebrow at you expectantly.

“…Nobody nose.”

You are blushing in earnest now, your ears feel hot and you can’t believe you just told Taehyung a joke that you and your family say to each other, and Taehyung stares at you. 

His face splits into a smile and it feels like someone’s cracked an egg in your ribcage and the yolk is oozing into your chest, bright yellow and sunny. 

“That is funny,” Taehyung beams at you, and you meet his gaze, your eyes lingering for a prlonged moment before you stare down at your work, telling yourself furiously to not blush don’t you dare blush, and of course, you blush even harder.


Today is one of those days where nothing is going right. 

It’s as if none of the words on the pages sitting on front of you make sense, and no matter how many times, you can’t decipher the mess. 

Your chest is cumulatively getting tighter, more restricted, more bothered, and with each crumpled page of paper, and each slash of black ink, you feel frustration ebb hot and uncomfortable in your body.

“Why the long face?”

You could recognize that voice anywhere, and you don’t glance up, staring at the page, your neat handwriting. You hear fingertips drumming on the table top, the sound of the chair legs squeaking.

“Isn’t today meant to be your day off?” 

Irritation strings through your words, and you feel your fingers ball up into a fist. The words that you’re writing don’t make any sense, and finally, you drag your eyes from paper to the boy sitting opposite you.

Taehyung is watching you, a backpack slouched on the floor by his feet. He looks good- his hair is damp, parted haphazardly. Today he’s dressed in a sweater that seems as if it’s three sizes too big for him.

You feel a heady sort of thrill work it’s way up your chest and into your throat as he stretches his arms above his head, his fingers latching around his elbow as he wriggles his body with a loud yawn.

“I was sick of studying.” He straightens and flashes you a grin, one that while wolfish at the start, quickly softens into a charismatic sweetness that you have come to recognize as a Taehyung signature. “And I wanted to see you.”

Your breath catches at his words. 

He is unfazed, he is stretching again, not realizing that his words were just a touch, a smidgen, too much. 

But Taehyung in a nutshell is a combination of too much, he does everything in abundance and in quantities of too much, and it’s infectious. 

You push back on the desk abruptly, the metallic screech of your chair legs against the floor fill the space between you. You don’t stop to see the question mark that falls over Taehyung’s face.

“Gotta get a book,” You mutter, whirling around on your heel and marching to a quiet corner of the library. You tuck yourself in between two tall shelves, filled with gardening books. As you settle against the cool brick wall, you take a deep breath in.

“Are you alright?” You glance up to see Taehyung standing in front of you, his hands folded tentatively. You don’t respond, and Taehyung takes a step forward, thrusting his hands deep into the pockets of his slacks.

“Y/N?” He asks in a voice infused with a dulcet tone, and you glance up to see him peering at you with concerned eyes. There’s something in seeing Taehyung gaze at you like this, and you can’t help but imagine what it would be like to having Taehyung looking at you like this more often, all toned down sweetness, hands shoved in pockets and softly probing words.

You don’t think you’re going to speak, you aren’t one to speak or act without properly thinking through each possible step first… but your mouth opens of it’s own accord and words spill out, messy and frantic and rushed.

“I’m frustrated.” 

Taehyung doesn’t react, he just blinks slowly and nods. There’s something in the nuances of his gestures that has your tightly wrapped up emotions unfurling.

“I just feel frustrated,” You continue, your voice is scrambled and you breathe in sharply. “I don’t know, I can’t explain it, I just feel stressed and worried about everything. I feel like a failure. Or I’m going to be one at least. I don’t know, I’m not getting it this morning, I can’t focus, and I just feel…” Your voice trails off uncertainly and you shake your head, your shoulders drooping. “Never mind.”

“Hey,” Taehyung says authoritatively, striding forward. He reaches out and lifts your hand. He presses two fingertips into the flesh of your palm
It’s not as if the impromptu hand massage feels particularly good, but you feel every locked muscle in your body relax. 

Like a plug being pulled, tension drains out of you.

“I know how you feel.” He says, his voice low and sturdy. “It fucking sucks, right? Not knowing why you feel frustrated and useless and uncertain? It sucks. But it’ll pass. Trust me.” He accentuates his words with kneads of his fingers into your palm, rhythmic motions. 

“And if it’s any help… you could never be a failure. No matter what.” His voice, deep in timbre and so quietly convinced, permeates through every last prickle of irritation and you feel a flutter in your chest. 

“Tae…” The word is tiny, murmured out into the air. 

You glance up to see Taehyung staring at you. He is no longer massaging your palm. His fingers curl into yours, before your linked hands fall by your side. This close you can see the flecks of amber in his dark eyes, the freckle on his nose.

The way his eyelashes, almost impossibly thick and dark, flutter just a fraction with each breath. 

You don’t speak. Instead, you lean closer. 

Enough to step further into his proximity- he smells like freshly pressed linen and iced coffee. 

You are still pressed against the wall, the library shelves hugging each side of you. In the background you can hear the quiet tapping of fingers on keyboards, the rustling of papers. And above everything you can feel it under your skin like a skin of electricity. A humming, buzzing warmth. 

Taehyung reaches up and with the pad of his thumb, brushes the underside of your chin. A gesture that is playful and affectionate, so unfitting for this moment, so utterly Taehyung, that you laugh.

In that split second, in that laugh, Taehyung leans in and brushes his lips over yours. A kiss, soft, sweet, slow. You freeze into it, at the sensation of Taehyung’s lips on yours. 

His touch is hesitant and careful, and it’s enough to cause something to perceptibtly snap inside of you as you kiss him back.

Slower, deeper, sweeter, until you feel dizzy and drunk from his lips and his tongue.

Your head tilts into his, your fingers arcing up to rest carefully on his chest. Your fingertips brush the neckline of his jumper and you hear a small noise akin to a sigh in the back of his throat, feel the slight vibration of his chest underneath your palm. 

You can taste him, his lips pressed against yours and his tongue working slow, intense circles against yours. You can smell him, his cologne lingering on his clothes and the scent of his skin. 

He’s not in a rush, kissing you long and hard, and with each passing dip of your heads together, the increasing firmness in which you press your body to his, you feel anticipation start to clamour in your chest. 

You can hear the soft groans pulling from his throat, him shifting his balance from foot to foot as he carefully presses into you in return. 

You can feel him- his kisses, his hands which are working down from beside your breasts to nipping around your waist, hooking around your hips and giving them a careful squeeze. 

Time is suspended, for all you know gravity and space and whatever else is on hold, the only thing that matters, the only thing that holds remote significance is the feeling of Kim Taehyung’s hands mapping the silhouette of your body, his lips and tongue kissing yours. 

You can feel each of his movements deep in between your legs, a dull knock that has your belly squeezing and a flooding heat coursing through your veins. 

You keen your hips into his, rutting desperately against the curve of his fingers wrapped around your hips, grinding against the bulge in his slacks. You feel a dark, wicked satisfaction at the choked groan that Taehyung utters right into your mouth, it slips amongst your kisses which are growing hotter and faster and more desperate. 

Taehyung’s tongue licks over your lips, and he pulls away to press a kiss against your earlobe, his words slurred and throaty in your ear.

“I’m going crazy for you right now.” His voice is confident, his words strained with unmistakable arousal. 

You are all too aware aware of the dampness between your legs and Taehyung’s breath on your ear and the slope of your neck.

“Taehyung…” You whimper out his name in response, a word is coaxed from your lips, a dirty, urgent plea. You slowly roll your hips up into his. You can feel his hard cock straining against his pants and against your underwear. 

It’s uncomfortable, how turned on your are- your legs weak with want and that insistent ache deep in your core. But it also feels good, overwhelmingly good.

Taehyung kisses you hungrily, deeply, and his hands scrabble from your hips to your inner thighs. His fingers are full of intent, they trace long, slow lines up your sensitive skin. He brushes closer and closer to your cotton underwear. 

You dig your thumbs into his hips and relish the way he pushes his cock harder against you with a whine. Your breathing is erratic, a staccato against the steady drumbeat of arousal in between your legs as Taehyung brushes the tips of his fingers against your slit. Your underwear is soaked through, ruined.

Taehyung doesn’t comment but he pulls away from your mouth as his eyes track down to where his hand is, lost under your skirt in between your legs.

Your eyes flutter upwards to see him bite his bottom lip, his eyes flashing in arousal, his jaw clenching as he lets out a soft, barely there, “God.”

Your skirt is bunched up around his arm as he reaches up even more and hooks a finger down around the edge of your underwear. 

Your breath rushes in and you nod, kissing into Taehyung’s neck. Feverish presses of your lips against his skin to mask sounds and mewls from escaping your lips. 

You’re in the fucking library and your mind is quietly telling you to be quiet, but that in itself has you worked up to an unmistakable frenzy. 

His skin is warm and soft and you feel the humof his commanding voice against your lips as he murmurs out your name, his fingers slipping down your underwear.

His fingers graze over your clit generously, and the sensation has your eyes squeezing shut. Taehyung chuckles. His fingers slowly, cleanly slide over your soaking wet folds, before tantalizingly going back up to your clit. 

It feels so good- an immediate relief that is accompanied by a roaring, surging want. You want more. With each careful tease of Taehyung’s long fingers against your slit, against your aching bud, you want more. 

You moan louder against Taehyung’s neck, your teeth catching on his pulse point as you attempt, poorly, to buffer your moans of pleasure. 

Taehyung lowers his head so that his lips are by your ear. 

“You feel so good for me baby.” His voice is deep and his words delicious and you whimper into his skin as you feel his finger teasing at your entrance. 

He slips in until half of his finger is inside of you. Your breath locks in your throat and you feel like your entire body is throbbing, panting, thumping with want.

“Tae,” You breathe out into his neck, your fingers are digging into his back and his shoulder blades, you can feel his muscles rippling underneath your touch, his body wriggling slightly in pleasure. 


Taehyung pushes, until he is knuckle deep inside of you. The knowledge that he is as turned on as you are - arousal staining each of his shallow breaths, the strain of his hard cock against your thigh - has you clenching around his finger.

You tilt your head back against the wall and let out a thinly suppressed groan, and Taehyung takes the opportunity to lean in and press a kiss to your neck. He glides his finger in and out of you, your wetness allowing him to fuck you out with long, smooth motions. 

“Taehyung, please-” You begin breathlessly, and he looks up at you through hooded eyes. You want him, more of him, you can barely think straight, and you watch as he licks his own lips. You begin to slowly thrust against his hand, letting out a small whimper as he pushes his finger even deeper inside of you.


“I want you to-”

“Oh my God!’ A voice cuts through your voice and his ministrations and Taehyung stumbles on top of you messily, shielding your body with his. 

“S-s-sorry, continue-” a voice stammers, you spot a glimpse of Taehyung’s colleague’s shocked face, his retreating figure.

Taehyung hastily pulls away from you, and you seize the opportunity to yank down at your skirt. His eyes are wide, his mouth open in a perfect O, and he stares at you in shocked silence. 

A giggle escapes from your lips.

Taehyung’s eyes widen in surprise and another laugh spills out, you shake your head, trying to control yourself. 

“Sorry,” You begin, your eyes pricking with slight tears as your shoulders shake from a contained giggle. “I shouldn’t be laughing, he’s your co-worker, it’s just…” You suck in for breath and your words tumble out in a fit of giggles. “He looked so scandalized…”

Taehyung’s face lapses into a rueful smile and he runs a hand through his hair, his lips tugging up into a smirk. “Yeah I don’t think he was expecting to see that in the gardening section of the library,” He muses, and you giggle again. 

“He told us to continue on,” You add, and Taehyung’s face splits open into a laugh.

Your laughter fades away, and it is then that you realize that Taehyung is still standing close to you, his arm still curled protectively around your waist. 

You feel fucking delirious, giddy and full. You also feel bold and brave and vibrant, lashes of feelings that you haven’t felt before. 

You swallow. 

A breezy flutter of nerves settles in your stomach but you set your jaw squarely and reach forward. 

Taehyung automatically cradles your hand into his as you open your mouth to pose a question you never thought you would be asking.

“Do you want to come over to my place?”


Taehyung is nervous. As are you. 

It’s evident in the conversation that fills your car as you drive to your place, conversation that neither of you are fully focusing on. Taehyung’s talking about the dewey decimal system, you’re nodding and weaving into the conversation with sounds of agreement. 

Honestly, your brain is completely occupied with the fact that Taehyung is in the front seat of your car on the way to your place. 

You have so many thoughts flying through your head- thoughts ranging from oh God why couldn’t I have put on nicer underwear this morning to I can’t believe this is happeningtoI want him so badly I’m going to scream

You can sense Taehyung’s own nervous state in the way he keeps clearing his throat and flicking through the small stack of CD’s in your car, it isn’t until you finally pull up outside your place that his hand settles on your thigh and you pause to turn to him. 

He smiles at you and reaches up to nip underneath your chin- a gesture has your chest feeling swollen and your nerves muted.

You head into your place, a small but neatly kept flat, and you take in a deep breath as Taehyung leaves his backpack by the door. He gazes around your place carefully, his attention thoroughly absorbed in his surroundings, and he walks up to you’re a frame hanging on your hallway wall. It’s your award of excellence that you received in your second year of college, a prestigious merit scholarship.

“Wow,” Taehyung breathes out and he turns to you with eyes that are wide and glowy and excited. “This is amazing. You’re so smart.” 

He says the words so earnestly that it has your chest squeezing in a way that is unfamiliar but wonderful, and you open and close your mouth a few times.

“Yeah, I guess,” You reply shyly, before a smile dissolves over your face and you glance up, catching Taehyung’s stare. 

“But you might be the smartest person I’ve ever met,” The words tumble out and you feel a heat simmering under your skin, tinging your cheeks a translucent pink. 

“Aside from myself of course.” You stammer out, an add on that softens the edges of your words, and Taehyung’s smile widens.

“Of course.” He teases, his voice lilting slightly.

It’s then that you realize just how close you’re standing to him, your head tilted up to look into his eyes. You can feel the heat radiating from his body, and you can smell him- he smells like shampoo and sage and cedar, and you swallow. Taehyung’s laugh fades, his eyes dilating and his breathing coming out slower, his eyes locked on you.

The thought of how his lips had felt, pressed on yours, floats back in your mind. Taehyung inches even closer to you, his head dipping closer. 

You breathe in, his eyes search yours, and you feel your heart start to accelerate in your chest.

“Taehyung.” You murmur. His eyes are expressive and you can see in them that he wants you, his eyelashes fluttering as he blinks. 

Your eyes trickle down to his lips, full and slightly parted, and you feel a buzz work it’s way up your belly and settle in your ribcage,as he leans in, centimetres away from your lips, pausing.

In a brief moment, your lips touch. It’s a soft kiss – the merest brushing of lips against lips, timid and careful. Taehyung draws back, his eyes searching your face carefully. 

You can feel it, even in that whisper of a touch – there is something deeply embedded in that kiss.

In an instant, his lips find yours, his hand reaching up to cup your face, his fingers resting on your jaw. 

You have no idea who moved first, and you don’t care, because your eyelids are fluttering shut and you feel yourself getting lost in his kisses. 

For a moment you can’t think, your mind completely blank except for an exhilarating rush of feeling everything all at once- his other hand curving around the small of your waist and giving your hip a squeeze, him deepening into the kiss and dipping his head further down as he kisses deeply into your mouth.

You can hardly think, you can feel a hum running from your toes to your belly to your cheeks, as you loop your fingers around Taehyung’s neck. His skin is warm to the touch, and so soft, as you tangle your fingers in his hair. 

You tug him down further into your kisses, and he lets out a groan into your mouth, pinning you against the wall, trapping you in the heat of his body. You can feel the hard surface against your back and Taehyung’s body pressing into you, his hands slipping up from your hips to your waist before they glide under your shirt. 

His hands are warm, they skim over your belly and rest right under your breasts.

His palms linger, the absence of his touch over your breasts has you filled with an aching, gnawing want. Taehyung arches his hips into yours, and you can feel the stir of his erection in his pants, his hard bulge is pressed against your thigh.

A choked moan is drawn out from your lips. 

“Taehyung…” You break away from the pursuit of his kisses, and Taehyung is undeterred, kisses and nibbles trailing down your neck and causing the smouldering lust crackling over your skin to only intensify.

“Hang on,” You pant out, and Taehyung pauses. His breath is coming out in warm swathes of air against your collarbones and you glance down to see his eyes, the slow blinks of his heavy lids, each breath labored and potent with lust.

“Not here,” You continue, and Taehyung leans back a touch, nodding. 

“Right,” He breathes, “Should we…?” 

His voice trails off and your eyes hone in on him yet again. His hair is slightly mussed up from your fingers running through them. He is looking at you carefully, waiting for your response. 

In the low light of the hallway, you rake your eyes over his face. The strong set of his jaw, the focus in his eyes, the seriousness of which he is gazing at you, and you feel a ripple of molten and saccharine sweet longing ease it’s way up your belly.

“My room?” You pant out, the word almost sounds like a beg, your voice is hiked with urgency and his lips quirk up at that. 

He nods, then a half-chuckle half murmur, “Your room.” 

He bends down, and scoops you up effortlessly in to his arms. You feel his arms flex underneath you- he’s stronger than you had initially assumed.

“It’s the room to the left, first door there.”

Your hands clutch around his neck and you can feel the frenzy of his pulse underneath your fingers as Taehyung strides towards your bedroom door. He uses his knee to push open the door. Your bedroom is elapsed in darkness, and he works his way across the floor and places you down on your bed. 

Taehyung leans over and flicks your bedside lamp on. The room is filled with a dim light, and he leans backward, rocking on his heels to gaze at you. 

He has a coy smile on his face as he lowers his body on top of yours. Your hands ravel around his waist as his fingers secure around your chin, tilting your face up to meet his lips in a long kiss.

Your thoughts are filled with urgency, a fiery wildness colours whatever reservations you might have had as you hoist your hips upwards, rutting hard into his cock and relishing the groan that Taehyung lets out against your ear. 

“Y/N,” He moans your name into your ear and his fingers curl around the sheets and you feel that same knocking hunger in your core.

Taehyung’s fingers relax, they curl back out against your mattress.

His hand entangles in your hair, before trailing down to your neck, resting obediently on your collarbones. His fingers dance across your skin, tapping a rhythm against your chest. Finally, his fingers begin unbuttoning your shirt. His eyes are narrowed slightly in concentration as he quickly undoes each of the buttons. 

It’s slow, torturously so and with each button that is freed, you feel the air against your skin. His fingers rest against your skin against your breasts and your stomach for brief, lingering seconds as he works the fabric free, and you can’t help the needy whines that escape your lips.

Taehyung smirks at each sound of your want, and when your shirt is finally open, he pulls your body up in one smooth movement. 

He removes your shirt and tosses it on the floor, immediately capturing your lips in a kiss that has you for a long, intense, glorious few seconds- completely breathless. 

It’s just him, his tongue easing its away into your mouth, the curve of his hands between your shoulderblades and gliding to your shoulders. You grip at Taehyung, holding him tighter to you.

You stay sitting upwards as he pulls away from the kiss, his eyes ticking down to roam over your exposed body. His eyes widen, you see his Adams apple bob in his throat. He swallows, hard.

“You’re…” He mumbles, and then he looks up to stare into your eyes. “You’re really beautiful.” 

A blush blooms over your cheeks at his words, at the sincerity in them. Before you can respond, he pulls you to him and kisses you yet again, filling you with liquid heat. 

His thumbs trace right under your breasts and you are quivering. 

You move your body so that you are sitting on top of Taehyung, wrapping your legs around his waist, straddling him. It’s a little awkward shifting into place, but Taehyung’s palms are flat on the small of your back, his fingers curling around your ass as you finally settle. 

Taehyung moans and tilts his hips against you, you can feel his erection straining against his pants as his thumbs work up and finally, finally brush over the curve of your breasts.

You hiss in at the feeling of his thumb over your skin, working closer and closer to your nipples. You press harder against his mouth, grinding with an insistency against his cock. He is still kissing you, hot, heavy, hungry kisses. 

“Taehyung,” You moan out his name, “It feels so good…” 

He leans back to watch your face as his thumb darts right over your hard nipple. His thumb works a slow, lithe circle around your sensitive nipple before his thumb and index finger stroke over it properly. 

The feeling causes your back to stiffen and you tip your head back, letting out a soft, strangled moan. 

“You sound so hot,” Taehyung grits out the words, leaning forward at the opportunity and eagerly planting kisses along your exposed throat. 

You whimper out at his praise, at the feeling of his lips on your neck and his fingers working on your nipple. 

You are now all too aware of the heavy thud between your legs, the clench of your thighs around his waist and the way you are beginning to slowly, desperately rock your hips into him. 

You are wet, so wet that you can feel it practically pooling your underwear. The damp thud, deep in your core, is a drumbeat.

“So pretty,” Taehyung compliments, he chases his words by giving your other nipple a pinch, his fingers soothing the sensation with light strokes.

You whimper helplessly, your head falling back forward as Taehyung wraps his palm around your breasts and squeezes you, letting out a throaty moan. His eyes flicker in the dark light of your room as he massages you in his hands. 

You reach down with trembling fingers and pull at the hem of his shirt. He obliges, letting go of you to hold his arms out as you tug the white tee off of his head. 

You take in a sharp breath at the sight of him- the dip of his collarbones and the hint of muscles that ripple under his skin. 

Your fingers work against his abdomen, the stretch of skin and tautness of muscle, and you work teasing circles lower and lower down until you are right above his cock. 

His body is stiffened, waiting with a slowly loosening patience. He lets out a tiny choked moan at your tease before you let go and run your hands up his arms.

“You’re killing me here,” He growls lightly, and then his hand is at the back of your neck and he is kissing you again. His hands cup your ass, and you respond by working your body against the strain of his cock. 

His skin against yours, his arms against your back and his bulging cock against your pussy with each roll of your hips. It all has you trembling in want.

“I’m so wet for you right now, you have no idea,” You murmur into his ear. He chuckles, he squeezes your ass in his hands.

“Good.” He responds simply, you enjoy the shiver that runs down his body at your words and the throatiness of his voice. You nip more kisses along his neck.

He tips his head back at the feeling, and you bask in it, at how he reacts to each of your touches, each of your words.  

You are wet, so fucking wet that you feel filthy. All of your senses are wrapped in a film of crimson red want, and you are beginning to feel dizzy from just how badly you want him. You are riled up, your mind stuttering and desperate. You need him, and you need him now.

Taehyung, as if reading your mind, spins you, leans into you, pressing you onto your bed so that you are lying on your back. 

He sits up, and you swallow as his fingers wantonly flit over your body. 

He starts at your collarbones, his fingers dancing over your skin as he grazes over your breasts. When his fingers skim over your nipples, your body stiffens and you let out a soft exhale. 

Taehyung’s eyes flicker with pleasure at your visible reaction. He continues downwards, over your belly until he reaches your skirt. His fingers grasp waist of your skirt and tugs down, easing your skirt and your underwear together off of your legs. 

Your body wriggles on the mattress, and Taehyung lets out a soft groan at the sight of you, bare naked underneath him.

“God,” He mutters his jaw clenches and unclenches and you watch as he brings his hands down to rest on your hip. His fingers are still working careful circles right by the apex of your soaking wet slit. 

The feeling has you suppressing a whine.

“You have such a pretty pussy,” He sighs out. This time, you can’t suppress the whine and Taehyung smiles in satisfaction.

You can see his cock straining against his grey pants. He’s big, and thick, and the sight has you swallowing hard as he slowly places two fingers against your clit and then drags down.

You are wet, so wet that his fingers are immediately coated in your slick wetness. 

Taehyung clicks his tongue at how easily his fingers glide down your slit. Your body writhes, you are falling apart already.

“Baby,” Taehyung murmurs, “Try stay still for me okay?”

The affectionate name slips out of his mouth and you barely have time to dwell on it because his fingers are back at your clit. You clench your jaw, the friction if his fingers swirling circles over your clit sending you into a frenzy of want.

He lowers his body back on top of you, his fingers still working into your wetness. You are needy, you are dripping with it, and your fingers tremble as they reach down to unzip his jeans. 

You are shaky and clumsy and he chuckles.

“You want me, baby?”

You nod desperately as he slips a finger into you, easing it until he is knuckle deep inside. He crooks his finger and you bite down on his shoulder, letting out a choked moan against his skin. 

He pulls his finger out of you. You swallow at the sight of his digit, coated in your wetness. 

“So wet for me.” He comments throatily, and you watch as his eyes flicker with neediness of his own before he tugs his pants off.

Your eyes lock down on the grey fabric that is being tugged off and your eyes widen as you take in the sight of him naked. His thighs, his cock, which is thick and long and stands up with his erection. The tip of his cock pink and slightly glistening with his precum. 

“You’re really,” You pant out, peering over his shoulder to take in his back – the dip of his lower back and the muscles in his shoulders, he has two dimples right above his ass and the tightest, tautest ass and you feel a deep shiver in your belly, “Really fucking hot.”

A smile eases over Taehyung’s face and his eyes crease in the corners before he leans in and chases your lips into a kiss, his fingers reaching down to tease again over your clit. 

“Oh my-” He moans, and you reach down and wrap your fingers around the base of his cock. 


It’s thick, and hard in your hand and his breath stutters at the feeling of your dainty hand wrapped around his length. He begins to rock his hips, gliding his cock against you and fucking your hand. 

His fingers are still massaging circles into your clit and you press your head back into the pillow, your eyes squeezing shut in your neediness.

“I want you,” You beg out, impatience peaking to an absolute crescendo.

“Please baby, please.” The words slip out effortlessly as your palm glides over the tip of his cock and Taehyung shifts, placing the tip of his cock at your entrance. 

He pauses, delaying. 

His body pinning you down. 

You are gone, so far gone. His hair is falling in his eyes, his chocolate brown eyes full of lust as he scans over you. 

You can feel it, the tip of his cock brushing against your wetness and you let out a soft plea.


Taehyung’s eyes flicker and then he leans back down, his lips slamming against yours with a messy, desperate kiss.

And then you feel it. Him, pushing slowly into you. 

You suck in your breath at the feeling of him, his cock stretching you out and pushing against your walls. He eases his cock until it was all the way inside of you. You hear his exhale of pleasure, and your eyes flutter closed. 

For a moment, all the messy desperation is settled, and are blissed out. It’s almost overwhelming how good it feels.

Within moments, it subsides, leaving in its wake a roaring want. You open your eyes to see Taehyung staring down at you. 

“I want you.” You bite out, your words are a demand, and Taehyung nods. 

“Your pussy feels fucking amazing,” He tells you in a voice that is heady and frantic as he begins to rock his cock into you.

He reaches up and laces his fingers through yours, keeping your hands pinned up beside your head as his hips rock deep circles into your core. 

He slides out nearly all the way, causing you to gasp… and then chases the absence with a long, deep thrust of his cock. 

Each dirty, fast slap of skin and the momentum of his cock buried deep inside of you only makes you needier Each gasp and breath and moan that he pulls out of your throat is broken apart and messy and you begin to feel the slow crest of a prickly heat in your core.

Taehyung continues to rut into you, each ministration of his hips against your soaked core causing him to groan. 

“Fuck,” He mutters, “You feel so tight around my cock, it’s…” his voice trails off and he swallows hard. He lets go of your hands and squeezes at your breasts, kneading them in his palms, and you moan loudly as your hands reach up to the canvas of his back. 

Your nails dig desperate patterns into his skin as you tilt your head back, Taehyung hitting deeper into you. Each slickened thrust is accompanied with a deep roll of his hips so that he is right there inside of you, causing you to feel choked with how close you are.

“Taehyung,” You pant out breathlessly, “I’m so close…” 

“Shit,” He mutters back, “You look so hot, it’s making me so damn hard.”

You bury your face into his neck and bite down on the skin there, moaning into him and trying to mask your sounds of pleasure. 

He reaches down and darts a finger against your clit as he continues to fuck into you, he reaches up with his other hand and grips the headboard above your heads. He holds himself in place as he continues to fuck into you with a ferocity that has you close to screaming. 

Your entire body moves with each of his thrusts, and you moan into his skin, biting down hard into his shoulder as your eyes squeeze shut.

“Gonna cum for me aren’t you, baby girl?” Taehyung grits, he slips another finger against your clit and the feeling of it has your thighs clenching tight.

“Y-y-yes,” You moan out, enjoying the constant groans and mewls he lets out with each thrust. You felt your eyes roll in your head and you gasp as as Taehyung angles his cock upwards. You feel light and heavy all at once and there is a white heat pooling in your belly.

“Fuck, I’m going to, fuck, please don’t stop, please-” Your words tumble out in a desperate rush and Taehyung moans, snapping his head down to look at you.

He keeps two fingers against your clit as the clutches you against him, fucking into your harder and faster and deeper. 

His eyes are locked on your face, and you keep your eyes trained on him. His hair, falling into his eyes, the sweat dotting his forehead with a slight sheen. The way his lips are parted, the dilated pupils of his eyes, how now- he is beautiful and masculine, all curves and edges.

“Oh my God oh my God oh my God,” You chant out brokenly as your orgasm breaks over you like a wave. 

You fall completely silent as it courses through your body, Taehyung slows his thrusts as you writhe beneath him.

“So fucking pretty when you cum.” Taehyung murmurs. You are faintly aware of him planting a kiss on your cheek and on your neck as you shiver in pleasure beneath him. The satisfaction riding through your body is long and overwhelming. 

Eventually your breath slows, it evens, and you feel the glow dissolving over your body, molten and warm and easy. 

“Oh my God,” The word is sung out in a sigh, and Taehyung smiles. 

“I came so hard.” You murmur, half in awe, half in mock complaint. Taehyung leans closer and presses a coy, delicate kiss to the corner of your mouth.

“You want more?”

Your body reacts before you speak, you curve up into him and nod. 

“Yes,” You mumble, and Taehyung pushes himself into you again. 

“Mmmm.” Taehyung’s low voice rumbles against your skin and you revel in it, your body sated and warm, a hazy prickle of desire growing in your belly with each buck of Taehyung’s cock. 

“You screwed me so good,” You hum, Taehyung’s head darts up. His eyes focus on you and his eyes are widened, rapt in you. He’s close, you can see it in the clench of his jaw and the tiny mewls that rip out of his throat. 

“I came so hard, God, your cock feels amazing…” Taehyung’s eyes flash at your words as he continues to fuck into of you. 

“Yeah?” He grunts, and you nod. 

“Hmmm, you made me so wet before you fucked me, I was practically begging for it,” You confess, and Taehyung smirks, his eyes flickering. 

He is close, you can read it on his face. You dig your nails into his back teasingly. 

“I can’t wait to feel your cum filling me up,” You purr, “Make sure you cum deep inside of me so I can feel it all night, okay?”

Taehyung lets out choked noise at your words, his eyes widening. “Fuck,” He grunts, “I’m…” His voice trail off and his thighs tense as he slams into you, three messy, sloppy, desperate thrusts before he let out a deep moan, his face burying into the crook of your neck and shoulder as he orgasms. 

His lips are at your ear, and you hear each whine and moan and shiver of his as he rides out his orgasm.

He stays like that for a moment, gathering himself. 

Finally, he pulls back and rolls onto his side. Your eyelids flutter closed as he kisses your cheek and then the corner of your mouth, before placing a kiss on your lips. 

He kisses you sweetly, tenderly, before he pulls back. You open your eyes to see him smiling down at you, his eyes soft and warm.

He doesn’t say anything, and neither do you. He pulls out of you carefuly, and you wince at the feeling of your swollen pussy. He reaches over and grabs the tissue box kept by your bed, tugging out some tissues and dabbing carefully between your legs before he tosses the tissues in the bin.

He wriggles up beside you and wraps his arms around your waist. He crooks around your body like a comma and yawns into your hair. You begin to feel a sated, glowy drowsiness settle into you as he entangles his fingers with yours, holding you close against his chest. 

“That was…” He mumbles into your hair, his voice trailing off.

“Yeah,” You finish faintly, and you smile to yourself. Taehyung chuckles, his chest vibrating, and you laugh too.

“Tired?” He questions softly, and you nod, your head bobbing up and down as the tiredness exhales out of your chest in the shape of a sigh.

“Uh huh.” Taehyung’s arms circle around you tighter.

“Me too,” He comments softly. 

You feel Taehyung kiss the back of your head before he hums to himself sleepily. It’s a melody that doesn’t fully make sense, but it soothes at you. 

He moves his head, shifting to get comfortable as his hums slowly fade off into silence. 

Your eyelids are heavy, and they droop closed as you fall asleep in Taehyung’s arms.


Taehyung slots into your life effortlessly.

While the sun lapses into the horizon earlier and earlier with each passing summer day, you sit at the same desk in your local library. Taehyung is always at the front desk. 

One day his legs are kicked up on the table while he squints down at the book in his hands, the next day he’s hunched over his phone, peering down in fierce concentration at the app game that he wants to get a top score in. 

No matter what he’s doing, you find yourself sneaking glances at him as you study. You take in the way his eyes narrow when he concentrates, the mannerisms of his - like how he licks his lips absently when he’s deep in thought. 

You notice how Taehyung often seems to go through a complete spectrum of emotions in the space of five minutes sometimes, tiny micro-expressions and emotions that fall over his face as he turns the pages of a book. 

Or how, when he’s hungry, he wrinkles his nose and places a palm over his stomach and frowns. Basically, you notice anything and everything about Kim Taehyung.

Even more times though, you find yourself lifting your eyes during a moment of passing to see him gazing directly at you. 

Each time, he is wearing that smile, and his eyes linger over you. His eyes are intent, piercing, and you hve to tear your eyes away and try to fight the blush that is melting a rosy glow over your cheeks.

When the library is closed, and the sky is streaky with blue and grey, you and Taehyung leave together. Some nights, you get a bite to eat- dumplings pinched between oily chopsticks and snippets of conversation that vary from Taehyung arguing with you about what the best kind of chocolate is (‘Hersheys kisses are b

Drabble | Home (m) | Kim Taehyung, 4.1k

Pairing: Taehyung x Reader

Summary: Taehyung is back from America and after completing his quarantine period, he goes to see you straight away.

And what does that mostly entail? (Lots and lots of kisses of course).

Warnings/Tags: RATED M (18+); for language, smut (fem-reader; biting; oral (f-receiving); fingering; pussy slapping; slightover-stimulation; hair-pulling; penetrative sex; multiple orgasms); fluff ; Taehyung with facial hair then Taehyung withoutthe facial hair (you’ll see what I mean lmao); morning kisses, okay? This is just a general ‘I missed you Taehyung so let’s stay in bed until we’re too tired to move’ fic; porn withfeelings; idol!AU - established relationship.


If you want to read the series it’s @4:23AM:]



It’s early so Taehyung pushed the door open as quietly and carefully as he could. More light floods through, colouring the dim interior. Ahead, he sees the double layer of curtains allowing the winter sunlight through. On the bed, you’re asleep on your side, the blanket mostly off your body. He smiles since it looks like you’re surrounded by a sea of blue and grey sheets.

Again, not to disturb, he goes from the foot of the bed, kissing up the length of your body, from your thigh, up to your side, along the dip of your waist. Up and up, to your shoulder blade, till he was on the bed himself.

“Hi,” he murmured, kissing your face, over and over.

You begin to squirm, smiling before you open your eyes.

“Hey… oh, you’re here. I missed you,” you whispered, your voice sounding groggy, adorably so.

He was the same. First, the length of time was the longest you were apart, then came the excess quarantine period. Admittedly, he was tired of the two-dimensional version of you on his phone screen. As soon as his quarantine period ended, he took another test for good measure and drove straight to yours. He missed you in this deep, yearning kind of way. The sight of you had him melting down to his slides, not knowing quite what to do apart from heed the thought of Kiss her as much and as often as you can.

So he does.

His lips find your cheek, kissing your skin over your hair, to the corner of your mouth, a smile decorating his face. He finds your lips, pressing slightly, its soft, like the rest of you and kisses down, with no particular method. The stubble he’s been allowing to grow is more prominent, he could feel how the individual strands bowing while he kissed all over your face. You placed your hands to his chest, pushing without any real force.

“Wait - no, don’t kiss me, I just woke up,” you protested, but Taehyung shakes his head, kissing you again, but you try and dodge and it ends up with your hair getting in the way. Still, the more you resist, the more he attempts to pepper his attention on you.

“It’s okay, they’re morning kisses,” he said, cupping your face.

“What time is it?” You asked, blinking rapidly. Taehyung frames your face with his hands, pressing your hair down, laughing slightly.

“Do I look like an egg head?”

“The cutest egg,” he said, leaning down, lips to your chin, then to your nose, your forehead, audible smooching that was convincing enough for you to thaw and wind your arms around his neck. He rubs his nose against yours, another kiss, soft like the sheets beneath.

“I should get up,” you sighed, giving another valiant attempt to push yourself upright but he firmly gets you back on the bed, making a loose circle with his hands on your wrists. You huff, arching up slightly in response. He leans down, unable to help himself at the sight of you.

“I have a lot to do today.”

“Take a break, work can wait,” he whispered into your hair, fingers sliding down over your shirt so he could grasp your thigh.

“I have bills to pay and things to buy,” you replied, though you embraced him tightly, smoothing your hands over his shirt. He pouts, propping himself up. And he looks at you again, bathed in the muted light of morning, still floored by the fact that he was with you like this: happy and so fortunate.

“Quit, I can provide for the both of us.”

You thump his chest, your laughter is something he feels warm his chest.

“I’m not sure that future-me would really appreciate that decision,” you said, twisting your finger along the thin chain of his necklace. He sees that you were wearing the one he gifted to you, it sparkles even in the slightest of movements.

“It’s for a good cause.”

You run your finger tips down his necklace and it falls from his collar, you tug it slightly and the metal digs into the skin of his neck.

“And what’s that cause?”

“You and me never leaving this bed for as long as I was away to make up for lost time.”

And you laughed again, turning away shyly. He leans down, grazing his lips over yours, a light kiss before he lay on his side, settling next to you. Absentmindedly, you picked at the hair on his arm, “ah, ssss,” he hissed, tapping on your hand lightly. After a few moments of experimental shuffling, mainly to get under the covers with you, he realises that there was something different about the surface he was on, something familiar.

“New mattress?”

You grinned, “Coway.”

Taehyung scrambles to the foot of the bed where he lifted the sheet. There it was, clear as day, embossed in gold thread, ‘Coway.’ He glanced behind him seeing that you were on your elbows, hardly able to contain your smile.

“Told you - I have things to buy. And I paid in full,” you groaned, flopping on your back, making snow angel gestures. He snuggles back next to you, caging your limbs in his embrace.

“AndI told you I can buy them for you, I have a discount.”

“As much as I love to be spoiled I - “

“Because you deserve to be, especially when your boyfriend is sponsoredby the company,” he corrected, his voice muffled by the fact that he’s pressed his face on your side.

“Yes but you literally give me gifts for no reason. The other day, you sent me a hamper of premium hanwoo beef,” you said, “and then when I told you that all I needed was to replace the batteries for my watch, you went ahead and bought me a new one.”

“I want to do these things for you,” he said, resting his head on his knuckles so he could get a good look at you.

Shifting once more, you drew the blanket over your shoulders, trapping your warmth because you were only wearing your underwear and one of his shirts. He sees you take inventory of the room while he fussed over your hair, smoothing it down, a tilt of his smile appearing. Then, he feels you trace his upper lip and graze your touch down to his chin, he opens his mouth to catch the curl of your finger, biting down playfully as you chuckled.

“What you cando for me is wait while I complete my morning meeting.”

He sighed, “how long for?”

To emphasise his impatience, he finds your thigh and massages it, his fingers teasing the hem of your underwear, scratching his nail lightly. He leans forward too, making sure to kiss along your throat, his facial hair like a prickly scrape along your delicate skin. It works for a moment since he feels your thighs rub together, your body curling towards him. But you regain control and firmly create that distance again.

“Give me two hours.”


The sight of Taehyung lounging behind your laptop screen was making it difficult to be serious. All you wanted to do was smile because you had missed him so much. With his back turned, you were able to sneak glances while he was pre-occupied with his phone, his dark hair tumbling down loosely, his tan skin providing such a contrast to the white shirt he wore.

The meeting hadn’t even ended properly but he was watching out for your ending comments, scooting closer so he could sit next to you. Once your laptop is shut and you’ve officially clocked out, he rests his chin on your shoulder as you tucked it away in its case. His glasses slid down his nose so he scrunches his features to keep it in place, you reached over and helped him by pressing it back securely.

“Is that all? Are you done?” He asked, trailing his lips over your jaw.

“Yes, I’m done, I’m - ah, Taehyung,” you said, half laughing. He busies himself by tugging the string that secured your shorts, which really was your uniform nowadays. Business casual from the waist up and anything you could throw on for the bottoms.

“Good, good,” he approved, kissing you over and over, sucking your bottom lip, the scrape of his facial hair leaving a tingly trail. Deftly, he removes his glasses; it clatters elsewhere, his tongue licking into your mouth as you wrapped your arms around his neck,

“Bedroom,” you said, in between gasping kisses. He pulls back, panting slightly, pink lips wet and swollen.

“Let’s break in the new mattress,” he replied, practically scooping you in his arms.

You laughed and couldn’t contain a small squeal as he kicked the door open; it bounces against the wall only to be shut by the kick of his foot. It felt so good being together again; you could never tire of being with him like this. You kissed him every chance you got, gasping as the stubble he sported was really growing out of control, more so than what he managed to keep before he had to shave it off for work.

“You growing this out?” You asked, kissing along his neck while you scratched his chin. He tugged your shorts and underwear down, groaning as you hurriedly rid yourself of your shirt and bra. Efficiently, he’s managed to get naked too, tossing his shirt elsewhere along with his sweatpants.

“I might since we’re on a break,” he replied, massaging your inner thighs as he swept his gaze over your body. He just looksand it brings the heat to flare up in your face. The only thing you had on was the necklace he gifted you, and it glimmered as you moved.

“Fuck… I love you,” he confessed, a dark flush colouring his skin. His lips part as he rests his tongue on the inside of his cheek. You reach for him, “I love you,” you murmured, unsure that saying it would be enough, so you supplement it by kissing him again, open mouthed and a little clumsy.

“Wanna know something?”

Your hand closes over his cock, curling your arm over his neck to close the gap. You fall back on the bed, your legs on either side of his hips, stroking him languidly.

“W-what,” he groaned, forehead pressed against yours, soft and beautiful sounds escaping his lips.

“I touched myself every night that we were apart, couldn’t stand it while you were away,” you whispered, tugging as his bottom lip with your teeth.

Fuck,”he gasped, feeling your thumb rub the slit of his cock, spreading pre-cum over the head. “Me too, me too,” he groaned, thrusting into your hand slightly, his hand clambering on the headboard as you tightened your grip.

You loved making him fall apart like this, like you’re witnessing him liquefy into pleasure to the point where he’s babbling. You make a tight circle with your fingers, dragging it up, twisting your wrist, earning a shudder from him. But as you upped the pace, he stops you, taking your touch away. You pout as he draws away from you, his cock hard and leaking. He lifts your legs so he could spread them, pushing them down by applying pressure at the backs of your thighs, forcing them apart.

“Taehyung,” you whined, wanting to give first before receiving but he kisses down your body, pinning you in place to keep you from touching him. Resolutely ignoring your protests, he opens his mouth on the flesh of your calf, pinching it with his teeth before laving over the tender spot. He goes on, biting then sucking marks, the burn of his stubble on your skin would remind you of him wherever you were.

“Ah,” you moaned, entire body flinching at the contact.

Taehyung looks at you before nudging you up the bed, sinking down, his face hovering over your pussy while he pressed his hand on your lower stomach. Then, he leans further, your breath catches in your throat from being so exposed. There was no helping it either, you could feel how your folds were swollen and embarrassingly wet from barely being touched. He looks at you as he licks a stripe up your pussy, his mouth closing over your clit, sucking gently. You gasp, tensing immediately, your head going back while your hand fists his hair. He flicks his tongue against your swollen nub, back and forth rapidly before sucking it again.

“Fuck - uhn,” you gasped, hips bucking involuntarily. It was restricted since he was still holding you down. Obscene, wet noises radiate from how his mouth was fucking your pussy, his tongue working rapidly and lips closing over your clit in sticky kisses. The added sensation of his facial hair grazing your sensitive skin made you thrash against his hold, but he keeps you firmly locked under him.

“So fucking good,” he praised, dipping his index and middle fingers in your pussy, thrusting at a rapid pace, making a mess by pushing out your juices, dripping down and smearing your thighs. Your bones were dissolving as he went on, lost in the heady pleasure, hardly able to keep still.

He licks at your clit in tight circles, withdrawing his fingers and replacing them with his tongue, producing audible slurping that drove you crazy with want. The sharp scrape of hair had your fingers tangling in the roots of his hair, tugging while he licks and sucks, lapping up all the wetness he could manage. You had to bite down on the skin of your hand to keep quiet or at least at a manageable level when he flattens his tongue, dragging it along your folds in a broad, upward stroke. He savours the entire length of your slit, ending with a particularly hard suck on your clit, and you’re thrashing, body lifting from the bed as he fought to keep you in place. But as he pressed his face forward, rubbing his nose, parting you even more, you cried out, pussy convulsing as your orgasm crashed over you, all thoughts dissolving as your hips bucked, the backs of your thighs pushing against his shoulders while he continued his ministrations, delivering quick back and forth motions with the tip of his tongue.

“Taehyung…uhn-fuck,I can’t,” you whined, grasping his hair at a pathetic attempt for him to slow down yet his tongue darts out, licking a long stripe back to your clit, humming reverberations that you felt spark along your spine.

He removes his hand on your lower stomach and leans back, his nose and mouth covered in the gloss of your arousal, you feel your walls throb at the sight. But he comes forward again, eyes on your pussy and brings his palm down in a harsh slap, drawing a yelp from you, your body jerking in response. He alternates, slapping your pussy and pushing his tongue inside, feasting on you in a frenzied pace that your wetness spills from your folds, coming down your ass as he kneads the soft flesh of your thighs.

“Please!” You cried out, unsure of what you were exactly asking for but feeling another wave, more intense than the last.

“You’re gonna cum again for me?”

You couldn’t answer as he leans back, lazily rubbing his thumb over your swollen clit in circles, varying the speed until you’re grabbing at the sheets, tugging them out of place. He plunges three fingers inside, knuckle deep, causing you to unravel again in a series of broken gasps, shuddering through your orgasm. He groaned as your thighs snapped shut, constricting his hand while he delivered slow pumps, the wet squelch echoing in your ears, your hips following the rhythm of his fingers. After a few moments, he pulls his fingers out, you arousal collected at the web of his fingers. You moan softly as you saw and go lax, shivering while you feel the throb in your pussy become more and more spaced out.

“Shit,” you breathed, watching him root through your nightstand drawer, wasting no time in sheathing his cock.

You shove a pillow beneath your lower back and he bites his lip as it creates an arc on your body, thighs splaying open. Comfortable and settled between your legs, he teases the head of his cock along your slit and it’s the broken sigh that escapes his lips when he pushes in that drives you insane. Then, comes the rasp of your name on his lips, landing by the lobe of your ear as the rapid roll of his hips rams his cock inside, spearing your velvet walls apart over and over, his whole weight pressing you down. He varies his thrusts that you almost scream, dizzy and caught up in the pleasure that snaked its way along your veins. You grasp his chin, slotting your mouth over his, moaning at the feel of prickly strands of his facial hair that was sure to chafe along your skin.

“Taehyung,” you moaned as he fucks you hard enough that you’re gasping against the side of his face, heart hammering wildly. With a snap of his hips, you cry out, his cock driving so deep that your toes curl and your limbs tremble. You grab his biceps, which were firm, bunched up from the strength of keeping you pinned between him and the bed. The ridges and divots swell beneath your fingers as you held on, almost sobbing at how good it all felt.

“Ah, fuck, I love the way you say my name,” he murmured, sucking your earlobe and rolling his hips,“when I’m inside you.”

You shudder at the words whispered in your ear, clenching involuntarily. You feel him plunge his hip, bottoming out balls-deep in your pussy, prompting another gush of wetness. He deepens the kiss, teeth tugging at your lower lip as you whined, the raw scrape of hair on his chin causing you to hiss. It then becomes a feather light brush of his lips, unlike the rough thrust of his cock inside you.

“Always so good,” he murmured, and you trembled as he ground his hips, your clit getting that friction as his cock retreats in an easy glide again. You rock your hips, on edge and desperate to get closer.


He glides his hand down your side as if to soothe, cupping your ass, slowing his thrusts, grunting as you tightened around him even more.

“Fucking perfect,” he sighed, slamming his hips down that you’re incoherent, tided over by the soft press of his lips on your neck, the graze of his stubble marking you even more.

You bring your head up, meet him in sloppy kisses, opening your mouth to accept the slide of his tongue, absorbing his deep groans as he surges his cock as deep as he could. The frenetic shift of his hips morphs into something faster and harder that your hand flies to his hair, yanking from the root. He slams his hand against the headboard, halting the way it slaps against the wall as you cry out against his lips, orgasm causing a flood between your legs. Your pussy clenched over his cock so tight that he moans in submission, falling forward, thrusting a few final times before he came, a deep growl escaping through gritted teeth.

Sweat is trapped in the space between you, the slippery slide of skin on skin is heady and goes straight to your extremities as he rode it out. You moaned softly, mind floating as he continued to fuck into you. Still shaking all over, you clung onto him, the thud of your heart matching his own.

“Fuck,” he breathed, while you ran your fingertips along his back, massaging the muscles on his shoulders, gripping the long hair that covered his neck. You hummed, your body thrumming from the pleasure that made your insides feel like liquid warmth. He shifts, rubbing his nose against yours, staring at you with a wide grin, his eyes glowing and happy like yours.

“Love you.”

You scrunched your nose and laughed softly. You stayed like that, kissing each other as you caught your breath.

“Love you too.”


“This is very James Bond of you, I’m sure you could do this yourself.”

It’s late and snow is falling in swirling patterns outside. Taehyung is sitting on the large swivel chair that you recently bought; it was large enough to enable you to sit in front of him comfortably. You glide the blade along his cheek, wiping the puffs of white foam away. Slowly, his makeshift beard of pure-white foam disappears. He purses his lips playfully, waggling his eyebrows, making you laugh.

“Don’t knock me for liking SkyfalloverCasino Royale,” he said, causing a dollop of shaving cream to fall down. The towel you were both sitting on caught it, thanks to your timely suggestion prior to starting.

“I’m not. But I am knocking you for watching that scene four times when you thought I wasn’t paying attention.”

He exhaled sharply through his nose, shy that he got caught. You remembered that evening where the scene was on a loop, drawing your attention away from your laptop and onto Moneypenny tending to James Bond’s face. Taehyung tried to distract you by pretending to have lost the remote when it was sticking out of the back pocket of his sweatpants.

Sensing that he was trying to get a kiss, you deliberately tilt his head so you could get a cleaner shave, wiping the blade with expert flare somewhere on the towel. Instead, he grasps your sides, rubbing his thumb in slow swipes.

“I just want you to do it like this. I want you to make me look good again.”

He dips his head, his hands coming to your front so his fingers can unbutton your pyjama shirt, peeling the fabric from your collar. But you tip his gaze back to you by pushing his chin up using your finger.

“Keep still. And you always look good.”

When he eventually does what he’s told, you reward him by straddling his hips. It was almost done anyway.

“Okay,” he swallowed, seeing you bring the blade down after a final swipe, folding the corner of the towel over it. He licks his lips, his eyes watching your every move. You examine the freshly shaven areas, now smooth and drawn tight. His face is bare again, the remnants of his stubble a mere shadow on the tan. Your poke your finger on the space right under his lip.


He grinned, skating his arm up your back so that you’re supported. He kisses you again, you feel his smile in the clumsy clash of lips and teeth. When you pull back, he twists a tendril of flyway hair on the side of your face, his gaze softening. You look at the dark brown pools of his eyes reflecting the warm glow of the lights that dot your apartment, then take into account the small, prominent moles on the canvas of his tan skin.

“Have I told you that I love you?” He asked, leaning into your touch.

Damn. He beat me to it.

“I may have heard it a couple of times, here and there,” you shrugged.

Taehyung rests his forehead on your shoulder, laughing at your reply. Outside paints a pretty picture, the surrounding apartments were buried in an even layer of powder-like frost, untrodden and pristine. December was a beautiful time of the year, even more so now that you have someone to spend it with

“I love you too.”

He comes up and kisses you again, groaning softly against your lips as you arch towards him, encouraged by the press of his hand on your back.

“I kind of want you to grow it out into a full beard though,” you contemplated, lightly rubbing your thumb over the smoothly shaven areas. He tugs his lips down, warming to it.

“Well, I wasgoing to grow it out until the New Year.”

“You could have given me a head’s up instead of letting me shave it all off just now,” you replied. You combed his hair with your fingers, liking how soft it felt all the time.

“My hair can grow longer in a short amount of time.”

You scoffed, “okay. I’ll have a full beard by midnight on December thirty-first, please.”

Taehyung gives you the kind of grin that reaches his eyes, the apples of his cheeks going up as his lips go wide at your antics. You exhaled a laugh as he puffed his cheeks in an attempt to accelerate hair growth. In that moment, you realise that this was what it felt like to be so happy and lucky, on the way to ending the year with someone who feels like home. He scratches at the small of your back as you drape your arms around his neck, pulling you in for another kiss.

“Coming right up.”


Other drabbles (m)

Washing machine |Shower|Reward|Alarm|Run|Caveat


Performance - BTS OT7 CEO au chapter thirteen

This chapter killed me too many times, “merry Christmas ya filthy animals” I am never writing smut again

6.5K words, warnings: smut oral (m & f receiving), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, threesome, jealousy, groping.


“Come on beautiful girl, let’s get you cleaned up,” Jin smiles, watching your dazed eyes happily.

“I don’t think I can move,” you giggle, making the three of them laugh with you.

“Come on,” you’re lifted into Jin’s arms bridal style and in any other circumstance you’d complain, but you weren’t going to tonight.

“I’m so sleepy,” you yawn, closing your eyes as you were moved.

Hobi follows you both into Namjoon’s en-suite, hair band in his hand to tie up your hair, you could wash it tomorrow they’d keep to the essentials for now. Yoongi isn’t far behind with Namjoon’s top and boxers, steadying you when Jin places you on your feet.

“We’ll have to go in tomorrow, but I think the Maknaes should be allowed to take a last minute day off,” Hobi mumbles to Jin and Yoongi as he ties up your hair, you barely register the words. Jin turns the shower on, setting it to the right temperature while Yoongi handled the towels.

“Namjoon’s sorting it,” is all Yoongi says.

“She’s not going in,” Hobi states what he thinks is the obvious. “We’ll get a doctor to call.”

“Deal with it in the morning, let’s just get my kitten to bed,” you couldn’t make out the words but you could hear the fondness in Yoongi’s voice. You opened your eyes long enough to take in his face and that soft smile he had for you, you’d never seen this one before, it was new, and it was making your heart beat faster, ridding your bones of sleep. Was the steam making the bathroom hotter?

You have to look away, it’s not an intense look of love he’s wearing but it’s so pure it does something to your insides.

“Hyung, why are you taking off the rest of your clothes?” Hoseok says, breaking the moment in an unimpressed tone.

“She can barely stand, I’m not sending her in there alone,” Jin replies aghast as the other two shake their heads in disapproval.

Soft hands pull you under warm water, watching the content sleepy grin on your face as soap lathers on your skin, stealing kisses as the other CEOs watch through the glass, happy envy in their smiles.

Keep reading

I’m a motherfucking sinner.

That’s it, that’s the tweet. If hell exists, or anything like it, I’ll be there and I’ll see all of you here because I’m sure there is a special place just for us When “possible hell” appreciates you more…damn, I love life (note the fucking sarcasm)

Ok so I’m not going to go into a detailed explanation about how much I enjoyed this whole chapter. Maknae line knows their shit. We stan. I hope the aftercare was good because my throat was hurting and I didn’t choke on Tae’s dick. I know it’s big, ok? I JUST KNOW IT. My throat feels it (it might be Covid, but eh). And then Jimin-ssi… Bro, just take my life and go. I don’t need it anymore. AND THEN JK. I’M NOT CUT OUT FOR THIS I’M TOO FRAGILE NOW I CAN’T THAT WAS SO HOT PLS THE BITING NEVER SEEMED SO HOT. FUCK.

Also, I love the hyung line, but stealing the nickname because “her reaction to it” and “they couldn’t help it” is not an excuse. They should sue. I would. SO THAT MEANS THAT I’M FUCKING CACKLING AT THEIR RAGE SJEHDJDNSJSNSJSJSB. This is gold. I love the revenge/suicide. It’s the best way to go. Adios.

Blue, I have missed you! AND YOUR STORIES! I’M SO SORRY I’VE DISAPPEARED PLEASE FORGIVE ME You’re the best! Brilliant Blue!


series: hush, yeah?
pairing: taehyung x reader(f)
genre: brother’s best friend au, music festival au ; angst(?), smut
summary: you start to have huge doubts and think it’s time to stop.
warnings: tension, language, taehyung’s an asshole (when is he not!!), mentions of sexual acts, marijuana mention, still picture tae in the header, ateez member cameo, transition chapter, i’m already apologizing for the end
notes:thank you endlessly to @sunshinekims​​​ and @chateautae​​​ for betaing on such short notice. also this chapter was going to be long but i decided to break it up into two because of.. reasons. 
dedication:this chapter is for my darling alyssa @jungkxook​​ (which should clue you in on who’s showing up LOLL.) also, i’ve only dropped you small hints but now the real thing is here!! thank you for the constant encouragement and thirst talks, always. i love you<3
taglist: under the cut and still open (18+ only!)
word count:7.1k
m.list|part 1|part 2 | part 3 | part 4




Keep reading

author appreciation!!!

¼ of the amazing quartet, i will do the other 3 in due time! i love my queen, i live for her werewolf au, plus there’s always the right mix of angst, fluff, and smut that is always chefs kiss… i super like that although her male characters are so obviously strong they are super soft too then it comes to female leads… and and and theres sort of redemption always for characters like Yoongi in Third Wheeling & Jimin in Bird Cage.

below are my fave fics from this author, but please do go ahead and browse all her works as they are all equally beautiful.

I Waited for You - just because its a Kim Seokjin fic and he’s an alpha!!! maybe i have not explored tumblr properly but i have come across very few Alpha Seokjin stories.

Welcome to Seoul Land - again, just because its a Kim Namjoon fic and werewolf au. my queen did not disappoint! Namjoon is so soft, ima cry…

When it Rain it Pours - i was swooning, a soft Namjoon for a roommate turned lovers…

What’s up Doc - ooohhhhh! soft Yoongi and i love the part where they whispers while waiting for test results, its so cute i swear! but, don’t be fooled coz we are talking about the queen here so the smut is top tier as per usual.

Snowed In&Live, Laugh, Love - bestfriends to lovers stories featuring our eternal sunshine Hoseok. imagine Hoseok telling his girlfriend that his best friend means the most to him in the world!!! if that is not in love i dont know what.. but, Hoseok in our queens story is amazing.

Siver & Blue - alpha Taehyung with lots of smuts, what else can you ask for?

Marshmallows and Report Card - i melted just like those marshmllows. Single dad AU for Taehyung.

The Price of Love - i swear i cried when i read this story… i mean can you blame me? its like lost and found love..

In Bloom - this is just sweet the kiss and make up is super lovely.. plus really imagine our baby bear Taehyung with tats…

Cabin Fever - our queen has lots of stories for Jungkook but this is my fave coz its hybrid story. the story is cute but then again the smut is hot!

show lots of love for our queen @untaemedqueen and follow and reblog pls pls pls



> genre : smut, ANGST

> pairing : kim taehyung x reader (f)

> total words : 6.2k

> content/warnings : mature language, explicit sexual content (fingering (f), unprotected penetrative sex -protect yourselves kids!), mentions of sexual acts, oral kink, toxic dynamic (they’re so mean to eo, idek why), e2l, angry sex, PINNING, nude, light dubconsent (they never verbalize anything so i thought i should add this)



Salty. The expression was created for Taehyung and this instant. 

One hand squeezed around an empty glass he’s too lazy to go get filled up again, another on his phone he’d annihilate in his fist if only he could. 

He’s hating this moment with all his being. He hates it even more because you’re the reason behind his torment. 

Afficher davantage


*Festivaled Away: Hot Boy Summer hosted by @bangtanbathhouse

-ticket: traveling//vacation

-main event: bubblegum (hot girl summer)

-games: food play


: pool boy!Taehyung x reader

: smut, pwp

: r (18+)

: swearing, kissing, masturbating, oral (giving and receiving), pet names, dirty talk, throat grabbing, food play, clit stimulation, cursing, poo/outdoor sex, standing sex

: 1.3k

: You are determined to enjoy your summer, and Taehyung wants to help. 

: a massive thank you to @sugakookitty​,@playmetheclassics​ and @baljinciaga​ for looking over this for me and dealing with my shite grammar. 


Cool for the summer.

That’s what’s on your mind as you lounge around at the pool. You’ve worked hard, getting high marks on your exams and having a perfect attendance record at your internship. You deserve to have this vacation in the Hamptons, spending your summer in the affluent seaside communities of New York City. 

You aren’t rich by any means; you lucked up finding this house thanks to your mom’s client. The house would be empty for a few months, and they needed someone to take care of the pets while they were gone. You figured you could enjoy yourself while you’re here.  The plus side? The house came with a hot pool boy named Taehyung. 

Your flight came in late, and you wanted to go for a swim. You didn’t feel like changing into your bikini, so you decided to go in naked. You felt free swimming in the cool water, washing away the jet lag you felt from traveling over a thousand miles across the country from your university. You weren’t expecting to find an attractive guy standing at the edge of the pool with a towel in hand.

“Who are you??” you question, hiding your breasts with your hands.

“What’s up? I’m the pool boy,” he hands you a towel. “Taehyung.”

To say you are embarrassed is an understatement. You quickly thank him for the towel and run into the house, your ass exposed as it wasn’t big enough to cover you. However, a small smile forms on your face at the thought of someone so hot seeing you naked. 

You thought about Taehyung every night after that, pleasuring yourself to the thought of him fucking you on the chaise lounge chair outside for everyone to see.  You’d watch him enter and leave the cabana, longing for him to be inside of you instead.


Today you decide to go for a swim—with clothes this time.

“Hi there,” Taehyung approaches you, drink in hand. “It’s about time you finally came out.”

You thank him, taking the drink and a sip after. It tastes sweet like strawberries and banana bubblegum blended to perfection, great for combating the summer heat.

“I’ve been busy,” you state. “Now I finally have some time to relax.”

“Ah, ok. I thought you were avoiding me because I saw you naked.”

You want to facepalm yourself. Even though it’s a blooming hell of an introduction, you would’ve chosen to announce yourself differently. 

Taehyung rakes his fingers through his luscious black hair. You take the opportunity to examine his facial features. His clear-tanned skin seems to glow as bright as his smile and his intense stare penetrates your skin like the sun’s piercing ray. However, his orbs still hold a hint of gentleness deep within their brown irises.  He’s sporting a black shirt and swim shorts, his physique outlined perfectly enough that your mind starts racing about you being underneath him.

“I promise I wasn’t doing that,” you smile behind your white lie. “I’m going to finally get in the water. Thanks for the drink.”

You set it down on the table and make your way towards the pool entrance.

“Maybe you should join me.” 

Feeling bold, you tap your feet playfully first before completely submerging yourself in the cool water. You allow yourself to get adjusted before going under, your body and water becoming one as you swim around the deep pool. 

As you go under, you can feel his eyes on you, and you don’t bother to hide your smirk. When you emerge and see Taehyung entering the water shirtless, your ego is more stroked. You got him right where you want him: hooked, lined, and sinker.

“What are you doing?” You feign ignorance.

He swims until he is close to you.

“Joining you, like you suggested.”

You lean back against the pool’s ledge as he stops in front of you. His hands find your waist, moving you closer to him until your body is pressed against his.

“Don’t be shy now,” he whispers.

“I’m not shy,” you say hotly.

“Prove it.”

You kiss him, your carnal lust taking over as your body gives into him. He obliges, undoing your bikini top until your breasts are free, massaging your nipples as your tongues swirl in each other’s mouths. You play at the hem of his swim shorts, pulling them down with some effort until you feel his length pop out free underwater. Your eyes widen at how big he is, and arousal pools in your center at the thought of him inside of you.

“You’re eager,” he chuckles. “You must really want some dick.”

He lifts your leg up, adjusting your bikini bottoms to the side before he enters your heat. You both moan in unison. The satisfaction of having each other in this position proves to be much better than you anticipated.

“You know I heard you up there,” he kisses you and fucks you slowly. “I know you were thinking of me while playing with your tight pussy.”

You don’t bother trying to deny it; your finger is settled nicely on your clit, and you don’t care about anything but being dicked down by him. Taehyung deepens his kiss. He thrusts into you deeper, and your body fully awakens as your walls clench around him.

“Yeah,” he grunts. “Be a good girl and keep moaning my name like that.”

Your nails dig into the back of his neck. You scream his name and turn into a whimpering mess as you reach your climax.

“Coming already?” His voice is dark, and he increases his pace. “We are just getting started.”

Taehyung pulls out of you slowly, leading you out of the pool and laying you on the lounging chair. He grabs the drink you left and pours it slowly over your breasts, giving you chills as the juice travels down your stomach. His tongue swirls around your nipples, jolts of electricity and pleasure spreading throughout your body. Your bottoms are pulled off, with Taehyung leaving soft kisses against your thighs before ravishing your sweet core. 

“What a pretty sight,” he hummed against your pussy.

Your mind goes blank as pleasure overtakes your body, you grip on his hair as the coil snaps in your stomach. He sucks the juices out of you, his lips smacking loudly like you were the best thing he ever tasted.

“God, you’re going to suck me dry,” you moan.

Your legs shake and you collapse on the chair. Taehyung rises up slowly, his hand stroking his large cock. Precum drips from it slowly like honey, looking delectable and making you want a taste. Despite being ripe with sensitivity, you still want him, specifically his cock in your mouth.

“Can I taste it?” You lick your lips.

“Of course, sweetheart.”

You open your mouth wide, your tongue sticking out as he slides in a long stroke. Your reflexes are strong, allowing him to fuck your throat roughly. You two make eye contact, and he bites his lip, singing sweet praises while your hand travels down to your core. Still sensitive, you rub yourself softly, jolts of electricity pulsing through your legs.

“Fuck,” his breath is shaky. “Can’t wait to blow my load and fill this pretty little mouth of yours.”

His hand sneaks towards your throat, his thrusts faster and rougher. Saliva spreads around his thick shaft, your mouth full of him as he pulls closer to release.

“Gonna fucking fill your mouth with my cum,” he grits his teeth.

Taehyung pulls out, stroking himself until white drops spurt on your tongue and cover your face. He slides into your mouth one last time, his load filling your mouth quickly as you swallow him. He tastes sweet, like the drink you had earlier. You keep bopping your head until he pulls out, lifting up your face and leaving a kiss.

“I’m going to have fun with you all summer.”


Main masterlist

“J-joon” you moaned loudly as another wave of pleasure hit your body causing you to see stars while Namjoonsmirked looking at your weak body helplessly squirming under him. He groaned when you clenched around him tightly causing him to thrust inside you hard “fuck babygirl how are you still so fucking tight?” He grunted when your nails scratched his back leaving red marks but he didn’t give a damn about. You whined looking at him with half closed eyes and pulled him down to a messy kiss. Your tongue and teeth clashed before you pulled back and attacked your lips to his neck sucking harshly causing him to growl and fuck into you deeper and a cry of his name escaped your lips “d-daddy!” He groaned and suddenly pulled out but before you could even whimper at the sudden emptiness, he turned you around making you lay on your stomach with your ass up in the air. You both moaned in sync as he entered inside your even tighter asshole. The new angle giving him much more access to every part of your warm and plush ass hole. Your face was squished against the pillow and a line of drool was seen too but you could care less when your fiancee was literally fucking you into the mattress. “Yeah? You like that? Fuck baby i shouldn’t even let you cum with the way you were teasing me the whole night. Were you that desperate for my cock? Fucking slut” you moaned shamelessly nodding as you became a babbling mess “y-yes daddy! Like your cock so much” you cried out as the coil forming in your stomach snapped and you came without a warning causing namjoon to groan “you are so fucking beautiful. Bet you will look more beautiful with my seed right? ” you nodded immediately and he chuckled darkly “makes me want to fuck a child inside you. Would look so fucking pretty round with my kid” “y-yes! Want your seed joon” you gasped when he shooted his load of heavy cum inside you with a low moan of your name. Before he fell besides you breathing heavily. After a few minutes of just heavy breathing he asked “ tomorrow is your day off right?” “Yeah why?” You mumbled feeling your eyes getting heavier which widened when he suddenly flipped you around and hovered above you with a smirk “then let’s put all those baby shoes to use babygirl ” you moaned at his words and your hand went to stroke his already hard cock.

So he wasn’t joking about the baby making part

Sexy Killer

Pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader

Theme: Crime au! fluff, angst, etc, etc.

Warning: None

A/n: Lamme know if you like it by reblogging the post!



“For the record, killing people: not sexy,” Taehyung signed as he looked own at Yn’s bloody hands, pulling out a handkerchief, he handed it to her, turning away from the gruesome sight.

“ButI am sexy, right?” Yn asked, following after him, a smile on her face as she trailed along. She was born for this life, it was one of the first things he had realized about her. She loved doing this, the feeling of a weapon in hand, slicing through the gut of anyone who dared to object to anything she said.

“Yes, you are sexy, but what you do is NOT sexy,” He admitted as Yn hummed, skipping along as they head towards the car. Taehyung checked the time. Two more minutes, he counted each second. They were already in the car by the time the building exploded, glass shattering, and people screaming, it sounded like a successful mission to them.

“You’re not very sexy either, you know,” She taunted with a mischievous grin. He smiled as he maneuvered the wheel. He wasn’t quite sure where they were supposed to go, he was hoping Yn would come up with a place to go.

“Where are we going?” Yn asked as she yanked at her hoodie, splattered with blood, tossing it out of the window into the field they were passing by. He shrugged, “I was hoping you’d know,” was his reply.

They both decided to call the other members to see if anyone would be willing to give them shelter for the night. Stopping at a Walmart, the two of them walked in, wearing the extra pair of clothes they had bought with them.

Yn casually strolled around the store, her hands in her pockets, pretending to check the prices, she scanned for cameras and staff, planning her moves carefully. Taehyung was doing the same in the food and fuel aisle.

The two of them met at the back of the store, away from staff and cameras, none of them talking, a firm nod towards each other confirmed that they got everything they need. Yn was the one who went to the counter to get the stuff she picked billed.

A pack of gum, a chocolate bar, and lipstick. The cashier didn’t seem to care about what Yn bought, only seeming annoyed for having customers so late at night. She took the 5$ note Yn shoved into her hand without saying a word.

Yn was quick to grab her things, heading towards the car that was waiting for her. “Did you get it?” Taehyung confirmed as he pulled out of the parking lot, Yn thought he looked very sexy with one hand on the wheel and the other on the back of her seat. Yn nodded as she sat comfortably as he pulled away from her to hand her the pack of Oreos he had managed to grab undetected.

“Yeah,” Yn answered, pulling out the burner phone from inside her hoodie. They quickly activated it before thinking of who to call first. Yoongi was their first choice, of course, but his phone was picked up by his assistant, who informed them that he was interrogating someone and would be back in a while.

They decided to call Hoseok next, knowing that it would take ages for Yoongi to finish his interrogation. Hobi was a good man, always opening his doors for the two of them, giving them snacks and fresh clothes, and going the extra mile to make sure the two of them were comfortable. But the answer here was no, Hobi had a raid on his house last night and he had gone off the radar for protection.

Yn signed as she hung up after making sure he was okay. “Who next?” She asked, Taehyung thought for a moment before suggesting Jimin. Yn dialed the number, the phone rang for a moment before going dead. She tried again-still no answer.

There were similar responses from the other members, Jin was abroad, settling a deal and Jungkook was on a mission and Namjoon was busy with planning the net mission.

Taehyung signed deeply as Yn hung up after the call with Namjoon. They were supposed to get rid of the car soon and they couldn’t do that if they didn’t have a place to stay the night at. That was when he got an idea.

He quickly revved up the car, letting the engine heat up for a moment before taking the road up the hill. “Where are we going?” Yn asked, offering him a piece of gum. “What do you think of sleeping under the stars?” He asked, Yn’s eyes widened, “Is that what we’re going to do?” Yn questioned.

He just grinned at her before instructing her to take all their things which were scattered all over the car. Yn did as told while he drove uphill, rushing them out of the city and into the country side.

They came to an empty road with no houses in sight. Taehyung killed the engine, stepping out and going to the other side to help Yn with their things which included air pillows, a blanket along with snacks, weapons and explosives. He took Yn’s hand in his as he led the way, leaving the car where it was. They climbed a tiny hill before deciding on a spot to settle down for the night.

It was in the middle of an empty path of grass, no sight of any people around them. The two of them set up their spot with ease, spreading the blanket and setting the pillows above. Yn dropped the rest of the stuff on the blanket, deciding to get rid of the car and then go to sleep.

The two of them went back to the car, a lighter in Tae’s hand. He lit up a piece of paper, opening the fuel tank of the car, he dropped it in. Yn immediately stepped back and so did he as the car quickly caught flames. They went back to their little picnic, laying down on the blanket, they snuggled close to each-other, Tae’s arm wrapped around her waist and Yn’s leg on his, as they shared a pack of gummy bears.

Taehyung could feel himself go soft as he saw Yn struggle to stay awake. His insomnia meant that he would be up all night, but she was adorable for wanting to keep him company. He watched in amusement as Yn’s head tilted to the side as she slowly fell asleep, using his arm as her personal pillow.

“I love you,” He whispered as he toyed with her hair, sure, she was a dangerous woman, but to him she was pretty little Yn, a beautiful girl who made killing look sexy.




“They look cute, don’t they”

*click, click, snap, snap*

“I think we should wake them up and get them home”

“Yes, I think so too”

Yn woke up at the noise, struggling to open her eyes, she pulled away from Taehyung’s warm and soft body. “Morning sweet cakes, did you enjoy sleeping in Taehyung’s arms all night?” Jimin asked, struggling to hold in his laughter at Yn’s state of disarray.

Yn nodded, not really paying attention to the question to them. She looked like she wanted to lay back down. “Wake up,” Jin grunted as he yanked Yn to her feet while Jungkook tried to get Taehyung to wake up.

Namjoon decided to pair them together more often.



Toxic: Teaser

Summary: Taehyung would do anything to make you his.

Teaser Word Count: 1.2k

Warnings: yandere, toxic behavior, obsession, stalking, nonconsensual pornography, phone sex, masturbation, use of stolen panties?

Taehyung had just stepped out of the shower when his phone rang. He groaned and trudged over to answer it, his eyebrows raising along with the corner of his lip when he saw your name flash across the screen. Ever since he’d come to your rescue that night at your apartment, you’d been contacting him more, wanting to be around him more. You’d visit his desk more often, coming up with questions you already knew the answer to, creating problems and asking him for help because IT takes way too long. 


“Hey, Tae. What are you up to?” 

“Just got out of the shower, so I’m about to get dressed. You?”

You paused, the mental image of him in nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, hanging low and exposing his v-line, droplets of water slowly dripping down his tanned skin… you swallowed.

Keep reading

Please tag me.

Eep! Will do, lovely!

Toxic: Teaser

Summary: Taehyung would do anything to make you his.

Teaser Word Count: 1.2k

Warnings: yandere, toxic behavior, obsession, stalking, nonconsensual pornography, phone sex, masturbation, use of stolen panties?

Taehyung had just stepped out of the shower when his phone rang. He groaned and trudged over to answer it, his eyebrows raising along with the corner of his lip when he saw your name flash across the screen. Ever since he’d come to your rescue that night at your apartment, you’d been contacting him more, wanting to be around him more. You’d visit his desk more often, coming up with questions you already knew the answer to, creating problems and asking him for help because IT takes way too long. 


“Hey, Tae. What are you up to?” 

“Just got out of the shower, so I’m about to get dressed. You?”

You paused, the mental image of him in nothing but a towel wrapped loosely around his waist, hanging low and exposing his v-line, droplets of water slowly dripping down his tanned skin… you swallowed.

“Just bored. I was wondering… nah, nevermind it’s dumb,” you backtracked, suddenly too nervous to follow through with your plan.

“No, what is it?” He pressed.

“I was wondering if… maybe you could just talk to me? I just want to hear your voice. Tell me a story or something?” You bit your lip nervously waiting for a reply.

“Okay,” he agreed easily, pulling up the footage from the teddy bear he’d given you.

You were in bed, nothing but a sports bra and a flimsy pair of pajama shorts that clung to your thighs like Taehyung wanted to cling to them. 

“When I was in high school, I had this friend who really liked magic,” Taehyung began, attempting to entertain you while watching closely to your reactions.

“Mhm,” you encouraged, your hand coming up to knead at your breast.

Taehyung’s eyes widened, momentarily pausing before he continued the story.

“He would do card tricks every day at lunch, but they never actually worked,” he continued.

You listened, not responding, holding the phone to your ear with one hand and kneading your breast with the other, occasionally pinching and pulling at your nipple. Soon, you discarded the fabric covering your tits altogether, biting back a moan while you kneaded and pinched while listening to Taehyung speak. The soft timbre of his low voice just did things to you and you couldn’t stop thinking about how sexy he had sounded the previous Friday when he presented his PowerPoint to your boss. The way he licked his lips while he spoke, the way his body moved with so much power. You whimpered out loud and Taehyung’s breath caught in his throat.

“Sorry, stubbed my toe, go ahead,” you lied, putting yourself on mute to avoid any further distractions. You put Taehyung on speaker and laid the phone by your head while you shimmied off your sleep shorts, revealing your bare pussy to Taehyung’s hungry eyes, unbeknownst to you of course. You played with your outer lips for a bit before slipping a finger inside and collecting your arousal, spreading it along your pussy, biting your lip at the feeling of the lubrication  gliding over your clit. 

It took everything inside of Taehyung, every ounce of self control he possessed to keep his cool and pretend he didn’t know what you were doing to yourself, using him to get yourself off. He swallowed thickly and kept talking, his eyes trained on you while you rubbed your finger in circles around your bundle of nerves before sliding it inside your heat. You moaned, which Taehyung heard through the one Bluetooth earpiece he’d connected to his computer so he could listen to you without getting caught while you listened to him. His cock was throbbing with need but he couldn’t distract himself, he had to play it cool.

You gasped and your back arched off your bed while you pleasured yourself to the sound of Taehyung’s voice. You blindly reached towards your bedside table for your vibrator, quickly inserting it inside yourself and imagining Taehyung’s shaft was buried inside you instead. You whimpered his name and it nearly sent Taehyung into cardiac arrest, sucking in a stunned breath. You froze, sitting up and asking if he could hear you, but he just continued the story as if nothing happened. You melted with relief, sliding the toy back inside your heat and groaning, turning the volume up on your phone so it sounded like he was speaking right into your ear.

“Turns out he was super good at the disappearing rabbit trick though, kinda turned him into a girl magnet believe it or not,” he told you while you pressed the vibrator deeper inside, your body beginning to shake.

“Fuck, yeah, Taehyung, right there! Oh Tae!” 

Your moans were music to Taehyung’s ears, he couldn’t believe he was the one causing them. He only wished he could be there in person to cause them, show you how good he could make you feel. But you weren’t ready yet. You would come to him (and for him) soon. You were on your way. You screamed out his name as your orgasm washed over you and Taehyung whimpered quietly to himself, but if you could hear him, you gave no indication of it, falling to your bed with a thud and panting heavily. 

“Then during the talent show he did that trick where you cut someone in half,” he kept talking, pretending he didn’t know what you had just done, and you closed your eyes with a smile, just listening to the vibrato of his voice for a while.

Soon, the story was over and you were almost asleep, content and happy after a wonderful masturbation session.

“Did you get what you needed from me?” Taehyung asked, his tone slightly darker, almost seductive.

“W-what?” You asked, your heart thumping erratically. Had he heard you touching yourself and calling out his name? Surely not. You had muted. You had checked!

“Did you get what you needed? Whatever you called for?” He rephrased, evening his tone out.

“Oh, yes. I feel much better. Very relaxed, so I can sleep now. Which is why I called you,” you added hastily.

“Oh, well glad I could help. You can call me for whatever you need help with, whenever you need it,” he smirked to himself.

“Thank you Tae, same to you. Sweet dreams!”

“Sweet dreams, Y/N.”

Taehyung immediately dropped his towel and grabbed his throbbing cock, pulling up your nude photographs and grabbing the panties he’d swiped from your hamper, pressing them to his nose with a deep inhale. He toyed with the idea of using them to stroke himself but didn’t want to lose your scent. He started pumping his shaft to the idea of being able to taste your sweet cunt while he ate you out, or you riding his cock and making the beautiful noises you’d made today, crying out his name when he made you cum over and over and over again. Taehyung was shaking, he was so aroused, and it didn’t take him long to spill all over his hand, your name falling from his lips as came. 

Taehyung knew it was almost time, his heart was racing with the possibilities. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on you.

Toxic | kth [m] coming soon!

This is my first time writing a yandere story, as I decided to try and push myself as a creator and see what I could do. This is also my first time planning a chaptered fanfiction; Toxic will be a multi-part fanfiction. Please give me some grace as we go on this journey together! There is currently no specific release date, but I am working on chapters as I am able :)

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. This is NOT healthy behavior. This is not okay. If someone ever tries to treat you like this, RUN or use resources like these : 

Victim Connect Resource Center

Crisis Text Line

Love Is Respect Helpline: 1-866-331-9474.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233.

#kim taehyung    #taehyung    #bts taehyung    #bts kim taehyung    #bts tae    #yandere    #tw yandere    #bts smut    #bts v smut    #bts taehyung smut    #kim taehyung smut    #taehyung smut    #teaser    

Wedding (Kim Seokjin)

A/N: Attention SMUT ahead. I saw the pictures of him at the wedding of his brother so I wrote this. Enjoy!!

Jin was looking around the room nervously while you were fixing his tie. “Hey Popstar.” you called him knowing that he hated that nickname. He rolled his eyes and you chuckled. After you were finished with his tie you brushed your palms over his shoulders to flatten his black suit. He was still nervously moving and you finally cupped his face to keep him still. “Hey.” you said again making him look into your eyes. You smiled and you could see his worried features. “It’s going to be fine.” you said and he sighed defeatedly. “This is horrible.”

“No it’s not. Come on.” you said and leaned in to give him a peck on his lips. “It’s a small ceremony. There are no paparazzis and Oppa needs you with him.” you said and he looked away, sadness filling his eyes. “I think he would appreciate it more if I didn’t show up.” he said and you shook your head. “No, Jin. You´re his brother. Family. He needs you to be there.”

“You don’t get it. It’s supposed to be his big day and no matter what I do people will shift their attention on to me.” he said now seeming really selfconcious. “I´m really sorry that I can´t take you with me. That will just throw everything out of proportion.” he apologized and you sent a warm smile his way. “Don´t be sorry. I totally get it. Just enjoy the day with your family and make your mom happy.” you said and he suddenly wrapped his arms around you. “I don´t know how you can be so good towards my family even though they´re giving you a hard time. Especially my mom.” he said after placing a kiss on top of your head and you chuckled. “That´s not true, Jin. She´s just worrying about her son. And that´s her right as a mom.” you said trying to ease his mind. His mom was giving you a hard time. She didn´t like you very much and sometimes it did hurt your feelings and put a strain on your relationship with Jin, but you overcame everything together. He was about to say something when the door to the dressing room was pushed open and his mom walked in, wearing a beautiful yellow hanbok, making you two pull apart. Both of you bowed to greet her and she nodded back. “We´re ready to leave when you are.” she said towards Jin and he nodded. “I´ll be right out.” he smiled at his mom and tried to play off his nervousness. “We´ll see you tonight, Y/N.” his mom adressed you and you smiled politely. “Have a great ceremony. I´ll congratulate Oppa and Unnie when you´re back.” 

His mom nodded at your answer and turned away towards the door. “I´ll wait outside.” she said and you were surprised that she didn´t drag Jin out of the room. You put your hand against his back and pushed him forwards gently. “Go. I´ll see you tonight. Have fun.” you said and he gave you an apologizing kiss before going after his mom. 


You spent the evening doing things you didn´t have the time to do usually. There must have been a few people who snuck photos and posted them online without anyone recognizing because you saw photos from the wedding online as you scrolled through social media. You were snuggled up on the couch, some random show running on tv while you were on your phone. A smile spread across your features as you saw Jin on the photos. He was really trying hard not to draw attention. He was nervously clasping his hands or standing in the back at a table greeting new comers. His tall and broad statue didn´t help his attempt not to draw attention. You would have some calming down to do when he came back from the wedding. 

It was late at night when you heared the lock of the door click announcing that they arrived. When someone walked ino the living room you expected it to be Jin but found his mom walking up to you. You stood up immediatly to welcome her and she sat down on the couch next to you. “Do you want to drink anything?” you asked politely but she just shook her head and patted the seat next to her. “Come on sit down. I need to tell you something.” she said and your eyes widened. What could be this important that she needed to talk to you at this time of day?

“I know I didn´t particularly welcome you to the family.” she said and you started an attempt at denying it but she stopped you with a hand gesture. “I gave you a hard time this whole time but..” she said and looked away from you,”as I heared how you talked to my son today while he was getting ready for the wedding..I-..you calmed him down, never said a bad thing about us even though it would´ve been your right - I cursed about my in laws whenever they were not around and I was alone with my husband - you´re always trying really hard to make him happy and you take care of him. He looked like a lost puppy at the wedding without you.” she said in one go, as if it cost her all her energy to say that. A big smile spread across your face. “I´m still unsure if you´re the right one for my son.” she said trying to hold up her pride,”but as long as he thinks you are, I´m going to be nice to you.” 

“Thank you. This means a lot to me.” you thanked her and before she could say anything footsteps got closer and Jin was standing in the room. “What means a lot?” he asked and a hint of horror passed the features of his mom, afraid you might tell him what his mom just did. “Nothing. She just brought some photos and food back for me from the wedding.” you lied and she exhaled in relief. “I´ll get going.” she said and got up. “Aren´t you staying the night? It´s late.” Jin said but she shook her head in denial. “No way.” she said and was her old self immediately which made you chuckle lightly.


He tried making you tell him what you really talked about but you just brushed it off everytime. He was lying in bed next to you with his arm wrapped around your shoulders and your head resting against the side of his chest. “I’m proud of you Jin.” you said into the dimm lit room and he placed a kiss on top of your head. “I’ve done nothing to be proud of. You’re the one pulling me through all of this.” he said and you rolled your eyes. He was the worst at accepting praise. You swung your leg over his hip to sit on top of him and smiled down at him. He looked surprised at your actions but very happy nonetheless. He rest his hands on your hips and let his fingers glide under your oversized shirt. His cold fingertips against your warm skin gave you goosebumps. “Did you miss me while I was gone?” he tried teasing you but you were feeling too confident to be teased by him. “Baby I know for a fact that you need me more than I need you right now.” you said sliding your hands down in between your legs to fumble with the waistband of his shorts. “All that built up tension…” you purred and stroked over his member,”has to go somewhere.” you teased him back and his eyes changed from bright and peacefull to dark and lustfilled in seconds. “I mean…” you said sliding your hands back up and under his shirt to pull it up. He lift his torso for you to pull his shirt over his head. You breath catched in your throat at seeing this beautifully built man laying in front of you in all his glory. The moonlight was shimmering on his toned skin and made him look extra delicious. “I saw the photos and you were looking really,…” you kept talking while tracing his lower abdomen with your fingertips while slowly grinding your hips against him,”really stressed out. Keeping all that stress can’t be healthy for you.”

He growled something under his breath as the friction of his shorts sent sensations to his brain that would push him over the edge shortly. “Babe..” he hissed as you picked up your pace and his grip got tigther on your hips. You lift your arms above your head signaling him to take off your shirt and he did that immediately with no hesitation whatsoever. He leaned up to take your bra off too and tossed it to the side before leaning in to place kisses on your chest. When he sucked and played with your nipple you let out a statisfied moan and you could feel him smile against your skin. He moved up to your throat and arrived at your ear with his wet kisses while he kneaded your breast with his hand firing himself up. You could feel him growing harder and harder underneath you. You were already dripping wet from all of the action and the fabric seperating you drove you crazy. He captured your lips with his and you grind harder against him to pull a deep moan out of him. “Take them off.” you said in between kisses and he did while you took your own panties off. You were about to climb back on top when he arched a brow and you smiled at him. “I’ll take care of you today.” you said and let you fingers tangle in his hair while climbing back onto his lap. You wrapped your hand around his leangth and stroked him a few times to get him fully ready. While you sat up to align him at your entrance, he cupped your face and kissed you passionately. As you pushed down on him he let out a low groan and burried his face in the crook of your neck. “Fuck me.” he cursed at the sensation of your walls clenching around him. “Shit…” he said breathlessly and you smiled enjoying your own high. You tucked at his roots while he streched you out real good. You bit yourself into his shoulder while trying to adjust to his girth. He started kissing your shoulder and neck softly when he realized that you were having a hard time adjusting. “Ugh..it’s been so long.” you moan in to his shoulder and the moan leaving your lips makes him want to pound into you until you’re left moaning his name. He’s been on tour before the wedding and when he came back he was so wrapped up in the wedding preperations that there was no room for you two to catch up. “I need to move.” you beg him after adjusting and realizing that he has a firm grip on your hips not allowing you to move even an inch. “If you answer my question.” he says suddenly out of the blue and you pull away to look at him. The tiny movement making you both wince in desire. “What? Ask me. Hurry.” you say impatiently and he smiles. “What did you talk about with my Mom?” he asks and your eyes almost fall out of your head.

“Jin!” you scold him while slapping his chest,”how can you ask me about your mom while your fucking dick is inside of me?!”

He laughes at your reaction and kiss your lips. “Major turn of.” you growl after he pulls away. “Tell me.”

“No!” you exclaim and try pushing off him because this is getting ridicilous. You manage to move a few inches and the friction blows both of your minds after not moving for such a long time. “I never thought soaking would be this pleasing.” he panted against your lips while both of you tried really hard not to move. “I know.” you breathed, the tiny argument from seconds ago long forgotten. “I don’t think I can handle you moving.” he moaned while holding onto your back and a devilish smile spread across your face. His hands were already trembling and he wasn’t holding on as hard as before so you could easily move up to let him slide out of you. Both of you moaned in unison at the feeling and you pushed back down immeaditely because the emptiness felt horrible. “Jin-…oh fuck.” you cursed, not able to form a logical sentence, while you kept grinding on him picking up your pace.

“You feel so good.” he praised you and slid his fingers between your folds and started circling your clit harshly to add to your pleasure. You took your lower lip in between your lips, closed your eyes and leaned your head back to enjoy the sensation of his fingers. “So beautiful.” he breathed and you clenched around him which made him moan out in pleasure. “Jin..” you tried to warn him that you were close but just couldn’t gather your thoughts. When he felt you getting closer he finally thrust his hips up to meet yours which made you cry out his name. “Right there, right there.” you moaned and he drowned it in a kiss. “I’m so-…” you pressed out and he nodded knowingly. “Cum for me baby.” he purred into your ears and nibbled at your earlobe before sucking at your sweetspot. That pushed you off the edge and you came moaning his name through the entire apartment. Your statisfaction made him follow close and your movement became sloppy while both of you rode out your highs.


You were back in cuddling position just without clothes this time and much much more statisfied and relaxed. Your eyes were closed because your eyelids were heavy and when something came to your mind you smiled to yourself. “Jin?” you whispered sounding very sleepy. “Hmm?” he stirred and you chuckled. “She thanked me for taking good care of you.” you said happily and snuggled closer to him. There was a long silence and you could practically hear his inappropriate joke coming. “If you make an inapropriate joke about me taking good care of your dick while I’m talking about what your mom said, your sleeping on the couch tonight. Try me.” you warned him and he chuckled nervously while pulling you closer. “You are taking good care of me.” he finally said and you rolled your eyes before both of you fell asleep happily.

Nightstand (Min Yoongi)

A/N: This one is angsty as fck WARNING: mentions of self harm and death…idk why I’m doing this to myself I appearently enjoy pain, so enjoy it too

“Please just don´t do anything. Someone is coming.” the guy on the other end of the line said but you were too far gone in your thoughts to identify or understand him. You put your phone next to you on the handrail you were sitting. You watched as the sun went down and the water underneath you flowed hurriedly under the bridge. Your legs dangled towards the water and you could hear people gathering behind you but it was all hazy. “Y/N?” you heared a familiar voice call your name and furrowed your brows. “Y/N?” your name was being called louder, the person closer now and you looked over your shoulder to look into those brown eyes you once loved so much. You chuckled at his sight and shook your head while looking down to your lap. “I can´t believe they sent you.” you said to yourself and were sure that he could hear it too. “Do you wanna come down?” he said and you chuckled again. “Do I look like I want to?” you said and he had to think fast what he could say next. You were too calm for his liking and panic started to set in his guts. “Can I sit next to you?” he asked and you shrugged your shoulders looking straight ahead and ignoring what was happening behind you.

Yoongi signed everone to step away and move along while nodding towards the police officers that he got it under controll. He was praying to all the gods that he actually had it under controll. Carefull he swung his legs over the railing and planted himself next to you. “You know,” you said while watching the brids fly higher and higher, “your the least person I want to see right now.” Your confession that didn´t surprise him didn´t help his panic at all. He didn´t know why Jin called him but as soon as he explained what was going on he found himself on the bridge. “Should I leave?” he asked and you shrugged your shoulders again. “You can do whatever. I don´t own this bridge.” you said and took a deep breath while letting go of the railing and he almost grabbed onto your arm, afraid that you might lean forward.”I´m not here to jump Yoongs. You can stop staring at me.” you said with closed eyes but he was still tense and ready to catch you. “Then why are you sitting here?” he asked and his pet name falling from your lips made his heart yearn for your attention. “Why do you even care? We broke up remember?” you said and those words were like dagers through his heart. “I´m tired.” you said before he could think of a response, “I´m tired of living.” you said with a sad smile on your lips and the panic got the best of him and he grabbed your wrist. Your head snapped towards him and you looked at him with an arched brow. “I´m not here to jump.” you said again seeing the look in his eyes and groaned. “Are you going to believe me if I get off the railing?” you asked and he nodded immediatly. “One can´t even enjoy the sunset anymore.” you said while swinging your legs back. As soon as you jumped off on to the bridge you found yourself in Yoongis arms, your own dangling by your side. When he noticed you not hugging him back he let you go and you realized that his hands were slightly trembling even though he looked calm. “There are easier ways to die.” you said and shrugged your shoulders, “Also I can´t do that to my Mom.” you said leaning against the railing now and crossing your arms infront of your chest. “How do you think she’d feel?” you asked watching the sky which had a light pink hue since the sun was going down. “Devestated.” Yoongi said like it was on the tip of his tongue and you chuckled. “Yeah. She’d be the only one.” you mumbled to yourself and he found himself shaking his head. This was a nightmare to him. He wanted to wake up. “Well if I did. It wouldn’t b because of any of you.” you said and turned towards the water and let your arms hang over the handrail. Yoongi stood next to you, his shoulder brushing yours lightly. You pushed him playfully with your shoulder and he relaxed a little bit seeing that you were fine…well you were okay. “It’s not your fault.” he heared you say and his head snapped towards you. “What?” he asked an a high pitched ringing appeared. “It really isn’t.” you said and Yoongi furrowed his brows because his sight was getting fuzzy.

He blinked a few times and suddenly he was in his room. In his bed, staring at the ceiling. It was really silent and it was unbearable. Especially when his mind caught up on what just happened. He looked over to his night stand to see your picture smiling back at him and a sudden sobb escaped his throat and he shut his eyes again, covering them with his arm. He wanted to sleep again, he wanted to see you, hear you again. Another sobb escaped his lips and it didn’t take him long to be full on crying. His painfull cries became so loud that his bandmates came in and he was embraced in a big hug by his leader. “I saw her.” Yoongi sobbed while Namjoon carressed Yoongis back and let him cry. “I miss her so much.” Yoongi said and his voice broke along with Namjoons heart. “I know.” Namjoon said trying to calm him down. “I know.” he said again looking at the picture of you on his nightstand.


I’m opening my requests for a lil bit if y’all wanna request anything shoot me don’t actually shoot me this is not an american school oops she didn’t yes she did

I’ll take like 7 requests for now, let’s see what happens

You could’ve been nicer {BTS} pt. 3

Part 1 /Part 2

Summary: How do the boys react when you tell them “I think you could’ve been nicer to me today”?

Jung Hoseok

You were lying next to each other bodies tangled as an aftermath of the activities you just finished. Both of you were still slightly breathing heavy. Hobi had one arm wrapped around you and brushed his fingertips gently your arm up and down. Your hand rest on his bare chest and you were tempted to tease his hardend nipple but decided to tease him other wise.

“Hoseok?” “Hm?” he answered immediatly hearing his real name fall from your lips and not any type of pet name. “What’s wrong?” he asked trying to see your face to identify how you were feeling. “I think you could’ve been nicer to me today.” you said while hiding your face because there was no way you could hide your smile. His whole body tensed up and you kind of felt bad - but also not. “Wait, what?” he asked and you could hear that he felt sorry through his voice. “Was I too rough?” he asked and blood flushed to your cheeks. When you didn’t answer he pulled away gently and cupped your face with his hand to make you look at him. “Did I hurt you?” he asked and he was seriously concerned about your well being. His eyes were looking for anytype of discomfort he might have caused you. “No you could’ve been just a little nicer.” you said and his eyes looked sad all of a sudden and this time you felt really bad.

“I’m so sorry. I thought you would tell me if anything isn’t the way you want. I’m sorry. I’ll be more carefull next time. I thought you liked it rough since you never said anything.” he apologized and suddenly his eyes went wide. “Was I too rough the whole time? Did I hurt you this whole time?” he said and his voice sounded a few octaves higher feom shock. “Oh baby no!” you backtracked immediately as you saw that your prank backfired. “I was joking. I was just joking.” you ensured him but he shook his head. “No, you need to tell me stuff like this. You can’t keep it to yourself just because you think my feelings will get hurt. Your safety is more important than…”

“Hoseok it was a joke! I pranked you!” you interrupted him and pressed your palm against his mouth to make him shut up. “I was just trying to get a reaction out of you. It’s a trend that’s going around.” you explained and leaned down to his ear,”I love it when you take me rough and ruthless all night long.” you purred and your hot breath against his ear gave him goosebumps. Suddenly he flipped you over and was hovering over you. “I’ll show you rough and ruthless.”

Park Jimin

Jimin came into the living room after he changed into something comfy and let himself fall right onto the couch next to you. He laid his head in your lap and you brushed your fingers through his hair. “Min.” you called him and he opened his eyes. “I feel like you could’ve been nicer to me today.” you said and he let out a tired chuckle. “What do you mean?” he asked and closed his eyes again. “Just that you could’ve been nicer.” you said and he turned onto his back and opened his eyes to look up at you. “Babe I haven’t seen you in a week. Let alone today. I literally came home two hours ago.” he explained and tried to understand what you were getting at. “How could I have been not nice?” he asked and was about to blow your cover but you suddenly forgot about the prank. “You’re right. I almost never see you. There is no time for nice things.” you said under your breath and your sudden change in mood made him sit up and look at you. “Hey.” he said to grab your attention and you looked at him. You chuckled sadly and shook your head. “Nevermind. I was trying to prank you but it kind of backfired. Forget about it. You’re tired. You should rest.” you said and patted your legs to signal him to lay back down.

“Are you mad at me?” he asked and you sighed. “No! No, of course not.” you said and took his hand into yours. “I just missed you. And you rubbing in that you’re almost never around didn’t make it better.” you explained and he chuckled while wrapping his arm around you and pulling you close to him. “You accused me of not being nice.” he said and kissed the top of your head. You poked his tummy and he laughed. “It was supposed to be funny.” you said now realizing that it was just stupid. “It’s funny now.” he laughed and you rolled your eyes. “Shut up.” you pouted and he tightened his hug while you felt his chest vibrate from his laughter.

You could’ve been nicer {BTS} pt. 2

Part 1 /Part 3

Summary: How do the boys react when you tell them “I think you could’ve been nicer to me today”?

Min Yoongi

You were lying under a blanket, Yoongi sitting opposite of you, your legs were tangled with his and you were munching on some sweets he had brought for you. He was carressing your leg while scrolling through his phone. You’ve been scrolling through your own phone when the idea struck you. You opened the camera of your phone and started filming him before speaking up. “Yoongs?” you said and he looked up with an arched brow. “I think you could’ve been nicer to me today.” you said and he looked confused for a second. “What did I-…What’d I do?” he asked, his voice concerned, while putting his snack away and while you were thinking about something to keep up the act, his gaze wandered down from your face to your hands. He immediately rolled his eyes and took back his snack from the table. “Yeah?” he said and kept snacking on his chips. “Nicer how? Like the blanket I brought you? Or like the snacks I bought? Or wait wait…” he said lifting his index finger, obviously making fun of you,”like the dishes I washed, because you were having period cramps.” He nodded towards you to ask for an answer and he chuckled when you didn’t answer. “I am being nice to you now shut up.” he said while unpausing his video on the phone. “No!” you said while gently kicking your feet trying to regain his attention. “You should’ve been nicer to me.” you tried to keep up your prank but he just smiled to himself. “You’re recording me baby. I’m not dumb I’ve figured.” he answered while looking at his phone and made you laugh nervously. “You’re unbelievable. I was trying to prank you.” you said swatting his shoulder playfully. “Holding your phone like that is always suspicious. That’s obvious fan behavior right there.” he explained and you rolled your eyes at his word. In one swift movement you were hovering over him and took him by surprise. “I’m not your fan.” you said with a hushed voice while his gaze went from your eyes to your lips. “You’re my number one fan.” he whispered and pulled you closer into a passionate kiss.

Jeon Jungkook

You were having dinner with Jungkook at the dorm while the others were out. He had prepared a nice meal for you and date night was going great. A moment of silence occurred while he was cleaning the table and that’s when you remembered the trend you’ve seen earlier. “Hey. I think you could’ve been nicer to me today.” you said while looking at your fingers on your lap and he walked back out of the kitchen. “Really?” he asked and looked at you for a second. “Yeah, you could’ve been nicer.” you repeated and he could swear that he heared that once before. You looked up when he didn’t answer and saw him standing beside you with his arms crossed over his chest.

“Yeah I think you could’ve been nicer too though.” he said while arching a brow and your jaw fell open,”I mean I did everthing for you and now this?” he asked and your prank backfired. “Oh no Kook I wasn’t trying to..”

“That’s a bit ungreatful of you, don’t you think?” he said and sounded really hurt which made you panic. “No, wait. I’m sorry. I was just..”

“Nevermind. Let’s not fight at the end of a, what was for me a nice night.” he said and you could face palm yourself. “Hey.” you said grabbing his hand and stood up from where you were sitting to stand close to him. “I was just kidding. The night was great and you’ve been amazing. I was just pulling a prank. I’m sorry.” you apologized and a big grin spread across his face while he wrapped his arms around you. “I know.”


“Boo I’m on social media as much as you. I know my hyungs miss all the trends but you’ve got a pretty on track boyfriend when it comes to social media trends.” he smiled and you hit his shoulder playfully. “I was scared for a sec.” you said and pouted. “How does your own medicine taste?” he asked teasingly and you rolled your eyes.

A/N: Part 3 its on its way

You could´ve been nicer (BTS)

Summary: How do the boys react to you saying “I think you could´ve been nicer to me today?” y´all probably know this trend from social media lolol


Kim Seokjin

You´ve been sitting on the couch in his office while he was working on a project his manager had sent him. Since he´s been working the whole day, you found yourself different kinds of activities to keep yourself busy but as time was passing by you got bored. You were scrolling through your social media when one particular trend caught your eye and made you look up at Jin. “Jin?” you called him carefully trying to sound insecure. “Hmm?” he answered without looking up and you rolled your eyes. “Can we talk for a second?” you asked while putting your phone away. “Sure what´s up?” he answered while he kept working and you sighed audibly pulling at all your acting skills. That sound made him finally look up and he searched for your eyes. He raised his brows trying to understand what was happening. “You know what, forget about it. You´re busy,” you said and he scoffed. “Babe, that´s not how we play,” he said getting up from his seat and joining you on the couch. “What´s wrong?” he asked and all his attention was now on you. Suddenly you felt nervous and tried really hard not to burst out laughing. “I know you´re really busy right before you guys start touring.” you started and looked down on your hands, avoiding his gaze so you wouldn´t break character. “I just think you could´ve been nicer to me today,” you said with a tiny voice and his confusion grew by the second. Yes, he has been busy the last days but he wasn´t aware that he treated you harshly. “I´m sorry I made you feel that way. I wasn´t trying to hurt you.” he apologized taking your hand carefully into his and you felt bad immediately. “Hey,” he said putting his other hand under your chin and made you look up. He was looking really sorry and you could see him working his brain about how he could make it up to you. “I was joking” you burst out because you couldn´t hold back anymore. His changing features made you laugh out loud and you cupped his face. “I´m sorry! I´m sorry.” you apologized immediately while cupping his face with your hands and he rolled his eyes. “ I saw this trend where people prank their loved ones to see how they react.” you tried to explain but he closed his eyes and pushed you away by your shoulders, so you rolled back while laughing and holding your belly. 

“You´re such a child,” he said while getting up and walking back to his chair. His annoyance was playfull and made you smile even more. “I was really worried for a sec.” he admitted and you chuckled while walking up to him and hugging him from the back. You placed a kiss on the crook of his neck and pressed your cheek against his. “I love you, baby. I wanted you to loosen up a bit because you looked so tense the whole day.” He turned his chair around to look at you and he had a smug smile on his face. “There are other ways for me to relax you know,” he said suggestively while resting his hands on the sides of your thighs and moving them up and down and you rolled your eyes swatting his hands away. “Shut up. Go back to work.”

Kim Taehyung


You were on your drive back home. You´ve been to Taehyungs parents house for dinner and he´s been tense the whole day trying to make it enjoyable for everyone. You loved his parents and they returned the same feelings. But Tae was still afraid that you could feel unwanted somehow. He was quiet the whole ride home, probably overanalyzing everything that happened. To pull him out of his thoughts you decided to pull a prank on him. As soon as he parked he looked at you and you smiled at him. “How was it?” he finally asked and you chuckled. “Your parents were really sweet. Your mom even asked me if you were treating me right.” you said and got ready to act. “I told her everything she wanted to hear, and you are usually the best but..” you started but he interrupted you immediately. “Wait, did something happen?” he asked worriedly and your heart missed a beat at his worried features. “I mean it isn´t a big deal and I know you were nervous but…” you stalled and he got impatient. “But what?”

“I think you could´ve been nicer to me today, Tae.” you lied and his widened at you words. “What did I do?” he asked now rethinking the whole day and trying to find the issue. “I don´t know you could´ve just been nicer.” you held up the act and he furrowed his brows. “Babe you need to tell me what I did, so I can change it. I wasn´t trying to be mean to you, I´m sorry. I was just so nervous and I wanted you to like my family and my family to like you. Maybe I did something trying to make everything perfect. I was just trying to…” he started rambling and you cupped his face to kiss him and made him shut up. “I was joking.” you smiled against his lips and he growled immediately and pulled away. “You were so tense the whole day and I had to show you how unnecessery it was.” you tried to explain but he was mad. “Oh come on. It was just a joke.” you chuckled and poked his side. “We got along very well. And you are treating me right. No doubt.” you said and nudged his shoulder with your nose and places a kiss on there. “Come on. You can pout over a nice bowl of bugae jjigae.” you said and patted his chest when he was not reacting to your words. You knew he lived for that. “Is it my moms?” he spoke up finally and you chuckled while opening the car door. “Yes she packed us some.” you answered while standing outside and he got out too. “Did the dinner really go well?” he asked over the top of the car and you rolled your eyes. “Yes Tae. Now shut up and come inside.” you said and walked over to take his hand and pull him inside.

Kim Namjoon


You were watching Tv with Namjoon and Yoongi in the livingroom. They were both looking at the Tv when you decided you would pull a prank on them. “I think you could´ve been nicer to me today.” you said into the room and both of them looked up at you. “Who? Me?” Namjoon asked and you nodded. “You could´ve been a little nicer.” you said again and Yoongi was visibly uncomfortable which almost made you laugh. “How?” Joon asked and sounded really sorry without even knowing what he did. “Nevermind.” you pressed out because you had a hard time surpressing the smile that was creeping up. “You brought it upon yourself with choosing him as your boyfriend” Yoongi joked trying to save the situation and you looked down because you couldn´t hold back your smile anymore. “No, shut up.” Namjoon said to his elder and sounded really serious while Yoongis eyes widened at how he was treated by his friend. “Don´t say that. What did I do?” he asked and turned towards you. You couldn´t hold back your laugh anymore and burst out while holding your belly. “I´m sorry. I was just joking!” you howled and both of them looked annoyed immediately. Before Namjoon could say anything back, Yoongi turned to Namjoon and glared at him. “Did you just tell me to shut up?” he growled and you could see Namjoon getting nervous which made you laugh even harder. “Hyung…” he started but Yoongi just turned his head away. “The audacity…” he said and crossed his arms over his chest. “He´s right. You could´ve been a little nicer to him.” you said now laughing uncontrollably and Namjoon glared at you. “Oh, shut up.”

A/N:Part 2 with the other members will follow. How did you like it? Part 3

A/N: Y’all wanted, I delivered hdjdb obv SMUT because we nasty for namjoon

Part 1


sorry i had to use this after all that talk about this gif lolol

His hands were trailing down the sides of your body and he enjoyed the way you were squirming under him. He placed wet kisses down your neck to your collarbone and sucked at your sensitive spot. “Does it feel good?” he asked in a hushed voice and you nodded without opening your eyes. “Yes,” you answered while brushing your fingers through his hair to tuck lightly at his roots which drew a low groan from his throat. You arched your back at that sound and you felt him smile against your bare skin.

You opened your eyes in panic when you heard something crash and found yourself in your dark empty bedroom. You were breathing heavily and sighed while tugging at your own hair. “Fuck…” you cursed under your breath and turned to switch the light next to your bed on. As soon as you did that you saw your cat looking at you with big eyes sitting next to a broken plant. “I’m not even allowed to dream about him, huh?” you asked your cat and she meowed as a response. “I’ll clean that up in the morning. Just don’t step in it,” you said frustrated and switched the light back off and threw yourself back into bed. The next day would be interesting.


You hadn’t seen him the whole day because you kept postponing his appointment with you. You thought the later the better since you would maybe forget about the dream. Which was nonsense honestly, because as soon as you saw him all the feelings from the dream came rushing back and you could literally feel his touch against your skin. “Hi!” he greeted you and embraced you in a tight hug as always but today it was unbearable for you. “Let´s go.” you said and pulled away and turned your back on him to walk into the dressing room. 

Trying on new outfits has been a hassle since what happened. One of you always started teasing and both of you were too stubborn to stop. So you would end up teasing each other the whole session and it was eating away at your desires and needs. It’s been two hours since you started dressing him and you were on your sixth outfit when he reached his limit. You were fixing his fixing the waist of his pants and had your index and middle finger tucked in at the front while applying the needle at the right point so you could stitch it later. He suddenly became really quiet and made you look up.

“What? Is something bothering you?” you said while giving his pants a closer look and brushing your hands down his sides of his leg. “Is it too snug? I can rearrange…” you were saying while checking the waist and he suddenly grabbed both of your hands and made you look back up. “Shit, did I pick you with the needle? Sorry.” you apologized and tried to free your hands to pull out the last needle you had placed but he didn’t let go and pulled you up on your feet. He was holding your wrists close to his chest so that your faces were only inches apart. “Namjoon…” you said trying to free yourself but he was not having it. “I’m really trying hard to respect your choice but you’re making it really hard…no pun intended,” he said and your eyes widened as you realized what he was joking about so you pushed him away while the blood rushed to your cheeks. “I’m just doing my job,” you said grabbing a jacket and reaching it out to him. “Put it on,” you said and he took it from you with a tiny smile on his face. After he put it on you crossed your arms in front of your chest and glared at him. It was unfair that he was allowed to look this good. “Are you going to behave or do we have to take a break?” you said, your cheeks still rosy. “Did these past three months really not change your mind?” he asked you and you could hear the desperation in his voice. “No.” you answered quickly and went back to work. If only he knew what you were dreaming about.


The situation became unbearable when you two got stuck on a shoot waiting for the artists in front of you to finish. You’d been in the dressing room for two hours now - Namjoon all glammed up waiting for his turn. He kept stealing glances of you while roaming around the dressing room. You were wearing snug jeans and a simple blouse on top but your simplicity made you even more attractive to him. He was trying to restrain himself but since the day he learned about your divorce, he felt like there was nothing holding him back anymore, besides your job. And he respected that but he kept stealing little ‘accidental’ touches which was the only thing that kept him going. But right now was just torture. You’ve never been alone in one room with nothing to do for this long. You two always came together to work and never had time to act on the tension in the room. But right now was different. Something inside of him snapped when you started putting your hair in a ponytail, exposing your neck and shoulders to him.

That’s when he stood up and took you by surprise. He turned you around by your shoulder placed his hand against the crook of your neck and started kissing you passionately. Instinctively you let out an audible sigh because your body was aching for this for months now. He smiled against your lips as soon as you heard that. You came to your senses fast enough and tried to push him away but he had locked you in place. “Just this once.” he breathed against your lips when you both parted to take in some air and your heart and desires took over your ability to think straight. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his hands on your bottom to pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist in one swift motion and he carried you over to the desk while plastering your neck and collarbone with kisses. “Joon…” you sighed and you could feel him tense up under you. “I dreamed about this so many times,” he whispered against you between a kiss and a shiver of arousal went down your spine which made you press yourself closer to him. You brushed your fingers through his hair and tucked at his roots to make him look up at you, ruining his styled hair but none of you cared. He smiled wholeheartedly and you leaned in to kiss him. Both of you were fighting for dominance while he let his hands glide under your blouse to explore your soft skin. You had goosebumps as soon as he touched sensitive places and you sighed once more into the kiss. You bit his lip gently and tucked at it in order to get a reaction from him and with success. He let out a low groan and made you smile triumphantly. You were about to grind on him teasingly to double his reaction when a knock echoed through the room and both of you jumped apart. He fixed his hair immediately while you hid behind the curtain which was for changing clothes.

“We’re ready for you in five!” the staff member said through the door when she didn’t get an answer to come in. “I’ll be there!” Namjoon called back playing it off as if he wasn’t going down your throat seconds ago. Footsteps that were getting further away told you that she left. When he pulled away the curtain he found you staring at your feet. “Nothing happened. She didn’t see,” he said trying to calm you but you felt horrible. Horrible for having to hide like a rat. “You have to go.” you said while pushing past him,” I’ll call the visagist to fix your hair and makeup.”

“Y/N, please…” he tried to talk to you but you already went out the door.


You didn’t show up to work for two weeks and Namjoon was getting frustrated. No one knew where you were or no one would tell him. He tried calling and texting you but that was also a dead end. So you can imagine his surprise when you appeared on his doorstep on the weekend. His doorbell rang and he was confused as in who was at the door because he wasn’t expecting anyone. He was even more confused when he opened the door and you jumped at him to wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He caught you with his large hands and stumbled a few steps back before regaining a steady position. “Y/N, what…” he started to ask but stopped when you pulled away to look at him. Your hands were on his neck, your thumbs brushing over his earlobes gently. “I’m back.” you beamed at him and his lips tucked upwards seeing how happy you were. “I can see that.” he smiled back at you and you loosened your legs to signalize him to let you down. He got it immediately and you stood in front of him and took out a stack of paper out of your bag and held it in front of his face. “I quit!” you told him with beaming eyes and his mood changed immediately. “You did what?” he asked and furrowed his brows, quilt creeping up in his stomach.

“I quit. I’m not your stylist anymore,” you explained and he shook his head while taking the papers out of your hand. “Why would you do that?” he asked while examining the papers. “Nothing´s holding me back anymore,” you said freely and he wanted to yell some sense into you. “No. I’m not allowing this. This is stupid. I’m talking to the manager.” he riled himself up and tried to walk past you but you grabbed his arm to stop him. “Calm down lover boy. I also got a new job,” you said pulling the cond stack of papers out of your bag and held it up. “I’m now part of the management team in the styling department. I’m playing with the big dogs now.” you smiled at him and he looked dumbfounded. “I’ve been thinking about applying for this job over two years now but I was always too scared thinking that I won’t make it. I’m qualified for the job for years now but you know…now that someone was pushing me to my limits I gathered my shit together and applied. And I got it!” you said jumping up and down celebrating it. He took a look at the new papers in your hands and you smiled sheepishly. “And there is no part in that saying I can’t date anyone in the company,” you said leaning into his ear while he flipped through the contract. His head snapped up and he looked into your eyes, his gaze totally changed.

“So I think about dating one of the boys or maybe staff. What do you…” you wanted to tease him but he interrupted you. “Shut up,” he growled and kissed you right then and there. You took it to the bedroom rather quickly. You were lying underneath him and his hands were trailing down the sides of your body and he enjoyed the way you were squirming under him. He placed wet kisses down your neck to your collarbone and sucked at your sensitive spot. “Does it feel good?” he asked in a hushed voice and you froze and covered your mouth to stop yourself from nervously laughing. “What? Did I do something?” he asked and looked for any type of discomfort in your eyes but only found amusement and…embarrassment? “What?” he asked again now doubting himself. You cupped his face to stop him from overthinking. “You’re literally the man of my dreams,” you said with a big smile on your face thinking back to your dream and kissed him. When he got what you were saying he pulled away and looked at you with raised eyebrows. “Wait you dreamt of me?” he asked and your cheeks flushed immediately. You nodded and avoided looking into his eyes. “Joon…?” you asked and made him lookup. “Are you sure about this?… I mean, I was married once,” you said now really insecure about this. “I don´t care. Just don´t mention him to me,” he assured you and changed the subject to lift the mood. “What was I doing in your dream exactly?” he asked while pulling down your pants and throwing it in a corner. He started kissing your belly down to your panty line. “Joon..” you moaned and he smiled against you. You arched your back the sensation and showed him how eager you were for his touch. He slipped his fingers in between your thighs and moved them up slowly just stopping close to your core, not touching it. You growled at his teasing and pulled him up just to flip him over and sit on top of him. “I´m not in the mood for teasing Namjoon.” you warned him while grinding against his hardening member. He placed his hands on your hips and guided you along. He closed his eyes end leaned his head back giving you full access to his throat. You leaned down and placed kisses along his neck leaving marks at places you knew the make up artist had to cover. You started grinding harder against him and the friction made him moan lustfully while digging his fingers deeper into your flesh. “Ugh…I-..” he started but he couldn´t finish because your movements made it hard for him to concentrate. The sight of him yearning for your touch, bucking his hips up to meet your core, making your need to feel him grow inside of your lower stomach. “I need you.”, you moaned into his ear,”buried deep inside of me.”

As soon as you said that he let out a guttural moan and flipped you so you were lying under him again. He took off his pants along with his boxers and was in front of you in his full glory. He leaned back down and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was passionate yet so loving that it made your heart swell. He traced his tongue along your bottom lip and your lips parted allowing him entrance to explore. While he was distracted you wrapped your hands around his length and started stroking him up and down. As expected you caught him by surprise and he broke the kiss to bury his face in the crook of your neck. You kissed his shoulder while starting to apply light pressure and he moaned out your name. He started thrusting slowly into your hand and when you felt him shiver in need you stopped to take off your panties. You were dripping wet when he aligned himself at your core. He looked into your eyes and pushed back a few strands of hair. He kissed your forehead, the tip of your nose, and finally your lips while pushing the tip of his cock in. Your grip on his shoulders tightened as you felt him stretch you and you moaned in pleasure while furrowing your brows. “You good?” he asked, moving carefully and left butterfly kisses on your closed eyes. You nodded in consent and he pushed in deeper filling you up completely. Both of you were moaning in pleasure and it was almost unbearable. Namjoon was breathing heavily while trying to restrain himself from pounding into you, trying to give you time to adjust. When you felt the light stinging turn into absolute pleasure you wrapped your legs around his waist and lift your head up to his ear. “Fuck me, Namjoon.” you plead your lips brushing over his ear which turned him on even more. He didn´t need to hear that twice so he started pounding into you at a steady pace. You gasp at the sensation and hold onto his arms which feel so good under your touch. You move one hand up to his ear and stroke it gently. Which makes him close his eyes and his breath catches in his throat. You realized that his ear was a soft spot earlier and you were happy to get a reaction out of him. 

“You feel so good.” he moaned in between breaths and you arched your back to give him better access at your sweet spot. He hit it a couple of times and suddenly you were really close to the edge. “Right there Namu. Right there,” you begged and moved your hips up to meet his. When he slipped his hand between your folds to rub your clit, it didn´t take long for you to clench around him and cum from all the sensations added together. You desperately moaned his name loud and clear while riding out your high and his pounds started getting sloppy when he heard his name fall from your lips in such a beautiful way. “I´m so close.” he moaned and buried his face in your neck again and you held him while caressing his back. “Come for me baby.” you cooed and he let out a guttural moan while releasing inside of you. His lower abdomen twitching and his arm muscles tensing up. You left soft kisses here and there while he rode out his high and was panting your name. 

After both of you came down from your highs you snuggled into his side and he wrapped an arm around you. He placed a loving kiss on top of your head and breathed in your scent. He still couldn´t believe you were finally his. “Uh..Y/N?” he asked sounding very shy suddenly as if he wasn´t fucking you senseless minutes ago. “Yeah?” you answered while tracing your fingers along his abs. “I know we just…did that, but…are you in for a relationship with me?” he asked while holding a hand up and sounded like a little kid asking for a lollypop. You chuckled at his question and gave him a high five which left him baffled. “Of course. I wouldn´t have done this if I weren´t” you smiled up at him but he was looking at his hand opening and closing it constantly trying to understand why you gave him a high-five. “I was trying to hold your hand but I guess that works too,” he said sounding totally confused and made you laugh. You held his hand with one hand and cupped his face with the other smiling at him broadly. “You´re one of a kind Kim Namjoon.” you said affectionately and he smiled back lovingly.


It´s been a week since that night and you invited the guys over to dinner to let them know, which kind of backfired.

“So you left us just to start a relationship with Namjoon?” Jin asked and looked at you in disbelief. “You stole her from us?!” Taehyung said and looked unbelievably hurt. “I hate the new stylist, he’s really rough.” Hobi pouted and made you chuckle. “Oh come on. You didn’t like me in the beginning either. Give him some time to adjust.” you suggested and they shook their heads like little kids. “You need to come back. You’ll find someone better than Namjoon. I swear I will never complain about the weight of the jackets!” Taehyung begged and earned a glare from Namjoon.

“That’s sweet of you Tae. I’m still working at the company, just not directly with you guys. I deal with the brands directly now.” you tried to explain but Yoongi had another interpretation of that. “So you earn more money now. You left us for money?”

“Hyung.” Namjoon warned him but you put your hand on his thigh to calm him down. “No, as Namjoon also knows: My carrier is my most valued thing and this was just the right step,” you explained and Jungkook looked at you like a puppy. “I still don’t like the new guy.”


What could never be {Kim Namjoon}

A/N: You’re the boys stylist and one major requirement for this job was being married to minimize the rumors about the boys. Now you were married when you got the job…

Part 2

“Jungkook don’t!” you warned him and reached out your arms as if you could catch him if he fell into the pool. “You don’t have any back up clothes.” you added and glared at him with your heart heating against your chest.

“Noona’s glaring at me.” he said to the camera man while backing up from the pool and you took a deep breath while shaking your head. You’re palms started sweating while you watched him so you rubbed them dry on your jeans. The ring on your ringfinger caught your attention and you turned it in between your fingers until someone called for your name.

You were flattening out Namjoons jacket while he watched you work. “Is this okay?” you asked while stepping back to look at him. “Move for me please.” you asked him and he lift his arms and turned his torso from left to right. “Your abs show a bit is that okay with you or should I change the length?” you asked him professionally and he thought about it for a second. “What song is it for?” you asked while looking at the list taped to the wall. “Oh, right. I would need to make a dress out of it if you don’t want your abs to show in that choreo.” you chuckled and he joined with his laugh.

“That’s it then?” he asked and you nodded. “If you’re comfy?” “Yeah.” he answered and you nodded again to dismiss him. “Call Taehyung in for me. He’s gonna complain about the weight of the jacket again but I can’t change that.” you said half jokingly and Namjoon chuckled while taking his shirt off.

“How’s your family doing?” he asked casually and your body tensed up. They knew that you were living alone with your husband. Well, your ex-husband. “Fine.” you answered quickly and didn’t look at him keeping your hands busy with the clothes. “Greet hyung from me.” he said and that made you look up because he would never greet your husband. “Sure.” you said after a fee seconds and he looked away. “I’ll get Tae.” he said after changing and left the room without saying anything else.

You finished work around 10pm and decided to grab a coffee before driving home. As soon as you sat down in your car you took off the golden ring and threw it into the box next to the drivers seat. You started the car and were about to drive off when suddenly someone knocked on the window. “What the..?” you said and saw Yoongi looking through the window mimicking you to roll down the window. “We’re going out to eat. Do you wanna tag along?” he asked and you thought about it for a second. You would feel alone at home so you agreed.

You were all sitting around a table enjoying some delicious korean barbeque when you noticed Namjoon looking at you. You catched his gaze and raised your eyebrows to ask him nonverbally what he wanted. He nodded towards your hand and just then you realized that you forgot your ring in the car. Your eyes widened and you pulled that hand under the table chuckling nervously. “My hands were swallen and I took it off.” you explained and he nodded.


It was about two weeks later and you had one on one sessions with the boys for the last fitting of their new outfits when it happened. You were standing in the hallway waiting for Namjoon to arrive. Jimin just had left and the studio was empty. You were writing something on your phone when you heared footsteps coming closer. “Hey!” you greeted him with a hug and he wrapped his arms around your waist. He was a giant of a man and you were kind of lost in his arms. “Hi.” he answered into your ear and a chill went down your spine.

“You ready to put the final versions of your outfits on?” you asked him enthusiastically as you stepped back and clapped your hands together. He nodded and you walked together into the fitting room. It was always fun working with Namjoon but today he seemed like he had something on his mind. He couldn’t hold still and it felt like he tried to escape your touch.

“Namjoon you need to hold still if you don’t want me to ram a needle into your chest.” you said while fixing the collar of his button up. You were finished with sewing the part and saw that you left the scissors on the table so you did what came first to your mind. You leaned in, your nose slightly brushing his neck and ripped of the excess garn with your teeth. “Got it.” you said holding the bit of garn up and smiled at him. You couldn’t really decipher the look in his eyes when you looked up so you were thrown off when he stepped closer and reached his hand out to pleace it on the crook of your neck to pull you in for a kiss. It was just a brief moment, just until you realized what was happening, his warm and soft lips against your. Before you could allow yourself to kiss him back you pushed at his chest and pulled away. “What..?” you whispered and covered your mouth with you hand. His eyes went down to your hand and stuck at your ringfinger. His own eyes went wide in shock and he reached his hand out but you stepped back.

“I think you should go.” you said while looking at the floor. “Noona- I…I’m sorry, I-…”

“Namjoon you need to leave.” you interrupted him and he let out a big sigh and started chewing his bottom lip. Seeing how cold you were he growled something, grabbed his jacket and left. As soon as you were alone you had to sit down and calm your nerves. “What just happened?” you said to yourself and traved your lips with the tip of your fingers. The feeling of his heavenly lips still lingering right there.


You didn’t talk to Namjoon for weeks after the accident. Whenever he tried to talk to you you brushed it off and kept working professionally. He was getting more fruatrated with every passing day and he snapped at last. When everybody else was out eating he pulled you into the very fitting room where it happened and locked the door.

“What’s this about?” you said and tried to walk past him but he blocked the exit. “We need to talk.” he said and you shook your head. “No we don’t”

“Yes we do. Listen.” he said and grabbed you by your shoulders. You wriggled yourself free and crossed your arms infront of your chest. “Look I’m not going to act like I don’t have any feelings for you because I do. But I shouldn’t have done that. I stepped over the line. You’re married and I don’t play that game. I’m really sorry. You were not wearing your ring constantly and he’s not picking you up from work and we haven’t seen him for almost a year now, so I got confused. I’m sorry these aren’t excuses. I shouldn’t have done anything.” he kept apologizing and the need to tell him grew inside of you with every passing minute. “I hope you won’t hate me. I will hold back and something like that won’t ever happen again. I hope you didn’t tell your husband. I don’t think he would appreciate you working somewhere where the guy has a crush on you. Let’s just atay friends and I’ll get over it. Just give me some time and don’t turn your back on me. That shit hurts even more. I don’t wanna loose you all together. I promise I won’t…”

“I got divorced.” you blurted out finally and his mouth fell open. “Wha-…”

“It’s been a little over a year. We got divorced but I’m still wearing the stupid ring of that bastard because I can’t loose this job. Not this too.” you said and looked away. “Please you can’t tell anyone. I’ll do anything you want I just need you to not tell anyone. Not even the b-..” You couldn’t finish your sentence because the next thing he did was cup your face with his large hands and kiss you. You were not able to kiss him back in the first seconds out of shok and tried to push him away but he was holding you in place until you gave in and kissed him beck. Your hands were resting on his chest and his wandered down to your hips. You parted when both of you were out of breath and he leaned his forehead against yours while smiling from ear to ear. You didn’t open your eyes and furrowed your brows coming back to reality. “We can’t do this.” you whispered and his smile faltered. “Why?” he said anxiously and you pushed him away gently. “Because I’ll get fired.” you said and he couldn’t answer to that. “I’ll talk to the managers…”

“No Namjoon. You don’t get it. I will get fired if we start something. It’s in the contract.” you said and stepped back. “I made a name for myself and work myself to the top here. If I loose my job because of a relationship with you, I will never find a nother job anywhere. No management will trust me anymore.”

“But we can try to…”

“Joon this is my dream. I worked so hard to get here. You’ll understand me better than anyone. I can’t loose this. I’m sorry.” you said and shook your head. This was really heartbreaking and you hated it. This could’ve been such a pure relationship, but it ended before it could start. He didn’t try to say anything but reached his hand out to take yours into his. He brushed his thumb gently over the back of your hand and amiled sadly.

“At least I won’t feel bad dreaming about you.” he said and your heart broke into a million pieces for a man who was never yours and could never be.

A/N: Part 2 anyone??? vdjdsn

A/N: I just watched their argument with Tae and it kinda broke my heart. So here is an imagine about it lol I ain’t taking any sides please don’t come for me dvjdbd


You’ve heared about it before you’ve seen Jin that day. Somehow they let this tiny topic grow into something personal and the tension in the suite was almost visible. You couldn’t be there with the boys while they talked it over because the crew was filming which probably didn’t help the two. When everybody left to go to their rooms you walked by a sniffling Teahyung. Even though you were on your way to Jin you stopped in your tracks. “Hey, wait a sec.” you said and put your hand gently against his shoulder before going towards Jin. You glanced around the corner and saw him sitting there with his eyes fixed on the floor. You knew he wasn’t feeling good but you also knew how hard Tae was taking these things and your older sister feelings didn’t let you leave him.

“Alright. Let’s go.” you said after checking on Jin and went to Tae’s room. He had a full on crying session and didn’t seem to be able to stop so you just embraced him in a big bear hug until he was only hiccuping from crying too much. “I know I should’ve told him in a better manner but I was never once trying to offend him!” he tried to explain while blowing his nose into the napkin you gave him. “Tae I’m not going to say who was right and who was wrong. I wasn’t there with you guys. Also it doesn’t matter who did what if both of you felt hurt.” you tried to explain. “I know what you were aiming at but with Jin you have to see that he has his own insecurities as you do yourself. And today you kinda put salt in some of his wounds. I know you did it unwillingly and with good intention but it happens. That’s just how we work as humans.” you said and pat his head. “I just don’t want him to dislike me. I just wanted the show to be perfect for our fans.” he said and his voice broke towards the end and he started sobbing again. “Oh come on Tae. I thought you agreed on going out together to grab a drink. It’s not the end of the world and he could never dislike you. He could dislike me but not you belive me.” you joked and he rolled his eyes but you managed to draw a little smile from him. “You’re his brother. Siblings fight and forget about it. Just don’t act like nothing happend, talk about it with him.”

“Thank you, noona.” he said and stood up to give you a hug. “Sleep well. Tomorrow things will be less bad I promise.” you said and pat his back before pulling away and leaving his room.

Back in Jin’s room you saw him lying in bed with his back facing the door. Only the bedside lamp was filling the room with a dimm light. “Jin?” you whispered to see if he was asleep. “Aren’t you going to sleep in his room?” he asked with an icy voice and your breath catched in your throat. You had to swallow your pride big time and it took you all your willpower to not just walk back out. “If you’re trying to hurt me, congrats you did. Now do you want to talk or sleep?” you asked but he didn’t answer. He knew what he said was over the line. Especially since you had nothing to do with the problem. He was just upset that you went to comfort Tae before him. He knew he was being childish but he couldn’t help it. You walked over to his side of the bed and sat down on the floor to be eyelevel with him. His eyes were closed and he wasn’t moving an inch. You blew gently into his face so his bangs were flying back and he opened his eyes after blinking a few times. “Hi there grumpy.” you smiled at him and he avoided looking into your eyes. “I’m sorry.” he mumbled and you chuckled while putting your palm against his cheek. “Apology accepted.” you assured him and he turned his head to kiss the inside of your hand. “How’s he?” he asked after a moment of silence and glanced up to look into your eyes. “He thinks you don’t like him anymore.” you whispered with a tiny bit of amusement in your voice and he groaned while sitting up and pulled at his hair. “He drives me crazy.” he said and looked up at the ceiling. You got up from the floor and sat down next to him.



“You need to stop using your age as an excuse when it comes to people critisizing you.” you said carefully and you felt immediatly how he went into defensive mode.

“Are you taking his side?” he said and sounded really offended.

“No, Jin. I’m not taking anybodies side. I wasn’t there.” you tried to explained yourself but he cut you off.

“Then don’t comment on it.” he snapped and you chewed the inside of your cheek. You had to try and not get offended by this. You didn’t want to throw this out of proportion. “He is younger. He should know how to talk to me.” he mumbled and that made you get up from the bed. “Forgive us your highness.” you said and bowed infront of him to show him how ridiculous ge was acting. You raised an eyebrow and he rolled his eyes.

“Jin.” you started again. “I know he hit some sensitive spots but he wasn’t trying to. He was nervous and wanted the show to be perfect.”

“And I didn’t?” he said pointing at himself. You sat back down beside him and took his hands into yours. “I know that you always try to cheer the boys up. I know you’re insecure about your age and you’re afraid that you won’t fit in anymore. You’re afraid of not being enough. And someone critisizing you just feeds those fears. I know.” you say and cup his face with your hands. His eyes filled with tears unwillingly and a single tear escaped the corner of his eye. You wiped it away with your thumb and smiled at him knowingly. “Siblings fight.” you said and placed a butterfly kiss on his nose. “Just don’t let this get to you. And definetly don’t let this get in between you two.” You gave him a kiss on his lips and when you pulled away he had a soft smile on his lips.


The next morning you woke up in an empty bed. There was a note put on the pillow next to you. “Went to grab a drink with Tae.” it read and you smiled to yourself. You streched your limbs before getting up and walking to the bathroom. You were standing right infront of the bathroom door when the door flew open suddenly and Jin and Taehyung screamed in your face making you jump. You shrieked and pressed your hands against your chest out of fear. You didn’t open your eyes until your heartbeat came down again and your breathing calmed down. Both of them were laughing their ass off when you opened up your eyes and glared at them. “Are you out of your fucking mind?!” you yelled at them and hit both of them on the back of their heads. But they were unfazed and kept laughing in unison. “I’m not talking to either of you. You were being a big dick yesterday even though I did nothing.” you said and pointed at Jin who’s laughter died down immediatly,”and you cried the whole night for what? This?! Next time I’ll let you fight each other to death. I don’t care.” you said and pushed past them into the bathroom and locked the door.

“Noona it was just a joke. We wanted to thank you.” you heared Taehyung yell from the otherside of the door while knocking gently. “Babe come on. It was funny.” Jin begged while also knocking but you ignored them. You weren’t really angry at them. Not at all. You were happy that they got over it. So you kept brushing your teeth with a big smile while they tried to make it up to you.


A/N: In which he thinks you´re a sasaeng fan and it leads to a bad outcome. Or does it? sjcjsdb It´s a little jumpy written sorry ´bout that 

You were running towards the elevator because you saw the door open and wanted to reach it before it closed again. Getting the elevator in this hotel was a pain in the ass since it had 35 floors. As soon as you reached the elevator you stuck your hand out and stopped the doors from closing. You were breathing heavily when you stepped in and apologized immediatly. “Sorry everyone.” you said out of breath and when your eyes met the ones from man standing inside the elevator you swallowed hard. It was Kim Taehyung. You turned away immediatly and stared at the closed doors the whole time not looking at him on purpose. You glanced at the numbers and thanked god as you saw the 24 already glowing. Being a celebrity must suck, you thought while keeping your gaze glued to the door. Everybody always approaching you and the lack of privacy…gruesome. The elevator climed all the floors until it reached 24. A loud ping echoed through the tiny room and the heavy doors opened to a well lit hallway. The artist stepped out first since he was standing in front and you followed him. When he turned the same corner as you things got a little awkward because it looked like you were following him. Until he reached his door and you walked past him. Your room was at the end of the hallway and as soon as you reached your door you went inside. You let go your breath you didn’t even know you were holding. That was extremely nervewracking. To be honest though: He was a really handsome man. Even more handsome in person.


This elevator crap happened four times the following week and things got weirder everytime. You two did not greet each other and he kind of seemed annoyed all the time which was understandable considering his hectic lifestyle. It was a thursday afternoon and you went back to your hotel after you set last things in your gallery. You still had a few things to do to be prepared for your art exhibition tommorow. But you had all evening to do them. You walked to the elevator and pressed the button. As soon as the doors opened you stepped in and stood in the back. When you noticed that no one was coming you stepped forward to press 24 when the man himself walked in. You almost bumped into his chest but both of you froze in place. “Sorry.” you mumbled but he ignored it and stood in the back of the elevator. You moved along to press the button and the doors closed. Through the reflection of the metallic doors you saw him take out his phone and text something. You relaxed a little thinking that he forgot all about you when he spoke up.

“Hey, you.” his deep voice cut through the air like a sword. Your whole body tensed up when you heard his icy voice. “Pardon?” you said and turned around not believing that he just called you with “Hey you.”.

“What are you doing here?” he asked again as if he was entitled to something and your nervousness turned into something else. “Excuse me?!”

“There is no excuse for what you are doing no matter how much you like us. If you think that we’ll be flattered you’re wrong..”

“What are you…?” you tried to interrupt him but he just went over you like it was nothing.

“I tried to ignore you. But whenever I get into this elevator you’re here and you follow me to my floor. I guess I shouldn’t have gone to my floor the first time we met.”

“Are you out of..” you tried again but he wasn’t listening at all.

“Look nobody likes sasaeng fans. Nobody. You’re invading our privacy and that’s annoying. “

If the elevator wasn’t reaching your floor anytime soon you would jump this idiot and rip him to pieces. You glanced at the numbers and thankfully you were already at 23.

“Excuse me but..”

“No! There is nothing to excuse. I texted my manager and he called the cops.” he said and turned away from you and stepped forward.

“Wait what are you…?”

Ping! The doors opened and two men in black suits escorted him out while two police officers grabbed you by your arms and held you back from stepping outside.

“Excuse me! Let me go! I didn’t do anything!” you yelled now but there were looking unfazed. “Yeah yeah, they never do.”


“Sir please let me go. I have an exhibtion tommorrow and there are things I need to finish before I can open up my gallery. Please.” you tried to explain yourself at the station while the police officer was checking your data.

“I have a room on the same floor. I never followed him anywhere. I’m not even a fan I just know that they make good music. Please I have to go.” you practically begged and as time passed you stopped talking because there was no chance you would make it in time.

After they checked everything and found out that you were telling the truth it was 4am in the morning. You were mad, you were exhausted and you were angry as fuck. “We’re so sorry.” a higher ranking police officer, you assumed by his stars on his shoulders, stopped by and apologized in everyones name. “You just did your job sir. I won’t be able to hold my exhibtion tomorrow. I’ll send you an invitation if I ever get the chance again.” you said and faught back the tears.


It was 6am when you reached your hotel room and everthing in you told you to step down his door and punch him in the face. You told everyone in charge that you were not able to hold the exhibtion tomorrow and that you’d meet up with everyone to clear things up. You found a card on your desk with the logo of the hotel.

“We are very sorry for everything that happened. Please try to understand and forgive us. -BigHit Managemet.” was written on it. The card was attached to a bouqet of flowers and a basket of fruits. The miserable apology wasn’t even from him. They were fucking with the wrong woman.

You grabbed the phone and dialled the number of the reception.

“I have a message for room 2425. It’s really urgent and I advise you to tell them immediatly. If I don’t have an apology by tomorrow afternoon by the resident of the room himself, I will press charges and go to a newspaper. Have a nice morning.” you said and hung up.


You didn’t sleep at all. You cried the whole time thinking about your destroyed work and dreams to hold an exhibtion at the most famous galery in Korea. You must’ve cried yourself to sleep because when someone knocked on your door you jumped up from your bed. The clock beside your bed showed 1pm. You were totally disoriented and walked over to the door to open it. There he was with a bouqet of flowers in his hands nervously stepoing from one foot to the other.

“Hi.” he said with a tiny voice, all arrogance vanished. You didn’t answer him and walked back inside leaving the door open for him to walk in. You opened up the curtains and one window to let in a little fresh air. “Sorry for the mess. I came home at 6am.” you said while sitting down in the chair. He had walked in and closed the front door and now he looked like a lost puppy infront of you. “Take a seat.” you said while pointing at the couch infront of you.

Tae felt awfull. He could see how exhausted you were and you must’ve cried because your eyes looked puffy. He sat down and fumbled with the flowers he bought. “Look, I’m really sorry for what happened yesterday. I thought you were a Sasaeng-Fan. I got creeped out and overreacted. I’ll pay for another week in the hotel.” he offered thinking that he was doing something good.

“I was going to hold my first ever art exhibtion today t the most valued venue in Korea. But I couldn’t finish up because you got me arrested so I had to cancel everything. There is no way I’ll get that venue ever again.” you explained very calmly and looked into his eyes. His eyes went wide and horror went over his features as he realized what he did.

“I don’t need to stay another week, thanks for the offer though. I was very angry yesterday. If I had seen you, you would’ve had a reason to get me arrested believe me but there is no point in that. I just wanted you to know what you did. You might be famous and have good connections. Next time just talk to people before doing something so dramatic.” you said and got up from your chair. He did the same and put the flowers on the table because he was afraid that you would turn them down. “I’m really sorry.” he added and wiped his hands on his pants. “Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked but you shook your head.

“Greet your mates for me. Y’all are doing a great job.” you said and put on a polite smile while bringing him to the door.


Taehyung went back to his room and he could punch himself in his face. His bandmates were waiting for him in his room and when he explained everything he could see the disappointed faces. “Damn you fucked her over big time.” Hoseok said and Tae pinched the bridge of his nose. “I know.”

“I don’t think an apology does the trick here.” Namjoon said and Tae rolled his eyes. “I offered help but she refused and practically kicked me out.” “You can be happy that she didn’t push you out the window.” Jin said and Taehyung groaned. “I think I have an Idea.” Yoongi said and everyone looked at him. “Do we have plans for tomorrow?”


It was 8pm and you were standing behind the curtains at the venue to host your own exhibition. The manager called around 3pm to tell you that he had a free evening tomorrow night because someone cancelled last minute. Of course you took the chance and jumped at it. Now you were here, standing in black silky gown that brushed over the floor, with your heart pounding in your chest.

When you stepped out into the light you heared a round if applause and put on a very genuine smile. „Thank you for coming everyone!“ you started and prepared to give your speech.


„Damn she is beautiful.“ Yoongi whispered and Tae watched you from afar, how you talked to your clients with a sweet smile on your face. The dress was hugging your body in all the right places and your face was glowing from happiness. His heart ached at the picture of you in your hotel room that he caused. The boys entered the venue around half past ten so the main event could be over. They didn‘t want to draw all the attention and when they arrived everybody was already a little tipsy and admiring her art with their champagne glasses in their hands talking to each other in hushed voices.

Nevertheless when some people started recognizing the boys the conversations of your clients caught your attention. „Wow! What are they doing here?“ „Do they know the artist?“ You excused yourself from the people at your table and went to greet the newcomers. When you saw who it was you stopped in your tracks and watched them come towards you. All seven men were dressed in nice tuxedos and it was a celebration for your eyes. The tallest one reached out his hand as soon as they were close enough. „Nice to meet the artist behind all of this great work. I‘m Kim Namjoon.“ he inteoduced himself and gathered yourself together quickly because everyone was looking at you. As soon as you grabbed his hand to shake his hand a flash of light filled the room and a hundred photos were taken. You thanked god that you kept the reporters to a minimum. „It‘s an honour to habe you here.“ you answered with a polite smile and Taehyung immediatly saw that your smile didn‘t reach your eyes. „I hope you‘ll enjoy our evening. You can always approach me if you have questions about the pieces.“ you said and bowed your head before excusing yourself and leaving towards your table again.

„Oh man, she seems pissed.“ Hobi said as soon as you were far away enough and Jungkook nodded. „She‘s a clever woman. She added one and one together.“ Namjoon said and watched you explain one of your pieces to a tall man in an south african gown.

You were standing in the corner and tried looking relaxed when your asisstend rushed over to you and leaned in to whisper something into your ear. „The biggest piece is sold.“ „The name and phone number for the delivery.“ she added and gave you a card.


3 years later you were not only a succefull artist in Korea but your fame started spreading around the globe. You had fix art galleries in seven different countries. The venue you started at had your first art piece hanging in their lobby to greet their new clients.

You shuffled in bed as you slowly woke up and stretched your limbs. „Good morning.“ you heared a deep voice greet you from the other side of the bed and you turned your head around. There he was, hair tousled from sleep, eyes a little puffy from the late working hours but the happiest smile on his lips. „Morning.“ you said and leaned forward to place quick kiss on his lips. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed your body against his and rest his forhead against the crook of your neck. „When did you come in?“ you asked while brushing your fingers through his messy hair. „Around 4am.“ he yawned and you placed a kiss onto his hair while chuckling at how clingy he was. Your eyes scanned the room and you saw his stuff scattered around the room since he must‘ve changed in the dark to prevent you from waking up. When your eyes met the stupid painting at the wall the old feelings bubbled up inside of you and you pushed him away gently. He groaned and tried to pull you back but you didn‘t let him. „I told you a million times to get rid of that painting.“

„It‘s worth millions of dollars.“ he said without any emotion but you didn‘t care. „It‘s stupid and I hate it. I hate what it reminds me of.“ you said and he looked up at you. „It reminds me of our beginning.“ he pouted and you glared at him thinking of what happened. „Every newspaper talked about you guys going to an art gallery. You stole my show.“ you growled and he coughed into his fist and looked away. He wasn‘t getting out of this one. „You‘re art sold like crazy.“ he offered but that only made you cross your arms infront of your chest. „They said I took advantage of you and disregarded my hard work.“ you said and were getting more annoyed by the minute. „You didn‘t talk to me for a year. Even though I shot my shot several times.“ he with a raised brow. „I waited for the media to forget about our connection. I was not becoming the gold digger artist just because of you.“ you said and glared at the art piece.

„I hate it.“ you said and caressed you arm gently and placed a soft kiss against your skin. „If you hadn‘t gotten me arrested I would‘ve never had to try so hard to be recognized as an artist and not just „The artist BTS has visited“.“ you pouted and he smiled sheepishly.

„Yes but that would‘ve also meant that we would‘ve never met.“ he said and you rolled your eyes. „We had nothing to do with your success babe. It‘s all because of your talent. We just organized the venue.“ he let it slip and as soon as he said it he bit his tongue. „You did what?!“


You were putting the side dishes on the dinner table but for the boys it felt like you were throwing them at them. „Did we do something?“ Yoongi whispered towards Jin but he just shrugged his shoulders and looked at Tae. „Did you fuck something up?“ Jin asked him and he kept staring into his bowl until you came back from the kitchen. „If you ever mess with my life ever again, I‘ll make sure y‘all regret it.“ you said as you sat down and grabbed your chopsticks. „Now eat.“ you said and the discussion was over before it could start.


„Ugh..where are we going?“ you whined for a millionth time now and Taehyung smiled at your impatience. „You‘ll see.“

He parked the car in front of a big house and as you walked up the stairs you could see „Orphanage“ written on a sign. „What are we doing here?“ you whispered to Tae as you climbed the last stares. „Just wait and see.“ he said and led you inside of a room full of kids. They were all applauding as you came in and Tae lead you towards the stage where an old lady was smiling at you. Right behind you there was this big art piece of yours which had been hanging in your bedroom for the past two years. „I donated the painting to this orphanage. They can either keep it or sell it for however much they want.“ he whispered into your ear as you walked on stage and you looked up at him in disbelief. Your heart swelled with love as you watched this man infront of you. You spent the evening with the kids and they were totally oblivious to your fame. They were just happy to meet people who helped them.


You were watching him the whole ride back home and when he parked the car infront of the house you grabbed his hand and stopped him from getting out.

„I love you.“ you blurted out and his eyes widened at you confession. He already said it a few times but you were always were too scared to say it. But right now felt like the best time. „What?“ he said totally baffled and you smiled.

„I love you Kim Taehyung.“ you said it again and a devilish smiled appeared on his face.

„I can‘t believe I had to donate the most expensive thing in our home for you to say that. Is your love buyable?“ he joked and you let go of him immediatly.

„You‘re a fucking asshole.“ you cursed at him and opened the door to leave.

„Oh come on! It was a joke.“ he yelled after you but you slammed the door into his face.

„I love you more than I love that painting! You‘re my number one!“ he yelled after you while dangling out of the window of the car.

He was a stupid asshole. But he was your stupid asshole.


“I have a challenge for you”, he broke the silence. “Hm?” You hummed from your place on his hold. “I think you already know it”, he said. You lifted your head to look at him in the eyes. Was this boy serious? He had to make it into a game, all because he was too shy to ask you to kiss him. It was cute. Min Yoongi was cute. His eyes looked back at you in anticipation. He was waiting for a reaction, challenge was a challenge so you still had the possibility to not do it. But you were no damn quitter.


- one - out now!

#bts smut    #fanfiction    #bts fanfic    #bts fanfiction    #bts au    #bts x reader    #ot7 x reader    #bts ot7    #namjoon    #namjoon smut    #namjoon x reader    #bts rm    #bts namjoon    #rm smut    #rm x reader    #taehyung    #taehyung smut    #taehyung x reader    #bts taehyung    #v smut    #v x reader    #seokjin    #seokjin smut    #seokjin x reader    #bts seokjin    



PAIRING ot7 x Reader

RATING Explicit.

GENRE NonIdol!Au. Wilderness!Au. Friends to Lovers. Smut. Fluff. Angst. 


SERIES SUMMARY Six months of quarantine have kept you apart. Somehow the distance sparks something new in each of you: questions, unfinished conversations, threads once chased now left cold. So when your roommate invites you to come with him to a mysterious house in the mountains with your friends, how could you even think of saying no? alternatively, watch the trailer

SERIES WARNINGS added to as each chapter is updated, as well as specified before each chapter: Untimely boner. Handjob. Nipple and breast play. Fingering. Unprotected sex. Size kink. Power play. Dirty talk. Voyeurism. Exhibitionism. Semi-public sex. Dom/Sub dynamics. Sex dreams. Dungeon. Public sex. Masturbation. Oral (f receiving). Edging. Orgasm control and denial. Group sex. Oral sex. Bondage and restraint. Praise kink. Cum play. Aftercare. 

ANThis series is something I’ve been working on, bit by bit after long days of work! It’s become a bit of my emotional support smut, so I hope y’all enjoy the ride with me! I upload every 3-4 weeks on the weekends. 


series navigation:

chapter one 

chapter two 

chapter three

chapter four 

chapter five

chapter six

chapter seven

read with they/them pronouns: 1234 5 6 7


Do you have a fantasy you want realized by the Sh. Boys? Tell me about it and I might just incorporate it into the next chapter! and you can read questions, ideas, guesses, and thots for the series  at #sh. thots

#jungkook smut    #jimin smut    #taehyung smut    #hoseok smut    #hobi smut    #jhope smut    #v smut    #jin smut    #namjoon smut    

fools universe ! (series masterlist)


a universe set in a world with the boys and their own stories about loving, forgiving, and growing.

the stories are loosely connected and can be read individually, it would make more sense when read together.

status - completed!

fools - k.sj.(strangers!au)

do you deserve all he wants to give you?

koi no yokan - j.jk.(strangers!au)

you make loving feel so easy for him because maybe he’s been in love with you, without even knowing you.

hell in heaven - j.hs.(heartbreak!au)

heartbreak is never easy, especially when poison feels like honey.

paper hearts - p.jm.(friends to lovers!au) - 

your heart belongs to him, his heart belongs to everyone else.

a lil bad - m.yg.(enemies to lovers!au)

you and yoongi would kill each other if you could and maybe that isn’t a good thing when he has a drilling needle, ready to tattoo you, in his hands.

i believe - k.nj.(strangers!au)

you find love in the quiet man who rides his blue bicycle around han river.

could you (kiss it better)? - k.th.(crush!au) 

your crush on taehyung is huge and embarrassing but you really wouldn’t have it another way.

kel’s masterlist

kim seokjin


watch and lear

genre: fluff (1.3k)

summary: this is just chaotic fluff.

fools (fools!universe)

genre: angst, fluff (6.7k)

summary: only fools fall for you.

kim namjoon


a lazy two-day

genre: fluff (1k)

summary: nothing blooms love like a paint war between two people helplessly infatuated with each other.

belated love letter

genre: angst (2.5k)

summary: a love letter that he’s been writing only gets delivered, because namjoon has a lot to say even after you’ve broken up.

i believe (fools!universe)

genre: fluff, angst (10k)

summary: who would’ve known that the boy on the blue bicycle would change the way you view life and save you from yourself?

min yoongi


dance with me

genre: fluff, slight angst (885)

summary: yoongi has a rough day at work and the only thing that can make him feel better is the soft music and you.

all of you

genre: angst, fluff (1.4k)

summary: you don’t love yourself but yoongi sure does.


genre: fluff (3.6k)

summary: yoongi likes you and wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he will spill it all to millions of his fans on vlive.

a lil bad (fools!universe)

genre: fluff, angst (11.3k)

summary: you hate min yoongi the most so how the fuck did you end up in his tattoo shop?

jung hoseok


cheering hearts

genre: fluff, award show au! (3.5k)

summary: you have a big, pathetic crush on jung hoseok.

hell in heaven (fools!universe)

genre: angst (4k)

summary: because falling in love with you was both the best and worst thing to happened to him. 

park jimin



genre: angst, fluff (4k)

summary: you made a promise but you could already feel you both breaking it.

paper hearts (fools!universe)

genre: fluff, f2l (9k)

summary: hearts fragile like paper, tear it or don’t? 

two feet tied  (colors!universe)

genre: angst, infidelity (11.5k)

summary: do you think of love when the world is at your fingertips? or a story in which jimin dances on the dangerously thin line between love and obsession.

kim taehyung


only girl

genre: angst (3k)

summary : you’ve never felt like the you’re the only one for taehyung. but what did you even know about him?


genre: fluff, angst (38k+)

summary: “can you make me a bouquet which says ‘fuck you’?”

a little bit of love

genre: fluff, angst (3.5k+)

summary: there’s nothing that freaks you out more than love does.

could you (kiss it better?) (fools!universe)

genre: fluff (11.7k) 

summary: will you ever be able to get over your crush on kim taehyung?

jeon jungkook


you make me brighter

genre: fluff, slight angst(2.3k)

summary: when you and jungkook were together, things were brighter, now all you needed to do to shine was a little push from your friend.

dead of the night ( part 1,part 2)

genre: fluff, angst, warnings include mention of injuries and blood (total: 6.6k)

summary: when a demon falls from the sky, how do you help them find their way up again?

let you go

genre: fluff, crack, tiniest bit of angst (2.4k)

summary: he doesn’t want you to leave but jungkook isn’t cruel enough to stop you either.

koi no yokan(fools!universe)

genre: fluff (6k)

summary: koi no yokan is the premonition of love.

series masterlist



author’s note: requests are open for all members, i do not write smut, only suggestive content and you can send in whichever ideas you have, i will gladly write them for you :] 

a little bit of love - k.th.


genre : fluff, angst (3.5k+) (request for @ofrosesandteacups) thank you so much for requesting, i hope you like it :]

summary : there’s nothing that freaks you out more than love does.


when you first met taehyung, you didn’t imagine how far you guys would come along, sure you liked him from how your friends described him and how he presented himself to the masses, but to come to a point where a day wouldn’t go by without you missing him even as he sat beside you, was beyond you.

you almost felt ridiculous for cuddling up even more to him just at the thought of him being gone for work the next day making him chuckle and gently pat your head. the tv played some old 80’s movie that taehyung loved and served as ambient music which was both romantic and full of yearning. just like the two of you sat in front of it.

“what’s got you like this?” he gestured to your arms that looked close to suffocating his torso but you didn’t weaken your grip, only burying your head in his chest even more.

“you’ll be gone all day tomorrow” you softly whined, your voice coming out muffled and just clear enough for taehyung to hear and he let out a sigh at your words. it was going to be so hard to go to work tomorrow, how could he possibly say goodbye to you for a whole 24 hours after you do and say the things you do?

“i promise i’ll make it up to you, we can go to dinner at that diner you like this weekend” taehyung offered, hoping that would lift your spirit up a little and you nodded happily, any time with him was perfect for you.

“deal” you whispered and before taehyung could ask you about which movie you wanted to start next, he heard your slow, even breaths fill the silence and he simply let a fond smile grace his face, as he shut the tv off and devoted his entire attention to watch you sleep. not in a creepy way, in more of a ‘you’re so fucking cute, i would die for you’ way.

and it was in that moment, your arms never losing their tight grip on him, your nose twitching ever so often in your sleep and your legs wrapped around his, taehyung decided that he was helplessly in love with you and that conclusion only solidified for him when he reached to kiss your forehead, he still felt his body erupt in tingles, these tingles that he gets whenever he’s with you haven’t died since the day, he’s met you.

taehyung was in love. and he wanted to shout it from any building in the world.


you kicked the blanket around your feet as you tossed and turned to avoid the sunlight burning your eyes awake, and with one final groan, you pushed yourself up to lay on your elbows as you cursed everything about the day when its barely begun. you saw taehyung’s side of the bed empty and sighed, you remembered how warm he felt last night, and how his voice put you right to sleep, your cheeks warmed as your mind travelled to how he promised you his weekend just so you wouldn’t be sad and your heart did a good old flip as you continued to think about him.

you heard yeontan yapping at your feet, waiting for you to give him all your attention and love, you gave the cheery dog a soft smile before scooping him up in your arms and letting him lick all over your face while you giggled and tilted your head away from his sloppy kisses, once he finally calmed down, you just buried your face into his fur and realized yeontan only reminded you more about taehyung.

this was going to be a long day without him.

you could feel your stomach drop a little at the sad realization and you deemed it so unfair that you couldn’t spend every minute of your life with hi-

wait a minute.

it hasn’t even been 8 hours since you last saw him so why were you acting like his funeral was tomorrow? why did you miss him so much when you were literally in his arms not too long ago?

your head snapped up as you caught yourself thinking that as your legs flung over the side of the bed, your eyes widened at your own thoughts. any and all romance draining out of your body, as familiar dread and paranoia took its place.

where was all this coming from?

the last time you felt like this, was in grade school, when you still wore a little skirt and tie, and sat at the bleachers as you watched your then-boyfriend with flushed cheeks and giddy eyes, play basketball, he would always take the ball, give you a cocky smirk and say, ‘this one’s for you’, only for the ball to always fall to the side instead of into the hoop. you would just give him an awkward smile and slow applause, maybe you should’ve taken that missed shot as a sign that your relationship would end in disaster.

because all the while you adored and gave him heart eyes, he would smile right at your face, only to send a wink and smirk to someone else over your shoulder.

and now, after all these years, you gave those same lovesick eyes to taehyung. and you could feel your palms getting sweaty just at the thought of your relationship ending the same way.

of course, you knew better, you’ve come a long way since school, done a lot of growing up, and now, you were confident in yourself and you were almost completely sure that taehyung never did that. almost.

but how much did you see? maybe you missed it at some point. you let out a loud groan and fell back on the bed with hair everywhere on your face.

fuck, you were royally screwed.

it wasn’t even noon and your mind was hell bent to make this your worst day.

how could you think of taehyung like this? sweet, kind taehyung, who’s giving you his weekend, taehyung who always kisses you on the forehead at night when he thinks you’re sleeping, taehyung who defended mint chocolate with an adorable pout on his face, taehyung who cooed and played with every baby he saw, taehyung who knew everything about you, the good and the ugly, and still stayed, and most importantly, taehyung who loved you.

he loved you, it was no secret. boy was as whipped as they come, and anyone with two eyes could see it and he didn’t have to say it to you for you to know, you just knew that he loved you, he trusted you enough to introduce you to his dog and that was a very big deal to him (you quote, ‘it’s like you’re meeting my parents’).

and that scared you, because holy shit, this man is ready to give you the world but would you ever be able to carry everything he gives you? were you ready to admit to yourself that you would give him twice the world he gives you because that’s how precious he is to you?

you aren’t ready.

and you don’t think you ever will be.

maybe you should’ve gone to therapy for your commitment and trust issues when you were still in university because you definitely regretted flipping the finger to your kind on-campus counsellor now (she was actually very condescending and forced you to talk about your problems instead of easing into it like a good counsellor would so fuck her but you were still on that train of hating yourself, weren’t you?). it was almost like you never thought your issues would come back to bite you in the ass.

whatever, you can push this under the rug like you always have. it should be fine, it’s the way you have always dealt with, push it under the rug or run away from it.

and you know how ridiculous your thoughts are right now, you couldn’t possibly run away from taehyung, because here you were, all dressed up in a baby blue dress with your hands occupied in three large bags of takeout food for the hardworking boys in the practice room in front of you. and yes, you also know how pathetic it is to be so scared of being in love with this man and then coming right back to him because what if he missed his lunch? (you just wanted to see his face and no, you couldn’t go an entire day without him).

you sheepishly poked your head in and saw all of them scattered around the room, their heads snapping towards the now open door and you quickly looked for your man in the crowd, only to find him already looking at you with surprise evident in his eyes and a confused but lovely broad grin on his face as he happily skipped to you, pulling you in and closing the door behind you, almost immediately enveloping you in a warm hug.

“what are you doing here?” he happily sighed into the crook of your neck, and you could feel your heart stutter a little at the clear joy in his tone. you pulled away from him to lift the bags in your hands up.

“thought that you could use some food” you tilted your head to look at everyone else, giving them a shy smile and bow, taehyung looking at you with those eyes that he seemed to always look at you these days.

those lovesick eyes.

“fuck i love you” he chuckled slightly, grabbing the bags from your hands and walking away to set them on a table, not noticing how wide your eyes have gotten or the panic in your face as he said it.

he finally said the words you’ve been both dreading and longing to hear, and in such a casual way, you knew he just said it in a playful way for all the food you brought in but that didn’t mean your heart didn’t drop to your ass when you heard them. you snapped out of your trance when your ears caught them call you in a chorus, ushering you over to them.

“everything okay?” he whispered just low enough for you to hear, making sure that it didn’t catch anyone else’s attention. and as much as you wanted to fall on him and tell him everything your mind was putting you through, you gave him a tight smile and nodded your head.

you quietly walked up to them and only spoke when you were spoken to, a little too lost in yourself, looking to the side when taehyung nudged your elbow a little. you were never this silent, you were always bubbling with things to say or you made some dry jokes about your own suffering that had the whole room laughing, but right now, you just weren’t you. and that worried him.

“of course, i am always okay” you let out a nervous chuckle slip past your lips as you said it, cursing yourself for the slight break in your tone.

you weren’t okay.

you weren’t okay at all.

and taehyung knew that.

you could tell he wasn’t convinced at all with your answer so you just sighed and decided to come clean.

“we will talk about this later, okay? it isn’t anything bad, but it isn’t necessarily good either” you rambled silently, and taehyung, though unconvinced and worried sick now, nodded in agreement, giving you a side hug and kiss to your temple making your heart wrench in place even more.

“you know i love you, right? and that you can tell me anything?” you knew.

that was the problem.

you fucking knew he loved you and you didn’t know how to handle that.

but until your inevitable discussion later, you just leaned in for a kiss on his cheek making his cheeks flush and hurt a little at the almost immediate smile that grew on his face.

“aw look at them being all cute” jimin cooed from where he stood, clearly not having noticed the prior tense environment around the two of you.

“i’m telling you, it’s the honeymoon phase. they’ll be at each other’s throats soon” jungkook snickered harmlessly, as the others argued that you both have been in this honeymoon phase since forever now and it didn’t seem to go away anytime soon. and you turned red as they all continued to tease the two of you, making lighthearted jokes at how whipped you were and you didn’t have it in you to laugh like you usually would.

with jungkook and everyone else around you, people who you have become so comfortable with, it was all too overwhelming, you fit in so well, almost too well and that was one more thing for you to worry about.

when did you start feeling so at home with all of these people?

and why did spending lunch with them feel so normal all of a sudden?

you usually had lunch at your workplace with your friends, and you wouldn’t say you enjoyed it very much, because most of the time, you all were too exhausted to hold fun conversations, so it was all a very monotonous routine. but now, with taehyung and rest of them, you could feel bubbling energy every second you spent with them and it just felt so perfect.

but did it feel that way for them? or were you just intruding on their normal routine?

after a silent excuse to leave to work early and way too quick of a goodbye, you left with an even heavier mind than the one you spent all morning with. and even if you thought you were being subtle, your sour mood caught the attention of everyone in the room who were more concerned than you thought they would be.

“are you ready to tell me what’s going on with you?” taehyung walked in your apartment to see you slumped on the sofa, eyes teary with your focus on the tv which played somber ending music to a show (you weren’t crying because of the show, you were crying because oh my fucking god did you hate being you at that very moment, you were wallowing in self pity and with thoughts that you’ll die alone and loveless with around 20 cats, you even placed an order for catnip and bed impulsively for a cat you didn’t even own). you were doing great, clearly.

you couldn’t delay this conversation anymore without hurting either of you two even more.

“huh?” you sniffed, turning to see him pulling his coat off while keeping his narrowed and concerned eyes on you, you have never heard that tone on taehyung or seen him so agitated in a while.

at least both of them were never directed at you.

he dropped down next to you on the sofa, pulling the large bag of chips from your arms and setting it aside before looking right at you, refusing to break eye contact, leaving you to be the one to break it off with a sigh.

“i’m going to need you to listen to me without saying anything for the next 10 minutes because this is really hard for me to talk about, and i am not even sure what my actual problem is, i just don’t feel okay and i think i’m going to explode any second” you rambled, clearing your throat awkwardly at the end and crossing your arms across your chest like you were trying to protect yourself from your own words.

taehyung had never you seen this vulnerable, with your red-rimmed eyes, quivering lips and a loose sweater hanging off your shoulders, refusing to look at him, instead focusing on the socks adorning his feet and voice coming out in quiet gasps and whispers that he could barely hear.

you looked so fragile, so close to breaking to him. and that broke him too.

“whatever it is, we will figure it out together” he softly let out, forcing your arms out of the hold it had over your chest and tenderly grasping onto your hands, it made you feel exposed, even more vulnerable than you already were.

“i told you to be quiet” you choked out in a groan, tears pricking your eyes and he immediately cooed, rubbing the back of your hands and assuring that you now have the complete room to yourself.

“you know how things are going so well for us? like we spend at least 5 days in a week together and we’ve introduced each other to our friends and we’ve spoken briefly to each other’s parents too?”

“yeah, we’re obsessed with each other god.”



“shut up.”

“okay” he chuckled and gestured for you to continue, making you smile a little too.

“i just feel like everything is going so well, and i feel so happy, so comfortable, i feel like i’m at a place in my life that i’ve been running towards my whole life but now that i’m actually here, i feel…scared?” taehyung raised an eyebrow at the end of your sentence, but not questioning anything because you continued your worried rant.

“it’s like, everything about you and your life has fit in so perfectly with mine, even with your busy schedule and my pain-in-the-ass work hours, we somehow make it work but i’m scared that it will all just go away at some point and i’ll be back at square one. i’ve never felt like this before, i love you, a lot and i love everything about us, i’m so happy with how we are, i just need reassurance that we will stay like this for as long as we can be, that’s all” you let out a deep breathe you didn’t know you were holding and looked at him nervously, chewing your bottom lip and you were sure that you bit it too hard. your heart pounded so hard, it felt like it was going to escape the cage of your chest.

“first off, stop biting your lip like that, you’re going to split it open and second, i love you too and third, is that it? you’re scared that we won’t last?” taehyung looked at you in disbelief that you would even think that you could get rid of him as his hands tightened around your own.

“and that you will leave me for someone else” you sighed out, figuring that it was best to just lay it all out there while you’re at it. taehyung just looked down and shook his head, as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“you really don’t have a clue of how in love i am with you, do you?” you slowly shook your head at his rhetorical question.

“well, i guess i have to remind you. you have nothing to worry about when it comes to us, okay? whatever we are, and whatever we will become, i promise to try my best to always make it work for us, because just like you said, i love us and i love you. and if you don’t know what to do, we can figure it out together, i haven’t been in many relationships either, at least not meaningful ones so i have no clue but together, we can do anything, yeah?” he waited for your nod which came shortly after his words, you didn’t even realize you were crying until taehyung reached up to rub your tears away gently with his thumb, all while holding a soft smile to you.

“i love you, okay? and i am not going anywhere, i don’t want to be anywhere else so next time you feel like this, don’t suffer alone, come to me and we can either cry together or i can kiss your tears away, whichever works for you, though i would prefer the k-“ he was cut short when you literally threw your body on top of his, he immediately broke into a small giggle, reaching to wrap his arms around you too.

“i think you liked the kisses idea” he lightly teased making you laugh and mumble a low ‘shut up’ into his hoodie.

“do you promise? that we’ll try till we can’t?” you leaned back with glassy eyes and he smiled, nodding his answer.

“i promise, now you shut up and come back here” he pulled you back so that you would fall with your head nestled into his neck again.

“oh, one thing” he spoke up again and you let him continue.

“can you bring us lunch more often? because they all seem to love you more than they love me” he pouted a little, recounting how everyone rushed to ask him if everything was okay with you after practice was over and you smiled a little, feeling a little stupid for worrying so much about intruding on them.

“of course, as long as i get to see you” you jokingly blew him a kiss to which he reacted with an equally dramatic reaction, clutching his chest and scrunching his eyes shut, acting like he got shot and falling off the couch, the silence being filled with your loud laughs.

and that is how you end all your nights with him, filled with joy, and filled to the brim, with love.

turns out you didn’t need therapy after all.

but what were you going to do with all that catnip now?


genre: fluff, angst (38k+ rip phone readers)


summary: "can you please make me a bouquet which conveys ‘fuck you’?“


taehyung sighs as he sits back down after making a large bouquet of different roses for a man who clearly needed to apologise to someone, considering the amount of money he spent, he probably fucked up pretty badly.

business at the flower shop was never booming, as expected, these days text messages, calls and half-assed reasonings have replaced the simplicity and significance of flowers.

even taehyung himself wouldn’t have cared about flowers at all, but he promised himself that he would do this for his best friend and his family who took care of him for as long as he remembered.

as he sat by himself, humming an unknown tune, he unconsciously glanced outside to see her.

he saw her every day, she would pass his little flower shop and she would be doing the most random things, one thing he picked up about her was that she seemed to walk her dog the same path crossing his store every other day, but one thing he knew for sure, that she was absolutely stunning.

he would sometimes catch her looking at the colourful tulips placed at the front of the shop or lazily gaze through the entire shop before she walked away.

but it was not like taehyung liked her, it was almost like he found her habits endearing, he was intrigued by this person who seemed to go through a tsunami of emotions every day, he is only guessing that, of course, based on the way she walked. the days taehyung assumed she was "sad”, she had a lethargic walk, “angry” was noticeable easily since she seemed to stomp her way by his store and the days he assumed she was “happy”, she seemed to have a bounce in her step and a bright smile, grinning at everyone she passed, it almost sometimes made taehyung wish he crossed paths with her so he could witness it too.

and after she passed by, he got right back to doing his work.

the flower shop was small but absolutely cosy and taehyung did all he could to make it look presentable and elegant.

he was not obligated to work there, but he felt like he owed that much and he enjoyed it too so, he would work whenever he had time. now, since it was summer, he had a lot of time for himself and he had nothing better to do anyway, so he’d be at the store the whole day.

he didn’t have anyone to go home to, anyone that would miss his presence except maybe his group of friends, so he leisurely spent the time around arranging the flowers and handling them with the utmost care.

taehyung absent-mindedly ran his fingers through his hair about a million times as he read his book which had information about different kinds of flowers and their meaning and care before the sunset, and then, the business was flat, he had maybe two customers who came for simple congratulatory bouquets, both of which took almost no time to make.

the clock struck 9 and he decided he could wrap it up for today and head home.

he double-checked if he had put recorded today’s activities, put the money in the safe and locked the glass doors, stepping outside.

the nights were pretty cold which was a stark contrast to the mornings that were irritatingly warm and sticky.

taehyung walked as he passed by many people, some were happy, some were drunk, some were definitely drunk, some were embarrassed because of the drunk person, some were talking loudly on their phones, some were giggling and everyone seemed to live in their own world. he admired the many different lifestyles that people led, while others found it annoying, he found it almost amusing about how we all live in the same familiar world, but completely unfamiliar with each other.

he heard his phone ding and he knew who it was even before looking at it. there were only around 7 people who would text him and he managed to set a different tone for each of them since it would be easier to know who was going to bother him for the day.

from: chimmy

yo tae, you done with the shop?

to: chimmy

hey chim, just finished wrapping everything up. omw home.

from: chimmy

great, i am coming over, i’m staying the night too.

to: chimmy

aight, see you in a bit then.

and with that, he slid his phone back into his coat pocket and walked a little faster so that he could go home and cook some dinner by the time jimin came over.

he opened the door to his apartment, it wasn’t like it was the biggest home in the area nor was it the smallest, but it was enough for him as the space made him feel cosy and it somehow fit him and his friends whenever they came over, he had a secret studio room which no one really knew about but him.

he walked in to see jimin sitting comfortably on the couch, and by comfortably, he meant legs sprawled out and body bent in the weirdest angles.

“tae!” jimin jumped up from the couch running over to give him a bear hug, taehyung pretended to shrug jimin off but he enjoyed the affection jimin showered him with so often.

“chill dude, you saw me not even 24 hours ago,” taehyung said, placing his coat and keys aside but jimin only grinned at him.

“anyway, we are gonna pass by the fact that you obviously very much so missed me too, i am hungry, you suck at cooking so, i already ordered some jjajangmyeon and we can watch a movie or something before sleeping, sound good?” jimin spoke so quickly, that any other person would barely grasp on what he was talking about but it was his best friend for like almost his whole life so jimin’s motorboat speaking skills rarely ever confuse him.

he nodded, trying not to take offence at the obvious jab on his cooking, but who was he kidding, he sucked at it and he was more than grateful that jimin had already ordered.

“sounds great, let me just change and come back. please put some good movie, i don’t want any of that alien vs. predator shit” he mumbled before heading over to his room.

he came out around the same time their food arrived and so they ate and bantered, talked about their day and eventually, passed out on the couch before the movie ever ended.


bright light entered through the thin curtains covering the large windows in the living room and taehyung stirred in his sleep, he groaned and turned away, trying to ignore the fact that it’s morning now but eventually, he got up, lazily rubbing his eyes and squinting to look at his surroundings.

there were dirty plates, glasses littering the table in front of them and then there was jimin, he had one leg on top of the couch, the other leg awkwardly touching the ground while he lightly snored.

taehyung snickered to himself as he pulled his phone out to take an extremely unflattering picture of his best friend and sent it to the group chat of their remaining friends. they immediately responded with hilarious reactions, all of them saying they would be saving the picture for future revenge.

taehyung stretched and finally got up from the couch to put the plates and other things away, then he lightly kicked jimin to wake him up, but jimin being jimin, just groaned and went back to sleeping like a baby. taehyung sighed and decided to wake him up later.

he went to his room to clean himself up and put on a comfortable outfit as he was gonna spend the rest of his day at the flower shop anyway.

he walked out of his room to find jimin still snoring away, so he got his phone and played the latest, most catchy k-pop song he could find as loudly as possible until it annoyed jimin enough to wake up.

“kim taehyung, i swear to god, shut the damn noise already!” jimin yelled, throwing a pillow but taehyung continued blasting different songs, dancing to them and singing along loudly.

jimin got up with a huff and glared at taehyung with a sleepy pout on his face.

“lose the pout chim, it won’t work on me nor will the glare, so get your lazy ass up and help me with breakfast already,” he mused, walking away to the kitchen while jimin rolled around the couch, whining for another 10 minutes before getting up to clean himself up as well.

after he was done getting ready, he joined taehyung in the kitchen to find a glass of juice, ready for him to drink and he jumped to sit on the counter as he watched tae make waffles for the both of them.

“look who finally decided to get their useless ass up” tae snickered as his tongue stuck out, concentrating on not to ruin the waffles.

“shut up man” jimin groaned out, rubbing his face tiredly before helping with the waffles as well.

“also, mom wants you to come over for dinner soon, she misses you apparently, so do the rest of them,” jimin informed and taehyung nodded, his heart warming slightly that someone missed him.

“sure, why not, i miss them too,” taehyung said with a soft sigh, and jimin gave him a small smile.

they both ate their breakfast and cleaned up the house a bit more before going off to their daily routine.

jimin worked at a small bakery that had the most amazing blueberry cupcakes, it was a part-time job though, jimin spent the rest of his time working at his family’s company. their family was rich and the company was very successful but jimin liked doing something that was only his for his satisfaction.

taehyung himself was an artist, an anonymous artist that no one except his closest friends knew about, he sold his art privately to specific people only but he was still pretty well-known as some of his works in the local gallery and graffiti went viral, it seemed like a bit of banksy situation but it’s not like he expected his art to blow up like that. he worked in the flower shop because he found it comforting and would probably continue working there until his big debut at an art gallery in the winter.

he was very passionate about the little things in life, the forgotten things, he wanted to remind people of the beauty in things that we usually ignore, which he tried to reflect in his art. his art was something he was very shy about, which is why very few people knew of it. he went by the alias vante, a random name that he came up with when he visited Paris with his friends at the beginning of his career.

as he approached the flower shop, he gently smiled at the soft sunshine falling on the tulips, he liked the tulips being at the front since they symbolize 'perfect love’.

he pushed the door open, being greeted with all different kinds of scents, he let his fingers delicately caress the different flowers before reaching the counter where he removed his jacket and got to work.

he sprayed the flowers with water, taking his time, and making sure each different kind of flower received a sufficient amount of water. this took about two hours every single day and after that, he plopped down on his chair, tired but relaxed nonetheless.

a few customers poured in, all for different reasons, two stood out the most, mainly because he used his favorite flowers in their decorations: a blue-haired guy who wanted to gift flowers to his boyfriend, taehyung happily wrapped a bouquet of peonies and red tulips, both flowers represented love and a kind old man who wanted flowers to give to his wife for their anniversary, taehyung decided on a bouquet of matthiola incana and camellia for him.

his heart filled with warmth watching the old man softly smile at his bouquet and thank him several times, this is why he loved working at the flower shop, to see that smile on different people for different reasons.

the sky turned to a beautiful ombre of orange and red, business slowed down again and taehyung lazily scrolled through his phone, laughing at the silly messages his friends sent, screenshotting a few and he absent-mindedly gazed outside to see heragain, right on time for her daily stroll.

but this time, he clearly saw the anger and rage evident on her face as she seemed to head in his direction.

taehyung panicked, sure, he had admired the mystery girl many times, but he never once thought he would actually have to meet her, he kept trying to avoid the fact that she was angrily stomping her way into his shop.

she looked around the shop before her eyes landed on him, she kept her gaze straight on him as she walked up to him, taking long and quick strides as he gulped nervously.

she finally reached the counter and slammed a twenty-dollar bill on it, making taehyung jump at the sound, and she spoke through gritted teeth,

“can you please make me a bouquet which conveys 'fuck you’?” her honey-like voice seethed.

oh no.


taehyung froze, his eyes wide as he tried to register the words she just spoke but quickly, he collected himself and cleared his throat before speaking.

“of course” he replied with a small smile and the girl looked a bit confused because she didn’t understand how this man remained so calm while she was quite literally bursting at seams with anger, he got up from where he was and walked over to the flowers, quietly looking through all of them, his eyes brightening a little every time he found the suitable flowers for the girl’s very specific bouquet.

she stayed silent, anger still evident but she softened quite a bit looking at the man in front of her, who was picking the flowers with a sense of calmness, as if he was used to people asking him to make a “fuck you” bouquet.

even though she was restless, she could not deny that this guy looked handsome as fuck.

she quickly scoffed and looked away, when she remembered why exactly she was here and why she needed that particular bouquet.

taehyung picked the flowers, wrapping them gently in some rustic patterned paper before finishing off with a bright red bow. he handed the bouquet to her and she tried to ignore the giddy feeling in her stomach she got when their fingers lightly grazed.

it’s nothing more than just attention from this obviously very good-looking man, that was all.

she watched the different flowers in the bouquet with the utmost confusion on why those particular flowers as taehyung took that time to admire the girl in front of him who was frowning in concentration, he found it adorable, he didn’t even realise she was speaking until he saw her lips moving, her lips were a light pink and looked very soft, he noted before listening to her.

“if you don’t mind, can you tell what each of these flowers symbolise?” she asked, her voice soft and soothing but an underlying tone of anger was still present. taehyung nodded, though surprised because most people didn’t care about the meanings of the flowers but he was grateful that someone asked and more importantly, that she asked.

“the germaniums symbolise stupidity, the foxglove stands for insincerity, the meadowsweet for uselessness, the yellow carnations for disappointment and finally, the orange lilies for hatred” taehyung explained with amusement as he watched the girl take in all the information.

she smirked and the thought 'this should teach steven a lesson’ kept revolving in her mind before she looked back at the dashing boy with a voice that could melt ice. she loved the way he spoke, his words sounded well-thought-out and beautiful and she could probably listen to him talk all day and never get tired but she quickly shook those thoughts from her head.

you don’t even know the dude, she quickly corrected herself.

“thank you, i know it’s an odd request-” she stammered, trying to explain why she needed it without giving away too much information but taehyung cut her off, waving his hand.

“it’s not a problem at all, don’t worry about it” he gave her a small smile, hoping to make her feel more comfortable. she nodded, gratefully before placing an extra twenty as a tip on the counter.

“thank you so much for taking your time to explain it and of course, for the bouquet.” she said, smiling brightly and holding back at the bouquet.

god, she looks even more breathtaking up close, he thought, involuntarily matching her smile.

“you’re welcome, have a great day miss.” he waved her goodbye and she nodded before spinning on her heel and exiting the shop, much calmer than she was when she entered it.

she couldn’t deny the smile that wouldn’t budge from her face as she couldn’t get the man out of her head but that was quickly wiped away when she saw the bouquet and was reminded of the circumstances that lead to her needing to walk into that flower shop. she started to walk quickly again, ready to give the bouquet to the guy who broke her heart, not sparing a second glance at the shop.

in the shop, taehyung sat stunned as his mind seemed to take a lot of time to process whatever just happened but even with the confusion, a small smile was on his face as her bright smile-even though she was obviously very pissed- kept flashing in his mind. he was so in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice jimin enter the shop until he heard someone obnoxiously clap their hands in front of him suddenly.

startled, he flinched and shuffled around, trying to regain his cool before he realised it was only jimin.

“why do you look like that?” jimin asked with a tilt to his head, sitting on an empty stool, looking around the flower shop, taking in all the small changes taehyung had made since he started working in the shop.

the lights were brighter, the decor was all plush in pale colors to make the vibrant flowers stand out and the wrapping papers had many varieties now.

he let out a sigh, before turning back to taehyung who watched him quietly.

taehyung knew how painful it was for jimin to come into the flower shop since it was previously owned by jimin’s grandpa, the both of them would always visit his grandpa at work as young boys, played around with the various flowers and ribbons, and it was rare for jimin to come to the flower shop as every little detail reminded him of his happy, old man.

he would only visit the shop in two instances, either he was in a very good mood or the complete opposite. he heavily sighed one last time before setting his elbows on the counters and leaning his face into his hands.

“well, are you going to answer me today?” jimin asked, the snark unmissable in his voice and taehyung shook his head.

“that’s not important, i was just distracted, is everything ok chim?” taehyung asked, carefully, deciding that a random but attractive girl wasn’t important at the moment, and jimin nodded.

“i just had a small fight with the manager at the bakery, i keep messing up the display apparently like sir but all the sugared donuts look the same to me, how am i supposed to know which ones are cream or jam-filled if i don’t know what’s fucking in them and i’m just handed a tray expected to arrange even though no one tells me what the fuck it is” he groaned out loud, hitting his head on the table, his complaints about his manager were frequent, and jimin sweetly called the manager 'a pain in my bubbly ass’.

“how about we have a guys night, you, me and the boys?” he suggested. jimin contemplated whether meeting the rest of the crackheads would end in anything good.

it would not.

but he agreed to it nonetheless, they always managed to make him feel happy anyway.

the boys sent a text to their group chat and headed out, locking the flower shop, ready for a good time but thoughts of the girl lingered in taehyung’s mind as he walked alongside his best friend.

meanwhile, things were not going so great for her as she impatiently tapped her foot, standing in front of the large building, waiting for her boyfriend, well soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend to step out so she could finally put a stop to whatever clownery their relationship was.

she read his text which stated he would be out in 10 minutes and smirked before slipping her phone back into her pocket.

i’ll be so glad when this is over, she thought.


she perked up, watching him exit the building and walking straight to her. he had a huge grin on his face as he approached her and leaned in for a hug which she immediately dodged, leaving him confused.

“wha-” he started, concern laced in his voice but she put her hand up, stopping him from speaking any further.

“save it, steven” she spat out and he looked taken aback by her sudden harsh words but he realised that her posture was very rigid and she looked very pissed off.

“babe, is everything okay?” he asked, a nervous chuckle escaping his lips, stepping closer to her and tried to hold her hand, she immediately swatted his hand away before glaring at him.

“don’t act so innocent, babe. maybe set a new password for that goddamn phone of yours” she seethed, venom dripping from her words and he finally started to get a small idea of what was happening.

“you saw the texts?” he asked, his voice was small and he looked away, clearly guilty.

“did i see them? well, let’s go through some facts here, so i’m just a 'cheap bitch’ who you will have around for 'another tiring month’ and all i do is 'bore the fuck out of you’ or 'annoy you’ and you 'don’t know’ how to end things with me. now you tell me, did i see the fucking texts?” she almost screamed and he took it, he deserved it, hell, he probably deserved more than that but she knew arguing with him was just a waste of her precious time.

“babe, please listen to m-” he pleaded but she wasn’t having any of it, cutting him off once again.

“no, you listen to me steven, since you 'don’t know’ how to end things with me, i’m gonna make this real simple for you. i don’t want to spend another 'tiring’ minute with you, i honestly feel bad for whoever you’ll date next, i hope they enjoy their 'two minutes in hell’ in bed with you” she spat out and he just stared at her, stone shocked.

“also, i almost forgot, you were a florist right? have a good time figuring out what this means” she smirked, throwing the bouquet into his arms and taking one last look at his dumb face before turning and walking in the opposite direction, head held high and a bounce in her step.

steven stood there, dumbfounded before bringing the bouquet closer to inspect the flowers, he immediately understood what they meant and a offended scoff left his lips as he dropped the bouquet to his feet and stomped on it, again and again, like a child.

she sashayed her way home and closed the door, leaning on it, letting out a light sigh before a smile formed on her lips for two reasons,

1. she was finally not with that man-child anymore and she never felt more relieved in her life.

2. she also remembered the very cute boy from the flower shop, his doll-like features and his comforting words, how he spoke about flowers so passionately even when they had an unpleasant meaning, he intrigued her and she didn’t have to mention the fact that she was attracted to him, she was pretty sure everyone who met him was.

she put her shoes away, hung her coat with a hum and walked into her apartment which she shared with her best friend.

speaking about above mentioned best friend, celeste park walked in at that moment and immediately started bombarding her with questions on how everything went.

she just let out a huff before slowly walking into her room with celeste hot on her tail, she shut out whatever surely nonsense her friend was spewing and quickly excused herself to shower and change.

after she was in more comfortable clothes, she joined celeste on the couch who sat with a small pout on her face, clearly annoyed that she wouldn’t tell her anything.

she cuddled into her friend’s arms and started narrating about how it all went down with steven, celeste continued to throw around snide remarks about her ex-boyfriend the entire time, and by the end of it, both of them were giggling before celeste tightly hugged her.

“i am so proud of you and happy that you are not with him anymore, god knows how many times i told you he wasn’t worth your time” celeste snickered, brushing her friend’s hair softly.

“yeah, you sounded like a broken record. i should have dumped him right then.” she giggled as celeste hit her with a pillow.

“also, i forgot to mention, i met this guy,” she mused with a cheeky smile, wandering off and leaving celeste with wide eyes who started to follow the girl around as she made dinner.

“who is it? and damn, who knew you would find someone else literally the day you break up with your boyfriend?” celeste said with a smirk on her face, sitting on the chair near the counter.

“shut up cel, i barely know the guy, hell, i don’t even know his name except for the fact that he works at the flower shope but let me tell you, he was probably the finest man i’ve seen in my life” she explained with a dreamy drag to her words.

“that’s what you said about steven” celeste interjected with raised eyebrows, not really trusting her friend’s words on this as she shook her head violently.

“steven was fine but almost in a childish way, this guy was all man, his voice was deep and raspy, you wouldn’t believe how good he sounded when he started speaking about the flowers. ugh, he sounded so articulate” she blabbered away, tasting the food as celeste listened on, finding her best friend’s description of a guy and dazed expression clearly amusing.

“so you find him interesting?” celeste asked, knowing the answer already while she thought for a while before nodding.

“you could say, very interesting” she confirmed with amusement laced in her voice.

“come on, stop thinking about how he sounds in bed already, at least talk to the guy before you do that” celeste teased, giggling at her interested-correction-very interested best friend.

“alright alright, cut it out now!” she whined before serving the fried rice for the both of them. they both started eating before celeste started speaking again.

“so you’re gonna go back to the flower shop right?” celeste spoke with her mouth full, and she looked away, poking her plate.

“i don’t know about that cel, like what would i do even if i did go back?” she stammered, uncertainty clear in her voice.

“dude, you’re obviously interested in him and if he is fine as fuck as you say, just go in there, ask about random flowers or buy random flowers, or even better, try to explain why you asked for such a weird bouquet” celeste shrugged after she was done suggesting ways to approach the flower boy.

she just nodded along, her eyes slightly twitching with nervousness and excitement and celeste rolled her eyes.

“i know that look, you’re going back, aren’t you?” celeste asked, knowing full well that her best friend never took things slow, and she smirked back in reply.

“hell yeah”


well, let’s just say she ended up overthinking the whole situation and never ended up going. the confidence she had before had now withered as the day loomed in and she was trying to avoid the flower shop as much as she could.

she couldn’t help but think how he must’ve found her fucking bonkers for the request she made, and the guy being so freaking gorgeous didn’t help her nerves either. she took a different route for when she was dog-sitting shiro and she successfully avoided the shop for a week.

but here she was, after a very long week, two minutes away from the flower shop, she finally decided to woman up and talk to him. 

meanwhile, taehyung too had subconsciously thought of her all week, he was more curious about her than he ever was before, but he couldn’t do anything about it, she had stopped coming by the shop so, he didn’t see her at all. he started wondering that maybe he did something that might’ve scared her off but couldn’t come up with anything. he told jimin about her, and he was no help, all he did was tease taehyung all week.

then, he saw her, in front of the shop, fiddling with her fingers and looking down, she slowly lifted her head to meet his gaze and her face broke out in a small, nervous smile.

she pushed the glass door open, slowly before making her way to taehyung who was watching her with widened eyes but still kept his overall composure.

she reached his counter, now making eye contact with taehyung and they both gulped, hearts beating loudly. they kept staring at each other before taehyung finally mustered up the courage to break the silence.

“are you here for another 'fuck you’ bouquet?” taehyung teased her and she blushed, looking away with a grin.

“so you remember,” she hummed, a smile still present on her face and he nodded.

“of course, kind of hard to forget someone who asks for such an interesting bouquet” he said and she laughed, making his smile wider as he took her in.

she wore a white and light blue sundress, her earrings dangled when she laughed, and her feet were adorned in wedges. she looked very cute, he noted as he waited for her reply.

“about that, i just wanted to come and thank you again for being so calm when i was losing my mind,i must have looked like such a brazen person” she waved her hands here and there as she spoke, another habit of hers that he noticed.

“i thought i already told you that it was more than alright and it is also my job. though i have to say, it’s left me more than a little curious” he hinted, wanting to know more about her, he wasn’t sure if she would tell him but he could at least try, and she nodded, deciding that it was her chance to talk to him more.

“understandably, so if i explain the whole thing, it’s gonna take forever, i needed the bouquet for my now ex-boyfriend, more specifically to break up with him” she explained, and he listened intently as she spoke, making her feel flustered with the attention.

well, wasn’t he the happiest man to know she was single right now.

“well, did he get the message?” he asked, resting his elbows on the counter and leaning forward unconciously, her cheeks warmed when he did this and she hoped he didn’t notice which thankfully, he didn’t.

“i am pretty sure he did” she replied, a satisfied smile playing on her lips and he smiled back at her.

“then i am glad the bouquet helped.”

"it definitely did” she giggled as she imagined steven with a childish pout on his face, looking at the delicate flowers with hatred, she was sure he probably threw the flowers in a trash can or stomped on them, throwing a fit like the petulant man-child he was.

an awkward silence ensued in the air with the both of them not knowing how to continue the conversation, they barely knew each other but they wanted to stay right there, with each other.

 "i never caught your name, should i just call you flower boy?“ she asked, with a teasing smile on her face and he smirked, a grin threatening to spread on his face.

he loved that name, though he would never admit it.

"well, i don’t mind if you call me that but the name’s kim taehyung if you decide otherwise” he said, and hoped that he was not kidding himself when he saw her blush as their eyes met again.

“kim taehyung, you’re korean. i am too” she remarked, her voice laced with admiration, she really did like the name and he couldn’t ignore the tingle he felt when she said his name.

“oh really, i was born in busan and then we moved here, what would your name be?”

“rumi, lee rumi”

“anyway rumi, lee rumi, pleased to make your acquaintance” he replied in his signature raspy tone which only made her feel more flustered, his voice was deep and smooth and sounded like music to her ears.

“how long have you been working here? i don’t think i’ve seen you around before” she inquired, she was always a little too lost in her own world to care about her surroundings.

oh, well i’ve definitely seen you around, he thought.

“a good while now, and i’m not surprised, flower shops are not exactly the talk of the town” he half-joked, and she frowned, not liking how he was belittling his own shop.

“that’s not true and i’m not saying this to flatter you, but this is by far, the prettiest flower shop i’ve seen ever” she spoke with wonder in her tone, looking around and waving her hands around the entire shop, at the beautiful flowers first, the muted colors surrounding them and then the decorative knick-knacks that seemed to make the place stand out even more.

“thank you but i can’t help but be totally flattered when you say it like that” he teased, even surprising himself, he didn’t know that he was confident enough to hold a conversation with her, but here he was, enjoying teasing her and making her blush.

he couldn’t ignore the giddy feeling he felt every time she smiled or laughed at his remarks, just like right now, she was laughing and shaking her head at him.

“glad i could flatter you, flower boy” she smoothly said, in an equally teasing voice and now, it was his turn to feel flustered.

'flower boy’ just might be my favourite two words in the world right now, he thought, he was not very used to nicknames but he was just completely in love with how she uttered those two words.

on the other hand, rumi was more than enjoying this conversation, she hadn’t imagined how well this could go.

they sat in the store and talked about anything they could, conversation flowing easily between them as they got more comfortable, they told each other about their best friends, taehyung would say that jimin is annoying and rumi would tell him to wait till he met celeste, both of them actively avoided talking about family, it was too soon anyway and even the flowers seemed to lean to listen to them chatting away with heart-fluttering laughter and hilarious jabs at each others tastes.

there were no customers for the rest of the day as taehyung wrapped up a huge order very recently so thankfully there was no one to interrupt them.

the sun had set, turning the sky into it’s own canvas, swirling different colours to create a beautifully finished piece but the two people in the flower shop, could only look at each other as day turned to night.

it was past nine when rumi got a call from her best friend who started grilling her about where she was and how it worked out with the flower boy, it was only then rumi realised how late it got and even taehyung was shocked that they had talked for so long, realising he had to lock the flower shop anytime now, he told her to wait while he did some last checks before calling it a day.

as he locked the glass doors, she kept staring at him, and felt her heart hammering in her chest when he turned around with a stunning smile on his face after he was done.

“i’m sorry if i kept you distracted too long” rumi uttered in a small voice, guiltily looking down and he shook his head, if anything, he hated that the day was over already, that the moon had come out so quickly, being so inconsiderate to the two people in the flower shop, slowly getting infatuated with each other.

“i didn’t mind being distracted by you at all” taehyung replied honestly, he really didn’t, he could use a distraction like her from time to time, and she blushed intensely.

“i have to go now, celeste won’t stop bothering me,” she said with a sigh, not quite wanting to leave but having no other choice but to leave.

“will i see you again?” he asked, eyebrows raised expectantly, hoping she would say yes and not find him too cheesy.

“definitely” she gave him a bright smile before walking away, only her scent lingering where she stood as taehyung watched the ethereal way the light seemed to hit her as she bounced her steps.

and the butterflies he felt at that moment were something he’d never experienced before.


“so, he is even more attractive than you said last time?” celeste asked in disbelief with raised eyebrows, her head resting on rumi’s stomach, looking expectedly at her to answer.

“like you wouldn’t believe cel, he had this serene smile on his face and he just emitted this strong, sexy, mature, calm aura that honestly made me want to jump over the counter and kiss him” rumi wildly exclaimed, exaggerating her feelings a little for dramatic flair and celeste laughed.

“slow down there, you animal,” she mused, leaning away from rumi and now resting flat on her back as she glanced at rumi who was deep in thought.

“gosh let me rant, first he was teasing me and smirking and a second later, he was so adorable, and the next, he was acting all hot as fuck. and i have just never felt this way with someone” rumi blurted out, whispering the last part while placing a hand on her racing heart and celeste smirked, enjoying her friend’s dramatic explanation.

“you seem so whipped for someone you barely know anything about,” celeste hummed out and rumi scoffed, not quite liking her tone.

“not for long, i am definitely going back there,” she was determined, her voice full of confidence and celeste sighed, knowing that this over-confidence usually blew up in her face.

“uh-huh, you said that last time and ended up waiting for a full week, whining and annoying the hell out of me,” she complained with exasperation clear in her voice. rumi pouted and turned over in bed to hit her best friend on the arm.

“i was so so so nervous,” she whispered playfully.

“you’re still nervous” celeste pointed out and rumi pursed her lips because she knew it was true. rumi sounded confident a good 90% of the time for sure, but deep down, she still cared way too much about what he might have thought about her, if he found her crazy for coming back or if he thought she was attractive like she thought he was.

she kept replaying their conversation over and over again in her head, and even though they easily spent about half a day talking, he still felt like such a mystery to her, he was someone she wanted to know about but was too scared to be let down on what she might know.

she couldn’t help but think, what if he was too good to be true. that was her biggest fear probably: disappointment. she also feared trusting someone too much, too quickly only to be let down at the end of the day.

though she was more than happy that she wasn’t with steven anymore, she was still hurt over the shit he had been spewing about her to people they knew, how lowly he thought of her while still complimenting her, taking her out on dates, bringing her flowers and being your general 'good’ boyfriend.

she wanted to be unbothered over what people say but she was still human. she still wanted to be loved, appreciated, noticed, and not seen as some 'cheap bitch’ who was annoying or a time-pass, even if she wouldn’t admit it out loud, steven’s words had impacted her in a way that she couldn’t explain.

she remembered how heartbroken she felt when she first saw those texts, she cried in celeste’s arms for a whole day, she had never felt so insecure of herself because even if he was a man-child, she still did like him a lot and even during the grand break-up, it had taken everything in her to resist his confused face and puppy eyes. but she also knew that he wasn’t affected by the breakup as much as he acted at all and she hated that.

she hated the fact that he was the actual unbothered one. she was obviously better off without him, but she couldn’t help but think maybe he had a rational explanation and every time she thought of that, she mentally cursed herself out for even thinking that he deserved a second chance.

celeste just started at rumi as she was lost in her thoughts with her expressions changing every few seconds, and when she violently shook her head and looked at celeste with a sad look in her eyes, celeste knew exactly what was going on in rumi’s head.

“thinking of that dirtbag?” celeste murmured knowingly, referring to the cursed ex-boyfriend and rumi sighed out loudly, hating herself for letting her mind drift back to that pathetic mess of a man.

“how do you know me so well?” she rhetorically asked and celeste shrugged.

“you had that constipated look on your face and you only make that face when you think of something stupid,” she said smugly, making rumi laugh.

“what’s wrong, babe?” celeste asked softly, concerned when rumi crawled in her arms to cuddle with her.

“i just can’t help but think that the idea i built of taehyung is too good to be true and if he ends up like steven?” rumi whispered, sadness dripping from her voice. celeste knew of rumi’s fears and she knew exactly why she had them as well.

“maybe just don’t put him on such a high pedestal yet, and stop thinking of steven, he was definitely never too good to be true” celeste’s words comforted rumi to an extent, the right words always do, and rumi nodded, pulling away from her.

“you never told me how your date with that hot colleague of yours yet?” rumi asked, with a small smirk on her face and celeste immediately became bashful. rumi’s eyes widened in surprise, there were very few instances which made celeste shy, as being a lawyer, she saw a lot of nasty situations happening to people and refused to let someone 'tame’ her. so her red cheeks and shy smile were a huge surprise.

“oh my god, you are blushing! who is this guy and what has he done to you?” rumi almost screamed out, bouncing around in anticipation and celeste laughed at her hyperactive behavior.

“his name is kim chaemin for your kind information and yes, the date went very well, he was a gentleman, we split the bill for dinner, got ice-cream after that and went on a nice, long walk in the park” celeste gushed, replaying the sweet date in her mind and rumi only shook her head in disbelief that this information had been held from her.

“i can’t believe you waited a week to tell me this, also did anything else happen?” rumi said, wiggling her eyebrows, leaning into celeste who pushed her away with a smile.

“i thought we’d have to talk about work to prevent anything from getting too awkward, but it went so smoothly and yes, i hoped that he would at least kiss me but he just squeezed my hand before leaving,” celeste said with a disappointed sigh at the end.

“he squeezed your hand? what a whore” rumi joked with a small chuckle, and celeste threw a pillow on her face which only made her laugh louder.

“but seriously, why the hell would he think squeezing my hand was a good way to end the date?” celeste asked, with a slight pout and rumi shrugged.

“maybe he didn’t want you to be uncomfortable which i  think is very nice of him” rumi tried to reason when celeste sighed.

“too nice” she grumbled under her breath which only made rumi laugh out loud.

“just kiss him next time, it’s not like he should be the one to initiate it” rumi remarked and celeste nodded enthusiastically.

“yeah, next time, if i see signs of him wanting to kiss me, i will just do it” she said, bobbing her head in determination.

“good for you, now, i would love to stay up and talk all night but i’m drained and i have to go see that woman who wanted to plan some garden party tomorrow” rumi groaned out the last part, the thought of work putting her in a sour mood yet again.

“you go ahead and sleep, i’ll probably be up for another hour or so, i have some files to look through,” celeste informed rumi, getting off the bed while rumi wrapped the blanket around herself, already closing her eyes.

“good night” celeste sang, laughing softly at her snoring best friend and getting out of the room.


taehyung sat at the counter, staring into nothing, a budding smile was etched into his face as he thought about the events that occurred a few days ago now, he had been in a pretty good mood since when he had finally talked to the girl he’s always wanted to know more about. it was this raging kind of excitement for knowing something about her after all those days of just seeing her pass by.

from what she’s told him, rumi is an event-planner who is usually pretty busy but these days, she has been taking up smaller tasks so she can focus more on herself, the dog she walks every other day is not her’s but her neighbours, his name is shiro and he is 'the cutest fluff ball’ (her words, not his, though he was sure he would agree to that part) her best friend is celeste who is a family lawyer and is very busy too, rumi is a big spender, and she hates how she never seems to have control over what she spends her money on. this was all he learned from her from their not-so-brief time spent together.

he had told a little about himself too, but most of the time, he loved to hear her talk and how she would animatedly wave her hands around, he definitely wasn’t aware that she practically drooled when she first heard him talk, he told her about jimin and his other friends, he talked a little bit about the flower shop, but never mentioned why exactly he started working there, he actively avoided talking about what he did for a living because again, no one knew except his closest friends and she was still very much a stranger. maybe one day he would tell her but that day seemed very far away.

his thoughts were interrupted when he heard the bell at the front door, he immediately snapped his head to look, assuming that maybe rumi had returned but grumbled when he saw it was his friend,  jungkook.

“really? i’ve been your best friend for 7 years now” jungkook deadpanned, annoyance clear in his voice and taehyung laughed at the pout on his face.

“which is exactly why i am tired, i’ve seen your face too many times” he said mockingly, and jungkook just glared at him as plopped down opposite to his friend behind the counter.

“i’m here because i missed you and you treat me like this” jungkook exclaimed dramatically, taehyung felt bad but then rolled his eyes as he saw jungkook bat his eyelashes at him, there was no way jungkook would actually tell him if he missed him.

“we both know that’s not true, now tell me why you’re here”

“jimin told me to pick you up” jungkook informed, silently looking around the store and then turning back to taehyung who quirked his eyebrow.

“i’m not going drinking again, i still have a headache from last time” jungkook’s face dropped into a playful glare at his friend’s words.

“why do you think so lowly of us? he just wants us all to hang out at the bakery” he waved off taehyung’s worries, even if he knew that taehyung would actually be up for another day of drinking if he pried enough.

“fine, give me 10 minutes, i will wrap everything up then we can leave” taehyung said, taking off his apron and starting his final checks, he finished double-checking everything which got more than a few complaints and groans from jungkook, this only amused taehyung and encouraged him to take more time. once he was finished, with a dramatic sigh of relief from jungkook, they left the flower shop and got into jungkook’s car to go to the bakery.

as soon as they reached the bakery, the smell of different loaves of bread, pastries and cakes surrounded them and jimin, noticing the two, waved excitedly whereas yoongi gave them a nod of acknowledgement.

“why did it take you forever to bring him?” yoongi whined, sipping on his now-warm strawberry milkshake while jimin came to them with two cups of each of their favorite drinks, strawberry ice tea for taehyung and a banana milkshake for jungkook who happily started slurping away.

“blame taehyung, he took so much time to wrap up the shop"jungkook complained, mouth full of milkshake and taehyung shook his head.

"don’t talk with your mouth full, kook” jimin scolded the younger one.

"what did you bring us here for?” taehyung asked, sitting beside yoongi while jungkook stayed standing with jimin, making their height difference all the more obvious.

“you don’t remember? it’s namjoon’s birthday is in a month” yoongi asked, with a raise of his eyebrow and taehyung felt a dull guilt for forgetting.

the boys always made a big deal about birthdays and special occasions from the beginning, but with the flower shop and art deal wrap-ups on his mind, taehyung completely forgot.

“jungkook didn’t know either” he pointed to the younger man, making a poor attempt at defending himself and jungkook’s eyes widened, shocked that taehyung would out him like that.

“don’t drag me into your shit” he half-yelled, hitting taehyung’s arm, making taehyung wince and moving away from the much stronger jungkook.

“have you started working out again kook?” he groaned in pain while rubbing his poor arm up and down and jungkook smirked, basking in his reaction.

“i sure did, just to beat you guys up” he proudly admitted with a huge grin, flexing his biceps and yoongi chuckled fondly at him.

“guys, we need to focus” jimin whined, exasperated while the two boys kept bickering.

after 20 more wasted minutes, they started discussing in a civil manner, soon the rest of the boys except namjoon of course, had arrived, so they could make some final plans.

they were all having a lot of fun, making fun of namjoon who was not present, and of course, taking the absolute shit out of each other, loud laughs and eyes filled with happy tears were all you could see in the little bakery.

suddenly, they felt a cold rush of the air come into the bakery and they all snapped their heads, not quite expecting any customers at this hour, only to see a girl step in.

“taehyung?” they heard a honey-sweet voice and he immediately knew who it was.

it couldn’t be her, right?

“rumi?” he frowned, getting out of his seat, the other boys looked at each other in utter confusion, except jimin who knew who rumi was and he tried to mask his smirk when he came to the realisation that this is the girl taehyung didn’t seem to shut up about for a few days.

“what are you doing here?” he asked, nervously stuffing his hands into his pockets and eyeing her involuntarily as she came closer. a small, awkward smile was settled on her face, not really expecting to have run into him today.

“i could ask you the same thing” she said, with a smirk when she saw how flustered he looked, she too was struggling with hiding her definitely reddened cheeks but it made her feel better that she wasn’t the only one who was taken off guard.

“we were all just hanging out” he trailed off, eyes darting towards his friends who were enjoying the view, and his hands reached to scratch the back of his neck, not knowing what exactly to do before reaching to run a hand through his hair while didn’t help rumi at all, she noticed his neck and hand veins which were very prominent and like any reasonable girl ever, they made her feel a little hot.

the rest of the boys watched them interact with peaked interest, quietly shaking their head at taehyung who seemed to have stopped functioning properly. they couldn’t believe his lack of game.

“it’s celeste’s birthday tomorrow and i forgot to pick up a cake, she’s gonna kill me if i go home without one and i’ve been to 5 shops already, they’re all closed” she whined while wringing her hands together, taehyung listened intently as she rambled on, finding it quite amusing as he always did, she seemed to be so invested in explaining things that her face would contort into many animated expressions which taehyung admired picking apart.

“wait, is this bakery still open?” she asked, worry clear in her voice, as looked around, seeing no one except the six boys gathered around the counter when jimin perked up, getting out of his seat to wave the girl to come over.

“yes ma'am, we are, which cake would you like?” he gave her a warm smile, quickly getting behind the counter and she sighed in relief, putting a hand to her chest.

“you are literally saving my life right now” she breathed out, flashing a quick smile to taehyung to excuse herself before speed walking to the counter.

taehyung watched as she looked through the different cakes, licking her lips ever so often, laughing whenever jimin would make a funny remark about something as the others watched everything happening, looking like a group of lost puppies. they didn’t know that jimin knew rumi from taehyung and they didn’t know rumi at all so this situation was more than a little confusing to them.

but they could guess enough from their friend’s red cheeks.

taehyung heard her thanking jimin a dozen times, jimin waving her polite thank you’s with a small smile, explaining he was more than happy to help and she bowed to him one last time as she walked back to taehyung..

“i’ve got the cake, so she will let me survive” she said, gesturing towards the plastic bag which now held a delicate cake and taehyung let out a small chuckle at her choice of words.

“glad to know you will survive” he mused and she smiled brightly, pushing her hair behind her ear.

“it’s a good time to be alive, i guess” she chuckled nervously, her cheeks turning red, mentally slapping herself for being so lame but taehyung didn’t seem to mind as he gave her a tiny smile.

he felt just as silly around her.

“crap, it’s getting late, i should probably go, bye taehyung” rumi pouted, glancing at her watch, and taehyung nodded, biting his lip, wanting to talk more but also not knowing exactly what to say.

she waved him goodbye which he reciprocated, before turning back to head out, she stepped into the empty streets, exhaling a breath she didn’t realise she was holding and then she heard racing footsteps behind her, she turned around to see a breathless taehyung.

he stopped in front of her, scratching the back of his neck as he struggled to find the words to say to her.

“i was thinking” he started, hands running through his hair as he trailed off, she stared at him expectantly and held back her giggles at his flustered expression.

“i was thinking” he repeated causing her to let out a big grin and he groaned out in frustration, he was really botching it.

“what is it, flower boy?” she asked, teasing the already very nervous man in front of her, hoping that would make him less nervous and it did as he laughed breezily at the nickname.

please don’t ever stop calling me that, he thought, he couldn’t help it, he loved hearing her say those two words.

“i was thinking we could maybe go get a cup of coffee sometime”


“i was thinking we could maybe go get a cup of coffee sometime” he quickly blurted out, with wide eyes and hesitation clear in his voice, and rumi was more than pleased that he took the initiative.

“i would love to, taehyung” she softly sighed out and a grin made its way on taehyung as he let out a breath of relief, muttering a low 'thank god’.

“i still don’t have your number though” she hinted, pursing her lips and taehyung immediately took his phone out of his pocket, almost dropping it, making her let out a amused laugh and placed it in her hands and she did the same, typing each other’s numbers with red cheeks and euphoric eyes.

“see you soon, taehyung” she gave him one last smile, which made his heart race and the way she said his name made him feel so many unexplainable things but he nodded at her, trying to remain calm and returning her infectious smile.

she walked away with a bounce in her step, this seemed to be the way she walked after every conversation she had with him.

taehyung just stood there, dumbfounded that he finally found the courage to ask her out, and then he heard the bakery door open, he turned around with a stupid grin on his face, to see jimin standing there with a huge smirk on his face which made him drop his smile immediately.

“if you’re done being romeo, i think you should come in” jimin teased him and taehyung huffed, feeling embarrassed and walked in to see all of them looking at him with smirks on their faces, and he knew that they would never let this die down.

“guys i-” he started to explain when jin put his hand up, stopping him.

“jimin filled us in when you were gone, gotta say taehyung-, i expected you to be better with this and you know, you could have come to your older brother for help” jin joked, shaking his head at the younger man and sipping his drink while the others agreed that taehyung’s skills needed to get better soon.

“i barely know her, we just started talking” taehyung argued, getting into his seat but of course, the others just continued to tease him, it was not like they would actually listen to him.

“she is really pretty” jungkook spoke up, and all the others agreed in loud voices which only flustered taehyung even more.

“what does she do?” hoseok asked in the middle of the ruckus which silenced all of them and they looked at taehyung expectantly, more than eager for any information about her.

“oh, she’s an event planner” he replied simply, sipping his drink when jimin’s eyes widened, beaming with excitement.

“guys, i have a perfect idea” jimin exclaimed, slamming his hand on the table and they just looked at him, with blank faces because his 'brilliant’ ideas were usually a bust.

“really jimin? the last time you had the 'perfect’ idea, we ended up having to clean my house for 5 hours” yoongi complained, jimin gave him a glare while the others snickered.

“that was one time, get over it” jimin exclaimed and the others shook their heads, knowing that whichever plan he had wouldn’t work out at all.

“fine then, what is your 'perfect’ idea?” hoseok stressed on the 'perfect’, while the others hid their snickers at his tone for the sake of jimin’s ego.

“she’s an event planner, right?” he started, hands animatedly gesturing unknown things and taehyung nodded, not quite understanding where he was going with this.

“we’re looking for an event planner for namjoon’s birthday party anyway” jimin trailed off and some of them nodded in realisation, it wasn’t that bad of an idea after all.

“we could ask her to be the event planner!” jungkook said excitedly and the five boys rolled their eyes while jimin excitedly nodded at the younger boy, giving him a quick high-five from across the table.

“i think we all got that, kook” jin deadpanned and the youngest pouted at that, mumbling a 'i was just saying’.

“i don’t know about that guys, i mean i’m sure she’s really good but wouldn’t it be weird?” taehyung questioned, not fully into the idea, he still knew too little about rumi to comfortably ask her anything and hoseok shook his head, thinking the complete opposite.

“why would it be weird, taehyung, like you said, she might be really good and we need someone like that for namjoon’s birthday, her being your acquaintance is just a happy perk” hoseok explained it like it was no big deal, it wouldn’t be a big deal to taehyung too if he could have a conversation with her without wanting the ground to swallow him up, but the others nodded in agreement, thinking it was after all a 'perfect’ idea just like jimin emphasized.

“maybe when you both get that cup of coffee, you can mention it to her” jimin teased, letting it be known that he heard their conversation clear as day and taehyung glared at him.

“how much of our conversation did you hear?” taehyung asked, irritation and embarrassment heavy in his voice, he didn’t need jimin hearing him stutter and struggle to speak over a simple coffee date.

“enough to know that you don’t have game” jimin snickered, to which all of the others broke out in rowdy laughter and cheers, slapping jimin on his back for the remark and taehyung just sat there, with red cheeks and a plan to murder park jimin later.


on her walk back home, rumi couldn’t stop smiling, she finally got his number, she probably will hang out with him and the more she thought of him, the more excited she became. 

when she reached home, she put the cake in the fridge and saw celeste snoozing away on the couch, there was still 2 hours left for her birthday, so rumi just let her be.

in the meantime, she quietly started decorating their small kitchen with fairy lights, balloons, sweet-smelling candles, she tiptoed around the apartment, trying her hardest to not wake the sleeping girl which was easy considering that celeste was a heavy sleeper.

after the decoration was done, rumi showered, changed into more comfortable clothes and patiently waited for it to become midnight.

when the clock showed 12:00, she rushed into kitchen and brought out the cake, and softly sang 'happy birthday’, celeste groaned and tried to hide her face in the pillows, while rumi just sigh



• Here are some of my favourite Taehyung fics. Go through these recs and find something to nourish yourself with. Show your support for these talented authors by leaving a comment and sharing feedback on their works. For posting their fics on the internet, each and every author listed here deserves a big warm hug. Thank you to each and every one of these authors for their efforts, we really appreciate your content •

[ Fluff | Angst | Smut ( minors dni.) ]

- one shots:

Sleep sex by@gamergguk | S

overdue. by @amourtae | S/F

Tales of broken heartby@taegularitiesF/S/A


feelings caughtby@kimnjss | S 

all i want for christmas is youby@ladyartemesia | F/S

shutoutby@ughseoks | F/S/A 

breakfast in bedby@borathae |F/S f

10 musesby@sketchguk​ | F/S 

teaseby@caiuscassiuss | F/S 

soaring highby@taegularities |F/S 

sphby@venusjeon  | S/A 

flat tireby@ppersonna | F/S 

strings attachedby@bangtiddies |  F/S 

the holi-dateby@kpopfanfictrash | S 

dichotomyby@kpopfanfictrash | S

washed onby@ressjeon | S 

acquaintedby@dewykth | S/A

“are you sure?”by@cutechim | F/S 

just a tasteby@cutechim | F/S 

tempestuousby@ppersonna | S/A 

make you feel my loveby@rkiverse | F/A 

remember thisby@yoohtae | A

tattooed twoby@httpjeon | F/S ft. Jungkook

seventeen times 17by@cutaepatootie | F/S/A 

right amount of wrongsby@taegularities | F/S/A 

tomorrow, tonightby@ggukseoulcafe \ F/A 

guns & rosesby@chateautae | F/S 

work hard, play harderby@sugasbabiie | F/S/A 

dark chocolate snapby@jamaisjoons | F/S ft. Seokjin

kinktober ~ day 14 by@dreamescapeswriting |F/S 

spiceby@aquagustd | F/S/A 

do it betterby@yoon2k | S

flickerby@chimoona | F/S

sorrowby@jiminsfault | S/A

somebody elseby@jamaisjoons | S/Aft. Yoongi

bad alpha, sweet alphaby@helenazbmrskai | F/S/A 

(why) we got marriedby@ktheist | F/A

talk slowby@writtenwhalien | F/S/A 

- series :

(sweet devil: prequel: midnight snack,devil’s smile,devil’s nemesis ) by @sparklingchim| S

Ruinedby@taegularities | F/S/A.

enemyby@btssmutgalore| S/A ft. Hoseok

rotten angelcakeby@inkedtae | F/S/A f

cliff divingby@wwilloww | F/S 

the good boyby@jkeuphoriadreamland | S

coloursby@lovelytaes-blog | F/S/A 

kinda hotby@kimnjss​ | F/S/A 

the diary of a healing heartby@taegularities | F/S/A 

the president’s sonby@jimlingss | F 

salvageby@btssaysstudy | F/A ft. Jungkook

patient loveby@writtenwhalien | F/S/A 

heart of the flameby@chateautae | F/S/A 

seeing redby@borathae | F/S/A 

the art of touchby@chateautae | F/S/A 

play with meby@bangchanshehe | S/A 


Summary: “Burn yourself into my memory until I can’t escape you.”
When the gorgeous student from your literature class starts showing interest in you, you discover that there’s much more to him than his know-it-all facade. But is this realization enough to get through your insecurities and secrets?
  • pairing:Taehyung x female reader
  • rating:18+
  • genre: college!au, romance, e2f2l, angst, a lot of fluff, smut
  • warnings: past minor character death, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of unhealthy coping mechanisms, kissing/making out, explicit sexual content, oral sex (f. & m. receiving), vaginal fingering, kinda handjob, breast play, unprotected sex (the reader is on the pill - use protection, people), vaginal sex, sexual tension, ass grabbing, lots of flirting, pining, light swearing, taehyung is a book nerd!!
  • word count: 10.5k
  • a/n: HELLO! this fic is part of the “Golden Gift Event” (hosted by @btsgoldnetwork​) - and is a gift for my lovely valentine @sunkissedjk​​! HAPPY LOVE DAY! you were so sweet all the time we “talked” and i’m kinda happy you gave me so much freedom :’D and i hope you like the end product! also, a huge thank you to my awesome beta readers @taetaesbaebaepsae​​,@unoriginal-username15432​​ & @voiceswithoutlips​​ (who also made this BEAUTIFUL banner for me, i loooove you!!!) - oh and: i listened to “Sea” on repeat while writing this - spot the reference ;) - OKAY, THEN LET’S DIVE IN!



You wondered where all your impressive motivation that you’d harboured had suddenly vanished, leaving nothing in its wake but the lingering feelings of sorrow.

It felt like a pressing eternity since you’d been able to focus on one thing for longer than two endless minutes. All you were yearning for was your warm bed, for hiding yourself under your comforting sheets, your shelter that felt miles away as you sat on your seat.

You were looking out the window, zoned out as always, as you gazed into the grey sky, the approaching rain clearly evident in the way the world growled outside. Last night had tired you; after a recurring fight between your mother and you, you had decided to grab the still full box of chocolate ice cream that you’d bought a day before and withdraw to your room. It was exhausting. You always visited for one weekend a month and each time made you regret it, not long after your arrival.

Keep reading



Summary: Starting a new job is never easy and nerves course through you when you enter your new office. But when everyone is really nice and you enjoy the job, you assume that everything is fine and there was nothing to worry about. That is until you bump into the man that seems to know all about your past, a past that you have been trying so hard to hide.

Pairing: Taehyung x reader

Genre: fluff; angst; smut; enemies to lovers

Word count:27.7k

Authors Note:This took me a hot minute to write, but its finally done! There’s mentions of drinking alcohol and probably very inaccurate descriptions of an assistant editor’s job, so if that’s not your cup of tea then don’t read. Otherwise, I hope you all enjoy :) 


Staring up at the building you take a deep breath, in an attempt to steady your nerves. Men in smart suits and women dressed equally as smart walk all around you like a flowing river. None of them taking in your existence. You feel like you’re on an island as the stream of people part around you continuing on their journey. There’s an almost calmness in the rush of people trying to get to work, all of them seemingly working together like a shoal of fish ebbing and flowing. You continue to watch as people break off and enter into the building you are staring at. Heart hammering in your chest, the nerves continue to bubble in your stomach. And it’s only when a man knocks into your shoulder that you are pulled from your trance like state. The man shouts something indecent at you before he is continuing on his journey, obviously seeing the fault of the crash as you, which was probably true as you are just stood in the middle of the pavement. With that thought in mind you attempt to bury your nerves as you push your way through the crowd towards the building’s doors.

Keep reading


summary :  taehyung hasn’t seen you since high school graduation, but when he finds himself in need of a date for his friend’s annual christmas party, running into you is like a godsend; especially when he once had feelings for you, and little did he know, you felt the same way all along.

pairing : taehyung x reader

genre : nonidol!au, f2l, fluff, smut

rating :18+

word count :19k

warnings : mutual pining, sexual content, swearing, dom!tae, cuddling resulting in over the clothes stuff, rough fingering, oral (f. receiving), dirty talk, big dick!tae cause we knowhe’s packing, marking, restraint (with his own hands), choking, begging, unprotected sex (wrap it up peeps), hitting it from the back , mirror (?) sex (reflection of a window), rough sex but then i love you sex, praising, slight humiliation, denied orgasm, creampie, aftercare

part of ksmutclub’swinter project 2020!, using prompt #7: “did everyone else come with a date?”

a/n : thank you to @getmemyfries​ for beta-reading and constantly reassuring me about this fic, idk where she’s been all my life , but surprise!! would you believe me if i told you guys i grinded this in just 3 days?? because YES i did, 19k in three days as a Christmas gift pretties, happy late holidays!!, comments and feedback are always appreciated <3


“Are you serious, Jimin?” 

“Very. I don’t know how you didn’t get the memo, literally everyone was talking about it.” 

“Did everyone else come with a date? There has to be at least one person who didn’t.” 

“And that one person is you, Tae. Did you forget that I made the theme all about mistletoe? Who did you expect to kiss under it, me?” 

Keep reading


Werewolf!Taehyung X Reader

Summary: You run into a silver haired, blue eyed gorgeous piece of shit while on your way to meet your best friend Namhyuk, after he drags you to a party, you meet 5 guys who befriend you easily, you’re best friend Namjoon finds out you met with his pack. He keeps telling you to leave and never be around them. For your protection, of course. You were too fertile.

WordCount: 10.6k

Genre: Angst, Smut, Slight Fluff

Warnings: Heavy Impreg/Breeding Kink, Excessive Cursing, Cunnilingus, Fingering, Taehyung Has A Fat Cock, Degradation, Mate Marking, Mating, Knotting, Cream Pie

A/N: This is my first werewolf anything so I hope you all like it!


Winter bites at the delicate skin on your neck as you walk through the park. 

As if you were the season’s personal slave, the cold stabs at you as you pick up your collar on your pea coat. Why of all days did you have to forget your scarf? It is cold as fuckout. 

Your shoes crunch at the brown, wrinkling leaves underneath you. You were supposed to meet Namhyuk thirty minutes ago, but as always… you are late.

Keep reading


“Kim Taehyung. That name makes your skin crawl. Kim Taehyung is your handsome, arrogant co-worker at HAUTE COUTURE, the hottest fashion magazine of today, who seems to get everything you want without as much as having to blink his cute eyes. He took your dream position of head of fashion, he seems to be loved by everyone and he thinks it is okay to shamelessly flirt with you (or anyone else in the office for that matter). When your boss tells the two of you to work together on the Special One-Hundredth Edition of HAUTE COUTURE your biggest nightmare becomes reality.”

Pairing:Taehyung x f.Reader

Genre:e2l!AU, Coworkers!AU, Smut, Angsty Romance

Warnings:This story contains sexually explicit scenes, morally grey characters and slight sexism in the workplace. If you are sensitive to such topics, I advice you read with care. 


a/n: Italic indicates the OC’s thoughts, I kinda tried something new here with my writing style, I hope it isn’t too confusing, do let me know what you think of it.


#01 - I Hate You

#02 - You’re So Annoying

#03 - Actually You Aren’t That Bad

#04 - You’re Kinda Hot

#05 -I Really Like You


#01 - So Fucked Up

#02 - Call Me

#03 - Secret Meetings

#04 -Dessert

#05 -Doubts


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sh. | chapter eighteen | ot7

PAIRINGot7 x reader
RATINGExplicit. 18+.
GENREsmut. fluff. angst. nonidol au. wildnerness au. roommates au. friends to lovers.
SUMMARYSix months of quarantine have kept you apart. Somehow the distance sparks something new in each of you: questions, unfinished conversations, threads once chased now left cold. So when your roommate invites you to come with him to a mysterious house in the mountains with your friends, how could you even think of saying no?
WARNINGS AND TAGS no use of gendered pronouns to refer to reader. nudity. sex jokes. angst. makeout.

AN: Thank you so much to the most amazing readers, to these beautiful beta readers – @vyduan@miscelunaaa@illneverrecoverand@hesperantha – who have all helped me with these past couple of chapters. I feel so wildly grateful for you all. Thank you.

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©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.


You’re stuck. Absolutely and entirely stuck. 

Yoongi at your front, Namjoon cocooned around your back. It’s hot. It’s sweaty. It’s absolutely and entirely adorable. The way Namjoon’s little snores drone into the large room, the way Yoongi’s fingers flicker in his sleep, as if he’s playing an invisible piano. Despite the heat and the claustrophobia, you find yourself quite content in this position, your mind drifting between sleep and a quiet admiration for the two men surrounding you. 

You run a check in over your body. You’re a little sore, but nothing that a cup of coffee and some stretching won’t fix. In the act of checking in, you can’t help but feel the way your chest feels. Like there’s been a knot within you, loosened. Last night was unexpected in a lot of ways. In every moment of pleasure that the two men swaddled around you brought to you, but also in the things that it brought up. Your face warms a little, thinking about the way you had pleaded for Yoongi over and over again, the way you had begged Namjoon to sound out his pleasure for you. You had begged, because it felt like you needed it, but where was that need coming from? 

“Mmf, good mornin’,” Namjoon grumbles from behind you, his voice deep and sleep-graveled. You always noticed that he’d bring the register of his voice up when he was around other people, so as to make himself easier to understand, but this early in the morning he can’t be bothered to enunciate, let alone shift his register. 

His fingers drift down to your hip, to where your ass presses into his crotch. 

“I’m sorry, is it uncomfortable? I can move—” 

“Nope,” Namjoon says without hesitation. “Not uncomfortable at all. At least, not in the way you’re thinking.” You can hear the grin in his voice.

“Oh my god, you’re gross!” you whisper-yell.

“Is it gross if you secretly like it?” he smirks back. He nuzzles his face into your neck and breathes in deep, his out breath brushing against your skin. 

You hum and cuddle deeper into his embrace. You almost drift off again like that, his arms snaking tighter around you, his lips against your neck, Yoongi’s ass wiggling into your crotch. You could stay here all day, wrapped up in them. 

What are you doing? You ask yourself. You’re getting too comfortable. You’re asking for too much. 

The shame that courses through you wakes you up. You bury your face in Yoongi’s hair, and he shifts against you before rolling over, so he’s face to face with you.

“Morning, doll.” 

“Morning, Yoongi.”

“You were snoring last night. Could barely get a wink of sleep in with the monster truck in the bed with me.” 

“Was not!” 

He chuckles, before wiping a hand across his eyes and yawning. He stretches out, his arms reaching above his head, his back arching. He reminds you of a cat first thing in the morning. 

“Nah, I slept like the dead,” he says. 

“Me too,” Namjoon pokes his head up from behind you. The two share a smile. 

“Well?” Yoongi says, gaze flickering from between you two. “Round seventeen?” 

“Coffee first,” you say, slipping out of bed by scooching down the sheets to the foot of it. 

“That sounds like a promise for later,” Yoongi says. 

You send him a wink. 

“I have nothing to wear though,” you say. 

“That’s how we like it,” Yoongi drawls. 

“Get your mind out of the gutter and go grab me some clothes from my suitcase? Pretty please?” 

Yoongi rolls his eyes but begins to sit up. 

“Oh. I already did,” Namjoon says, sitting up and pulling the sheets up with him. He slips out of bed and that’s when you realize he’s wearing flannel pajamas. 

“You did? When?” 

“While you all were showering. I didn’t want you to have to trod through the house in nothing. I thought it would make your morning easier.” 

You grin at Namjoon as he hands you a stack of clothes with optionsfrom one of the dressers in the room. 

“Thank you Namjoon.” You get dressed quickly, and pause at the door. Namjoon and Yoongi are still lumbering slowly through the morning. “I’ll put the coffee on?” 

“You’re an angel,” Yoongi says, smiling. 

You waltz into the kitchen, ready for coffee, ready for food. However, a certain figure stops you in your tracks. Hoseok stands there, his back turned to you. There’s something about him, something about the way he stands, maybe a little too straight, that reminds you of a ghost, a haunting. The specter in your throat looms just as large as him. He’s already dressed for the day, and wears a puffy jacket, as if he’s readying to go outside shortly. He sips meditatively from a cup of coffee. 

Seeing Hoseok, the knot in your chest that Namjoon and Yoongi had seemed to ease last night immediately tightens. Your first instinct is to turn right around and crawl back into the comfort and safety of bed, but no, no you’re not doing that anymore, not turning, not running. So you march straight in. Stand a moment behind him before he turns with a little, “Oh, you scared me.” 

“Hoseok, can we do something today?” you ask, mustering up your best and brightest form of courage. “Just the two of us?” 

He stares at you blankly. “Just the two of us?” 

“Yeah. Is that okay? A hike maybe?” 

“Why just the two of us?” 

He’s never asked that question before. Why is he asking it now? 

“Because… I want to spend time with you?” Because you want to make things easier, because you want to make things right again. Because you want to forget that anything ever happened that might have screwed everything up. 

“Dude, cut it out,” Yoongi calls from behind you. 

Hoseok’s eyes refocus on him. “Cut what out? I’m not doing anything.” 

“That’s exactly the problem,” Yoongi bristles as he steps up to Hoseok. “You think you can just get a nice little early morning fuck in and then dip? That’s not what this is all about.”

“I’m not dipping, I’m not going anywhere. I’m still very much here,” Hoseok says, surprised. 

“I don’t think you are though, bro.” Jimin’s suddenly stepping into the kitchen, joining the conversation. He has the same hard look in his eyes that Yoongi has. You step forward, between them, holding up your hands. You don’t want this to turn into some kind of fight, but there’s still a touch of softness to the way each of them look at the other. 

Hoseok’s eyes dart from Yoongi to Jimin, confusion and worry written on his face. “And I didn’t—we didn’t—” he glances at you. “It wasn’t likethat. I think we both agreed that this is how things go. This is how everyone wantsthings to go, don’t they? Casual. Easy. Detached.” 

Jimin frowns. “You’re playing dumb, Hoseok.” Yoongi nods. “This might be a casual setup but that doesn’t mean you can just ignore us.” His eyes flicker to yours. You in particular, he seems to mean. 

“I’m not ignoring you guys, not on purpose,” Hoseok says, though the tightness in his voice gives something away. A tension within him. Maybe he means it genuinely, but there’s something else there too. A discomfort. “I’m overwhelmed with work. I’ve got a massive project that’s expected to be done by the end of the week. I have otherthings to do than just fuck all day.” 

“No one is asking you to fuck all day?” Yoongi says, a hint of incredulity in his voice. “Where the hell did you get that idea? Where the hell are you getting anyof these ideas?”

“Hoseok, Yoongi—” you butt in, but something hard has already settled in Hoesok’s eyes. 

 “I dunno what you want me to say.” Hoseok shrugs, turns, and leaves. Giving up.

You, Jimin, and Yoongi glance at each other. 

“You need to go after him,” Jimin says, head tilting in the direction of where Hoseok disappeared. “You need to talk this out,” he says. You nod, already turning to race out of the room after your friend. He’s quicker than you are and you take several wrong turns before finding him stepping outside through one of the many doors that lead to the backyard. You step outside in socked feet and immediately regret it, the chill of the ground sinking through your socks, the large and fluffy cardigan Namjoon had picked out for you doing very little against the cold of late fall. 

“Hobi?” You catch his hand in yours as you hurry to catch up with him. 

He turns to you, an expression of confusion on his face. 

“You’re being weird,” you whisper. 

He looks down at where you hold his hand. 

“I am notbeing weird,” he mumbles. 

“Yes you are!” 

“If anything, you’rethe one being weird,” Hoseok cuts back.

That’s not something you anticipated.  


Hoseok looks down at you, his eyes burning with something unspoken. “Nevermind.” He pulls his hand from yours. 

“Jesus, Hoseok, why is it always ‘never mind?’ Just goddamn tell me!” 

“You just…” For a moment it seems like he’s going to hold back his next words, that he’s going to swallow him down. But then something breaks and his gaze shifts back to you. “You just waltz in and ask me to go on a walk as if nothing has happened!” 

You blink at him. “You’re weirded out that I asked you on a walk? We always go on walks!” 

Hoseok frowns. Opens his mouth. Closes it again. “Well. It’s not just that. It’s other…things too. ” 

“Hobi, you’re being weird. Tell me why you’re being weird. I don’t want to keep guessing.” 

He pauses for a long moment. 

“Why didn’t you kiss me?” Hoseok finally asks. 

“What?” You haven’t kissed anyone all day. But it’s not like the dynamic in the house had everyone making out in broad daylight. 

“I saw you kiss Jimin, and Taehyung. Even Yoongi at one point. But not me.” That’s when you realize that he’s not talking about today. He’s talking about that night. About the orgy.You can’t help the flush that rushes over your features as the images of that night come flooding back. Hoseok, inside you, thrusting, filling you up. 

And, what were you supposed to say after all that? That you had kissed the others because you had a history with each of them, that you’d fucked each of them before, so it felt different? That felt harsh. Untrue, even. So you say what you can manage closest to the truth: 

“Well. I… it seemed like too much.” 

“I seemed like too much?” 

“That’s not what I said, Hoseok.” 

The two of you stare at one another. 

“What I felt… what I feel. It’s a lot. Too much.” You scratch your head, unsure how to put the garbled up mess of feeling in your chest into words. 

“What you feel… for me… is too much?” 

The both of you are speaking slowly as if in riddles and rhymes. So when silence settles between you with no outlook of ending, you say: “I should also point out you didn’t kiss me.”

He blinks back at you. “Well. Yeah.” 

“‘Well, yeah?’ What’s that supposed to mean?” 

“It’s tricky.” 

“Try me.” You cross your arms. 

He pauses, looking you over as if to gauge you before speaking. “I just don’t want it to get messy.” 

“Hobi, surprise, we’re already there. You had your cock in me at six a.m., and now you won’t spend any time with me—how the hell is that not messy?” There’s a little bit of laughter in your voice. Incredulity. 

He flushes at your word choice, but assents. “I guess you’re right.” 

Hobi always had a way of making up impossible, arbitrary rules for himself. Practicing his dance from beginning to end and starting over when he came across a mistake. Brunch, always, the night after drinking. Never taking more than a day to respond to a text. And just as he had the rules, he also had a horrible tradition of beating himself up for not following them. Because they simply couldn’t be followed all the time, perfectly. 

“I thought… I thought we were keeping it casual. And it seemed like an easy line to draw in the sand, you know, to say that kissing was off the table.” He pauses. “Even with you.” Even with you. As if you could be some kind of exception. “And then, now that you mention it, I think I kept drawing the line. Kept keeping you away. Because I thought that’s what you wanted.” 

“Hobi… it’s notwhat I want. Why would I want to stay away from you?”

“I dunno,” he looks down, looks away. “I think I messed it all up.” 

“You didn’t mess it up, not in my eyes, not really. It seems like we’re both in the wrong,” you say softly. 

“It seems so.” 

“This is dumb, right?” 

“This is so dumb.” 

A smile slowly spreads across the both of your faces. The two of you grin at each other for a long moment, just staring, just smiling. And it feels normal again, like maybe you hadn’t fucked as the sun rose, like maybe you hadn’t both messed up, like maybe you hadkissed him after all. 

“What about now?” you ask. 

“What do you mean what about now?” he asks, a flicker of confusion crossing his face. 

“What if I kiss you now? Is it against the rules?” Your heart is beating straight out of your chest but you can’t stop this, can’t stop it moving forward. You take a step forward.

He gulps. Shakes his head. He can’t take his eyes from you. He steps in. Leans down.

Your lips meet. It is a tentative, fluttering thing. You are careful with each other, your hand coming to rest gently on his cheek, his fingers fluttering by your hair before he presses in and holds your head between his hands. 

“Kissing is okay,” you breathe against him. “Not against the rules. Friends, we—fuck—I don’t know. Friends with benefits?” You’re not sure if that’s the right word, if that’s the right way to put all of this. It feels wrong on your tongue. “They kiss. Totally.  And—I like it. Like kissing you.” 

“You’re rambling.” 

“I know.” 

You can feel the smile on his mouth hovering between you as he captures your lips again and presses in closer, taking another step towards you. One of your arms winds around his neck, while his hands skate across your back, pulling you in tighter, your bodies flush together. His lips brush across yours like a breath, teasing you, and you take the bait, chasing him. 

“Do you really want to kiss me?” he asks. 

“Yes,” you breathe. 

He smiles.

He kisses you like a glacier kisses the land: slow, steady, inevitably. The kiss is unyielding, ice sliding against rock, bound to change the landscape, smoothing over jagged edges. The pressure is inevitable, building within you like something undeniable. You let it build to a tension so high you think you could sing with it. He tangles his hands in your hair, his hips pressing against yours, a leg slipping between yours. You let out a gasp as his thigh presses against your core. And you’re spinning, until your back hits the hard plane of the door. He’s pressed you up against the glass. 

You pull away, catching your breath. 

“If I’m honest: I thought we were bad at kissing, after that first kiss,” you admit. 

“Honestly? Me too.” 

“But this is, um, this is much better.” 

He chuckles, tilting his head, his eyes flickering down to your lips. 

“Is it bad if I want to keep kissing you?” 

“No, this is totallynormal,” you whisper back as his lips lean in. “Friends totallykiss like this.”


There’s a lie in your words but you can’t pinpoint where it is, but you feel it swell beneath your tongue. You swallow it down, ignore it, move on as your lips meet once more, as his tongue slips within your mouth, exploring. As you bite down on his lip, giddy at the little gasp that leaves him. As he grinds his hips into you and you gasp back. You’re a mess of exploring limbs and tangled tongues. 

“Do you want to get out of here—?” you whisper. His eyes widen. He bites his lip. 

A redo. A chance to do this the right way. Where he doesn’t leave you at the end. 

Tap. Tap. Tap. 

You spin around, your hand grabbing at Hoseok’s as you do. Jimin is standing at the glass door, leaning against it. 

“I see you two did some working out of your problems,” you hear his voice muffled through the pane. “Though your measures of working out aren’t typical, they’ll do.”

“What do you want, Jimin?” Hoesok asks.

“Breakfast. Come inside. We need to talk.”

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©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.

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