
Yes, terrible things happen, but sometimes those terrible things—they save you. - Chuck Palahniuk
Yes, terrible things happen, but sometimes those terrible things—they save you.

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I guess im in a little bit of a spammy moody  (imsorrybouthtat)Here goes the tragic prom queen herse

I guess im in a little bit of a spammy moody  (imsorrybouthtat)

Here goes the tragic prom queen herself! Joko~! It’s lonely ruling the world..But someones gotta do it.

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FOR EXAMPLE: JINHYUN CHA // www.for-example.org/profile.php?fullname=jinhyuncha3 // #art #blog #arti

FOR EXAMPLE: JINHYUN CHA // www.for-example.org/profile.php?fullname=jinhyuncha3 // #art #blog #artists #artwork #picoftheday #love #magazine #forexamplemagazine #forexample #artforexample #photography #portrait #Portrait of108 #japenesemilitary #korea #women #womensrights #comfortwomen #violence #slavery #sexualslavery #tragic #history #violation #JinhyunCha

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FOR EXAMPLE: JINHYUN CHA // www.for-example.org/profile.php?fullname=jinhyuncha3 // #art #blog #arti

FOR EXAMPLE: JINHYUN CHA // www.for-example.org/profile.php?fullname=jinhyuncha3 // #art #blog #artists #artwork #picoftheday #love #magazine #forexamplemagazine #forexample #artforexample #photography #portrait #Portrait of108 #japenesemilitary #korea #women #womensrights #comfortwomen #violence #slavery #sexualslavery #tragic #history #violation #JinhyunCha

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 René Robert (4 march 1936 - 20 janvier 2022) The flamenco photographer, René Robert, dies frozen be

René Robert (4 march 1936 - 20 janvier 2022)

The flamenco photographer, René Robert, dies frozen before the indifference of passers-by after suffering a fall in the middle of Paris.

René Robert captured the magic of Camarón, the heel tapping of Manolo Marín and the transience of Paco de Lucía. The French-Swiss photographer who made history through the images he took of flamenco, and who He died at the age of 84. 

An artist who, for more than 50 years, captured the essence of flamenco art, in black and white images that exude art and aesthetics. However, although his life was based on lights, fringes and celebration, his death has been tragic, as he froze to death on a main street in Paris, after suffering a fall and losing consciousness. As reported by the journalist Michel Mompontent, Robert’s close friend, died after lying on the ground for several hours.

Robert went for a walk after dinner on Turbigo Street, located in the heart of Paris, around 9 at night. During this path, he collapsed unconscious on the sidewalk, and remained there until 6:30 in the morning (He dies for nine hours on the sidewalk!) when a homeless man called an ambulance to help him. However, he was in an extremely serious condition, with head injuries and severe hypothermia, for which he was transferred to the emergency room, but did not survive.

Murdered by indifference…

Rest in Power !

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 lucien fairfax.“The first time I killed you, it tore my heart out. Of course, you were only a chi

lucien fairfax.

“The first time I killed you, it tore my heart out. Of course, you were only a child. But then… so was I.”

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 nightmare.“This island is going to disappear… Our world is going to disappear… Our


“This island is going to disappear… Our world is going to disappear… Our world… Our… world…”

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Baby deer cries every time it tries to be put down

This is the opposite of a problem

Well that’s adorable.

“He spoil’t. We have spoil’t a wild deer.”

I need like 10 minutes of this

I almost never reblog things, but this makes me so deeply uncomfortable that I had to comment. I also don’t want to be contrary, but bear with me, because this needs to be said for the fawn’s sake.

First, this fawn is very likely not crying because he’s being put down. He’s crying because he’s calling for his mom. His body language is stiff and nervous, and if I had to guess, I would say that he is not enjoying being rubbed right where a predator would sink its fangs into his belly. Wild animals are not pets, and it’s important to try to think of the situation from the animal’s perspective instead of our own. In short, this very well intentioned guy is freaking this fawn out, and the fact is that all of this handling could actually be fatal for the fawn.

Here is an article on how the shock of capture and excessive handling can kill a wild animal: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=255884264622150&id=110956179092668

Here is another article on capture myopathy: https://wildinstincts.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/capture-myopathy/

Secondly, it’s very important not to handle a wild animal so that our human scent remains on him. The guy in this video probably doesn’t realize it, but he’s rubbing his scent all over the fawn, which will probably result in the mother rejecting him. This guy doesn’t know it, but he’s probably killing this fawn with all the petting.

Guys, wild animals are wonderful, but if we really appreciate them, we must think about things from their perspective, which means doing what they need, not what we want. This fawn needed to be moved because the workmen were cutting down a tree. I give these guys full marks for being kind enough to be concerned about the fawn’s safety, and attempt to move him. However, what they should have done was this:

1. If at all possible, leave a fawn alone. Mothers leave their fawns to hide, sometimes for long stretches of time, so if you find a fawn, do not assume he is in trouble. Leave him alone.

2. If a fawn must be moved, either call a wildlife aid organization, or if you can’t do that, at least use gloves, towels, and anything that will keep your scent off of the fawn. If you touch the fawn at all, you can gently rub him with grass and dirt after he’s moved to the new location to mask the scent.

3. Move the fawn quietly, and with as little fuss as possible. Do not pet the fawn. Do not talk to him if you can manage it. Make it a quiet, low-key transition. Gently place the fawn where his mother will be able to get to him.

4. Leave the fawn alone.

Again, I don’t mean to criticize the gentleman in the video, because he likely didn’t know any better, but the problem is that people need to know better. There are 269,000 notes on this video, which means that 269,000 people think that what they’re looking at is cute. It’s not cute. It’s a traumatized fawn who is probably dead by now, either due to shock or due to being rejected by his mother. Please, if you see a wild animal in need of help, find out how to help him correctly, or if you’re in such a remote spot that you can’t find help, at least approach the animal calmly and quietly, and cause him as little stress as possible. Wild animals are not toys. They aren’t dogs. They don’t understand what’s being done to them. They also might seem calm and complacent, but being strangely calm is a classic sign of an animal in shock.

So please, we need to consider the animal’s welfare ahead of our own fun. Remember, if you see a fawn, or a rabbit kit, or any wild animal that is clearly not injured, just leave it alone. For injuries, contact your local wildlife rescue organization. Thanks for reading.

#wildlife    #tragic    



absolutely devastated. i just found out they made up the name trucy for ace attorney. there are less than 100 women in the us alive today named trucy. trans women youre our only hope

I swear to god I don’t understand men on dating sites, this is just a snippet of the crazy messages I get online. Just baffling.

#plus size    #fat girls    #chubby    #curves    #curvy girls    #dating    #youtube    #okcupid    #bumble    #tinder    #fringe    #red lipstick    #makeup    #beauty    #effyourbeautystandards    #body positive    #no right way    #embarrassing    #tragic    #humour    #help me    #forever alone    

how does a person’s mind become SO CORRUPT that they actually want a fellow human to DIE and they would be HAPPY if they did


Wakanda forever

Rest in peace Chadwick Boseman

My hair is in pigtails, I’m wearing a Totoro dress, & my bf helped me put on a diap for the first time. I’ve worn in front of him maybe 5 times within the year I’ve known him? I am so small rn
